
Chapter 895 Lu You

Chapter 895 Lu You
Wang Hao rushed over quickly. He heard the report from his subordinates that an arson object was found outside Prince Yong's mansion, which really shocked him. Although it is very difficult for the current defensive assassins to have another chance, they are afraid of signs, so they don't know the signs. How deep is the water behind.

"The control system is this big bag, half of which is hay."

Wang Hao opened the bag and looked at it. His brows were also frowned. If it was going to be set on fire, it would be too casual. Even if this bag is ignited, it can't be thrown against the palace wall!It's so light, it's almost as good as putting a brick in it.

"What kind of person?" Wang Hao asked.

"Looks like a scribe. He is tall and fat, but he obviously doesn't know martial arts, and he doesn't carry a weapon. He just walks up and down the street outside the wall, looking around the mansion. We want to go up and question him. He saw We turned around and ran, ran into the opposite alley and disappeared."

Another inner guard soldier also said: "We never thought that this man was going to set fire. We wanted to chase him, but we were afraid it was a plan to divert the tiger away from the mountain."

Wang Hao asked again: "Has he entered the alert range?"

The two inner guard soldiers shook their heads, "No! If he enters the warning range, the guards in the city will stop him."

Wang Hao nodded. It seems that they are not organized assassins, but ordinary people who are dissatisfied with King Yong. If they set fire professionally, they will definitely use gunpowder arrows or kerosene arrows to launch from a long distance. Gunpowder and kerosene are not available in the market. It can also be bought in small quantities, and walking up with a bag of fire starters can only be ordinary people.

In fact, even setting fire with gunpowder arrows is useless, it will be quickly extinguished by patrol soldiers, and lighting the hill will not have any impact on the safety of His Royal Highness Yong.

Wang Hao put his heart down, but he still ordered: "Strengthen your guard, don't be careless, in case the other party is deliberately pretending to be stupid and testing our outer defense!"

There is a possibility of this, and all the inner guard soldiers agreed together, and returned to their posts, disappearing into the darkness.

After Chen Qing listened to Wang Hao's report, he immediately thought of Huang Yougong. He is tall and fat, but his figure is quite similar. He was ordered to be kicked out of the Jinxian Hall by himself. Did he want to take revenge?

Chen Qing thought for a while and said to Wang Hao: "You can go to Zhang Shuling of the trial office early tomorrow morning and ask him to help you find a person named Huang Yougong. It may be this person."

"Why don't the humble officers search overnight to prevent him from escaping overnight."

Chen Qing waved his hand, "It's not a big problem, he can leave as he pleases, but if he still wants to set fire to Jinxian Hall, then he is asking for his own death."

"Humble job arranges people to monitor around Jinxian hall."


Even if there is no Huang Yougong, the guards should be sent to watch near the Jinxian Pavilion. After all, these job-seeking officials are not ordinary people.

Wang Hao retreated and left. At this time, Lu Xiu came in with a cup of ginseng tea.

"Did you find any assassin again?" Lu Xiu put down her tea and asked with a smile.

"How does Madam know?"

Lu Xiu smiled and said, "I'm just guessing. Every time I see Wang Tongzhi asking for an interview at night, I think it has something to do with the assassin."

"It's not an assassin this time, it may be a job-seeking official. I kicked him out of the Jinxian Pavilion because of drinking flower wine. He held a grudge, so he bought a pack of fire starters and wanted to set it on fire, but the inner guard found it and scared him. Throw away the package and run."

Lu Xiu shook her head and smiled: "This person is also stupid, he doesn't even think about it, if it was so easy to set fire, our place would have been burnt down long ago."

"It doesn't matter if you don't mention such a small person, did you see your uncle today?"

The uncle Chen Qing mentioned was Lu Datong. Lu Datong and Lu Qingshan were the same age, and both were ten years younger than Lu Yihao. Among them, Lu Datong was Lu Yihao's younger brother, and Lu Qingshan and them were half-brothers.

Chen Qing didn't like Lu Datong, mainly because Lu Datong lacked principles in his work, and his bottomless doting on his youngest son, Lu Tang, created a disaster that dragged down the entire Lu family, leading to Lu Yihao's dismissal for the second time.

However, Chen Qing still looked at Lu Yihao's face and appointed him as the governor of Fangzhou, but his wife and children must stay in Jingzhao and cannot go to Fangzhou with him. Chen Qing was worried that Lu Xian would harm the people in Fangzhou again.

Lu Xiu nodded, "I just said a few words to him. He wanted to show his loyalty to his husband, but I flatly refused. I told him that loyalty is done, not just spoken. Treating people well is treating your husband well." The utmost loyalty."

"Well said!" Chen Qing praised sincerely.

"But he's kind of upset."

Lu Xiu sighed and said, "He actually wants to bring his wife and children with him, does your husband think it's possible?"

Chen Qing shook his head and said, "Actually, I didn't think about his son Lu Hang. I received a letter from my grandfather. My grandfather said that Lu Hang's nature is hard to change. He must stay in Jingzhao and send someone to monitor him. He also said."

Chen Qing hesitated, but did not continue, Lu Xiu asked: "What else did grandfather say?"

"It's nothing, what did Doctor Liu say after seeing Yingluo today?" Chen Qing changed the topic.

"Tell Yingluo that everything is fine, and there is no need to protect the baby."

Seeing that her husband refused to speak, Lu Xiu could only smile wryly and said, "Husband, if you have time, please pay more attention to Ah Ying! Yingluo's pregnancy has a great impact on her."

"I know!"

Lu Xiu paused for a moment, and asked, "Did grandfather ask my husband to get rid of Lu Hang?"

Chen Qing took out a letter from the drawer and handed it to Lu Xiu, "This is a letter from my grandfather."

Lu Xiu opened the letter and read it, then sighed softly and said, "What is your husband planning to do?"

Chen Qing pondered for a while and said, "I have sent inner guards to monitor him."

Lu Xiu said in a low voice: "Grandfather's decision must have been made after careful consideration. If there is a day, Husband just let it go."

Chen Qing said lightly: "I know, I hope that day will not come."

Lu Xiuli left the study and went back to her room.

Chen Qing walked to the window with his hands behind his back, looking at the sparkling lake below, he was still thinking about the last sentence in Lu Yihao's letter, "This son is vicious and hard to change, and he must be a serious disaster for the Lu family. He needs to stay in Jingzhao for strict supervision." , if he commits another evil deed, his son-in-law can kill him with the hands of others, and I will bear all the consequences. '

For the sake of the safety of his family, Lu Yihao already did not hesitate to kill Lu Hang.

After capturing Taiyuan Mansion, Chen Qing temporarily stopped his northward attack. He needed time to digest the southern and central parts of Hedong Road. One year later, the officialdom of Hedong Road had stabilized, and the Shangshu Xingtai of Hedong Road was operating normally. Starting next year, Hedong Road Lulu will begin to pay taxes normally, and the time to attack the north of Hedong Lu is gradually ripe.

Just at this time, the Kingdom of Jin is about to launch an offensive against the Mughal tribe, and the grassland in the north of Datong Mansion will also be an important battlefield. According to the information from Datong Mansion, the [-] Jin soldiers in Datong Mansion are already sharpening their knives, preparing to Expedite the grasslands in the north.

But in the north of Hedong Road, there are not only [-] Jin soldiers, but also [-] Xie Congjun troops. These [-] Xie Congjun troops are composed of [-] Khitan army, [-] Han army and [-] Dangxiang army.

Among them, [-] Han Chinese Xie Congjun troops were stationed in Xinzhou and Xianzhou in the north of Taiyuan Prefecture, and Chitang Pass was guarded by them, while [-] Khitan troops were stationed in Daizhou and Yingzhou, and the other [-] Dangxiang troops were stationed in Lanzhou and Fuzhou.

Therefore, it is not so easy for Chen Qing's army to seize Datong Mansion. They have to annihilate the [-] troops first.

Datong Mansion is the Xijing of the Liao Kingdom. The Liao Kingdom has lived here for a hundred years. People and so on, various ethnic groups live here, with a population of nearly [-], and it has always been the military center of the Liao Kingdom and even the Jin Kingdom.

Of course, the Han people here, like the Han people in Yanjing Mansion, have been transformed into the Liao Kingdom, and now they have become subjects of the Jin Kingdom, and they no longer have the affection for the Song Dynasty.

It is also for this reason that it is difficult for the Western Army to obtain information here. The intelligence point set up by the Jingzhao Intelligence Division in Datong City is a shop opened by a Sogdian.

(End of this chapter)

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