
Chapter 883 Statement

Chapter 883 Statement
Zhang Bin's two staff members were released back, and they were not severely beaten. It was just that the two literati couldn't stand the beating, couldn't stand the scare, and were so frightened that they couldn't handle the move after only two or three sticks. Not even a flesh injury.

When the two saw Zhang Bin, the three of them hugged each other and cried. After crying for a while, they realized that the guests were not entertained, so they hurriedly invited Jiang Huan to take a seat.

Jiang Huan was Zheng Ping's staff, and he personally led the two out of the prison.

Jiang Huan smiled and said: "Zheng Dutong also persuaded His Royal Highness King Yong, and King Yong agreed to give Zhang Zhifu normal treatment, and will arrange an official residence, and then the salary and subsidies will be distributed normally on a monthly basis."

Zhang Bin said for a while: "The government office has been closed for the past few days, so I haven't seen Zheng Ainong."

"Since King Yong let go, you can see him tomorrow. Open the gate at Chenshi, don't go too late."

After speaking, Jiang Huan saluted and left.

Zhang Bin breathed a sigh of relief, he was finally able to see the sun behind the clouds.

Early the next morning, Zhang Bin came to the government office on time with two staff members. One of his three attendants went back to deliver the letter, and only two of them followed.

This time, Zheng Ainong didn't make it difficult for him, and simply handed over to Zhang Bin, and went directly to the missionary platform to take up the post.

Zhang Bin finally sat comfortably in the magistrate's mansion. The tables, chairs and furniture are very good, all made of high-quality golden nanmu. All the pens, inks, papers and inkstones are good things, but what seems to be missing?
Zhang Bin suddenly remembered that there were no official documents, the table and the cabinet were empty, and there was no official document.

He quickly shouted: "Mr. Qian, Mr. Wang!"

Two staff members came running with a lot of paperwork, and Qian staff said anxiously: "Your Majesty, this is wrong! They are all old account books from five years ago, and the account books from the last five years are gone."

Another Wang aide also asked anxiously: "The doors of the sixth room are closed, where are everyone going?"

The three of them were a little dumbfounded. At this time, a teenager came in with a teapot, "Master Zhifu, I will serve you tea!"

Finally seeing a living person, Zhang Bin quickly asked, "What's your name?"

"The villain's name is Hu Qilang, he is a tea boy, and he has been working in the government office for six years."

"Hu Qilang, let me ask you, why is there no one in the government office?"

"Why is there no one? I'm not! There are Zhang Baye who is guarding the gate, Brother Liu who is driving the carriage, Mr. Li the gardener, and Aunt Wu in the kitchen. They are all there!"

"I'm not talking about these servants, I'm talking about where the yamen servants have gone, and none of the civil servants who returned to Liucao have disappeared."

Hu Qilang said with a smile: "Is this the first time for the master to be a magistrate? There are no yamen archers in the government office, only the county government office, and the government office usually manages the state soldiers."

"Where's the State Soldiers?"

"There used to be state soldiers, [-] of them! They were all taken away by Zheng Dutong since last year. They said they were training for concentration, but they never came back."

"Okay! Regardless of the state soldiers, what about the six Cao officials? Why are none of them missing?"

Hu Qilang scratched his head and said: "I heard that there is a shortage of people at Shangshuxingtai, so I transferred them there. If the government is short of people, recruit them yourself!"

Recruitment requires money, and the Qian staff next to him said anxiously: "There are grain warehouses and money banks in every state government and government office. I searched around, but why didn't I see it?"

Hu Qilang shook his head resolutely, "Mr. Qian is thinking too much. The money, food and materials from all the prefectures in Sichuan are in the hands of the Salt and Iron Transshipment Department. A little money will be allocated every year to pay salaries and the like, and then there will be rental income from official land and some shops. That’s all, the former prefect Li complained every day that he didn’t have enough money.”

"Okay! Where's the rent?"

"The rent is in Tongsan's hands!"

Zhang Bin's eyes darkened, and he almost fainted. The emperor repeatedly told him that he must hold people and property firmly in his hands, but now, he wants no one, no money, nothing, and nothing. What kind of prefect is it!
Chief of Staff Qian sighed, "I understand, this is the Temple of the City God, the Fujun is the Yan Luo of clay sculptures, we are the judges and officials of the clay sculptures, and there are a few clay sculptures of imps."

Hu Qilang, a tea boy, said with a serious face: "I am not a little ghost of clay sculpture, I use money to do errands, and the government office still owes me two months' wages. wages, otherwise we wouldn’t be here tomorrow.”

After Chen Qing made arrangements for Lu Qingshan, he got up the next day and set off for Jingzhao. Before leaving, Chen Qing ordered Zheng Ping and Zheng Ainong to fully support Shangshuxingtai Mansion and ensure its normal operation. At the same time, Chen Qing issued a King Yong ordered people to send people to the counties on Sichuan Road, requiring the county government to strictly implement the orders of Shang Shuxing Taifu.

In Lin'an, the five-year armistice agreement agreed with the Kingdom of Jin was finally officially signed half a month ago. Cheng withdrew his [-] troops from Haozhou, and the Kingdom of Jin took advantage of the eastern front, so they spit out Haozhou and retreated.

But the trouble is on the western front. Yue Fei's army has captured Ruzhou, Caizhou, and Linying Mansion, and even captured Henan Mansion, which is less than a hundred miles away from Luoyang. The west and south of the area were occupied by the Song army. In addition, Yue Fei's vanguard, Zhang Xian, once attacked a small town less than fifty miles away from Bianliang.

However, after repeated discussions by the imperial court, the compromisers and centrists clearly gained the upper hand. They talked about finances, and the imperial court's fiscal revenue was simply not enough to support the barren Central Plains.

At the court meeting, the weak voice of the anti-golden faction was completely suppressed, and in the imperial study room, the emperor Zhao Gou yearned for the land of the Central Plains a little bit, but was also crushed by the terrorist expenditure of the finance. He approved the five-year truce signed by the two sides protocol.

But the thorn in the eyes of the emperor Zhao Gou appeared, and that was Yue Fei. Yue Fei refused to retreat. He wrote a letter to the emperor, saying, "The Jin people cannot be trusted. If the Song army retreats, Wanyan Wushu will definitely tear up the agreement. Two years of hard work." , the results obtained in exchange for the lives of tens of thousands of soldiers will also be in vain.

"I think that the general will be outside, and the king's life will not be accepted!"

This was the last sentence in Yue Fei's letter, implying that he refused to withdraw his troops.

It was this sentence that completely angered the emperor Zhao Gou. Does Yue Fei want to become Chen Qing's second?
In order to shake the mountain and shake the tiger, Zhao Gou first took Wu Jie, who was also unwilling to withdraw the army, and said, "If you don't listen to the emperor's order, it will be regarded as a rebellion. I will remember his merits in Sichuan and Shaanxi, and let him not die. He will be dismissed from all official positions and seized from his county. , demoted to common people, and ordered them to return to their hometowns to work in agriculture. '

Wu Jie had to lead [-] troops back to Xinyang, handed over the military power to his younger brother Wu Lin, and returned to his hometown sadly in an ox cart. Wu Jie was from Longgan County, Deshun Prefecture, and there was Shaanxi Road, the Son of Heaven. Zhao Gou did not allow him to return to Shaanxi Road, ordered him to live in Poyang County, Raozhou, and ordered the local government to monitor him.

In the imperial study room, Zhao Gou asked coldly, "Has Yue Fei withdrew his army?"

Qin Hui bowed and said: "According to the latest news I received, Yue Fei's army has already withdrawn from Caizhou and Linying Mansion, and is currently in Ruzhou, and it is estimated that he will withdraw to Dengzhou soon. After all, he is not Chen Qing, Your Majesty. How can he not understand Wu Jie's knock on the mountain?"

"Hmph! The general is out, and the king's life is not accepted. He is so brave, he dared to treat me as nothing."

Seeing that there was no one around, Qin Hui said in a low voice: "Your Majesty, I have something that I have kept in my heart for a long time, not only Yue Fei, but also Zhang Jun and Han Shizhong. The military power of the three of them should be taken away. They have been in charge of the army for a long time, even if they don't become Chen Qing, there is no guarantee that they will become the second Liu Guangshi!"

Zhao Gou nodded, "I understand the meaning of my husband, and I am also waiting for an opportunity. You should retreat first! Urge Yue Fei quickly and order him to withdraw immediately."

"The minister obeys the order!"

Qin Hui backed away slowly, Zhao Gou was upset for a while, this Yue Fei is really a thorn in the face, the Lushan incident had not been settled with him last time, and now he said again, "I will be away, and the king's life will not be accepted." It is becoming more and more difficult to tolerate his rebellious words. The three generals who are in charge of the army must start with Yue Fei first.

At this time, Kang Shun quietly walked into the imperial study and put today's "Lin'an Beijing News" on the table.

Zhao Gou glanced at the newspaper. Suddenly, he was attracted by a statement in the corner. He quickly took out the newspaper and read it carefully.

(End of this chapter)

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