
Chapter 891

Chapter 891

At the head of the Baqiao Bridge, two men came from the east on thin horses, each followed by an attendant. Both of them were about [-] or [-] years old. At first glance, they looked like literati. Perhaps because of the long journey, they looked different. It looked a little haggard.

The taller of the two was Wu Fu, a native of Taizhou, a Jinshi in the second year of Shaoxing, and an official secretary of Zhengzi. In the fifth year of Shaoxing, he was dismissed from office for criticizing Qin Hui for traitorous power.

The other is shorter, darker-skinned, named Liu Xuan, who is from the same hometown as Wu Fu, and was a Jinshi in Shaoxing for four years. Because of his poor appearance and poor family background, he has been an alternate official and sat on the bench for four full years.

When Chen Qing led an army of [-] to escort the late emperor to Lin'an, it caused a great shock in the government and the public. Some people criticized Chen Qing for following Dong Zhuo and not being a monarch, but many officials felt that Chen Qing was very courageous and daring.

Not long after Chen Qing withdrew, there was an upsurge in the Lin'an court to go to Sichuan and Shaanxi to seek jobs, mainly with many officials who were unwilling and sitting on the bench.

Wu Fu and Liu Xuan are typical representatives. One of them was dismissed from office and the other was sitting on the bench. They were both suffering and waiting in Lin'an. Back in their hometown, the two of them came to Jingzhao to apply for a job, and after they settled down, they brought their family back.

It was noon the next day, the two were both hungry and thirsty, and saw two or three tea sheds on the side of the road ahead, they couldn't help cheering, and ran faster.

The two of them were cash-strapped, and lived in the cheapest foot shop along the way, and ate at roadside tea sheds. It was Wu Fu's wife who gave out their dowry to support them with two skinny horses and money.

The two sat at the table, and the two attendants sat at the other table. Wu Fu ordered a large bowl of noodles for each of the two attendants, and started to eat them. They didn't care what they ate, as long as they could eat enough.

As for Wu Fu and Liu Xuan, who came from Jinshi after all, they were not that rude, and they didn't eat much. They ordered two dishes, each asking for a bowl of rice.

At this moment, the shopkeeper came over and said with a smile, "You two are from Lin'an?"

Wu Fu asked in surprise, "How does the shopkeeper know?"

"Looking at your appearance, many officials from Lin'an have come to join our lord these days, similar to you."

The shopkeeper put a jug of wine on the table, "I'll give you a jug of wine! It's not sake, but you can drink it."

The two were overjoyed, and they stood up to thank each other. The shopkeeper took another copy of "Beijing News" and pointed it down, "There is it here! Where are you going to report, it is clearly written here."

Wu Fu looked at the newspaper and said, "Can the shopkeeper give us this newspaper?"

"I'll give you pens and paper! You can copy it yourself. I only have this copy of the newspaper. If you take it away, I won't be able to tell others."

"We have pen and paper, thank you!"

Liu Xuan fetched a pen and paper, copied down the address, and returned the newspaper to the shopkeeper.

Wu Fu couldn't help asking again: "Shopkeeper, may I ask if the rent in Jingzhao is expensive? How much does it usually cost to buy a room?"


The shopkeeper laughed and said: "If you are from Jinshi background, you don't need to think about the rent. Once you are hired, you will have an official house. Even if the official position is a little lower, you will at least have a small courtyard. It is said that the smallest is a small courtyard with three rooms. There will be an official residence after being promoted to the fifth rank or above."

"There is such a good thing?"

Wu Fu was surprised and said: "In Lin'an, there is an official residence only if you are above the fifth rank, and you have to rent a house by yourself if you are below the fifth rank."

"That's why our prince criticized the imperial court for not caring about the lives of low-level officials in the newspaper a few days ago. Their salaries are low and they have no place to live. So low-level officials can't live in Lin'an, so they can only come to Sichuan and Shaanxi to seek jobs."

Wu Fu and Liu Xuan knew that there were too many officials who came to Jingzhao, and King Yong put the responsibility on the court!

But having said that, the treatment of low-level officials with positions is not bad. They have salaries and various subsidies, and they have about ten guan a month. No more, only a few meager salaries, more than half of which is spent on renting a house, and the rest is not even enough to eat, and I have to find a job to subsidize the family, otherwise I really can’t survive in Lin’an. Chen Qing criticized the court for not caring about the bottom Officials, in fact, are not wrong.

After lunch, the two continued on horseback. In the afternoon, they finally arrived at Jingzhao City. Jingzhao City was rebuilt. The city was tall and strong, and the towers were magnificent. Entering, without interfering with each other, orderly, Lin'an's small city gate is simply incomparable.

After entering the city, there is the East Street. The street is wide, the ground is flat, and the trees are tall and shady. There are various shops on both sides of the street. The crowds are full of people, and it is noisy and lively. Wu Fu and Liu Xuan are stunned. This is just like the capital. The grand scene of Chang'an in the past was nothing more than this!
"Look for it quickly, where is the Jinxian Pavilion?"

They read in the newspaper that the place dedicated to receiving officials from Lin'an who came to apply for jobs was called the Jinxian Hall, which was on the right side of the East Gate, next to the Examination Institute.


Liu Xuan saw it at a glance. It was a beautiful building with a black sign on a white background, with three characters of "Jinxian Hall" written on it.

The two were very excited and urged their horses to gallop up.
The official who received the two was Zhang Yanming, deputy commander of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, Judgment Office. Zhang Yanming politely asked the two to sit down and served tea.

Zhang Yanming looked at their resumes and said with a smile: "Yes, both of you are Scholars. I am entrusted by His Royal Highness King Yong, and warmly welcome you both."

Liu Xuan was a little uneasy and said: "I passed the Jinshi examination in Shaoxing for four years, but I have never had the opportunity to become an official. Will it affect me?"

"Mr. Liu, can you tell me why you didn't become an official?"

Liu Xuan sighed and said: "My appearance is not good, my family is poor, and I am unable to manage the officialdom, so every time I have a real shortage, I have no chance."

Zhang Yanming smiled slightly and said: "You see, my appearance is not as good as Mr. Liu's, and I am also a deputy signer of the fifth rank. His Royal Highness King Yong must first have talent, ability, and morality, as long as he is healthy. , Frankly speaking, many Lin'an officials who came here this time are like you, either they came from Bianliang and were not reused, or they passed the Jinshi examination and had no chance to become an official, so don't worry."

Zhang Yanming smiled at Wu Fu again: "His Royal Highness King Yong specifically mentioned a few people, including Mr. Wu. His Highness praised you for your strong character and courage, and you are a good material to be a supervisor."

Wu Fu was surprised and delighted at the same time. His Royal Highness King Yong also mentioned himself. He wanted to ask a few more questions, but he was afraid of affecting the emotions of his companions, so he held back.

Zhang Yanming smiled and said: "You guys stay here first and have a good rest. Board and lodging are free here. In addition, His Royal Highness King Yong also gave each person a travel subsidy of ten taels of silver, because many people borrowed money to come to Jingzhao, and it was not easy."

Liu Xuan was so excited that he almost cheered. He just borrowed [-] taels of money from Wu Fu and worried about how to pay back the money all the way. King Yong actually gave him a subsidy of [-] taels of silver, which happened to be able to be returned to Wu Fu, and there was still [-] taels of money left over. Spending money really warmed his heart.

Zhang Yanming said earnestly: "His Royal Highness King Yong attaches great importance to the virtues of officials. He gives you money, in fact, to pay for your parents, wives and children. It is definitely not for you to waste money, so it is okay to go to a restaurant occasionally, but Remember not to go shopping in brothels and drink flower wine, once the records are discovered by the supervisor, it will seriously affect the official career."

The two nodded, "We understand!"

(End of this chapter)

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