
Chapter 894 Operation

Chapter 894 Operation
Next, Chen Qing personally led Orihiko to the Military Department to go through the entry procedures. Guan Shigu and Orihiko had old friends, and he was also happy that Orihiko had the opportunity to return to the Western Army.

Guan Shigu said with a smile to Chen Qing: "It is rather cumbersome to go through various procedures, and it will take at least half a day. Your Highness, go back first! I will accompany the old general to complete the procedures."

Orihiko also saluted and said: "Thank you for your kindness, Your Highness, since you are a general in His Highness's account, you should obey your dignity, Your Highness, please come back!"

Chen Qing understood Zhe Yanzhi's intentions, so he didn't force himself anymore, and went back after a few instructions.

Back in the official room, I saw Zhang Yanming, the Deputy Commissioner of the Prosecutor's Office, pacing back and forth anxiously outside the gate.

Chen Qing stepped forward and said with a smile, "Did Zhang Shuling come here for the fight in the Jinxian Hall?"

Zhang Yanming hurriedly bowed and saluted, "The humble official is here to report this matter!"

"Go in and say, this is not a place to talk."

Chen Qing took Zhang Yanming back to the official room, he sat down and said, "Say it! How could there be a fight in the Jinxian Hall?"

"The humble office has investigated clearly. The cause of the fight was related to the punishment of three job-seeking officials who drank flower wine this morning. Huang Yougong was one of the officials who were punished. He lived in the eleventh courtyard, and the other two people who were in the same courtyard as him They are called Wu Fu and Liu Xuan, among them, Wu Fu and Huang Yougong are Jinshi of the same discipline, they know each other, Huang Yougong went to drink flower wine last night, and invited Wu Fu to go with him, but Wu Fu refused."

Chen Qing nodded approvingly and said, "That's right, you're enlightened, so why are you fighting again?"

Zhang Yanming sighed and said: "This morning, the three of Huang Yougong were disqualified from applying for jobs because they drank flower wine, and they were ordered to move out of the Jinxian Hall within three days. After paying attention to him, he went to smash Wu Fu's room again, Wu Fu's good friend Liu Xuan couldn't bear it anymore, and gave Huang Yougong a hard punch, Huang Yougong became furious and fought with Liu Xuan, just in time for His Highness to see him."

Chen Qing laughed, "This Liu Xuan is very righteous. What positions has he held?"

"Reporting to Your Highness, Liu Xuan has been a Jinshi in Shaoxing for four years, and has been on the bench for four years, and has always been an alternate?"

A successful Jinshi exam is only to obtain the qualifications to be an official. Whether one can become an official still has to pass through the hurdle of the Ministry of Officials. There are too many monks and too little food, so it is normal to become an alternate official, but it is rare to sit on the bench for four years.

"Why have you been on the bench for four years?"

"He is short, black and thin, and his image is not very good. In addition, his family is poor and he has no money to manage the bureaucracy. Therefore, all the Jinshi in Shaoxing for six years have taken office, but it is still not his turn."

Chen Qing laughed again: "I remember that when he was admitted to Jinshi, the rich would snatch him as his son-in-law, and then he would become rich. Is it because he has a bad image and no one snatched him up?"

"Reporting to Your Highness, his family has a wretched wife, and he even came to Jingzhao this time to borrow money. When His Highness saw him fighting with Huang Yougong, he was terrified."

Chen Qing nodded, "He does not abandon his poor and humble wife when he is admitted to Jinshi, but he steps forward when his friend is humiliated. This man is affectionate and righteous. Although he has no official experience, it does not mean that he does not understand the suffering of the people. I recommend him as the county magistrate." , the Ministry of Officials can give priority to arrangements, as for Huang Yougong, don't have to wait for three days, he will be driven out of the Jinxian Hall immediately!"

Zhang Yanming had a good impression of Liu Xuan, so he decided to help Liu Xuan once, and told about Liu Xuan's endlessly poor and lowly wife, and it really achieved good results.

He was also happy for Liu Xuan, and even bowed and said, "I obey the order!"

In the room, Liu Xuan was still crying silently with his head bowed. He was a head shorter than the tall and fat Huang Yougong, and weighed at least [-] catties lighter. Although he punched Huang Yougong first, he was eventually beaten to the ground Nose and face are swollen.

Of course, he didn't cry because he was beaten up, but because King Yong saw him fighting with Huang Yougong, and King Yong left in a rage. He was finished, completely finished, and had no future.
Wu Fu looked at Liu Xuan's back from the side, and his heart was full of guilt. Of course, he did not stand by. He rushed up to fight and was questioned by two friends of Huang Yougong. They arrived at Huang Yougong and Liu Xuan who were fighting in the courtyard.

"We need to clarify the matter. You are not fighting, you are trying to stop Huang Yougong from going crazy. I think His Royal Highness King Yong will not be unreasonable."

Liu Xuan choked up her voice and said, "I'm just a little ant, who cares about the life and death of the little ant?"

Wu Fu felt even more apologetic, and he said in his heart: "This matter is my responsibility, even if I can't help you, if you want to go back, let's go back together."

"What are you talking about? Who told you to go back."

A voice suddenly appeared at the door, which startled the two of them. Wu Fu turned around and saw that Zhang Yanming was coming. He hurried forward and said, "Zhang Shuling, I didn't explain the matter clearly before. I think Liu Xuan didn't fight. He He was beaten unilaterally, look at his face, how he was beaten, it was full of bruises."

At this moment, Huang Yougong yelled and cursed in the yard, "Let go of me, I will clean up the things myself!"

Zhang Yanming said to the two: "I'll tell you later! Things are not as bad as you think."

He went to the yard and ordered: "Take him out, pack up his things, and throw them out together."

"Let go of me! Let go of me!"

Huang Yougong struggled desperately, but was dragged out by several tall and strong soldiers. He also put his things into bags and carried them out.

Liu Xuan couldn't care less about crying at this moment, the two stood in front of the window watching this scene, Liu Xuan said in a low voice, "This is because they were forcibly kicked out."

Wu Fu nodded, "It should be! But I didn't drive you away, so King Yong must have treated you differently."

Liu Xuan thought of what Zhang Yanming said just now, 'Things are not as bad as you think'.

A glimmer of hope suddenly ignited in his heart.

At this time, Zhang Yanming walked back to the yard, walked into Liu Xuan's room and said with a smile: "See! He was supposed to leave within three days, but he committed suicide. King Yong was angry and demanded that he be driven out of Jinxian immediately. But this bastard is very vindictive, you should be careful these two days, and try not to go out if you can, after all, villains are hard to guard against."

"Zhang Shuling, what does Liu Xuan say?" Wu Fu asked.

Liu Xuan also looked at Zhang Yanming nervously. Zhang Yanming looked at Liu Xuan who had been beaten bruised and swollen, and said with a slight smile, "I told King Yong about your situation. His Highness heard that you have been admitted to Jinshi, and you will never stop being a poor and humble wife." , I also learned that you stood up for your friends, praised you for being affectionate and righteous, worthy of reuse, and others did not remember King Yong's visit to the Jinxian Hall, so they remembered you, boy, your fortune has come."

Liu Xuan's nose twitched violently twice, and couldn't help it anymore, she turned around and said, 'Woo!Woo! 'Crying.

As night fell, Huang Yougong stood diagonally across from Chen Qing's mansion carrying a large bag, which was full of sulfur, pine oil, birch bark, hay, candles and other items.

He stared at the hills and trees inside the fence with hatred in his eyes, and he had only one thought in his mind, to ignite the contents in the bag, throw them into the fence, and burn Chen Qing and his family to death.

But the wall of Chen Qing Mansion has been rebuilt into a city wall, wider, thicker and higher, with soldiers patrolling back and forth on it, and in the dark outside, there are inner guards watching, but Huang Yougong didn't see the inner guards watching the street in the dark Soldier, he is still looking for a chance to get close to the city wall.

At this moment, Huang Yougong suddenly noticed several black shadows slowly approaching him, so frightened that he dropped his bag, turned his head and fled, rushed into an alley, and ran away without a trace for a while.

In fact, the inner guard soldiers didn't suspect Huang Yougong, he was so unprofessional, he walked up and down the street with flimsy feet, it was obvious that he had never practiced martial arts.

The inner guard thought that he was just curious about Yongwang Mansion. An inner guard stepped forward to pick up the big package and weighed it. It was very light and obviously had no weapons.

"That man ran suspiciously, open it and have a look!" Another inner guard soldier stepped forward and said.

The two inner guard soldiers opened the package, but were stunned for a moment. It was full of fire igniters.

What did that person want to do just now?
Huang Yougong was afraid of being arrested, so he fled Jingzhao City overnight and returned to Lin'an.

(End of this chapter)

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