
Chapter 904 Fugu

Chapter 904 Fugu
In fear, Brother Li Cha began to order all the party members outside the city to enter the city, even herdsmen, they must drive the cattle and sheep into the city.

For several days in a row, the Dangxiang army carried out fortified walls and cleared the wilderness in Fuzhou. Dangxiang people living in various parts of Fuzhou were forcibly driven into Fugu County, and millions of cattle and sheep were also driven into the city. Unbelievably, not only livestock, nearly [-] party members poured into the city, the city was about to be overwhelmed, feces and garbage were everywhere, the sanitation conditions in the city deteriorated sharply, and the well water became turbid and smelly, and many people fell ill as a result.

However, Brother Li Cha turned a blind eye to such a serious living condition, and he immediately ordered the confiscation of all iron objects in the city, including agricultural tools, kitchen knives, iron pots, iron doors and windows of wealthy families, and even scissors and awls used by women. Let it go, all will be confiscated, and nearly [-] catties of iron will be obtained.

Brother Li Cha ordered to melt the iron and forge weapons. He did not act recklessly this time. The situation is such that the two teams that sent the Lanzhou and Kelan troops to grab food also lost contact.

There are only [-] troops left in the city, how can they defend the city?But there are still more than [-] young and strong herdsmen men, all of whom must be requisitioned.

The army slaughtered cattle to make leather armor and leather helmets, and used pig iron obtained by melting iron to make weapons. In just a few days, the Dangxiang Army recruited another [-] people, bringing the number of troops in the city to [-]. Brother's fear was relieved a little.

That afternoon, horns sounded continuously above Fugu City, [-] Song troops appeared from all directions, Li Muqing led [-] troops from the east, and Zhe Yanzhi led [-] troops from the west. At the same time, Gao's [-] troops appeared from the south.

Niu Gao sent Hu Yantong, the deputy commander, to lead [-] troops to camp in the north. In this way, there were Song troops in four directions, east, west, north, south, and surrounded Fugu County.

Although Niu Gao was the main general of this Northern Expedition, Niu Gao was willing to play a supporting role in this attack on Fugu County, and Zhe Yanzhi was also the main general of the attack on Fuzhou.

In the large tent of the Chinese army to the west, many generals surrounded the sand table on the table. military.

What everyone is concerned about is Fuzhou, to be precise, Fugu County.

Orihiko said to the crowd: "I took a closer look at Fugu City just now, and I'm sure it's still the old Fugu City, and it hasn't been expanded or repaired. Drive them all away, Fugu County has become an out-and-out Dangxiang City, but Fugu County is not a big county, the circumference of the city is less than twenty miles, it can only be regarded as a middle county, and it can accommodate up to [-] people. With so many people and livestock crammed into the space, it’s terrifying to think about how crowded the city is.”

Hu Yantong frowned and said: "Why don't the party members want to move to the north, but insist on squeezing into a small county?"

Orihiko smiled faintly, "Stay in the city and ask for help from the Jurchens. Maybe there is still a glimmer of life. If they migrate to the grassland, it will be like a flock of sheep entering a wolf's den. They will be chewed by the nomads until they don't even know their bones. remain."

Li Muqing said from the side: "Brother Li Cha's real purpose is to forcibly recruit soldiers and drive everyone into the city, so that he can choose young and strong from them. The city is full of soldiers' families, and the soldiers will desperately defend the city, and then a large number of cattle and sheep It will become the food and grass for the army and civilians, supporting them to hold on to the city, this is what Li Cha is thinking, when we run out of food and are forced to retreat, they will win without fighting."

Li Muqing's opinion was supported by everyone, and Zhang Xiao praised: "Li Tongzhi is right. In many siege battles, the two sides are competing for patience, food and logistics, and it usually takes a year or so to produce results. Brother Li Cha Have this idea too!"

Zhang Xiao asked Zhe Yanzhi again, "Old General, what is our biggest problem now?"

Orihiko pondered for a moment and said: "Now our biggest problem is that we don't have siege weapons. We need to transport large catapults and siege ladders from Chitang Pass. It will take at least a month. When the siege weapons arrive, we have to assemble them." When the commissioning is finally completed, it is estimated that it will start to snow, so I am thinking about whether I can get food logistics support from Lingzhou."

Niu Gao smiled and said: "It's not a big problem, we have stored a lot of grain and grass in Lingzhou itself, and let the [-] camels go a few more times."

"But Niu Dutong's participation in the attack on Fuzhou will affect the battle in the east?" Orihiko asked a little worried.

Niu Gao shook his head, "The battle in the east is over. General Xiao Liu led an army of [-] to occupy Shuozhou and Yingzhou. To the north is Taiyuan Mansion. It will not be attacked until the spring of next year. And from Fugu to Shuozhou Shuozhou is only less than a hundred miles away, if there is a need in Shuozhou, I can lead the army to rush there at any time."

Zhe Yanzhi knew in his heart that Niu Gao led the army to help him, it must be the order of King Yong, but Niu Gao was concerned about his own face and refused to say so.

Having figured this out, Orihiko cheered up and said: "We have an army of [-], this time we must completely wipe out the remnants of Xixia!"

The official in charge of government affairs in Fuzhou is the old politician Barry Zuren. He is definitely a double-faced guy. On the one hand, he opposed Brother Li Cha with Li Kan and others. So when breaking through, Brother Li Cha also took him and his family away.

After the state of Jin gave up the prefecture to the party members, Bari Zuren was appointed as the prefect of the prefecture, in charge of the government affairs of the party members.

But Barry Zuren's life during this period was not easy. He disapproved of many decrees issued by Brother Li Cha, but he had to implement them.

For example, this time, Brother Li Cha wants to fortify the wall and clear the wilderness, and move all the party members and their properties in Fugu City into Fugu City. Of course, Bari Zuren also knows the purpose of Brother Li Cha. There is not enough troops, and he wants to deceive all the herdsmen into the city Conscription was carried out, and at the same time, the millions of cattle and sheep they brought naturally became military rations.

It can be said to kill two birds with one stone, and the problems of the source of soldiers and food and grass have been solved.

But everything has two sides. Brother Li Cha took away the good side, but threw the evil side to Bari Zuren. Carrying fodder occupies too much open space in the city, making the city unbearably crowded.

Military camps needed land, cattle and sheep needed land, grain and supplies needed land, so the most useless people could only be compressed. Barry Zuren had to implement the method that Chen Qing implemented in Ganquanbao back then, implementing the collective living system.

The so-called collective living system is to break up the family, the elderly live together, the women live together, and the women with children live together, breaking the upper limit of the number of families, and a house can accommodate more than a dozen people.

After this method was implemented, Brother Li Cha greatly appreciated it, and even praised Zu Ren for his ability.

But this only reduces the contradiction of insufficient housing on the surface, but in fact there is another huge hidden danger, that is, the deterioration of sanitation, the rampant excrement and urine, which cannot be treated, the groundwater is seriously polluted, and the serious shortage of fuel makes it impossible for the people to boil water. causing more and more people to get sick.

And the group living system has led to severe contagion of various diseases, especially the weaker elderly people who live together. Often, soon after one person falls down, the entire dormitory of the elderly will fall ill, there is no cure, and then there will be a large number of people. die.

More and more people died, and the quantitative change gradually turned into a qualitative change.

At night, Bari Zuren was woken up by his subordinates, "Boss, something serious happened!"

Bari Zuren was extremely sleepy, so he stood up reluctantly and complained: "I'm tired like a dog during the day, and become a rooster at night, so I can't let people live!"

He yawned for a long time and asked, "It's midnight, what happened?"

His subordinates whispered a few words in his ear, and Bari Zuren was taken aback, and his sleepiness disappeared without a trace.

(End of this chapter)

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