
Chapter 884 Datong

Chapter 884 Datong
Not long after, Xu Xiantu rushed over, bowed and saluted, "I see Your Majesty!"

"Xu Aiqing, have you read today's newspaper?" Zhao Gou asked coldly.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, I glanced a few times during lunch."

"You should know what I'm going to ask, the third version of the statement."

Xu Xiantu was confident, and said in a calm and unhurried manner: "Reporting to Your Majesty, I have already seen the third version of the statement about Zheng Ping. Didn't Your Majesty see the letter that I sent?"

Zhao Gou was taken aback, "What letter?"

"It's Zheng Ping's official reply letter to his father. I received it yesterday afternoon. Since His Majesty is not here, I put it on His Majesty's case."

Zhao Gou frowned. He felt unwell yesterday and went back to the palace early to rest. He immediately turned over the table, but he didn't see any letters.

"Kang Shun!"

Zhao Gou yelled, and Kang Shun ran in frightened, "The slave is here!"

"Yesterday you cleaned up the imperial study for me. Where is the letter on the table?"


Kang Shun scratched his head, hesitatingly said: "I didn't know how many letters there were yesterday, so I don't know, why don't I find the trunk?"

The trunk is actually a waste cardboard box. Zhao Gou has to deal with a lot of memorials every day, but there are always some memorials that he doesn't want to get involved in, especially those involving money and food expenses. Dispose of, burn or return, etc.

But throwing away letters without my own consent is intolerable.

Zhao Gou stared viciously at Kang Shun, who was sweating profusely as he searched for documents in the suitcase. Finally, he timidly handed a letter to Zhao Gou, "Your Majesty, here it is!"

Zhao Gou wanted to kick him over, but because Xu Xiantu was on the sidelines, he had to maintain the image of the emperor.

"No more next time!"

Zhao Gou gritted his teeth and said something, Kang Shun felt cold all over his body, lowered his head in agreement, and quickly retreated.

Only now did Xu Xiantu know why the Son of Heaven didn't know many things. He thought Qin Hui was deliberately concealing them, but now it seems that this eunuch is also a big problem!

Why did he throw away these important documents? Is he ignorant, or is there something else hidden?

Zhao Gou sat down and opened Zheng Ping's reply letter to his father. In the letter, Zheng Ping severely criticized his father for being mercenary and short-sighted.

And now, for the sake of the so-called county king's false title, he made himself choose to betray, which also made him intolerable. If his father insisted on forcing him to betray, then the father and son could only go their separate ways, and there was no need to think about the relationship between father and son.

There is no clear expression in my heart that I want to sever the father-son relationship with my father, but I feel it.

"Does Xu Aiqing think this is true?" Zhao Gou was suspicious by nature, and he was still a little suspicious of Zheng and his son.

"Your Majesty, the letter may be ambiguous, but the public statement in the newspaper that they have separated from the relationship between father and son, I think it is true, and more importantly, the humble official got the news that Zheng Ping will be transferred from Sichuan Road soon. What else do their father and son have?" Entanglement, in fact, is meaningless."

Zhao Gou stared blankly at the letter in front of him, unable to hide the disappointment on his face. The dream of Zheng Ping's return with Sichuan Road, which he had expected so much, was completely shattered.

Zheng Ping's public statement in the "Lin'an Beijing News" that he would break away from the relationship between father and son caused a lot of trouble in Lin'an. These days, there are many people who have turned against each other. It's not surprising to have turned against each other, but it's the first time a public statement has been published, so the streets and alleys are whispering about it.

But the Zheng family remained silent. The insider said that Zheng Tongquan went to Mingzhou to supervise the shipbuilding, obviously to avoid the matter.

In the Lu Mansion, Lu Yihao's second brother, Lu Datong, came to visit. A few years ago, Lu Datong was demoted because of the misconduct of his youngest son, Lu Tong. After ten years, but Lu Datong couldn't spend a lot of money, he finally agreed with his family to take him home for treatment on the grounds of his serious illness, which is equivalent to parole for medical treatment.

Lu Yihao originally valued Lu Datong more, especially when he supported Chen Qing's marriage with his granddaughter Lu Xiu in terms of Chen Qing's attitude back then. Facts have proved that Lu Datong was right, but Lu Qingshan was firmly opposed to the marriage between Chen Qing and the Lu family back then. It is advocated that the Lu family and the Shen family should marry each other.

But in the end, Chen Qing chose Lu Qingshan instead of Lu Datong who supported his marriage with Lu Xiu. Lu Yihao also asked Chen Qing about this question, and Chen Qing's answer made him think deeply.

Chen Qing told him, "Lv Qingshan's attitude back then was rational and correct, he truly considered the interests of the family, and insisted on the principle that the interests of the family are paramount. Although Lu Datong seemed to support his marriage with Lu Xiu, in fact he was not. It was because he had foresight but lacked principles. It was Lu Qingshan's insistence on principles that made Chen Qing feel at ease, while Lu Datong's ambiguity made him feel uneasy. '

Now it seems that Chen Qing's discerning vision is still very accurate. This time Lu Datong tried every means to get his son back, which made Lu Yihao very dissatisfied. any lessons.

"Brother, I have never understood. Chen Qing has a territory, an army, and officials. He just established the country and became the throne. Why did he make it so complicated and twists and turns, and even took the late emperor back as a prince?" Is it interesting to go to Lin'an with an army of [-] troops?"

Lu Yihao smiled slightly, "Then you said it's not the same thing for a man to marry a wife? Just go and take the woman home and go to bed to live. Why bother with the six rituals, a set of extremely cumbersome etiquette, even the cottage The robber snatched the woman back, and had to wait until night to worship and get married, why bother?
In fact, the two are the same thing. This world is still the world of Song Dynasty. If you directly send troops to capture it and declare yourself emperor, wouldn't it be worse than a robber?How many people will be willing to admit you?You don't even understand the so-called bad name, bad words? "

"Of course I understand the truth, but I think the Song Dynasty is like a shabby settlement, not worth it!"

Lu Yihao knew that his third younger brother was frustrated and had a deep hatred for the court, so he wished that the Song Dynasty would perish today, so he said these words.

He said lightly: "It's rare for you to come to see me, it's not just to complain!"

"That's not true! I heard that Qingshan went to Bashu and became the highest administrative officer on Sichuan Road."

Lu Yihao interrupted him with a wave of his hand, "This is Chen Qing's choice, he values ​​Qingshan's ability and qualifications very much."

"But when Chen Qing wanted to marry Xiu'er, Qingshan was firmly against it, but I supported it. Without my support, Xiu'er would not have been able to marry Chen Qing! How come it's the other way around when it's time to repay her kindness? I can not understand."

"Do you think Chen Qing is repaying his kindness by using Qingshan?"

"Otherwise? Doesn't he have a suitable candidate for such an important position? Zhou Kuan is very good, why doesn't he use it? He must use someone from our Lu family."

Lu Datong's statement is not unreasonable. Chen Qing used the Lu family because the interests of the Lu family were the same as his own, but in Lu Datong's view, he was repaying the Lu family, so he should use himself who supported him back then, not the original Lu Qingshan who opposed his marriage made Lu Datong very unbalanced.

"What do you mean?" Lu Yihao was a little angry.

"I don't want a high-ranking job like Qingshan. With my qualifications, I can always be the chief official of Yizhou!"

"You're gone, what about your son Lu Yan? He is still being monitored by the Ministry of Criminal Justice. If I remember correctly, he must go to the Ministry of Criminal Justice to sign in every five days!"

"This... I asked the Ministry of Criminal Justice before, and the Ministry of Criminal Justice said that if I am willing to donate [-] guan to the imperial court, then Hang'er can be pardoned for the remaining five years of his sentence. In fact, Hang'er has already been pardoned and can leave Lin'an at any time. "

"Where did you get the fifty thousand coins?"

"Brother, my house has been sold, and I'm renting a house outside now."

Lu Yihao suddenly understood that Lu Datong had spent all his family's wealth and valuables in order to bring his son back, and now he sold the house.So now he wants to work in Sichuan and Shanxi, to be a magistrate and have an official house to live in. He is thinking about it.

But after all, he is his own younger brother, and Lu Yihao couldn't bear to mess around so badly, so he nodded, "Okay! I'll write you a letter, you go to Jingzhao to find Chen Qing, remember to restrain your son , if he commits a crime in Sichuan and Shaanxi, no one can save him."

Lu Datong was overjoyed, and quickly said: "Brother, don't worry, Jiao'er is thirty years old this year, I plan to marry him and start a family, he has already settled down."

"Since you say so, I will believe you once."

Lu Yihao wrote a letter and asked the eldest son to take one hundred taels of silver to make money for the second uncle and let their family go west.

(End of this chapter)

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