
Chapter 902 Rebels

Chapter 902 Rebels
The state capital of Lanzhou is Yifang County, which is located in a mountainous area, but it is also the main traffic route of Lanzhou, and it is the only way to go to Loufan County.

Zhe Yanzhi's army was still more than a dozen miles away from Yifang County, when they heard the sound of drums in the direction of the county ahead, like thunder in the sky.

Orihiko hurriedly ordered the army to stop, waiting for news from the scouts ahead.

Not long after, several scouts galloped back on horseback, clasped their fists and said in a loud voice, "Report to Dutong, the party army in front has been ambushed and is coming towards us in defeat."

Orihiko asked in surprise, "Ambush by whom?"

"It's not known yet."

Orihiko immediately ordered the army to hide in the woods on both sides, preparing to encircle the party and defeat the army.

Not long after, more than [-] Dangxiang soldiers fled in a panic, and Orihiko immediately understood that the forces ahead to defeat the Dangxiang army were not strong enough, and there was too much bluff, otherwise so many Dangxiang soldiers would not have returned.

As soon as two thousand Dangxiang soldiers retreated into the encirclement of the Western Army, Orihiko shouted, "Shooting arrows!"

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The sound of clappers was loud, and the Song army in the woods on both sides fired all arrows. Suddenly, groups of party soldiers fell to the ground screaming and wailing.

"Cavalry attack!"

Orihiko gave an order, and five thousand cavalry rushed out from behind the woods on both sides. Hundreds of fleeing party soldiers were killed by the cavalry like melons and vegetables.

At this time, Orihiko suddenly saw an army appearing a mile away. It should be an army with armor and spears, but it is not a Dangxiang army. There are about five or six hundred people.

Orihiko immediately realized that this army should be ambushing the party members. At this time, the army a mile away also spotted the Song army, turned around and withdrew.

Orihiko ordered the cavalry, "Go and surround them, don't do anything!"

The five thousand cavalry immediately galloped away like arrows, overtook the opponent in a short while, and surrounded five or six hundred people.

Dang Xiang's army had been killed, Zhe Yanzhi urged his horse to go up to him, seeing that although these five or six hundred people were dressed in rags, they all stood up straight and showed no fear.

The leader was a man in his forties, and beside him stood a boy of seventeen or eighteen, tall and tall, carrying two big copper hammers, quite eye-catching.

"Which army are you from?" The middle-aged man saw that Orihiko was the leader and asked loudly.

"From the armor, you can't tell where we are from?"

The middle-aged man shook his head, "Song Army, Xie Cong Army, and Puppet Qi Army all have the same equipment and armor, I can't see it!"

Orihiko said with a slight smile: "I am the Xuanfu envoy of Sichuan and Shaanxi, the Marshal of the Western Army, and the general under the command of Yongwang Chenshang. I am in charge of Orihiko. Are you satisfied with this answer?"

The middle-aged Han man stared at Orihiko and looked again and again, "Are you really Orihiko? Didn't you serve as a high-ranking official in the court?"

"The bird chooses a good tree to live in. I will return to Sichuan and Shanxi to serve King Yong. There is nothing wrong with it!"

The middle-aged man was obviously hit. After a long while, he let out a long sigh and ordered his subordinates: "It's my own, put down your weapon!"

Five or six hundred people put down their weapons one after another. At this time, a large number of people, thousands of them, stood on the hillside in darkness with hoes, sticks and axes in their hands.

The middle-aged man cupped his hands, "Zhedu Tong, please wait a moment, I will let them disband and go back."

The middle-aged man ran up the hillside, and Orihiko asked the boy holding the copper hammer with a smile, "Is that your father?"

The young man nodded, and Orihiko's eyes fell on his copper hammers again, and he exclaimed: "What a big copper hammer, how many catties does this pair weigh?"

The young man said proudly, "This pair of copper hammers weighs eighty kilograms, and there are no less than a hundred Jurchen Tartars who died under these pair of copper hammers."

"That's right! Are you the rebels from Lanzhou?"

"We are the Eight Character Army!"

The boy brushed his hair, and there were eight black characters on his forehead, "serve the country with all my heart, and swear to kill the gold thief".

Orihiko was stunned, the eight-character army, isn't that Chen Qing's starting army?


Someone shouted, the middle-aged man came back, Zhe Yanzhi turned his head, only to see thousands of people have dispersed, it seems that this middle-aged man has a high prestige among the people, he is someone with a story.

Orihiko smiled and said, "This general, why don't we talk?"

The middle-aged man was a little hesitant, but when he thought that the other party was Orihiko, he nodded.

Orihiko sat on the ground by the side of the road, and the soldiers brought them saddles as a table, and brought them two jugs of wine.

Orihiko saw that the other party was a little surprised, so he smiled and said: "It's colder in the north, and every soldier will carry a pot of wine when he goes out to fight. If he is injured, he can use wine to wash his wounds, so we usually prohibit alcohol in the army, but we can't help it when we go out. gone."

The middle-aged man took a sip of his wine and said, "Chen Qing is very pragmatic, no wonder he has made it this far."

Zhe Yan asked with a questioning smile: "I heard from your son that you are the Eight Character Army, are you Wang Yan's subordinates?"

The middle-aged man nodded, "Xia Shaolong is one of the four commanders under Wang Yan's command. Back then, I had a good relationship with Fu Xuan. When Wang Yan was transferred to split the Eight-Character Army, I did not choose Chen Qing. , but chose Fu Xuan. At that time, I was bewitched by Fu Xuan, and I was a little jealous of Chen Qing's rise. It was not until Fu Xuan surrendered Yan Wushu that I finally came to my senses."

Speaking of this, Shao Long looked up to the sky and let out a long sigh, which was full of bitterness. He continued: "In order to protect my subordinates, I had to pretend to be obedient, and was soon assigned to Lanzhou by the Kingdom of Jin. The leader of Lanzhou is a Jurchen centurion. , there are more than a hundred Jurchen personal guards below, and then I lead a thousand soldiers of the Eight-character Army. Soon I led my men to fight against gold, killed the main general and more than one hundred Jurchens, and re-erected the banner of the Eight-character Army .”

"Since you have awakened, why don't you go to Chen Qing?"

Shao Long sighed, "I feel ashamed! After all, I have served in the Jin Guoxie army for a few months, and I have tarnished the Bazi Army, so I dare not face Chen Qing again."

"Actually, you're still a bit unconvinced by Chen Qing, aren't you?"

Shao Long shook his head, "It's just that I have a rather lonely personality. Chen Qing developed today, destroyed Xixia, took over Hexi, and monopolized Sichuan and Shaanxi. He is already the king of the world. How could I not know myself? I just can't let go of this face."

Speaking of this, Shao Long stared at Zhe Yanzhi and said: "But even the old general, the dignified second-rank official of the imperial court, can let go of his status. If he is willing to be Chen Qing's general, why should I not let go?"

Orihiko said indifferently: "If I take the wrong path, no matter how high I stand, I will never be able to realize my dreams and long-cherished wishes, so I chose the right path again, but King Yong didn't let me start from the beginning. How can I not be grateful for the opportunity to realize my long-cherished wish."

Orihiko refers to the post of Dutong. Others are promoted to Dutong after many battles and meritorious service, but he has no contribution or merit to the Western Army. He was appointed as Dutong as soon as he came. Ashamed, but also full of gratitude to Chen Qing.

Shao Long nodded silently, the appearance of Orihiko had shocked him too much, he seemed to see himself in Orihiko who had also gone the wrong way.

Orihiko looked at Shao Long's ragged army, and said with a smile, "General Shao doesn't seem to be doing well in Lanzhou!"

Shao Long smiled wryly and said: "A few months after I killed the general of Jin Bing, Wanyan Huonu, who was in Taiyuan, personally led an army of [-] to attack. The Jurchen army fought more than a dozen times, killing thousands of enemy troops, and my army also lost more than half. Fortunately, the Western Army captured Taiyuan Mansion last year, and the pressure on us disappeared immediately."

"Although the Jurchen army is gone, there are party members again."

Shao Long nodded, "A few months ago, we deliberately released the news that we went to Taiyuan Mansion and then hid in the mountains. Brother Li Cha also believed it. This time he sent troops to grab food, so he didn't guard against us. , although we only have [-] people, we set up a trap in Yifang City and mobilized the people to join the battle. This morning, the Dangxiang army entered the trap, and we killed them when they were unprepared, killing nearly a thousand of them in one go , Their general also died under my son's copper hammer."

Orihiko stroked his beard and said with a smile: "Now I am leading an army of [-] to wipe out the remnants of the party, and I am going to take back the northern part of the Hedong Road with the main army of [-]. Will General Shao be willing to drive out the Tartars with me and restore the Han family?"

Shao Long pondered for a moment, and finally said decisively: "Even the old general is on the right path again. I am only in my early forties, and I can fight for another twenty years. I am willing to follow the old general and serve King Yong!"

(End of this chapter)

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