
Chapter 872

Chapter 872
Zheng Tongquan has been in the shopping malls for decades, has experienced many storms, and encountered all kinds of dangers, but he still thinks too much. Whether it is the emperor Zhao Gou or other high-ranking officials of the Xiangguo, they are relatively simple literati, and they are not like him at all. They never thought of sending someone to monitor him, so as to prevent him from double-faced, with a letter on the surface and a letter behind him.

Zhao Gou didn't have this kind of precautionary awareness at all. In his opinion, Zheng Tongquan was willing to give the letter to him for review first.

"Not bad! Very well written."

After Zhao Gou read Zheng Tongquan's letter to his son, he could feel Zheng Tongquan's unbearable joy and urgency in the letter, and he eagerly asked his son to cooperate with the court to realize the family's century-old opportunity.

"That's it, send someone to deliver the letter to Zheng Ping. In addition, I will give him a gold medal, 'seeing the card like a king', to show my sincerity!"

"Your Majesty is wise!"

Xu Xiantu said again: "Yesterday, Wei Chen persuaded Uncle Zheng Guo for a long time, his only concern was that if his son refused to agree, he would not be able to explain to His Majesty."

"Will the son not listen to his father?" Zhao Gou asked lightly.

"Your Majesty doesn't know. Uncle Zheng Guo is a rebellious son. In the first year of Jingkang, he broke with his father and ran away from home. After leaving for many years, there was no news of him. They all thought his son was dead. Later, my minister asked Zhang Jun about it. It was only after his son’s whereabouts that he was able to get in touch. The relationship between their father and son has always been cold, and he married a wife and had children outside without telling his family. He has only been home once in more than ten years, and I know his family’s situation very well.”

Zhao Gou frowned, "Why is the relationship between Zheng's father and son so bad?"

Xu Xiantu smiled bitterly and said, "Your Majesty also knows that Uncle Zheng Guo is not the younger brother of the Empress Dowager Zheng. He is a well-known big drug dealer in Hebei. Now Wanyan Aguda's guest of honor, his son Zheng Ping has a sense of justice. After the Song and Jin antagonisms, his son asked his father to cut off contact with the Jurchens, but his father insisted on going to Liaodong to collect medicines. A fierce quarrel broke out between them. This is why we broke up, but it was during this trip to Liaodong that Uncle Zheng Guo rescued the Queen Mother and Empress Yifu."

Zhao Gou nodded, "Don't tell me, Aiqing, I really don't know that the Zheng family and his son have such a rich experience, you tell Uncle Zheng Guo, let him not worry, I know he has done his best, no matter what the result is, I will not let you worry about it." He will not be blamed, and he will not be held accountable."

"With His Majesty's words, I believe Uncle Zheng Guo will try his best to persuade his son."

Zhao Gou took out a gold medal and handed it to Xu Xiantu, "Go! Send out the letter and the gold medal today, and I'm waiting for good news from Sichuan."

"Wei Chen retire!"

Xu Xiantu took the letter and the gold medal and left slowly.

Zhao Gou walked to the window with his hands behind his back, staring into the distance. He was excited all night, thinking that Sichuan would return, but Xu Xiantu's words were like a basin of cold water, extinguishing the enthusiasm in his heart, and a bad feeling arose in his heart. feeling.

Chen Qing's ship returned all the way, sailing with the wind, and the time was much shorter than before. In addition to carrying soldiers, the fleet returned this time with a large amount of Fujian group tea. These group teas are shipped to the northwest for sale, and the profit can be five times , if transported to the pastoral area for sale, the profit can be tenfold.

This morning, the fleet finally arrived in Wuhu. Wuhu County is a strategically important place on the Yangtze River. From here, you can enter Taihu Lake by taking Lishui, which is several days shorter than taking the Jiangnan Canal. It is a shortcut.

Wuhu is Zhang Jun's territory. There were about [-] troops stationed before, but after the Song Army's defense line was pushed northward to the Huaihe River, Wuhu became the rear and no longer stationed troops. Now it has become the world of the Western Army, with [-] troops stationed in Wuhu, waiting for Chen Qing's return.

One after another, Wanshi sea ships docked one after another, and the soldiers disembarked one after another to go to the camp to rest. Zhou Bandan led several officials to welcome Chen Qing back at the pier.

Chen Qing stepped forward and said with a slight smile, "I've kept joining the army waiting for a long time."

"Hehe! I thought I would have to wait for more than a month, but I didn't expect His Highness to come back in less than a month."

"This time it was relatively smooth, and there was no resistance."

"Is the sea safe?" Zhou Kuan asked again with concern.

"Forget it!"

Chen Qing shook his head with a wry smile and said, "There was a storm on the way to Penghu, and I almost lost my life at sea. As you can imagine, when the waves hit like a mountain, it was only the sea boat with ten thousand stones that supported it, and it was replaced by three thousand stones. The great ship is all lost."

"Sounds scary, but it seems that I'm an old man, it's better to be on the shore."

The two talked and laughed all the way, the soldiers escorted everyone into the camp, Zhao Yingluo took a dozen female guards and maids to her tent, and Chen Qing came to the camp of the Chinese army.

He sat down, took a sip of hot tea and asked, "The army is stationed in Wuhu, is there anything wrong?"

"Is there nothing wrong with the imperial court?"

Hearing that Zhou Kuan seemed to have something in his words, Chen Qing asked, "Did something happen?"

Zhou Kuan pondered for a while and said, "Zhang Jun sent someone here."

"How did he say?"

Zhou Kuan said slowly: "The attitude is very strange and a bit contradictory. On the one hand, he wants us to leave Wuhu as soon as possible, but he seems to be implying that it is not impossible for us to stay in Wuhu."

"Is there any written letter?" Chen Qing asked again.

"No, it was dictated by a confidant sent by Zhang Jun."

Chen Qing thought for a while and said, "How does the counselor understand Zhang Jun's intention?"

"Beizhi feels that Zhang Jun is probably trying to make a deal with us in private."

"Trade with Wuhu?"

Zhou Kuan nodded, "It should be, allow us to station troops in Wuhu in exchange for benefits."

Chen Qing sneered and said, "Isn't he afraid that the court will peel his skin after he finds out?"

"So the two parties need to negotiate, and the transaction between the two parties must be within the scope of his control."

Chen Qing walked a few steps with his hands behind his back. He admired Zhang Jun's vision. Zhang Jun knew exactly what he needed?He really needs a transfer. From Quanzhou to Jiangling Mansion, supplies and fresh water are needed on the way, the crew has to go ashore to rest, and even the goods need a transfer warehouse. Wuhu is undoubtedly an ideal transfer point, but Wuhu is also an important military location. It is too sensitive to use Wuhu as a transit.

"Your Highness can wait a little longer, I think the other party will come again soon."

Chen Qing nodded, this matter is not urgent, you can let it go.

At this time, Zhou Kuan took out another letter, "There is another important matter, which concerns Zheng Ping, and I must report it to His Highness."

Chen Qing was startled, what does it have to do with Zheng Ping?
Zhou Kuan handed the letter to Chen Qing, "This is a letter sent by Zheng Ping's father five days ago, please read it, Your Highness."

Chen Qing took the letter and read it again, his brows furrowed. The emperor actually wanted to persuade Zheng Ping to betray him, and he did not hesitate to set the conditions of the two princes.

Of course Chen Qing knew that Zhao Gou's target was not Zheng Ping, but Sichuan Road.

But since Zheng Tongquan wrote this letter to himself, it means that the Zheng family will not accept the court's solicitation, but rejecting the court like this will also bring disaster to the Zheng family.

Chen Qing continued to look down, and Zheng Tongquan had clearly expressed his attitude in the letter that the Zheng family did not accept the court's solicitation.

Next to Zhou Kuan said: "The sender is Zheng Tongquan's confidant family. He told me that Zheng Tongquan wrote a total of three letters. One is official and will be sent by the emperor to Zheng Ping. The second is the letter in the hands of His Highness. The third letter was addressed to Zheng Ping, and it was also sent to Chengdu by this servant, the humble officer understood what Zheng Tongquan meant, and in order to protect his family, he apparently agreed to the imperial court's request."

Chen Qing asked: "Did the counselor send someone to Lin'an to learn more about this matter?"

"It has been sent, and it is estimated that news will be sent back soon."

(End of this chapter)

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