
Chapter 905

Chapter 905
It wasn't until five o'clock and it was still very late at night. Surrounded by a group of his subordinates, Bari Zuren hurried to the northwest of the city, where tens of thousands of elderly people live together.

In front of a courtyard, hundreds of soldiers surrounded the courtyard. There was a raging fire burning in the courtyard. In this small courtyard, more than [-] elderly people lived together. An elderly person died of illness two days ago. He was dragged to bury him like a normal death. up.

But in just two days, more than [-] elderly people in the entire yard were all vomiting and diarrhea, and more than ten people had died. This attracted attention. A plague broke out.

For fear of causing panic, the government blocked the news. All the elderly people who survived were transferred to quarantine, and their belongings were burned.

Barry Zuren looked at the fire in the yard, and then asked an official, "Is there anything else found?"

The official complained: "I am dissatisfied with the general manager. Recently, many people have diarrhea, including low-ranking officials who also have diarrhea."


Bari Zuren took two steps back in fright, and looked at the officials in horror, "You won't be infected too!"

"Shouldn't be. If you get an epidemic, you'll have vomiting and diarrhea. You'll only have diarrhea, not vomiting."

As soon as the words fell, the two half-dead old people were carried out, and a stench came out. The officials couldn't bear it anymore, and ran to the corner to vomit violently.

There was fear in Bari Zuren's eyes, and he quickly ordered the left and right: "Take him to quarantine too!"

The official yelled in fright, "Boss, there is no infection in the humble position, it was just a stench."

It was useless for the officials to shout any more, and they were forcibly dragged away by the soldiers.

Barry Zuren looked at the sky, it was already slightly blue, and he immediately ordered: "Go to the Marshal's Mansion!"

The Marshal's Mansion is Brother Li Cha's mansion. It is the only mansion in the whole city that covers an area of ​​more than five acres. He was granted the title of King Xia, and he sat in Fuzhou.

The palace was brightly lit at this time, and Brother Li Cha had already got up. Of course, the reason was not because of the epidemic, but because of the military situation.

Shang Dongyan, the lieutenant general who was on duty at night, discovered the emergency. The Song army was about to gather, and it was likely to launch an attack on the city. He immediately notified the commander Xia Houliang.

"I didn't see that the other party had a large siege weapon, at most it was a siege ladder. Don't worry about it, our army can withstand it."

"My lord, I'm afraid that the opponent will attack fiercely. We have to take countermeasures."

Brother Li Cha took a sip of hot tea and said unhurriedly: "Before I asked you to prepare a large number of blankets and quilts, just to deal with the fire attack of the Song army. It will be wiped out, Wan Yanchang said that they have tried it many times and it is very effective, we can just copy it."

Xia Houliang bowed and said, "I understand!"

Brother Li Cha said again: "I have fought with the Song Army no less than a hundred times. I know the characteristics of the Song Army's operations. They are very dependent on siege weapons. Without large siege weapons, they will never attack the city desperately. The Western Army used to be like this. Chen Qing is also from the Western Army, and his army will also inherit this characteristic, so tell the brothers to be vigilant, but don't panic too much."

"Humble post obeys orders!"

Xia Houliang saluted, turned around and hurried away, just in front of the stone steps, he met Bari Zuren, and the two almost bumped into each other.

Bari Zuren was so worried that he didn't bother to say hello to Xia Houliang, so he went straight into the lobby.

"My lord, I have something urgent to report!"

Brother Li Cha waved his hand, "I'm a little tired, I want to go to rest, I'll talk about it tomorrow if I have anything to do."

After finishing speaking, Brother Li Cha turned around and left, Barizu Ren shouted anxiously: "My lord, a plague has already occurred in the city!"


Brother Li Cha stopped and looked back at Barry Zuren in shock, "What did you just say?"

"My lord, a plague broke out in the northwest corner of the city, and the situation is very bad."

Plagues have occurred many times in the history of Xixia, causing serious consequences. The rulers of Xixia attach great importance to plagues, and Brother Richard is no exception.
He also asked anxiously: "How could there be a plague? How is the situation now?"

Barry Zuren was a little speechless, how could there be a plague?With people and livestock living together so densely, it's no wonder that plague didn't happen, but he couldn't say that.

"The specific reason is still being investigated. At present, only one yard has been found to have a plague outbreak. Those who should be buried, burned, and quarantined have also been quarantined. But it is night now. How many people have actually been infected with the plague will not be known until dawn." Know."

"where is it?"

"In the northwest corner, around Daxian Lane."

Brother Li Cha frowned, "Are there more old people over there?"

"Exactly, many elderly people over the age of fifty are arranged there."

Brother Li Cha pondered for a moment and said: "Seal off the entire northwest corner, no one is allowed to enter, and no one is allowed to come out."

Bari Zuren was shocked, "My lord, there are more than [-] people living there!"

Brother Li Cha said impatiently: "I'm not saying to leave them alone, block them first, prevent them from infecting the army, and then treat them, let those who are not infected outside, and those who are infected stay inside. The key is not to let infected patients affect the whole city."

Barry Zuren nodded, as long as he is allowed to release people, he quickly said: "The humble official will control it, but the humble official needs the assistance of the army."

"I will give you two thousand troops, and then I will give you all the barracks, and seal them tightly!"

The fire could not be wrapped in paper, and at dawn, the news of the plague in the northwest of the county spread throughout the city, and the whole Fugu County panicked. The northwest corner was sealed off, which made people panic even more. Almost all the people living in the northwest corner ran out, most of them were old people, and cried out through the barracks. Two thousand soldiers were strictly guarded, and no one was allowed to cross Yingzhang escaped.

However, cases of vomiting and diarrhea have occurred in the whole city, but most people dare not say a word, for fear of being driven into the northwest corner to wait for death. From the eyes of the people in the city, the northwest corner is almost like the underworld.

At this time, tens of thousands of soldiers in the city were waiting in battle, and there were two large formations of Song Army crossbow troops outside the city, one in the northeast corner and one in the southeast corner.

Brother Li Cha was right. The Song army did rely heavily on heavy siege weapons such as large trebuchets. Without large siege weapons, the Song army would not be able to attack the city.

But the fact that the Song Army did not directly attack the city does not mean that the Song Army will not launch an offensive.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The battle drums were beating fiercely, and [-] steps away, [-] crossbowmen stepped forward in turn, launching an intensive battle of crossbows and arrows at the head of the city.

Rows of dense crossbow arrows were fired at the top of the city, and the soldiers of the Song Army shot at high angles, causing the arrows to almost fall from the top of their heads.

The Dangxiang soldiers on the top of the city raised their shields one after another, struggling to resist the raindrops of crossbow arrows falling, or squatting close to the city wall, there happened to be a dead corner where they could escape the crossbow arrow attack. Even so, the Dangxiang soldiers and the people in the city still suffered heavy casualties After a few rounds of firing, nearly [-] people died under the crossbow arrows.

This is the Song Army creating an atmosphere of war, not only targeting the morale of the defenders in the city, but also conducting actual combat rotation training for the Song Army soldiers.

The bow and arrow battle took turns outside the cities in the southeast, northwest, and continued for four days. On the morning of the fourth day, Brother Li Cha finally went to the city.

On the head of Nancheng, Brother Li Cha watched tens of thousands of Song troops launch a bow and arrow battle against the city, and a poisonous plan was formed in his mind. If the Song army broke out in the epidemic, wouldn't they be defeated without fighting?

If the Song army brought the plague to Xixia again, causing the plague to break out in the hometown of Xixia, and killing all those damn Han slaves, maybe one day, they can return to their homeland.

The more Brother Li Cha thought about it, the more he felt that this plan was brilliant. He had made up his mind, so he turned his head and said to Xia Houliang: "Find hundreds of brothers, be careful, go and replace the corpses that died of the plague with armor, and add a few arrows." , Throw it to the city and let the Song army collect the corpse!"

"Wait a minute!"

Brother Li Cha stopped Xia Houliang again, he may not be able to achieve his goal with just corpses, it is better to add corpses and living people.

Brother Li Cha pondered for a moment and then said: "After dark, drive all the people in the northwest corner out of the city, and let Song Jun take care of them."

Xia Houliang persuaded: "My lord, many parents of the soldiers are among them. Expeling them may seriously affect the morale of the soldiers."

Brother Li Cha said coldly: "Then expel those sick people out of the city. If any soldiers ask, they will say that there is no medicine to treat them in the city. I can't bear to see them die. Please ask Song Jun to treat them."

(End of this chapter)

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