
Chapter 899 Chitang

Chapter 899 Chitang

That night, ten heavy trebuchets finally arrived at Chitang Pass. Niu Gao immediately ordered that after a simple overhaul, the siege trebuchets launched an attack on the city overnight.

Outside Chitang Pass, ten heavy-duty trebuchets approached Guancheng rumblingly. On the head of Guancheng City, more than a thousand soldiers guarding the city looked at the huge trebuchets, like giant beasts, and couldn't help trembling. , Chaos broke out in Guancheng, Deputy General Wang Jingfeng ordered all materials to be moved back, except for twenty medium-sized trebuchets.

Twenty medium-sized trebuchets are ready. This kind of trebuchet can throw a weight of [-] kilograms to a distance of [-] steps. Zhang Zhongfu also knows that the power of the trebuchet is too small. In order to increase the range, Zhang Zhongfu used Jin Kingdom craftsmen Invented cowhide fireball.

This kind of cowhide fireball is actually an imitation of the firecloth ball of the Song army. The Song army packed a cloth ball with firecloth densely. There was no firecloth in the Kingdom of Jin, so they wrapped it with raw cowhide layer by layer to make a ball with excellent elasticity. , weighing about twenty kilograms, covered with kerosene.

The biggest advantage of this kind of cowhide fireball is its good elasticity. Although the range is only [-] steps, it will continue to bounce forward and stop after rushing for a mile.

Wang Jingfeng watched the enemy trebuchets getting closer and closer. He had to seize the opportunity and immediately yelled, "Launch!"

The twenty medium-sized trebuchets of the defenders launched at the same time, throwing twenty red fireballs into the sky. Above and below the city, all eyes were fixed on the fireballs in the sky.

The fireball landed at one hundred and fifty steps, and then bounced high again, continuing to move forward at a very high speed.

Commanding the trebuchet Commander Ma Wei saw that the opponent's fireball was coming fiercely, and it was too late to put the blocking wooden frame in front of the trebuchet, so he shouted, "Build a shield formation!"

Thousands of soldiers raised their shields to assemble, and quickly formed ten huge shield arrays, and the roaring fire oil ball hit the shield array heavily, making a "bang!"Boom! ' With a loud sound, the kerosene ball bounced high again, passing over the head of the trebuchet.

At this time, two thousand soldiers of the Song Army came running from the rear carrying a huge baffle and placed it in front of the trebuchet, so that they would not be afraid of the enemy's kerosene ball.

A round of fire oil ball attack was not dangerous, but the Song army no longer gave the opponent a second chance to launch. Ten heavy trebuchets launched at the same time, and ten thin-skinned fire oil tanks rose into the air. Each fire oil tank Weighing about eighty catties, there was also a raging fire outside.

Seven of the ten huge kerosene cans smashed on the top of the city, and the other three smashed into the city. The clay pots were smashed, and the kerosene poured out, which was immediately ignited by the fire on the debris, and the city was instantly turned into a sea of ​​flames. .

The soldiers of the Allied Army on the city wall reported the wet quilts and rushed forward, trying to use wet quilts to put out the fire. I haven’t learned how to put out fires with sand, but I have become very proficient in using wet quilts to extinguish fires. up.

But the speed of extinguishing the fire was far behind the Song Army's firing speed. Just after one round of shooting was completed, the second round was launched. In this round, all ten fire oil tanks hit the top of the city. On the top of the city, the fire ignited again. .More than a hundred fire fighters turned into fire men, howling and fleeing towards the city.

Immediately after the third, fourth, and fifth rounds of catapults were fired, the entire city was turned into a sea of ​​fire, with thick smoke billowing and flames flying, and all the soldiers were forced to go down to the city.

The trebuchet continued to move forward a hundred steps, throwing dozens of fire oil tanks again, and the city became a sea of ​​flames. Twenty trebuchets were engulfed by the flames, and the [-] barrels of gunpowder stored under the city were ignited, causing an earth-shattering explosion. , forming a huge mushroom cloud.

The defenders were terrified and retreated one after another. Within two miles from the south city, there was no more soldiers.

Niu Gao waved his hand, "Deploy the bow and arrow array, strike the battering ram!"

Ten thousand crossbowmen rushed forward and formed a large crossbow array about a hundred steps away from the city wall. Hundreds of soldiers ran towards the city gate with a huge battering ram in their arms.
At this time, the trebuchet was still firing, throwing bundles of wheat straw weighing a hundred catties into the city, and the fire was so intense that it was impossible for any hiding soldiers to gain a foothold.

'one two Three! ' shouted the soldier, holding the battering ram and slamming into the city gate.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise, the city gate shook violently, and dust fell from it.

"Come again!"

Holding the battering ram, hundreds of soldiers retreated dozens of steps, shouted, and rushed forward holding the battering ram.

"Boom!" There was another earth-shattering muffled sound, and the city gate was knocked open.

It can be seen that the flames are rising in the city and the smoke is filled. Dozens of soldiers moved two big stones to hold the gate of the city.

At this time, the Song army's offensive stopped, and everyone was waiting patiently for the fire to subside.

At the fourth watch, the fire gradually became thinner, and Niu Gao immediately ordered: "Strike with crossbow arrows!"

Thousands of crossbowmen fired arrows into the city together. Ten thousand arrows were fired together, and a huge cloud of arrows soared into the sky, flying into the city, and shot three rounds in a row to ensure that there would be no ambush.

Niu Gao swung his saber, "A large army enters the city!"

A thousand soldiers carrying wooden boards entered the city first, and they moved very quickly. They used wooden boards to pave a three-hundred-foot-long boardwalk in an extremely short time, and then five thousand heavy shield troops entered the city. Running with heavy shields, behind them came ten thousand horsemen, followed by ten thousand crossbowmen, and finally ten thousand spearmen.

Of course not so fast, and the valley can't accommodate so many people.

In the valley, the soldiers of the Heavy Shield Army were lined up in fifty rows with hundreds of people, and they advanced rapidly. Behind and on both sides of the Heavy Shield Army were [-] cavalry. The army advanced extremely fast, and continuously occupied barracks and warehouses , It can be seen that the withdrawal of the Confederate Army was very hasty, the warehouse door has not been opened, and many personal items in the barracks have not had time to take away.

There was still a mile away from Beichengguan, and suddenly dense arrows shot in front of them. Ten thousand soldiers of the Xie army gathered here, and launched a surprise attack on the Song army with bows and arrows.

It's just that they met the cautious Niu Gao, who insisted not to use cavalry to attack, but to open the way with soldiers with heavy shields, just to guard against the enemy's bow and arrow attacks.

The soldiers of the Song army shouted, raised their shields to resist the bow and arrow, and stepped forward step by step. There were dozens of steps away from the enemy's bow and arrow formation. Killing the archers is like a tiger like a flock of sheep, killing the enemy's corpses all over the field, and blood flowing like a river.

In the [-] bow and arrow formation, [-] cavalrymen were killed, and the archers collapsed in just a moment, crying and wailing, desperately fleeing to the top of the city. The corridor was crowded with soldiers, begging and crying loudly.

Zhang Zhongfu sighed and ordered: "Open the city gate!"

After giving the order, he himself quickly climbed down the ladder to Guancheng, got on his horse, and fled northward with more than a hundred soldiers.

At this time, the city gate could not be opened, and the city cave was full of soldiers, blocking the gate, blocking the way up to the city, and blocking the way out of the city. Thousands of Xie soldiers fell into despair.

A general rushed over and shouted: "There is an order from the commander-in-chief, those who surrender will not die!"

The cavalrymen of the Song Army shouted together, "Those who surrender will not die!"

In an instant, the enemy soldiers knelt all over the ground, and all the soldiers threw away their weapons and raised their hands.

As the sky gradually dawned, the gates of the North Gate opened wide, and groups of soldiers from the Confederate Army were escorted out by the cavalry, and all kinds of armor, supplies, food and grass were piled up like mountains.

In this battle, the Song army wiped out [-] enemy troops at a cost of less than [-] casualties, captured more than [-] people, killed more than [-] people, and less than [-] people escaped with the leader Zhang Zhongfu.

The Song army then went northward and occupied Xiurong County and Dingxiang County in Xinzhou. At this time, Niu Gao received the news from the scouts that a Khitan cavalry of more than [-] people was coming from the direction of Daizhou to Xinzhou. Just entered Xinzhou.

(End of this chapter)

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