
Chapter 892

Chapter 892

Jinxian Hall is the former official post house. Local officials who came to Jingzhao on business trips lived here. However, there are three such post houses in Jingzhao, so this post house is specially reserved for officials who come to Lin’an to seek jobs.

The conditions are not bad, three people live in a small courtyard, each has a room, all kinds of utensils are complete, there is a special dining hall, three meals a day are served, the food is also very good, every meal has meat, and the most important thing is that it does not cost a penny Pay yourself.

Wu Fu and Liu Xuan lived in a small courtyard. The person next door to them was Huang Yougong, a native of Ezhou, who was also a Jinshi in the second year of Shaoxing. Wu Fu knew this person. He used to be the county magistrate of Qianjiang County. Last year, his grandfather passed away, and Ding You resigned. Officer, I didn't expect that he also went to Jingzhao to apply for a job.

Huang Yougong is [-] years old this year and has been a magistrate for several years. He is obviously much more mature than the two of them. Before it was time to eat, Huang Yougong came to see Wu Fu.

"Brother Wu Xian, it's been a long time. We have made an appointment to go to Baifenglin for a drink. I heard that Jingzhao's oiran is from Baifenglin. Let's go together!"

Wu Fu wanted to agree, but he hesitated when he heard his last words, "I went to drink flower wine when I first came to Jingzhao, in case I was..."

"I said that you are not a three-year-old child, let alone a student back then. An adult who is almost thirty years old is still afraid of drinking flower wine? In Lin'an, who cares about you!"

Wu Fu still didn't want to go, so he shied away and said, "My little brother just arrived in Jingzhao. I'm too tired from walking all the way, and I have big blood blisters on the soles of my feet. I want to take a good rest. Let's talk about it later!"

At this time, someone outside was calling Huang Yougong, and Huang Yougong could only resentfully said: "It's fine if you don't go, let's go to rest early!"

He promised loudly, and several people left talking and laughing.

Early the next morning, Jiang Yanxian came to Chen Qing's official room and put a stack of materials on Chen Qing's desk, "This is the second batch of Song Dynasty officials who came to Jingzhao to seek employment. There are [-] people, plus the first batch of [-] people. , a total of fifty-one people."

Chen Qing flipped through his resume and said with a smile: "It seems that they are all unwilling officials!"

"Your Highness is right. They are basically unemployed officials in Lin'an. It's not that they are incompetent, but more because they made mistakes in standing in line. For example, the subordinates of Li Gang, Lu Yihao, Zhang Jun and Zhao Ding in the past, basically In the state of being dismissed from office and demoted, there are also some candidates who have not been able to get the real vacancies after being admitted to Jinshi, and there are quite a few of them."

Chen Qing fully understands that the Song Dynasty was famous for its party struggles, and basically a prime minister lost power, so the officials he promoted would basically be demoted. Now Qin Hui has the most party members in the court, followed by Xu Xiantu, and then the Queen Mother Among the three major factions, two major factions are the main faction and the surrender faction, which is why the various armistice agreements between Song and Jin were signed so happily, and the dozens of states in the Central Plains that had just been recovered gave up again.

"Is Orihiko the only heavyweight official?"

"If Lu Datong is counted, there are two of them."

Chen Qing shook his head, "Forget about Lu Datong, let's just count for Zhe Yanzhi alone!"

Because of his firm opposition to Yue Fei's withdrawal, Orihikozhi angered the emperor Zhao Gou, dismissed him from office and devalued him, and moved his family to live in Xinzhou. In a rage, Orihikozhi did not go to Xinzhou, but took his family directly to Xinzhou. Chengdu, and from Chengdu to Jingzhao.

At this time, Chen Qing found a resume. He was surprised that it was Shen Gai. Shen Gai was the son of the Shen family who proposed to Lu Xiu with Chen Qing back then. ?
"He was implicated by Zhang Jun. He was dismissed from office last year and has been at home all the time. Moreover, he has a letter of recommendation from Lu Yihao."

Chen Qing didn't have any bad feelings towards this Shen long ago, he wanted to fight for a woman!He is the winner, and Lu Xiu has already given birth to two children for himself, so he has long since ignored what happened back then.

"Since there is Lu Yihao's recommendation, I will ask the Ministry of Officials to follow up later. Did any of the people I called last time come over?"


Jiang Yan first took out two resumes and handed them to Chen Qing, "Zhao Wenxin and Wu Fu, these two are here."

Zhao Wenxin is the second son of Xiangguo Zhao Ding. He is the official director of the Military Weapons Supervisor. Zhao Wenxin, the director of Longyan County, was extremely dissatisfied and resigned on the grounds of taking care of his father's health.

As for Wu Fu, the third Jinshi in the second year of Shaoxing, with a strong sense of justice, he wrote to the emperor to criticize the prime minister Qin Hui's monopoly and betrayal of the country, and was dismissed by the emperor. Chen Qing appreciated this courage and justice.

Chen Qing pondered for a moment and said: "I will determine the positions of a few people, and the others will be considered by the Ministry of Civil Affairs. One is Orihiko. I need to talk to him, and then Lu Datong. His situation is quite special. I will consider it." Let him be the governor of Fangzhou, but his family members must stay in Jingzhao, so they are not allowed to follow him to the post."

"The humble staff understands, and the humble staff will make it clear with Lu Datong."

Chen Qing nodded and said: "Then there is Shen Gai. I want to use this Shen family to establish contact with the Jiangnan family. I will have a talk with him, and then I will appoint him as the general judge of Jingzhou."

Jiang Yan took notes first, and Chen Qing continued: "Zhao Wenxin is very capable. I want to appoint him as the Deputy Commander of the Military Weapons Administration. Wu Fu is very suitable as a supervisor, so I appointed him as the supervisory inspector of the third department of the Supervision Department. Go to Sichuan Road to perform supervision duties, that's all, the rest will be assessed and arranged by the Ministry of Officials."

After a pause, Chen Qing said again: "If the official position is not enough for a while, we should follow the old method and arrange them to go to various schools to teach first, but the official residence and salary should not be low, so as not to chill their hearts, and tell them that it is only a temporary teaching. , once an official position appears, it will be arranged first."

"The humble job will be arranged, please rest assured, Your Highness!"

Jiang Yanxian took out three more resumes and said: "There is one more thing about the humble position. According to the internal guard's feedback to the Supervision Department, several officials went to Baifenglin to drink flowers and wine yesterday. The Supervision Department has confirmed that this is the list of three people."

Jiang Yan first handed the three resumes to Chen Qing, and Chen Qing's face immediately darkened. It was not Chen Qing's order that officials were strictly prohibited from drinking flower wine and whoring. Private life is not ambiguous at all, Chen Qing never goes there himself, nor does he allow his officials to drink flower wine or visit brothels.

On the contrary, Chen Qing was very tolerant towards the soldiers and encouraged the opening of brothels near the barracks, which was needed to appease the soldiers.

"These three people will be dismissed, they will not be hired, and they will leave the Jinxian Hall within a time limit!"

"I understand it."

Jiang Yan saluted first and hurried to make arrangements.

Chen Qing generally welcomes these officials who came to Lin'an to apply for jobs. On the one hand, it has a good talent pool, and on the other hand, it will greatly improve his own reputation. However, Chen Qing must also consider the feelings of local officials. It cannot be said that foreign monks are easy to recite scriptures. Maybe their abilities and virtues are not as good as those of local officials.

Therefore, Chen Qing considered releasing this group of officials, such as the northern part of Hedong Road or the Central Plains, so as not to affect the interests of local officials as much as possible.

At this time, Chao Qing reported at the door, "His Royal Highness, the Deputy Commissioner of the Prosecutor's Office ordered Zhang Yanming to bring an official named Shen Gai, saying that His Highness wants to have a talk with him."

Chen Qing nodded and smiled, "Please come in!"

Not long after, Zhang Yanming walked in with a man in his thirties. He was very thin and had a good appearance. Chen Qing recognized at a glance that it was Shen Gai, his rival in love back then.

Zhang Yanming handed Shen Gai's information to Chen Qing, and then withdrew. Shen Gai felt uneasy. Although his son was four years old in the past, he was still a little embarrassed at this moment.

"Brother Shen, I haven't seen you for many years, please sit down!"

Chen Qing's smile was very gentle, without the slightest hint of sarcasm, which made Shen Gai feel calmer.

"Is your father and Lingtang all right?" Chen Qing asked again with a smile.

It's time for Shen to remember that Chen Qing has met his parents, and it seems that they don't get along very well.

"Thank you for your concern, Your Highness, they are all in good health."

Chen Qing nodded, "I heard that you were dismissed because you were implicated by Zhang Jun. What's the reason?"

Shen Gai sighed and said, "Actually, my dismissal had little to do with Zhang Jun, but because Li Qiong led the army to join the enemy, the emperor was furious, and all the officials under Zhang Jun's account were implicated and removed. , so it is hard to escape the disaster of dismissal."

Chen Qing summoned him just to ease the relationship between the two, to appease him, and then said: "I see Mr. Lu's recommendation letter, which speaks highly of you, and this letter alone is important to me."

"Mr. Lu thinks too highly of a humble job."

Chen Qing smiled and said: "Zhang Yanming told you! About your appointment."

"Zhang Shuling hasn't mentioned it to the humble official yet."

Chen Qing said with a smile: "I plan to let you be the general judge of Jingzhou, and be promoted to Cheng Zhilang, the sixth rank."

When Shen Gai was dismissed, he was still a seventh-rank official. Unexpectedly, Chen Qing was promoted to the sixth-rank Cheng Zhilang, and he was still a judge in one prefecture. Foresight!
Shen Gai was surprised and delighted at the same time, he quickly got up and saluted, "I am willing to serve Your Highness, and I will definitely be a good official of Jingzhou people's parents!"

(End of this chapter)

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