
Chapter 903

Chapter 903
Zhe Yanzhi was still waiting for news from Li Muqing in Lanzhou. At this time, Niu Gao led [-] troops into Lanzhou to join Zhe Yanzhi's army.

Chen Qing chose Niu Gao as the main general, largely because of Niu Gao's humility and low-key personality, and his generous character of not competing with others. Relatively speaking, Yang Zaixing, Liu Cui and other generals were too sharp, and they couldn't bear to have no combat achievements. Orihiko was promoted to a high position.

If there is a conflict between the East Route Army and the West Route Army, it will be difficult to cooperate in operations, which will affect the overall situation.

So Chen Qing chose Niu Gao as the commander of the East Route Army out of this consideration.

In the barracks, Shao Jichun's two sledgehammers flew up and down, like a red dragon going out to sea, and fought fiercely with Niu Gao for more than [-] rounds. Instead of being weak, he became more and more courageous in the battle, but Niu Gao was a little bit out of succession, and his defeat had already appeared . "

Orihiko could see clearly, and shouted with a smile: "Retreat!"

"Dang! Dang! Dang! Dang!"

When the bell rang, the two horses separated, and Niu Gao panted a little: "My boy, how about riding and shooting?"

"Young general can give it a try!"

Niu Gao waved his hand to the distance, and the soldiers immediately released dozens of sparrows. Niu Gao smiled and said, "I'll give you ten arrows, and see how many you can shoot?"

Shao Jichun hung the copper hammer on the saddle, took off the bow and arrow and galloped on the horse. He shot all the arrows, and the sparrows in the sky were shot to the ground one by one before they flew far.

He drew out the tenth arrow, leaned back, and shot one arrow at the two sparrows on the flagpole. The two sparrows suddenly felt something and took off at the same time. They flew less than a foot before being shot by the spiked arrow. Shot through both bodies and fell from the sky.

A sergeant said loudly: "Ten arrows shot down eleven birds, and the last arrow hit two."

Niu Gao pulled his horse back, gave Shao Long a thumbs up and said, "Give this boy to me! I will lead him to fight in the north and south, and sooner or later he will become a famous general in the world."

Shao Long was very tempted. Of course he hoped that his son could follow Niu Gao and go out to venture out. Zhe Yanzhi is already in his sixties, so it is more likely that he will be in charge.

He looked at Orihiko again, hoping that Orihiko would make a statement.

Zhe Yan said with a smile: "King Yong told me that after this war, I may be the one who will be in charge of Datong Prefecture. If there is no accident, I will retire in Datong. I am too old, and Jichun should follow Niudu. Commander, go out and roam around!"

Shao Long was overjoyed, and said to his son Shao Jichun: "Jichun, from now on, you will be the general of Niu Dutong, and you will have to work hard on your own from now on."

Shao Jichun also liked the generosity of Niu Gao's elder, so he hurriedly saluted Niu Gao, "See Du Tong for humble posts!"

Niu Gao laughed, "Good boy, let me do some tricks next time, save me some face."

"Okay! Next time I will endure until sixty rounds before defeating Dutong."

Everyone laughed, and Niu Gao couldn't help laughing and said: "It doesn't matter if you don't give me face, next time I will take you to see King Yong's martial arts. His subordinates have never had a good general, and I can last for five rounds at most." .”

Shao Jichun was leisurely looking forward to it, he had heard his master say that Chen Qing and Yue Fei are the only ones with the best martial arts in the world, if you meet one of them, you must ask for advice.

Niu Gao took a sip of hot tea, and asked Shao Long with a smile, "Is your son a family handed down martial arts?"

Shao Long shook his head and said: "My martial arts can't stand on the stage, and I can't teach such a son. Not long after I arrived in Lanzhou six years ago, an old Taoist priest in charge of Cen Mountain came down to find me and asked me to hand over the child to him. I just went up the mountain, and I have been there for five or six years, and I only came back two months ago."

Niu Gao was surprised: "You trust that old Taoist so much and hand over the child to him?"

"No, that old Taoist showed his skills at that time and shocked me. He used a copper bow and an iron arrow to shoot out the incense fire two hundred steps away with one arrow. I have never heard of this divine power and this archery technique! "

Niu Gao was a little stunned when he heard that, and quickly asked: "What is the name of this old Taoist priest? How old is he?"

"His name is Chigu Zhenren, he has white hair and a childlike face. I don't know how old he is?"

Niu Gao asked Shao Jichun again, "Your master is still in charge of Mount Cen?"

"Reverend Chigu is my ancestor. Although he taught me martial arts, it is my master who taught me reading, and the generations cannot be messed up."

After a pause, Shao Jichun said again: "After a while, I have to go up the mountain. The master said that my martial arts skills are not good enough, and I need to practice more. When I come back next spring, I beg everyone to agree!"

Niu Gao laughed and said: "Your father said that your master is like a god. Dare I not agree to the god's request? Yes, you can go to the mountain to practice at any time."

At this time, there were cavalry rushing towards them in the distance, and Zhe Yanzhi said to everyone: "It should be news from Li Muqing!"

After a while, the cavalry got off their horses and knelt down on one knee to report, "General Li Muqing has wiped out all the party members and can attack Fugu County at any time!"

Orihiko asked, "Where is your army?"

"Report to Dutong, in Langu County."

"How long does it take you to come from Langu County?"

"It will take two days!"

Orihiko opened the map and looked at it for a while and said, "Go and inform your general that the army is marching westward, but you can't attack Fugu County in a hurry!"

"Follow the order!"

The messenger cavalry got up and left.

Orihiko said to the crowd: "It takes us one day longer to get to Fugu than to Langu, so we will start tomorrow!"

Niu Gao also said: "This time to encircle and suppress the remnants of Xixia, there must be no fish that slip through the net. I will also lead the army to go with you."

Although the Dangxiang Army was also regarded as one of the [-] Congregation Army by Wanyan Helisa, Brother Li Cha only agreed on the surface, and did not cooperate with any combat of the Congregation Army at all, and ignored any reinforcement requests from Zhang Zhongfu, standing on the side of the Dangxiang Army. From the standpoint of the army, Brother Li Cha's attitude is understandable.

But doing so will have a more serious side effect, that is, Zhang Zhongfu will not report any military news to the Dangxiang Army. Xinzhou and Fuzhou are separated by hundreds of miles. .

As a result, Brother Li Cha's news was seriously delayed, and Chitang Pass had fallen, but Brother Li Cha didn't know it, and still sent troops to grab wheat everywhere according to the original plan.

Last year he grabbed a lot of wheat, which gave him a taste of the sweetness. The only regret was that he sent too few troops and didn't get too much. So when it was harvest time this year, Brother Li Cha sent three troops of [-] people to Grab the wheat.

This risk is very high, and important generals including the chief general Xia Houliang advised him to reduce the risk, that is, to send fewer troops.

But brother Li Cha couldn't listen to everyone's advice. On the one hand, he is getting old, and the older he gets, the more stubborn he is. On the other hand, he doesn't know if there is another store after passing this village. Will Jin Guo still allow him to rob food?
Brother Li Cha insisted on going his own way and sent out [-] people, which was more than half of his entire army.

That evening, Brother Li Cha finally heard the unfortunate news that the [-] troops he sent to Linzhou were wiped out by the Song army. This was the news brought back by a party soldier who slipped through Linzhou.

The soldier escaped with a sprained leg and missed keeping up with the main force.

Compared with two years ago, brother Li Cha is much older, with gray hair, senile, his back can't straighten up, and he even needs someone to help him when he walks.

But the only thing that remains unchanged is his desire for power. He firmly controls everything of the remnants of the party, including the army, wealth, materials, population and government affairs.

After listening to Xia Houliang's report, he sat on the high golden chair and was stunned.

'The Song army wiped out the [-] party troops in Linzhou'.

The message of less than ten words made him unable to react for a long time, and he suddenly asked in horror: "How many people are there in the Song army, and where did they come from?"

Xia Houliang bowed and said: "I don't know how many people there are on the other side? Maybe this army is Xiazhou's army, but it may also come from Jingzhao? I don't know their intentions, I don't know that they are just trying to prevent us from robbing us." Liang, do you still want...or do you want to destroy us?"

"You don't know anything, so what do you know?" Brother Li Cha suddenly roared like thunder, and yelled.

(End of this chapter)

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