
Chapter 901

Chapter 901
Orihiko smiled and said, "You know me?"

The veteran's eyes turned red immediately, and tears rolled down his face, "Zhe Dudu, I am your personal soldier Li Changgui! Don't you know me?"

Orihiko suddenly remembered, and said in surprise, "You are Li Changgui, didn't you die in Taiyuan?"

"Zhedudu, I am not dead. I crawled out of the dead, and you all disappeared. My leg was injured, so I had to flee back to my hometown, Xinqin County. , I'm dying."

Speaking of this, the veteran Li Changgui hugged Orihiko's arm and cried bitterly. More than ten years have passed in a flash, and he never expected to see the lord again.

Orihiko was also quite sad, and said to the veteran: "Chang Gui, it's a good thing that everyone is still alive. I am now the commander of the Western Army, and I will not go back to the south again."

At this time, a cavalryman came rushing up, clasped his fists on the horse and said, "Report to Dutong, there is an urgent military situation, General Li, please go over and discuss it."

Li Changgui's expression changed, "It must be someone from the food grabbing party, I have to notify the county magistrate."

"Go and tell your county lord that I will come with an army of [-] and tell him not to worry."

Zhe Yanzhi led his men out of the city, and soon arrived at the army garrison. Li Muqing stepped forward and said, "The scouts found an army that came from the north, about [-] people. It was thirty miles away before, but now it's not far from us. Twenty miles."


"No! It's infantry."

Orihiko nodded, "I should come to Xinqin County to grab grain from the Dangxiang Army. Just now I met an old subordinate and learned that their county magistrate is leading the people to harvest wheat on the south bank of Tumao River."

"How to deal with this party army?" Li Muqing asked.

Orihiko rolled his eyes and said with a smile: "The army enters the city and surrounds them from north and south!"

The [-]-strong Dangxiang army rushed all the way towards Xinqin County. This army was responsible for grabbing Linzhou's grain, and Xinqin County was the first stop.

The soldiers are familiar with the road, they know where the wheat fields are?But just grabbing wheat is not enough, they have to find carts to transport them, and there should be carts in the county town.

Three thousand troops rushed to the gate of the north city, but when they saw the gate was closed, the leader of the army was furious, "Go to the gate of the south city!"

Three thousand Dangxiang troops ran along the east wall to the south gate. There was still a hundred steps away from the south gate. Suddenly, thousands of arrows were fired from the top of the east city, and the arrows shot at Dangxiang army like a storm.

The Dangxiang army was caught off guard, and it was too late when they found the arrows above their heads. The arrows fell like raindrops, and the Dangxiang soldiers were shot by the arrows one after another.

At this moment, a cavalry force of [-] men was killed from the south, and a long line of cavalry was pulled out to surround the Dangxiang army from the south to the southeast. , [-] cavalry also appeared in the north, and also surrounded the Dangxiang army from the north to the northeast.

The two cavalry quickly closed in, with arrows raining down on their heads, surrounded by [-] cavalry, and the soldiers of the party army were desperate, wailing in despair.

Chen Qing's orders to Niu Gao and Orihiko were all extermination orders, except for the Han soldiers in the allied army, all other foreign soldiers would be exterminated, and they would no longer be given a chance to reproduce.

The lessons of the five random Chinese are extremely deep-rooted. Any tolerance towards foreign races in history will sooner or later bring disaster to the Han people in the Central Plains.

The Dangxiang army in front of him is no exception, and Chen Qing's order to the remnants of Dangxiang is also an order to kill.

The three rounds of arrow rain alone wiped out nearly [-] soldiers, and the remaining soldiers could not escape the massacre of the cavalry. In the end, only [-] people were left for interrogation, and the rest of the soldiers were all beheaded.

Orihiko led [-] troops to the wheat field area on the south bank of Tumao River. The people in the city planted more than [-] mu of wheat fields here, and they relied on these wheat fields for their annual rations.

All the old people, children, and women are scrambling to harvest wheat in the wheat fields, and young men basically don't see it. Many men who can be called young are almost forty years old.

The county magistrate is called Zheng Heng, a native of Linzhou, and he is also thirty-eight years old. It has been ten years since he became the county magistrate in the second year of Jianyan.

He had already received a report from Li Changgui, and when he saw an army crossing the bridge, he rushed up to meet him.

"Xiaguan Zheng Heng, magistrate of Xinqin County, may I ask if Zhedu is in?"

Zhe Yanzhi urged the horse to come out, "Old man Zhe Yanzhi!"

"Sure enough, it's Zhedu Dudu, the villain's father, Zheng Ziyuan."

Zheng Ziyuan used to know the affairs of Linzhou, and Orihiko was very familiar with it. He nodded, "After being an old friend, is your father still alive?"

"My father passed away from illness the year before last. I originally wanted to resign from office to keep my filial piety, but the people disagreed, so I had to bite the bullet and do it now."

What Zheng Heng meant was to tell Zhe Yanzhi that he was not the county magistrate of the Kingdom of Jin, but the county magistrate supported by the people.

Orihiko understood what he meant, nodded, and pointed at the endless wheat field with a whip, "Do you need help from my soldiers?"

"We can cut the wheat fields slowly, but the key is that party soldiers will come to grab the grain. We are really worried."

Orihiko smiled slightly, "We have wiped out all the Dangxiang soldiers who robbed food. I wonder if there are Dangxiang soldiers who robbed food elsewhere?"

Zheng Heng hurriedly said: "We only have this one in Linzhou, and there is another one in Lanzhou and Kelan Army. The number of soldiers going to Lanzhou will be a little more."

"Aren't there Baode Army and Volcano Army next to Fuzhou? And Toyozhou in the north?"

"These three places are the pastures of the Dangxiang people. There are no wheat fields, and the Han people have been driven away."

Orihiko nodded and said with a smile: "I see, you continue to harvest wheat, and you don't have to worry about the army grabbing grain."

"Thanks to the old general for coming to help in a critical moment."

Zhe Yanzhi smiled again: "Go and tell the folks, starting today, Linzhou has returned to the Song Dynasty, and you are all the people of King Yong of Sichuan and Shaanxi."

"King Yong is Chen Dutong?"

"He used to be Dutong, but now he is named King Yong."

"Great, the price of salt and goods will all come down, so I'm going to announce the good news to everyone."

Zheng Heng ran to the wheat field, and after a while, cheers began to sound in the wheat field.

Orihiko smiled and ordered the army to turn around and return to the county. He needed to discuss the next move with Li Muqing.

"Zhe Dutong, the confession has been made clear."

Li Muqing urged him to go forward and salute immediately: "The opponent has [-] troops, this time they sent [-] troops to grab food, [-] from Linzhou, [-] from Lanzhou, and [-] from Kelan , I feel that this is a good opportunity to annihilate them all."

Orihiko smiled slightly and said, "I came to you to discuss this matter!"

Li Muqing and Zhe Yanzhi quickly reached an agreement to leave [-] people in Xinqin County to guard the logistics of [-] camels. Thousands of people went to the Kelan army, and after the enemy army who grabbed the wheat was eliminated, the two sides agreed on a time to march to Fuzhou in two ways.

The Western Army crossed the Yellow River from Hehejin. It was very convenient to have a pontoon bridge built by the grain grabbing army. The army immediately divided into two groups. Zhe Yanzhi led [-] troops to Hehe County, fifty miles away.

Although there are [-] infantry in the [-] army, it must be made clear here that even the infantry marches on horseback, with legs instead of walking, and they only form infantry formations when fighting. done.

His army has [-] horses, which means that every soldier has the power to walk.

There are two main wheat-growing places in Lanzhou, one is the Weifen River Valley in the south of Hehe County, and the other is the Fenshui River Valley in Loufan County in the southeast.

The [-] army did not find the party's grain grabbing army in the Weifen River Valley. They went to Loufan County, and Zhe Yanzhi led [-] people to attack Loufan County.

But an unexpected situation happened at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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