
Chapter 881

Chapter 881
When Zhang Bin came to Chengdu this time, he brought a total of three attendants and two staff members, and he also carried a few hundred taels of silver in his arms, which was quite sufficient.

Zhang Bin is Xu Xiantu’s student, but students can also be divided into broad and narrow senses. For example, Su Shi is Ouyang Xiu’s student. Because Ouyang Xiu was the chief examiner in the second year of Renzong Jiayou’s reign, all Jinshi admitted in that year can claim to be Ouyang Xiu’s students. This is the generalized disciple.

Zhang Bin's disciple falls between the broad sense and the narrow sense. He was a Jinshi in the second year of the Shaoxing Examination, and Xu Xiantu was the chief examiner that year. , This is to voluntarily worship under Xu Xiantu, and I hope Xu Xiantu will support him a lot in his official career.

Zhang Bin came to Chengdu to take up the post this time, which surprised him. It was not his turn. There are a lot of people with higher qualifications and experience than him. The imperial court was promoted to supervisory censor, step by step to privy secretary, and more importantly, Cheng Bo was Xu Xiantu's real disciple, and he was one of Xu Xiantu's most proud disciples when he was teaching in Taixue.

Originally, the news from the Ministry of Officials was that Cheng Bo was appointed as the prefect of Chengdu. Everyone congratulated Cheng Bo, but somehow, Xu Xiantu rejected Cheng Bo and recommended himself as the prefect of Chengdu. A huge piece of shit luck fell from the sky. in myself.

Chengdu became the magistrate!The Great Song Dynasty is second only to Lin'an Mansion and Pingjiang Mansion, and the third richest place. It is not his turn. Zhang Bin can only rejoice that his ancestor Yu Yin is still alive. He knows that he has nothing to do with Xu Xiantu's disciples. Xu Xiantu There are so many disciples!At least half of the second-year Jinshi in Shaoxing posted posts to Xu Xiantu's sect. Who made Xu Xiantu the chief examiner!
In the morning, Zhang Bin chose an auspicious time, which was exactly ten o'clock in the morning, but this time was a little later, but it didn't matter. Last night, Chen Qing sent someone to inform him that Zheng Ainong was transferred to Chengdu General Judge, and asked him to In the morning, I went to the government office to handle the handover. I just said morning, but didn't say what time it was. It was also morning!

Zhang Bin changed into his official uniform and asked his followers to rent a horse from the mules and horses shop. Two staff members and a follower had already gone a step ahead and went to the government office to make arrangements. It was still a quarter of an hour before Si time, and Zhang Bin set off with two followers. .

Currently Zhang Bin lives in the post house. The biggest advantage of the post house is that it is free, but it is very inconvenient. There are many people coming and going. As a magistrate like him, he should live in the official house. Today he will also implement the official house. Without an official residence, how could he take concubines?

Didn't he leave his wife and children in his hometown just to come to Chengdu to take a concubine?

Thinking of taking a concubine, Zhang Bin felt a rush of enthusiasm. He had been waiting for this day for a long time.

It's not far from the post house to the government office, just arrived at the Eight Immortals Bridge, I saw the attendants running towards me in a panic, "Your official, something is not right!"

Zhang Bin reined in and asked unhappily, "Why are you panicking, what happened?"

"Your Majesty, the two gentlemen have been arrested."

"Abducted by who?" Zhang Bin asked in surprise.

"I was taken away by the archers of the county government. It is said that a civilian girl sued the two gentlemen for alleged adultery last night."

Zhang Bin did know that the two staff members went out to drink flower wine last night, but is it illegal to drink flower wine?
"Where is Zheng Ainong? Why didn't he stop it?" Zhang Bin asked angrily.

"Senior officer, we haven't seen Zheng Tongpan. In fact, the gate of the government office is closed, as if there is no one there, and we can't get in. We just stood at the gate and waited stupidly, and then a dozen archers appeared , they asked for their names, chained the two gentlemen and left."

Zhang Bin was stunned, why is there no one in the government office?

After staying for a while, he decided to go to the government office to take a look.

Zhang Bin came to the government office with three entourages. Sure enough, the gate of the government office was closed, and there was no one in front of the door.

Several people looked at each other in blank dismay, what should we do?
Just at this time, the door of the mansion opened, and an old man in short clothes came out from the inside, dressed like a doorman, Zhang Bin seemed to have caught a life-saving straw, and hurriedly stepped forward and asked, "Excuse me, old man, is Zheng Tongpan here? "

The old man in short clothes gave him a cold look and said, "We only have one Zheng Zhifu here, and there is no Zheng Tongju."

"It's the prefect of Zheng."

"Zheng Zhifu is not here, the government office will rest for three days, if there is anything, come back in three days!"

The old man in short clothes hung a three-day leave on the gate. Zhang Bin asked in puzzlement, "What about the common people who sue and seek grievances for the three-day leave?"

The old man sneered and said: "This official has confused the county government with the government government! It is the job of the county government to file a lawsuit, so what has it to do with the government government?"

Zhang Bin was taken aback, "What does the government office do?"

"The government office is in charge of the county, and there are so many counties below! County affairs are reported to the government office, and the government office reports to the court after review. It's nothing to do anyway, and it doesn't hurt to rest for three days."

The old man walked into the small door and closed it with a bang!

Zhang Bin is not a fool either, he already knew that he was blocked by Chen Qing's forces, and the position of prefect was reserved for him, but he had no way to take up the post, not only that, but also the staff he brought were also taken away.

Zhang Bin had no choice but to go to the county government first to find a way to get the two staff members out.

After inquiring all the way, they walked for a quarter of an hour before arriving at the county government office. As soon as they arrived at the gate of the county government office, they heard the screams of two staff members killing pigs, and then the staff staff Qian cried out: "Stop beating, I'll recruit! I'll recruit!" Isn't it okay?"

Another staff member also cried, "I recruited too, we did it, stop fighting."

Zhang Bin was startled, what would they do if they recruited him?He rushed to the county government office, but was stopped by two government officials and pushed him out, "Where is the lunatic, get out!"

Zhang Bin was furious, rushed in, and shouted: "I am the new prefect Zhang of Chengdu, you must not stop me!"

Several yamen servants have been instructed by the county magistrate. If someone calls themselves the new magistrate, call them out.

A yamen servant became impatient and hit his head and face with a water and fire stick. Zhang Bin turned around and ran away in fright. He ran a step slower and was hit on the shoulder with a stick.

Zhang Bin felt extremely wronged and wanted to cry loudly, but there were so many people around watching the fun!Someone laughed and said: "This person actually ran out wearing a costume, he must be crazy!"

Two yamen servants supported him and came to a secluded corner next to him. Zhang Bin's shoulder was burning and painful. An attendant who knew a little bit of medical skills touched his shoulder for a while and said, "Fortunately, the bone is not broken. I am very lucky!"

"Happy ass!"

Zhang Bin scolded angrily: "Have you ever seen such an embarrassing new magistrate?"

A entourage sighed: "Now the officials know it! Why don't others want to come to Chengdu to take office? It's obvious that they will be bullied by Chen Qing."

"Then I can't help it. What if I don't come for the appointment of the Ministry of Officials?"

At this time, another attendant came hurriedly with a toothman, "Officials can ask this toothman."

Zhang Bin scolded himself for being confused, looking for a dentist if there is something he can't figure out!

He briefly explained his situation to Yaren, Yaren's eyes rolled a few times, and the opposite was the new magistrate!Ask yourself a little more.

"My lord, let me inquire for you first, and I can even meet your aides. If I open today, I'll make it cheaper. I only charge you five pennies. Do you think it's okay?"

It's so expensive, isn't it only a hundred dollars to inquire about some news?Zhang Bin is now being bullied by dogs, no matter how expensive he is, he has no choice but to admit it.

"Ah Quan, give him a tael of silver!"

Yaren took the silver and said with a smile: "Wait, I promise to ask you clearly."

Zhang Bin had to sigh and sit on the ground against the wall and wait.

After a while, the tooth man finally came back, he smiled and bowed his hands, "So you are really the magistrate! The villain was rude just now."

Zhang Bin said angrily, "Do you think I'm an opera singer? Come on, what's the news?"

(End of this chapter)

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