
Chapter 893 Veteran

Chapter 893 Veteran
In the afternoon, Chen Qing came to the Jinxian Hall to visit the officials who came to join him. This kind of visit also needs to be done according to the occasion, and the literati have dignity. It's cold, a little too much.

But if the enthusiasm is too much, if you give a high salary to a high-ranking official and visit him attentively, not only will you not be grateful, but it will make the other party feel contemptuous.

Therefore, it is very important to be careful. The reason why Chen Qing came to visit was because these officials were going to teach first, and they were teaching primary schools, so he needed to appease the emotions of the job-seeking officials.

Hearing that His Royal Highness King Yong was coming, officials who hadn’t left the house came to see him one after another. Everyone was in the officialdom and knew the importance of leaving an impression on the leader. When an important official position appeared, King Yong might think of himself.

As a matter of fact, Chen Qing only has the power to appoint officials above the general judge or subsigning order, and he only has the right to recommend officials who are down. The appointment power is in the hands of Jiang Yanxian and the Ministry of Officials. , nor can it go downward.

As the supreme ruler, Chen Qing can also forcibly appoint a county magistrate, but if this official has not gone through a series of procedures such as assessment, nomination, review, discussion, and appointment by the Ministry of Officials, he will often be looked down upon by other officials in the officialdom. This has the same meaning as the oblique appointment of officials in the Tang Dynasty.

Of course, the Chinese pay attention to flexibility in doing things. There are no absolutes in everything, and it is impossible to follow the rules in everything. Therefore, there are derogatory words such as ultra vires appointments in the words, and there are also positive words such as extraordinary promotions. He will work against Chen Qing, and occasionally promote an official, and the Department of Officials will complete the formalities later.

The key is the word 'accidentally', which must be grasped to a certain degree, and everyone can tolerate breaking the rules by chance, but no one can stand too many times.

Therefore, Chen Qing appointed Lu Datong, Shen Gai, Zhao Wenxin, and Wu Fu in the morning. There is also a difference. Here, he appointed Lu Datong, Shen Gai, and Zhao Wenxin. However, if Zhang Miao, chief supervisor of the Supervision Department, does not accept it, Chen Qing has nothing to do.

But even if Lu Datong, Shen Gai, and Zhao Wenxin are appointed, there are rules. Lu Datong has served as the prefect of the state three times, and his qualifications and ranks have been reached. Zhao Wenxin has worked in the military department for ten years. .

Only Shen Gai was promoted out of the ordinary, so Chen Qing wanted to meet him to show his importance, and then he had to explain to Jiang Yanxian and Zhou Kuan why Shen Gai was promoted out of the ordinary, because he was the eldest son of the Shen family, a famous family in the south of the Yangtze River. Marriages influence each other. For example, Shen Gai's mother is the daughter of the famous Lu family in Taicang, Suzhou, and his wife is the eldest daughter of the Yu family, a famous family in Kuaiji.

This kind of unconventional promotion is definitely not happening all the time. Even though Chen Qing admired Chao Qing very much and he is also Lu Xiu's cousin, Chen Qing still did not unconventionally promote him, and he still followed the rules. Now he is the seventh rank.

For so many years, there were actually only three people promoted by Chen Qing, his wife and brother Lu Wei, Xu Ning, the prefect of Fengxiang, and Shen Gai.

Of course, the army cannot be compared with the civil service system. As long as the army has made military achievements, it is normal to be promoted exceptionally. The reason why Zhong Huan was promoted to command envoy in two years was because the internal guards belonged to the army system.

It's a bit far away, turn back.

There were not many officials in the Jinxian Hall, and the weather was crisp and clear in autumn. Chen Qing gave each person a subsidy of ten taels of silver, with ample pockets, and many people went out to play and shop together.

Chen Qing greeted more than a dozen officials. At this moment, he suddenly heard a roar, and someone yelled, "Huang Yougong, you are bullying too much!"

Chen Qing was still a dozen steps away from a small courtyard. He saw two officials fighting in the courtyard. Their hats were off and their clothes were torn.

Chen Qing was displeased, snorted, turned around and left, he shouldn't be in charge of things like fighting.

Chen Qing had to meet Ori Yanzhi in the afternoon. He didn't have time to stay in the Jinxian Pavilion, so he returned to the official room soon. Chen Qing sat down and drank tea, still feeling very upset. He didn't expect to encounter a fight when he visited the officials. Could it be that the treatment I gave was too high, and these people have nothing to do?
At this time, Zhang Xuan said at the door: "Your Highness, Mr. Zhe is here."

"Ask him to wait in the staff room, I will come right away!"

It was Orihiko who came, and this time Orihiko brought his wife and children to join him and completely betrayed the court, which really moved Chen Qing.

Chen Qing had a very good friendship with Zhe Yanzhi. Zhe Yanzhi was Li Gang's lieutenant general who fought against Wan Yanchang's invasion on the Jingbei Road back then, and cooperated with Chen Qing tacitly, and finally defeated Wan Yanchang's massive invasion.

Zhejia generals have high prestige in the Western Army and even the entire Northern Song Dynasty army. In the novel, the Yang family generals are very good, but in fact it is the Zhejia generals and the Zhong family generals who are really powerful, such as the old lady She among the Yang family generals , in fact, it should be Zhe Laotaijun, the wife of Yang Ye.

Chen Qing attaches great importance to Orihiko, and he needs such a steady and prestigious veteran to sit in the north of the East Road for him. It can be said that at the juncture when Chen Qing is about to launch an offensive on the north of the East Road, Orihiko's return coincides with the right time. Time.

In the staff room, Orihiko looked at the sand table on the table in shock, and he recognized it. The sand table on the table was just north of Taiyuan Mansion, including the entire north of the East River Road, including the hometown of Xixia. The entire sand table was one foot long and one foot wide. On the sand table, there are undulating mountains, clear outlines of cities, vertical and horizontal official roads, and surging rivers. Important strategic locations are all marked with red flags. Where you can ambush and where you can camp are clearly marked with small triangular flags.

It was the first time for Orihiko to see such a sand table map, and he knew why Chen Qing was able to win all battles. It's hard to fail.

At this moment, there were footsteps coming from behind him, Zhe Yanzhi turned his head and saw Chen Qing standing behind him, he hurriedly bowed and saluted, "See His Royal Highness King Yong!"

Chen Qing stepped forward, pointed at the map and smiled, "This sand table is pretty accurate!"

"Very accurate!" Orihiko said sincerely.

Chen Qing smiled slightly, "Why do you see that?"

Orihiko pointed to the sand table and said: "There are three official roads from Lanzhou to Linzhou and Fuzhou, which are all marked on it, but I know there is another secret road that can take cavalry and luggage. Anyone who knows There are very few, but it is also marked on this sand table, which is amazing."

"right here!"

Orihiko pointed to a thin black line and said: "It needs to be more than eighty miles along the ridge, and even this secret road can be marked. It can be seen that the scouts are paying attention."

Chen Qing nodded, "It's really hard work. It started after capturing Taiyuan last year. It took [-] scouts a whole year to make this sand table."

"When is Your Highness going to send troops?"

Chen Qing said with a smile: "I have deployed [-] troops, of which [-] troops are going north from Taiyuan, and another [-] troops are going to go east from Xiazhou to attack Fengzhou, Fuzhou, Linzhou, Lanzhou, Huoshan Army and Baode Army. I will send Niu Gao as the main general for the [-]-strong army, but for Xiazhou's [-]-strong army, I want Zhe Gong to lead it, I wonder if Zhe Gong is willing?"


Zhe Yanzhi was stunned, and said for a while: "Let me lead, I'm afraid...I'm afraid the three armies will not accept it!"

Chen Qing said indifferently: "Mr. Zhe used to be the commander of the Jinghu army, and also served as the privy secretary of the imperial court. In terms of high official position, the whole Sichuan and Shanxi are only under me and Lu Qingshan, but I let Mr. Zhe lead the army. It is disrespectful to Duke Zhe, I just remember that I promised Duke Zhe that if there is a chance, Duke Zhe will lead his army back to Fuzhou to comfort the ancestors of the Zhe family, so I am worried that the official position will be humble and the identity of Duke Zhe will be humiliated."

Zhe Yanzhi had a sore nose, and tears almost rolled down his face. Leading the army to return to Fuzhou, this is the greatest long-cherished wish of his life. He is now in his fifties, and he thought it would be impossible to realize it. Wang still gave himself this opportunity, and actually let him command [-] troops. This trust moved him very much.

He knelt down on one knee and cupped his fists and said, "I have been demoted by the imperial court to a commoner, and the past is nothing but mist. From now on, Zhe Yanzhi will be a soldier under King Yong's account!"

Chen Qing was overjoyed, and quickly helped Zhe Yanzhi up, "From now on, I will officially appoint the old general as the commander of the Western Army, Feng Mingwei, and lead [-] troops to capture the three armies of the four states from Xiazhou, and Li Muqing will be the general and deputy general. You are responsible for cooperating with Niu Gao to capture the entire northern part of the River East Road."

"The end will obey orders!"

(End of this chapter)

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