
Chapter 882

Chapter 882
The Yaman cupped his hands and said, "Two of your staff members went to drink wine last night, and one of them found a prostitute to accompany the wine. As a result, two prostitutes came to complain this morning, saying that they only served the wine without selling themselves, but your two staff members They got drunk and polluted their bodies, so the county lord arrested two of his aides and tortured them. They couldn't stand the board, so they had to admit that they were drunk and sexual. Both of them confessed and were detained. , No one is allowed to visit."

"Ah! What can I do then? Is there any way for me to meet them?"

"Seeing that it is impossible, I said that I would like to pay more money, but the jailer dared not agree, but I can work around it."

"How to work around?" Zhang Bin asked anxiously.

Yaren smiled and said: "I know a brother Yasi, he knows the inside story better, if the master is willing to spend ten pennies, he can tell you the inside story, maybe he can also pass on a message for you."

Zhang Bin was already desperate, and ordered his followers: "Give him twelve pennies and ask him to find me a suit of clothes. Wearing an official uniform and being humiliated, I can't afford to be ashamed."

Half an hour later, Zhang Bin changed into a dark blue suit and wore a hooded head, and came to a teahouse near the county government office. He had just applied medicine to his shoulders, and the pain was no longer there.

Yaren introduced him to Song Yasi, a black man in his thirties, from the county government.

Song Yasi took him inside, while the others were waiting outside.

"I'll just say a few words to you. I won't recognize you when I leave this door. If you come to me again, I won't recognize you either."

Zhang Bin nodded, "I know, Song Yasi just say it!"

"I know that the official is Zhang Zhifu appointed by the imperial court, but to you, Chengdu is a dragon's pool and a tiger's den. His Royal Highness King Yong will never allow the imperial court to appear in Chengdu, so you are destined to have no good results. I advise you to withdraw and return to Lin'an immediately. go."

The words of this Song Yasi made Zhang Bin extremely harsh. He waved his hands and said, "Tell me about the case first. Can my two staff members be rescued?"

Song Yasi sighed and said: "I know you don't like to hear it, but I'm telling you a few words of truth for the sake of ten pennies. The case of your two aides is true. It is true that prostitutes do not sell themselves when they accompany drinks. It is estimated that your aides were given aphrodisiacs in the wine. There are many such things, usually extorting a sum of money, but this time the trouble became big, two prostitutes reported to the government, and your two The aides have also pleaded guilty, and then handed over to the government office and the punishment department for review, under normal circumstances, they will be moved thousands of miles and exiled for three years."

Zhang Bin gritted his teeth and said, "Zheng Ainong must be behind the plot, there is no one else but him."

Suddenly his eyes lit up, "Wait! You said just now that the case should be reviewed and approved by the government?"

Song Yasi shook his head secretly, this prefect Zhang is really an idiot, he talked for a long time, wasting his tongue, he thought he could be a prefect?
"It has to be reviewed and approved by Zheng Ainong's officials, and it has nothing to do with you."

Song Yasi stood up and said, "One of your staff members surnamed Qian asked you to go to Zheng Dutong. Well, I should say that I have said everything. I will not recognize anything when I leave this door."

After finishing speaking, Song Yasi turned around and walked away. Zhang Bin sat in the room in a daze. After a while, he got up and said to his followers: "Let's go find Zheng Dutong!"

In the afternoon, Zhang Bin rushed to the barracks and met Zheng Ping. Zheng Ping handed Zhang Bin a letter, "Please arrange for someone to deliver this letter to my father. This is my official reply to him."

Zhang Bin took the channel: "Two of my subordinates were arrested by the county government. I implore Zheng Dutong to help and release them."

Zheng Ping said for a while: "His Royal Highness King Yong is in Chengdu! I dare not interfere in local government affairs, let's wait two days! When he leaves, I will entrust you with favors."

Zhang Bin thanked him and left. He had no other choice now, and he didn't dare to go to Chen Qing, so he could only patiently wait for the news in the posthouse.

Two days later, Lu Qingshan arrived in Chengdu, and Chen Qing personally went to the pier to welcome him.

To Chen Qing, Lu Qingshan is not only an elder, but also he was a prime minister of the imperial court. With his identity and ability, he sits on Sichuan Road for himself, able to suppress all evil spirits in Bashu, and quickly stabilize Sichuan Road.

"Your Highness, Chengdu is my favorite place in the Song Dynasty. It has not been ravaged by the Jin people. Only here can I see the Xuanhe prosperity of the year."

Entering the city, Lu Qingshan liked the prosperity of the city very much. He pointed at a tall building in the distance with his horsewhip and smiled, "That is the library of the government school! I built it when I was seventeen years old when I was studying in Chengdu. Years passed."

"Does Uncle feel that time flies too fast?"


"I thought that I would be buried at home after retiring from an official position, but I didn't expect fate to send me to Chengdu again. Your Highness, do you think I can work for another ten years?"

"If my uncle is happy with his work, he will be fine for another twenty years."

Lu Qingshan laughed, "Well said! If I feel comfortable doing it, I will work hard for you for another [-] years."

The Shangshuxingtai Mansion on Sichuan Road is the former official office of the Xuanfu Envoy of Sichuan and Shanxi, covering an area of ​​about [-] mu. Conventionally, for example, Chen Qing served as the chief historian of the Shangshu Xingtai official office on Hedong Road, Zhang Xiaochun served as the chief historian, and Chen Qing also served as the general manager of Hexi Road.

Zheng Ainong greeted Lu Qingshan at the door, and Chen Qing introduced to Lu Qingshan: "This is the prefect of Chengdu who succeeded Li Yi, but now he is the general judge of Chengdu prefecture."

Lu Qingshan immediately understood that this was an agreement reached between Chen Qing and the imperial court. The imperial court would send someone to be the prefect, and Chen Qing's people would be the general judge.

"Let's go in and talk!"

A group of people came to the lobby of the government office. Chen Qing sat in the front seat, and everyone sat down on both sides. Chen Qing asked Chao Qing to hang up the structure diagram of Shangshu Xingtai, and Chen Qing went on stage to explain to everyone.

"Shangshu Xingtai Mansion has one person in charge. According to the usual practice, I will be in charge concurrently. Underneath, there will be a long history and a soldier and horse envoy. Zheng Ping will be the soldier and horse envoy. I won't say more, and the long history will be Lu Gong. "

Lu Qingshan stood up and smiled and nodded to the crowd, who burst into warm applause.

Chen Qing continued: "The Changshi is composed of three parts: the Government Affairs Office, the Criminal Procuratorate, and the Salt and Iron Transit Office. The Internal Affairs Hall asked me to set up a Supervisory Office. I don't think it's necessary to repeat it, so it's still the Yongwang Mansion's Supervision Department. The Fourth Department is also in charge of Sichuan Road, and the Fourth Department was originally in charge of Hanzhong, and will soon move the government office to Chengdu."

Everyone immediately understood what Chen Qing meant. It wasn't that there was no supervisory office, but that there was no supervisory office under Shangshuxingtai. The supervisory office was independent of Shangshuxingtai.

Chen Qing pointed to the Government Affairs Department and said: "The Government Affairs Department has set up six officers, judges, and officials. In addition, it also has a very special department called the Zhishitai. The general judges of the Sichuan Road and the prefectures also serve as the Zhishitai. What is the Zhishitai? It means that the review submitted by each county must be aggregated to the envoy station of the state where it is located, that is to say, the envoy station is the real state office of the states on Sichuan Road."

Lu Qingshan said with a smile: "That is to say, the government offices of various states have now become empty shelves."

"That's exactly what I mean. The agreement I reached with the imperial court is that the imperial court manages the state capital, and I manage the county. How should I manage it? It depends on the envoy to manage it."

Lu Qingshan nodded and said: "His Royal Highness has a very large structure for the Shangshuxingtai, which requires a lot of manpower, but where will the manpower come from?"

Chen Qing smiled slightly and said: "I roughly estimate that the imperial court will send [-] governors to Sichuan Road, so that [-] of our officials will be replaced and retired, except for some officials who are older and will retire directly. , and there are sixteen or seventeen high-ranking officials, some of them will go to Jinghu South Road and five prefectures to take office, and the rest will work in Shangshuxingtaifu, as for the clerks of the prefectures, they will work in Zhishitai. In this way, The shortage of manpower in Xingtai Prefecture has been solved, and the state capital is basically empty."

Lu Qingshan pondered for a moment and said: "This is possible, but I still suggest that these evacuated prefects and prefects should try their best to ensure their treatment. This is just our struggle with the imperial court and has nothing to do with them. On the other hand, it seems Your Highness is right about things and not people, which shows His Highness's heart."

Chen Qing nodded with a smile, and said to Zheng Ping: "Let's give Lu Changshi some face. Later, you will say hello and release Zhang Bin's two staff members, and arrange the official residence behind the government office for Zhang Bin, and allow him to go to the government office every day." Ya drink tea and sleep."

(End of this chapter)

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