
Chapter 871 Cunning Rabbit

Chapter 871 Cunning Rabbit
In the early morning of the next day, Qin Hui came to the imperial study with a heavy heart, and the eunuch Kang Shun greeted him with a smile and said, "Your Prime Minister, please, how long have the officials been waiting?"

Qin Hui asked again: "Who else is there?"

"Several lords are here, and lord Qin is the only one left."

Qin Hui asked in a low voice: "Are you discussing the peace talks of the Kingdom of Jin?"


"What's the official attitude?"

Kang Shun shook his head, "The officials didn't say anything."

Unable to get a letter of approval, Qin Hui had no choice but to go to the imperial study, Kang Shun went in to report, and came out after a while: "The official Xuan Xianggong has an audience!"

Qin Hui straightened his clothes and walked in quickly. In the imperial study, the emperor and the three ministers were indeed there. The emperor Zhao Gou stood by the wall with his hands behind his back, staring at the map on the wall.

Qin Hui took a quick glance and found that the emperor's gaze was on Sichuan Road. His heart moved. I am afraid that the emperor still has Sichuan Road in his heart.

"Wei Chen sees His Majesty!"

"Qin Xianggong, do you think we can take back Sichuan Road?" Zhao Gou asked helplessly.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, no one knows what will happen in the future, but as long as we insist on taking back Sichuan Road, I believe that sooner or later it will come true."

"sooner or later?"

Zhao Gou snorted, "When is this late, and when is early? When will Qin Xianggong answer my question without ambiguity?"

Qin Hui smiled bitterly and said, "Reporting to Your Majesty, it's not that I'm being vague, it's that I don't know when the opportunity will appear, and I can't answer your Majesty's question clearly."

Zhao Gou shook his head, "I also asked Deputy Prime Minister Li this question, and he told me that we can find ways to create opportunities, such as the general guarding the Sichuan Road joining the imperial court, and who is the main general of the Sichuan Road? Does Mr. Qin know?"

"The minister knows that Zheng Ping is in control of the capital."

Zhao Gou said coldly: "Who is this Zheng Ping, does Mr. Qin know?"


Qin Hui hesitated for a moment, shook his head and said, "Weichen really didn't check."

"Governor Xu Shumi told me just now that Zheng Ping is actually Uncle Zheng's third son. I only found out today that Uncle Zheng still has such an outstanding son, and Sichuan Road is in his hands."

Qin Hui understands, the officials want to attack Zheng Ping, is it possible?Qin Hui really didn't know.

Zhao Gou said again: "If Zheng Ping is willing to submit to the imperial court, I can make him the king of the county, and his father can also be the king of the county. The family has two kings of the county. In the Song Dynasty, only Uncle Xiang Guo had this treatment. What does Qin Xianggong think? ?”

"Weichen thinks he can give it a try."

"But other than that, is there any way to get Sichuan Road back?" Zhao Gou asked again.

Qin Hui knew that he could no longer be vague and had to come up with a plan, otherwise the officials would become more and more dissatisfied with him.

"Weichen thinks that another way is that something happened to Chen Qing, and his son is too young to control the situation. At this time, the court can reach a settlement with the other party, and use Sichuan Road in exchange for the court's recognition of Chen Qing's son."

The other three immediately understood that Qin Hui wanted to use the method of assassination.


Li Guang immediately objected: "The method of assassination is extremely despicable, and the consequences are also very serious. If the assassination succeeds, it's fine. What if the assassination fails? Chen Qing also used the same method to deal with us. Can the four of us here escape?" Have you ever done it? Don’t say that Chen Qing won’t take revenge, Mr. Qin might as well learn more about Uncle Wei’s incident.”

Zhu Shengfei coughed and said: "Your Majesty, I also oppose the assassin's method. As Li Xianggong said, it will set a very bad precedent and cause endless disasters."

Zhao Gou nodded, "Mr. Qin, I don't agree with the assassination, so don't bring it up again."

Qin Hui hastily distinguished: "Your Majesty, I don't mean to assassinate, but to buy the generals around Chen Qing, and the generals will launch a rebellion."

As soon as he finished speaking, Qin Hui immediately regretted it. He shouldn't have mentioned this matter, and he would cause trouble for himself.

Sure enough, Zhao Gou thought for a moment and said, "This is similar to buying Zheng Ping. I think it is feasible. Mr. Qin, I will leave this matter to you."

Qin Hui wanted to slap himself hard, as expected, he was leaving the matter to himself, what should he do with such a matter?Why do you have to be cheap!
He didn't dare to refuse, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and say: "My minister obeys the order!"

Zhao Gou's mood improved, and he said to Xu Xiantu again: "Governor Xu is familiar with Uncle Zheng Guo, and I will leave the matter of Zheng Ping to you. If I need to come forward, I can also talk to Uncle Zheng Guo."

"The minister obeys the order!"

With a thread in Zhao Gou's mind, he waved his hand and said, "Okay, let's talk about the negotiation of the Kingdom of Jin, Mr. Zhu, let me tell you!"

Zhu Shengfei bowed and said: "Wan Yanchang proposed a long-term armistice agreement, and there is one condition, that is, the imperial court will jointly attack Sichuan and Shaanxi with the Kingdom of Jin. This condition is relatively harsh."

"Let me express my attitude first!"

Zhao Gou glanced at Qin Hui, and said slowly: "I agree to sign a long-term armistice plan. The two sides will use the Huaihe River as the boundary, and there will be a truce. If you need appropriate old coins, I can also consider it, but the emperor is in Chen Qing's hands." , I absolutely don’t want to face the situation where there are two great Songs, that is to say, I don’t agree with Song and Jin joining forces to attack Sichuan and Shaanxi.”

At noon, Xu Xiantu hosted a banquet for Zheng Tongquan in an elegant room in Lin'an Xinfengle Building.

Xu Xiantu had a very good relationship with Zheng's family back then, and for this reason, Xu Xiantu and Zheng Tongquan also had a good relationship. It can be said that Xu Xiantu was one of Zheng Tongquan's backers.

Xu Xiantu told Zheng Tongquan what the Son of Heaven meant, Zheng Tongquan frowned, and bribed his son to betray Chen Qing, how could it be possible?

Xu Xiantu filled him with a glass of wine and said with a smile: "This is not my proposal. In fact, Li Guang proposed it. The officials knew that I have a good relationship with Uncle Guo, so they entrusted this matter to me."

Zheng Tongquan said bitterly: "This matter is more difficult. My son simply ignored me. He ran away from home more than ten years ago and went to Taihang Mountain to join Wang Yan's Eight-Character Army. We all treat him as dead. I found out later that he was still alive. At that time, Chen Qing hadn’t made a fortune yet. I wanted to arrange Zheng Ping to be a guard in the palace, but he ignored him and ran away with Chen Qing. I asked him to betray Chen Qing. How could he listen to me? ?”

Xu Xiantu knew the situation of the Zheng family very well, he knew what Zheng Tongquan said was the truth, he sighed and said, "I have also told the officials that Uncle Guo may not be able to persuade his son, but what the officials mean is to let you try For a try, tell Zheng Ping the conditions offered by the official. If Zheng Ping agrees, and the Sichuan Road is returned to the court, the official promises to make Zheng Ping the king of Pingyang County. Hejian County King, a family of two county kings, Zheng En was only the Leping County King in this favor, and went straight to the Xiang brothers back then."

Zheng Tongquan nodded, "I can write a letter to tell my son, and I will also persuade him to put the court first, but I want to make it clear that if my son refuses to agree, it has nothing to do with me. The emperor can't blame me."

Xu Xiantu thought for a while and said, "You write the letter and give it to me. I'll show it to the emperor, and then we'll send someone to hand it to Zheng Ping. This matter has nothing to do with Uncle Guo. Uncle Guo has done his best!"

"This is a good idea. I will write a letter to persuade my son tonight."

Zheng Tongquan smiled bitterly and said, "If it weren't for the temptation of the Shuangjun King, I really wouldn't dare to agree."

Xu Xiantu stroked his beard and laughed, the Son of Heaven was right, the temptation of the King of the Shuangjun was really irresistible to ordinary people, especially a businessman like Zheng Tongquan, who had no shortage of money, and what he wanted most was the MG.

Zheng Tongquan rushed back to the mansion, immediately wrote two secret letters, handed them to his confidant, and said in a low voice: "You rush to Wuhu immediately, and give Zhou Kuan the letter for the county king, and then you rush to Chengdu, and send another Give the letter to Zheng Ping, I guess someone outside will monitor my mansion, you go out through the secret passage, and then take the water, understand?"

The confidant servant received the letter, nodded and said: "Master, don't worry, the villain will definitely take care of it!"

Zheng Tongquan is worthy of being a person who has spent his whole life in the mall. He believes in the three caves of the cunning rabbit. He has long secretly dug an underground passage leading to the small courtyard next door. He knows that the emperor will not believe him and will send people to watch him. If the two letters were intercepted by the emperor when they went out through the main or back door, the Zheng family would be ruined.

He then wrote a [-]-word persuasion letter to his son eloquently, earnestly persuading his son Zheng Ping to put the overall situation first, to be loyal to the imperial court, and not to follow Chen Qing all the way to the dark, that would not lead to good results.

In the letter, the matter of the imperial court appointing him and himself as county kings and senior officials was mentioned in full detail. At the end of the letter, it said that this is a once-in-a-century opportunity for the Zheng family, and Zheng Ping must seize this opportunity to honor his ancestors.

Zheng Tongquan didn't know whether his son was satisfied with this letter, but he knew that the emperor would be satisfied.

(End of this chapter)

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