
Chapter 877 Revenge

Chapter 877 Revenge
At two o’clock, the surrounding area of ​​Sanqiao was very quiet, only the lights in the newspaper building were still on, and more than [-] skilled typesetting craftsmen were typesetting wooden type overnight. Movable type is used, so typesetting is one of the most important processes.

Generally, typesetting is carried out at night, printing starts at dawn the next day, and the printed newspapers are distributed around noon.

In the entire newspaper, except for the chief writer, chief judge, news spies and others who are not at the newspaper when they go home at night, other artisans and stewards such as typesetting, proofreading, printing, etc. are busy in the newspaper.

At this time, neither the printing craftsmen nor the proofreading craftsmen were at the newspaper office. Tonight was a special situation. They all rested in a nearby inn and could return to the newspaper office at any time.

In the entire newspaper, there are only thirty-five typesetting craftsmen who are busy. After reading a passage, they quickly take out the corresponding movable type, arrange it quickly, and then continue to read. Because many words are repeated, a large amount of movable type is required, so it is not easy to open a newspaper. , Need skilled workers, but also need a lot of movable type.

So much so that the "Southeast Times", which is going to compete with them, has not yet been established. It has enough manpower, but not enough movable type.

In addition to the typesetting craftsmen, there are fifty inner guard soldiers led by Zhong Huan, and ten intelligence station warriors led by Wei Yanwu.

This was an order given to them by Chen Qing. Once the court was forced to cancel the alliance between Song and Jin, Wan Yanchang would most likely vent his anger on the newspaper. They had to protect the newspaper to prevent it from being attacked by Jin people at night.

At this time, Wei Yanzong ran to Zhong Huan and said in a low voice, "Suspicious people appeared outside. They are tall and they are all martial arts practitioners. They are monitoring the newspaper office."

This was a sign that the other party was going to attack the newspaper office, and Zhong Huan immediately ordered: "Order all craftsmen to evacuate immediately!"

The order was passed on, and the craftsmen made preparations in advance. They immediately put the spelled type into the type folder, and then put it into the big box for storing the type. Everyone picked up their big box and hurriedly evacuated to the backyard pier.

A pre-arranged large painting boat was moored on the wharf in Xiaohe Nei outside the backyard. There were internal guards monitoring it, and no suspicious situation was found.

The craftsmen got into the boat one by one, and within a short time, thirty-five people filled the boat. The boatman propped up the bamboo pole, and the boat dangled away to the distance.

The newspaper was still brightly lit, but everyone had evacuated. In fact, except for this house, all newspaper materials and machines were evacuated in the afternoon. Of course, many materials in the warehouse were too late to evacuate, such as paper, ink, and spare parts. printing machines and more.

Sixty inner guard soldiers and warriors held crossbow arrows, short spears and shields, and lay in ambush in the newspaper office, patiently waiting for the enemy to come to the door.

Zhong Huan hid on the side of the roof of the main hall. There happened to be a hiding place here, and the terrain was also the highest, so he could see the situation of the entire mansion. The marksmanship is nothing. Chen Qing has commented on his archery skills. Except that his experience is slightly inferior to Liu Qiong's, but his archery skills are already comparable to Liu Qiong's. More importantly, he is both civil and military, and he was born as a scholar. The grandson of a teacher.

His eyesight is different from that of ordinary people, he can shoot incense and fire from a hundred steps away, so he is very clear about the surrounding situation.

He has seen countless black shadows rushing up the street, there are twenty or thirty people, he immediately learns to sing cicadas, three times in a row, his companions understand the meaning of his three cicadas, there are about thirty enemies, all of them Can't help but squeeze the crossbow, two against one, they should be able to win.

It was almost three o'clock, and Li Qingzhou led his subordinates to the front of the house, and the subordinates sent to monitor in advance reported: "Report to Commander, no abnormalities were found!"

"Are you all asleep now?"

"It should be that the typesetting craftsmen are still busy. They are sitting in the middle hall. There are about [-] people. They are all very quiet and there is no sound. The other printing craftsmen should be asleep. The dormitory is in the side yard."

Li Qingzhou waved his hand, and said to everyone: "Go in from three directions, concentrate on killing the people in the middle hall, and then go to the side, the marshal has ordered that no chicken or dog will be left behind!"

"Follow the order!"

Thirty-five subordinates entered the courtyard from both sides of the main entrance and the side wall, and rushed towards the courtyard from all directions.

The light in the atrium lobby was bright, and it was full of craftsmen. The warriors were overjoyed and rushed to the lobby. Li Qingzhou suddenly realized that something was wrong, all of them were straw men wearing clothes.

"There is an ambush!"

He yelled, but it was already too late. Strong arrows shot from all directions, all of which were powerful crossbows, even ordinary leather armor couldn't stop them.

"Break out!"

Li Qingzhou yelled again, and he also revealed his identity.

An arrow 'whoosh! Shooting from the roof, the speed was extremely fast. In the chaos, Li Qingzhou didn't hear the sound of the wind, "Puff!" The arrow hit his neck, Li Qingzhou covered his neck and screamed, his body strength disappeared quickly, and he staggered and fell to the ground .

The inner guard soldiers and warriors came out from both sides one after another. They held steel short spears and shields. They were decisive and experienced in killing. The two sides fought fiercely in the wide atrium.

Zhong Huan shot arrows on the roof, and he shot every arrow. Every time an arrow was shot, one person would fall to the ground. In just a moment, thirteen people were shot down, accounting for half of the surviving enemies.

It took only two sticks of incense time before the last warrior was pierced by three short steel spears and died screaming.

Li Qingzhou was lying on the flower bed, an arrow in his neck made him lose his combat power, and then he was stabbed by a spear, the sharp steel spear pierced his left chest, nailing him to death on the flower bed, he stared at the sky with wide eyes, Do not rest in peace.


Chong Huan stood on the roof and shouted. Wei Yanzong waved his hand and ran outside with his men.

After searching around, no one escaped was found. At this time, two subordinates on the periphery reported that no one had escaped.

Everyone looked at Zhong Huan, and Zhong Huan said slowly: "We are here to ambush the enemy tonight. This was arranged by His Royal Highness Yong Wang. He knew that the other party would come to attack the newspaper at night. He asked us to resolutely fight back. Everyone, carry oilskin bags on your back!"

Everyone rushed to the warehouse one after another, carrying a leather bag of kerosene on their backs. They boarded two boats and traveled by water to the Jin Guoguan, two miles away. At the fourth watch, sixty men arrived about [-] meters away from the Jin Guoguan. Under the bridge, everyone went ashore one after another and rushed to the Jin Guo Pavilion.

Soon, everyone surrounded the Jin Guo Pavilion and sprayed kerosene into the hall together. Wei Yanzong and several of his men fired gunpowder arrows into the hall, and several corners of the Jin Guo Pavilion began to burn.


Zhong Huan gave an order and rushed down the bridge with his men. The boat had already turned around. Sixty warriors boarded the boat, and the two boats left quickly and disappeared into the night.

At this time, the fire in the Jin Guo Pavilion was getting bigger and bigger. The entire Jin Guo Pavilion covers an area of ​​[-] acres, and there is a small military camp inside. The soldiers are used to living in large tents. , thick smoke billowed.

Wan Yanchang was so choked that he couldn't open his eyes, and was helped out of the room by two soldiers.

"Help the Marshal through the east door!"

A commander yelled anxiously, "Everyone, go through the east door, the fire at the east door is small!"

A group of golden soldiers and the guards in the hall clutched their noses and fled towards the east side door.

The Jin Kingdom Pavilion does not allow Han people to stay overnight in the pavilion. All the Jurchens are in the pavilion, and even the maids are Jin Guo women who were found in Liaodong.

Everyone fled out of the Jin Guo Pavilion in a panic, but no one around came to put out the fire, and the two-foot-high courtyard wall also blocked the fire from spreading outside. Wan Yanchang flew into the air with raging flames, and thick smoke filled the air. He knew it well, Li Qingzhou and his men must be finished.

Xi Jun's revenge is really fast, this is Chen Qing's style!Not at all ambiguous.

(End of this chapter)

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