
Chapter 880

Chapter 880
Zheng Ainong left first, Zheng Ping hesitated and said: "The emperor forced my father to be a lobbyist, Your Highness knows it!"

"I know about this. Your father also wrote me a letter. Have you received the letter from the imperial court?"

"I just received it yesterday. It was sent by Zhang Bin, a member of the Ministry of Rites. This person will also be the prefect of Chengdu, but Zheng Ainong doesn't know about it yet, so I didn't tell him."

"How about this Zhang Bin?"

"This Zhang Bin belongs to Xu Xiantu. The situation is a bit complicated. I knew His Highness would be here today, so I didn't answer him right away."

Chen Qing felt a little displeased. He had a good impression of Xu Xiantu, and he got involved in Sichuan affairs, and he was the prefect of Chengdu from the very beginning. Did he really think he would give in?

"What do you think, I mean about your father?"

"Of course I don't care about any county king. My father also meant the same thing. He wrote to me privately and asked me to reject it straight away. I'm sure there's nothing wrong with my refusal. I'm worried whether it will hurt my family."

"so what?"

Zheng Ping smiled wryly and said: "So I thought all night, the best way is for Your Highness to transfer me to Xiazhou or Lingzhou, and I will lose my use value."

Chen Qing shook his head, "You have to clarify a principled issue. The Son of Heaven is not caring about you at all. What he wants is not you, but Sichuan Road. It doesn't matter if I transfer you away, but the Son of Heaven can't get Sichuan Road. He will definitely blame your father, thinking that your father and son are secretly colluding, and he will definitely trouble your father."

"What about the humble job?" Zheng Ping asked in distress.

Chen Qing smiled slightly: "There must be a way for the car to reach the mountain. You don't have to worry. There are two ways to solve it. You don't have to transfer away, and your family will be safe."

"any solution?"

Chen Qing calmly said: "The first way is to leave Lin'an overnight with your family. Your father also wanted to go to sea to hide for two years, but this plan was rejected by me. I don't want your father to leave Lin'an. need him."

Zheng Ping sighed, "It's really unrealistic to leave Lin'an, and a lot of wealth of the family will be destroyed in one go."

"So I want to use the second method. You publish in the newspaper to accuse your father of treachery, and publicly declare that you will break away from the father-son relationship."

"What!" Zheng Ping's eyes widened.

"Don't be so anxious. This is just a strategy. On the surface, you are breaking away from the relationship between father and son and showing it to the court. In fact, you are still father and son. When the time comes in the future, just re-publish the relationship between father and son."


Zheng Ping hesitated and said, "I'm afraid my father won't be able to accept it."

"You are wrong. This is what your father thought of. He asked me to persuade you."

Chen Qing took out Zheng Tongquan's letter and handed it to Zheng Ping, "You can read it yourself!"

Zheng Ping took the letter and read it again, and his father really mentioned this plan in the letter. Although it was a bit difficult to accept, it was indeed the best way, and his father and family would not be burdened by him.

"Your Highness, let me think about this matter again!" Zheng Ping couldn't accept it emotionally for a while.

Chen Qing nodded, "I will rest in Chengdu for two days, and you can make a decision before leaving."

In the morning of the next day, Chen Qing met Zhang Bin, a member of the Ministry of Rituals, in the barracks. To be precise, it was Zhang Bin who came to visit Chen Qing.

He is a student of Xu Xiantu, a Jinshi in the second year of Shaoxing, he looks young, about thirty years old, and looks very handsome.

"This is the letter of appointment from the Ministry of Officials, please read it, Your Highness!"

Zhang Bin didn't dare to be presumptuous in front of Chen Qing, and respectfully handed over a letter of appointment to Chen Qing. Chen Qing took it over, looked at it, and said with a smile: "Didn't you agree to communicate with me first about the appointment? The Ministry of Officials It’s too hasty! Now that Chengdu has two prefects, it will make Chengdu’s official circles at a loss, and it will also appear that I am not united with the court.”

Zhang Bin cursed inwardly, when did Chen Qing unite with the imperial court?
He still had a smile on his face and said, "It just so happens that the Chengdu government didn't pass the judge, why don't we let the magistrate Zheng change to be the judge? What do you think, Your Highness?"

Chen Qing was furious in his heart, what the hell!Do I need him to arrange what to do?

Chen Qing chuckled, "This is a good idea. I will consider it. I wonder where Zhang Yuanwailang lives now?"

"Humble job is temporarily living in the post house!"

Chen Qing nodded, "Can the family take office together?"

"My family is still in Wenzhou, my hometown, so I won't come over for the time being."

"So that's the case, did you bring your staff?"

"With two staff members, His Highness also knows that many things must rely on the staff."

Chen Qing took a sip of tea, then asked with a smile, "I wonder how Yuanwailang plans to govern Chengdu Mansion after he takes office, do you have any ideas?"

Zhang Bin said smugly: "To tell you the truth, this is the first time for me to be an official from a lowly position. I have many ambitions in my heart, but I have no chance to implement them. This time I am appointed as the magistrate. The first thing I want to do is to strengthen my official education. Significant decline, before leaving, I also reported my thoughts to the emperor, the emperor was very supportive and taught the humble staff a lot?"

Chen Qing smiled and said, "What did the Son of Heaven say?"

"The emperor said that when you go to a place to be an official, people, money and property are the most important. Talents are prosperous, finances are abundant, and supplies are abundant. As long as you can achieve these three points, you are a qualified local official. The emperor said that if you have any difficulties, you have to rely on the court. , the imperial court will definitely support it, and of course, it also needs the support of His Highness."

Chen Qing was a little confused. Is this person in front of him a fool?He doesn't know his struggle with the court?Xu Xiantu would also tell him, then why did he still say that, he still deliberately came to demonstrate to himself, to show his attitude in front of him, so that he would not be wooed by him.

Chen Qing smiled slightly: "Prefect Zhang has great ambitions, I will wait and see."

Chen Qing sent Zhang Bin away, and then sent someone to find Zheng Ainong.

Not long after, Zheng Ainong rushed over and said, "Your Highness, Zhang Bin found me early this morning and said that he was the newly appointed prefect of Chengdu by the imperial court. He suggested me to be the general judge, saying that this was Xu Xianggong's suggestion. A lowly position is not a good idea. If you know what to do, I implore Your Highness to teach me!"

Chen Qing snorted and said, "I think Xu Xiantu is old-fashioned. A man who has only been an official for six years and has never been a local official has become the prefect of Chengdu in one step. Does Xu Xiantu know that he is breaking the rules?"

"Your Highness is right, he has never been a magistrate, and it is said that his family is very wealthy, and he doesn't know the sufferings of the people at all. If he really takes power, he will definitely make a mess of Chengdu. I really don't know how the emperor and Xu Xiangguo would Appoint such an inexperienced person as prefect."

Chen Qing took two steps with his hands behind his back and said: "This person should be used by the emperor to test me on purpose. It can be said that he is a banner. The imperial court is watching him, and all the prefectures in Sichuan are also watching him. If it is not handled well, it is true It will lead to chaos in the officialdom, and at the same time, I will have a bad relationship with Xu Xianfu, which I do not want to face for the time being, but Xu Xianfu must be aware of it, so he sent an inexperienced person."

Chen Qing had already vaguely guessed something, the prefect of Chengdu must be recommended by the emperor Xu Xianfu, Xu Xianfu was also reluctant, so he deliberately recommended an inexperienced person to take up the post.

Thinking of this, Chen Qing knew how to deal with the court, so he followed his established plan to completely empty this person out.

"I'll show Xu Xian some face, and you'll change to Chengdu General Judge, and then you'll build another government office and bring all the officials and servants there."

Although Zheng Ainong was a little aggrieved, he understood what Chen Qing meant, "Your Highness, the original office of the Sichuan-Shaanxi Propaganda Envoy is in Chengdu. It's good to use it as the official office of the Secretary of State, and you can move in even for humble positions."

"Yes, you can also serve as the government affairs envoy of the Xingtai Shangshu Mansion and be in charge of the Chengdu government. This is a part-time job I specially arranged for the general judges of the states. , the official residence in Chengdu is relatively tight, and there is no way to arrange an official residence for Zhang Bin, if he wants to rent a house to live in, it is up to you!"

After a pause, Chen Qing said coldly again: "In addition, find two prostitutes to go to the county government to file a complaint, and say that Zhang Bin's two aides raped women, so that the county government's board will be tougher, forcing them to confess and put them in prison. Zhang Bin is not allowed to visit!"

Zheng Ainong was speechless for a long time, this is too hurt!Is this a way that the prince came up with?
He didn't dare to disobey, so he had to bow down and agree, "I obey the order!"

Chen Qing smiled again and said: "If the county magistrate asks, he will say that it was Zheng Dutong's idea, and I will acquiesce."

(End of this chapter)

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