
Chapter 878 Traceability

Chapter 878 Traceability
Five thousand Jinwu Guards patrolling the city came from all directions. They beat gongs and used wooden barrels and basins to draw water from the river to put out the fire.

The people are unwilling to put out the fire for the Jin Guoguan, but the soldiers must save it.

But the fire was too big, even if the soldiers tried their best to put out the fire, they could only stop the fire from spreading outwards, but they couldn't extinguish the fire in the mansion.

At this time, Wan Yanchang suddenly discovered a novelty. A dozen ox carts each carried a large cabinet. A soldier stood on the cabinet and sprayed water into the mansion with copper pipes.

"This is."

Wan Yanchang suddenly remembered the fire attack weapon of the Western Army, isn't that the one?

He stepped forward and asked, "What is this?"

A general bowed and replied: "This was originally a fierce oil fire cabinet for the army, but there is no fire oil in the south of the Yangtze River, so it was made to spray water to put out the fire."

"So this is the oil fire cabinet!"

Wan Yanchang caressed the wooden cabinet, feeling really emotional in his heart, if the Kingdom of Jin had obtained it earlier, at that time occupying northern Shaanxi and there was fire oil, why worry about Chen Qing not being destroyed?
In fact, Wan Yanchang forgot that although they did not have fierce oil fire cabinets at the beginning, they all sprayed fire oil on the top of the city with leather bags, and they could spray more than ten feet away, but they still could not capture Ganquan Fort and later Chengji County .

At this time, one of his subordinates whispered: "Marshal, the Prime Minister of the Song Dynasty is here."

When Wan Yanchang turned his head, he saw Li Guang and more than a dozen officials coming on horseback.

The Jin Guoguan is very close to Da Nei. Walking through the Royal Street is the Jin Guo Guan. The raging fire in the Jin Guo Guan has also alarmed the Da Nei government office. The chief official on duty tonight is Li Guang. This is the court practice. Every night There must be a prime minister or a scholar on duty in the palace to deal with emergencies that occur at night.

Li Guang was also alarmed by the fire. He heard that the Jin Guo Pavilion was on fire, so he rushed here with a dozen officials.

"Is Wanyan Xiangguo okay!" Li Guang waved his hands and shouted.

Wanyanchang still holds the title of Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Jin, but has no real power. He succeeded Wanyan Nianhan and controlled Hebei, south of Yanshan Mountain, north of the Yellow River, east of Taihang Mountain, and all the way to the Yellow Sea. A large area of ​​land is controlled by Wanyanchang , His official official position is Hebei Road Shangshu Xingtaifu Jinglue, Marshal of the Left Army Capital, and his status in the Kingdom of Jin is still quite lofty.

Li Guang stepped forward and said, "I was worried all the way, seeing that Wanyan Xiangguo is safe and sound, I finally let go of my heart."

Wan Yanchang nodded, "It actually alarmed Mr. Li, thank you Mr. Li for your concern."

Li Guang looked at the fire and asked, "Why did it suddenly catch fire?"

Wan Yanchang said indifferently: "We don't know the cause of the fire. It is estimated that some people's resentment is hard to get rid of during the day. Let's use the Jin Guo Pavilion to vent!"

"I don't know how many casualties there are?" Li Guang asked again.

"Just counted, [-] people are missing, it is estimated that they are all bad luck."

The thirty-two people Wan Yanchang mentioned did not include the thirty-five warriors led by Li Qingzhou. If the government counts the dead tomorrow, there are not so many dead bodies, which will make people suspicious.

Li Guang's expression was solemn, and he quickly said: "I will order the Lin'an government to solve the case as soon as possible, and give your country an explanation."

Wan Yanchang waved his hand and said, "Whether the case is solved or not is not important anymore. The important thing is that the two sides negotiate quickly. Someone is watching me, Wan Yanchang. If I don't leave quickly, my life will be lost in Lin'an."

"Okay! Tomorrow morning, I will pass on Wanyan Xiangguo's request to the emperor."

At this time, a follower ran over and whispered something to Li Guang, Li Guang nodded, and said to Wan Yanchang: "We have already set up a tent in the nearby school ground, please take Wanyan Xiangguo to rest first! "

"Okay! I still have a lot of burns on my subordinates, and I also need treatment, so Mr. Li has to worry about it."

Wan Yanchang waved his hand, "Let's go!"

He led hundreds of people to the Daxiaochang a hundred steps away.

It was getting brighter, and the fire was finally extinguished. More than half of it had been burned, but the wall was intact. mist.

Yang Yizhong ordered the soldiers to clean up the ruins. The burnt corpses were rolled up in mats and carried out, and valuable items were also taken out. However, in the last few surviving small courtyards, there were Jurchen soldiers standing guard, and the Song army was not allowed to Enter.

A total of [-] corpses were found, most of them Jurchen soldiers. Five other maidservants survived by squatting in the pool, and nine people also escaped by hiding in a small courtyard that was not burned.

At this time, a soldier came galloping on horseback and whispered something in Yang Yizhong's ear. Yang Yizhong was really surprised. More than [-] corpses were found on the West Lake cruise ship. What's going on?

He immediately ordered: "Look!"

After explaining a few words to the deputy general, he got on his horse and galloped towards the West Lake with dozens of his men.
In the imperial study room, Emperor Zhao Gou and several ministers were listening to Li Guang's detailed report on the fire in the Jin Guoguan.

Of course, Li Guang will not exhaust Yan Chang's one-sided words. He has also done a lot of investigation and interviews himself, and has obtained many clues.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, Wan Yanchang told the official that the burning of the Jin Guoguan was done by the students and common people during the daytime to vent their anger, but according to the investigation of the humble office, this is not the case!"

Li Guang paused for a moment, seeing that everyone was listening intently, and continued: "I interviewed a large number of people around, and they all said that at the fourth watch, many people in black surrounded the Jin Guo Pavilion and sprayed it with black skin bags. What, afterward, Weichen found remnants on the wall, these men in black should be spraying fire oil."

"Fire oil!"

Everyone looked at each other, and immediately thought of Chen Qing's army. Isn't the Western Army famous for using kerosene?
Li Guang understood everyone's thoughts, shook his head and said: "Actually, there are many troops using kerosene. Yue Fei, Zhang Jun, and Han Shizhong all used kerosene in the war. Of course, Chen Qing's subordinates are more suspected, but There is no solid evidence that they did it."

Zhao Gou waved his hand and said, "Wan Yanchang doesn't want to pursue it?"


Li Guang bowed and said: "I can feel it. He said that it was done by the students and common people of the imperial court. It is obviously insincere. I think that he knows it well."

"Then, what did he say next?" Zhao Gou asked.

"Wan Yanchang said that he hoped to end the negotiations as soon as possible. He said Lin'an was not safe and wanted to leave as soon as possible."

Zhao Gou frowned, and asked Zhu Shengfei, "What are you talking about now?"

Zhu Shengfei bowed and said, "Last night, I had a contact with Xiao Yi, the deputy envoy of the other party. It seemed that he meant that if you really don't want to join forces to wipe out the Sichuan-Shaanxi Army, you can sign a five-year ceasefire agreement." , so that the people can recuperate.”

"A five-year ceasefire is not bad, I fully agree, despite the agreement."

"I understand that I will go talk to them today, Your Majesty, the Jin Guoguan may need to be rebuilt."

Zhao Gou nodded, "Leave the matter of rebuilding the Jin Guoguan to Qin Xiangguo, discuss with them, and see what they think."

Qin Hui bowed and saluted, "I obey the order!"

At this time, the eunuch Kang Shun came forward and whispered something to Zhao Gou, Zhao Gou nodded, "Mr. Li stays here, the other three go get busy!"

The three of Qin Hui saluted and retreated, leaving only Li Guang in the imperial study room. At this time, Kang Shun led Yang Yizhong in. Li Guang realized that Yang Yizhong must have discovered something.

Yang Yizhong stepped forward and knelt down on one knee to salute, "My humble minister sees Your Majesty!"

"Yang Dutong doesn't need to be too polite, just get up and talk!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Yang Yizhong got up and said: "Just an hour ago, I received a report from the soldiers that they found a painting boat on the West Lake, and the boat was full of dead bodies. Black samurai uniforms, with arrows stuck in their bodies, most of them were injured by arrows, and some were pierced by sharper points, there are thirty-five people in total."

"Who are these people? Who killed them?" Zhao Gou said angrily.

Li Guang suddenly said: "They can't be from Wan Yanchang, can they?"

(End of this chapter)

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