
Chapter 900 Party Item

Chapter 900 Party Item
Niu Gao put the command and logistics in Xiurong County. Xiurong County has a small population, only [-] people, but the county is very large, with a perimeter of more than [-] li, and [-] people can easily be stationed there.

Niu Gao originally thought that he would encounter Khitan reinforcements when he entered Chitang Pass, but he didn't expect that the main force of the opponent had not even entered Xinzhou.

This made Niu Gao a little strange, and he immediately asked Wang Jingfeng, the lieutenant general who surrendered to the enemy.

Wang Jingfeng sighed and said, "This Khitan cavalry should have arrived at Xiurong County three days ago, but they were dragging their feet and didn't want to rescue us at all."

"Is this Khitan cavalry discriminating against you?"

"There is a bit of discrimination, but it's not the main reason."

"Then what's the main reason?" Niu Gao asked again.

Wang Jingfeng smiled bitterly and said, "Actually, we all know the reason. They were afraid that after they entered Xinzhou, the Song army would march directly along the Hutuo River into Daizhou, cutting off their escape route."

Zhang Xiao who had been silent beside him suddenly asked, "Are they transferred from Yanshan Mansion?"

"That's right. They were transferred from Yanshan Mansion at the beginning of the year and came here from Feihuxing, so they have been stationed in Daizhou and refused to come to Xinzhou and Xianzhou. If the situation is not good, they will immediately return to Yanshan Mansion instead of Return to Datong Mansion."

Niu Gao waved his hand and asked the soldiers to take Wang Jingfeng down. He turned around and asked Zhang Xiao, "Let's decide! Should we encircle and wipe out this army, or force them to leave?"

Zhang Xiao said indifferently: "They are not an army of clay sculptures. They will honestly wait for us to encircle and wipe them out. They should have sent troops to encircle them when we sent out scouts. Now that they have been coming and going for two days, I am afraid that they will not be able to encircle them again. Realistic."

"Then at least give it a try!"

Niu Gao immediately ordered Liu Qiong to lead an army of [-] to go north from Loufan Pass and occupy Shanyang County, Shuozhou as soon as possible. He himself led [-] cavalry to chase after the enemy.

The [-] cavalry galloped towards Daizhou like the wind and lightning. After traveling for hundreds of miles overnight, they arrived at the place where the Khitan cavalry was stationed before. Sure enough, the Khitan cavalry had disappeared.

Not reconciled, Niu Gao continued to pursue along the official road, and arrived in Yanmen County two days later. Huang Yishan, the magistrate of Yanmen County, went out of the city to welcome the Song army.

Huang Yishan is a local, he was born in Taixue. His father, Huang Ying, served as Daizhou General Judge for more than ten years, but he retired last year.

Niu Gao didn't make things difficult for him, and asked: "I'm chasing Khitan cavalry, does the county lord know where they are going?"

Huang Yishan quickly bowed and said: "Mr. Xiao Wan led [-] cavalry to go west, saying they were going to support Xinzhou, but they came back yesterday morning."

"Then, where did you go?" Niu Gao asked anxiously.

Huang Yishan pointed to the east and said: "I went to the east. It is said that there are enemies in the east. In fact, we all know that they came from Yanshan Mansion. They should withdraw to Yanshan Mansion."

Niu Gao immediately ordered his men to go to the east to check, while he asked the soldiers to rest and eat dry food.

Half an hour later, the men came back to report that a lot of horse excrement was found on the official road to the east, and there were traces of the horseshoes of the brigade cavalry, which should have passed yesterday.

Niu Gao ordered the army to continue to pursue eastward, and arrived at Fanshi County the next afternoon. The direction went.

Now Niu Gao was at a loss, they chased until now, but the distance between them was getting farther and farther, he ordered Li Sanghuai to lead a hundred scouts to continue to chase eastward, even if they chased to Yanshan Mansion, they had to confirm the opponent's location.

After resting for half a day, the army returned westward to Xinzhou.

Just the day before Niu Gao attacked Chitang Pass, Zhe Yanzhi and Li Muqing led an elite army of [-] and [-] camels along the Rabbit River into Xinqin County of Linzhou. Their task was to capture the three armies of the four states in the west, Wipe out the remnants of Xixia entrenched in Fuzhou.

After the Western Xia Dynasty was destroyed, many nobles followed Brother Li Cha and fled to Datong Mansion. The Kingdom of Jin promised Xixia to re-establish the country in Datong Mansion, but when Brother Li Cha made this request, the emperor of the Kingdom of Jin flatly rejected it. The reason is that They did not deliver the million taels of silver as agreed.

The Emperor of the Kingdom of Jin then engulfed the most elite cavalry of [-] Iron Harriers in Xixia, but under Wan Yanchang's persuasion, Emperor Wanyan Quan of the Kingdom of Jin still allocated Fuzhou to Xixia in the face of the [-] Iron Harriers. remnant forces.

The remnants of Xixia started to act immediately, first expelling all the Han people in Fuzhou to Linzhou, turning the whole Fuzhou into a party, and collecting sporadic party members living in various places.

In the winter of the previous year, Xiahou Liang rebelled against the [-] Dang Xiang Army stationed in Montenegro. The Dang Xiang Army killed the general Cao Baohui and came to Fuzhou to join the New Dang Xiang Army. General Xia Houliang and Deputy General Shang Dongyan commanded.

At present, the supreme leader of the prefecture is still Brother Li Cha, and Bari Zuren is the chief administrator. There are more than [-] party members, most of whom are herdsmen from the grasslands in the central part of Xixia.

The [-] soldiers that the party members worked so hard to accumulate were favored by Wan Yanchang again. Wan Yanchang ordered them to join the defense system of the entire northeast of the river and be responsible for defending the three armies of the four states in the northwest. Expand the surrounding states and counties.

But this kind of expansion is not to increase soldiers, but to increase pastures and rob food and wealth. The party members have learned a lesson. They no longer plunder Han people as slaves. These Han slaves will become hidden dangers, but let them plant in various places Grain, and wait for the grain to be ripe before grabbing the grain.

When Zhe Yanzhi and Li Muqing led an army of [-] people into Linzhou, it happened that the wheat had just matured.

Xinqin County is a small county. It used to be home to the families of soldiers from the Western Army. Now the population of the county is less than [-] households, more than [-] people. The older ones are unwilling to leave their homeland and still live in Xinqin County.

Back then, the core areas of the Zhejia Army were Fuzhou and Linzhou. Zhe Yanzhi was very familiar with Xinqin County, but he didn't know Xinqin County now. Small and large cracks.

The gate of the city was not closed, and he led hundreds of people into the county seat, only to see that the county seat was deserted and there was not a single pedestrian in sight.

When they came to the county government office, there were two old soldiers dozing off at the entrance of the county government office. stand up.

"Where's your magistrate?" Orihiko asked loudly.

"The magistrate is not here, are you not party members?" The two veterans finally recognized that the army in front of them was not party members.

"We are the Sichuan-Shaanxi Army. We came from Jingzhao, and there are tens of thousands of troops outside."

"Ah! The Western Army is here. Great, we are saved!" The two veterans cheered loudly with great excitement.

Orihiko was at a loss, "What are you talking about? What can help?"

"Dangxiang people are coming to grab the grain, and the magistrate is taking everyone outside to grab the wheat!"

It turned out that was the case, and Orihiko then suddenly realized that this was the tradition of the Xixia army back then. Every autumn harvest, the Xixia army would cross the border to snatch people and food, and it is still the same now.

Orihiko nodded, "Take me to see."

The two veterans discussed it, and one would continue to guard the county government office, while the other would lead the way to the wheat field.

"In the south, I'll take the old general there."

A veteran soldier walked down the steps, saw Zhe Yanzhi's face, and suddenly froze. After a while, he said excitedly: "You are. You are the governor of Zhe Yanzhi?"

(End of this chapter)

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