
Chapter 906

Chapter 906
At night, the soldiers on the top of the city abandoned their corpses to the southeast corner. This strange behavior was immediately discovered by the Song Army scouts on the battlefield.

In the big tent of the Chinese army, several important generals were discussing the battle plan for tomorrow. General Li Muqing proposed the idea of ​​a fire attack, replacing ordinary crossbow arrows with fuel oil arrows, and shooting arrows into the city from all directions, causing a fire in the city.

But Orihiko didn't quite agree with this plan, mainly because the houses in Fugu County are mainly made of mud and stones, and there are very few wooden houses, which is just a waste of gunpowder and arrows.

During the discussion, a soldier reported at the entrance of the big tent, "Qi Du Tong, the scouts came to report, the enemy army threw down hundreds of corpses from the top of the city, for some reason? In the southeast direction of the county."

Everyone was startled, what does this mean?Orihiko asked, "Have the scouts checked?"

"The scout said that he was afraid of the enemy's deceit, so he dared not go forward."

Zhang Xiao stroked his beard and said: "There is indeed a possibility. The enemy soldiers pretended to be corpses. When our scouts went to check, they captured them in one fell swoop. They captured them and went to the city to torture information. The enemy probably wanted to know about our logistics and food situation. "

What Zhang Xiao said made sense, and Orihiko immediately ordered: "Keep the scouts away, wait until dawn!"

The soldier who reported the letter went out, but he ran back not long after he left and said, "Report to Commander Zhe, the scout said something happened again!"

"What happened again?"

"The east gate of the city opened, and hundreds of people came out of the city from inside. They staggered and supported each other. They looked like sick old people."

Everyone looked at each other, what's going on?Could it be that the old man was just covering, and the main force of the enemy army was behind, preparing to attack the Song army's camp?Even thinking about it is impossible!
At this time, Shao Long, who had been sitting in the corner without speaking, suddenly said, "It might be an epidemic!"

"What?" Everyone looked at him together.

Shao Long said unhurriedly: "When I mentioned throwing corpses just now, I thought about whether some sick people pretended to be soldiers who were killed by arrows and threw them down the city. Infection, and now there are many sick old people, if these old people are infected with the disease, the consequences may be disastrous."

Everyone broke out in a cold sweat. Two days ago they were still saying that if hundreds of thousands of people and millions of livestock are squeezed into a small county town, epidemics will easily occur. Could something really happen.

Zhe Yanzhi immediately said: "Order [-] cavalry to dispatch, hold them with spears, and prevent them from approaching the camp."

Immediately afterwards, Orihiko ordered that the scouts who were on duty outside tonight were not allowed to return to the camp, and went directly to the wounded barracks to wash and change clothes.

The situation was critical, Niu Gao personally led [-] cavalry to rush out of the camp, and stopped hundreds of sick elderly people two miles away from the camp.

The cavalrymen raised their gleaming spears and shouted sharply, "Don't get close, or you'll be shot to death!"

An old man from Dangxiang, who can speak Chinese, approached and shouted: "We are all seriously ill, and there is no medicine in the city to treat us. Help us!"

"What disease do you have?"

"Diarrhea, vomiting, fever all over, and you will die in seven or eight days."

Niu Gao's mind 'hum! 'A sound, this is the plague!Fortunately, Shao Long had thought of the poisonous plan used by the other party, otherwise the consequences would have been unimaginable.

"Go northeast. There is an empty resettlement camp over there. Our military doctor will give you medicine and treatment."

The Song army had a complete set of methods to deal with the Xixia people, and it was very successful. The extermination order was mainly to eliminate the nobles and the army, not ordinary people. Then they are scattered in various counties, far apart, with at most dozens of households in one county, and they have changed their native place. To survive, they have to speak Chinese and change their living habits. In two generations at the latest, they will all integrate into the Han nationality.

Therefore, the Song army will not kill the old and weak, women and children, and will still try their best to treat these sick old people. To the northeast, a few miles away from the Song army camp, there is a camp for shelter and resettlement, which is to house ordinary party members after the city is broken.

Orihiko almost stayed up all night. The sudden outbreak made him dare not be careless. The main thing was to investigate. All the scouts who had been close to the city had to be quarantined. At the same time, they sent people to nearby counties to gather doctors and issued a notice. Strictly investigate and tell all the people not to contact party members, and to notify the government immediately after discovering party members.

In addition, Orihiko also knew that Huju Mountain in the southwest of Fuzhou was rich in lime, about forty miles away from Fugu County. Orihiko immediately sent [-] soldiers to Huju Mountain to mine lime in large quantities.

When it was five o'clock, news came from everywhere that all the scouts were normal and not infected, but they needed to be observed for a few more days.

Almost all of the more than [-] elderly people were infected with the disease. A dozen of the most serious elderly people died shortly after arriving in the barracks. The military doctor diagnosed it as the plague.

In the big tent, Zhe Yanzhi said to Niu Gao: "We still have to find a way to get rid of the hundreds of corpses in the southeast corner, otherwise there will be hidden dangers, and the wind will blow those dirty things to our camp."

Niu Gao said without hesitation: "Just use fire. Send someone to bring a skin bag of fire oil to burn, cover your mouth and nose with a cloth, and burn all your clothes when you come back. Generally, you won't be infected."

"I'm afraid that the soldiers on the top of the city will shoot arrows!"

Niu Gao laughed, "I promise not. They hope that our soldiers will come back to spread the disease after being infected. I firmly believe in this."

Orihiko nodded, "I'll arrange someone right away, so I don't know how the epidemic situation in the city is going?"

"According to those old people, it has only just started a few days ago, and the disease is mainly in the northwest corner. There are all old people's settlements there. The party army used barracks to isolate it, but their groundwater is connected, and they cannot be separated at all."

Orihiko frowned, "Speaking of which, we have to be careful when drinking water here!"

"I also thought of this. We go to the upper reaches of the Fugu River to get water, and then the water must be boiled, so there will be no problem."

Orihiko immediately sent hundreds of soldiers to burn the corpses. They were wrapped tightly, their mouths and noses were sealed with thick cloth, and they took the kerosene bags to the southeast corner of the city. Soldiers spotted them, but did not shoot arrows, leaving them to dispose of the corpses, hoping they would all be infected.

The Song army sprayed kerosene, and the fire blazed up, and hundreds of infected corpses were engulfed by the fire.

Now that the plague broke out in the city, the Song army was not in a hurry to attack the city, and the original bow and arrow battle was also cancelled. The whole army was disinfected with lime, mainly the latrines and roads were covered with lime, and the whole barracks was filled with a strong smell of quicklime. odor.

Autumn wheat in Jingzhao City and Guanzhong has been harvested and put into storage, and various farmland and water conservancy projects are busy again.

Due to the cooler weather, Chen Qing's family moved from Qifeng Pavilion to various yards on the shore. In the study, Chen Qing paced back and forth with his hands behind his hands. A plague broke out.

Because they discovered it in time, they prevented the plague from spreading in the army. At present, no plague has been found in the army, but it can be prevented before it happens. Orihiko asked for military doctors and medicines to be supported as soon as possible.

Chen Qing was considering whether he should go and see for himself.

At this time, Lu Xiu walked in and put a cup of ginseng tea on the table, "I heard from Qiaoyun, is your husband going to Fuzhou?"

"It hasn't been fully decided yet, but the possibility of going is relatively high."

"My husband is worried, so let's go and have a look! It can also boost the morale of the frontline soldiers."

Lu Xiu didn't know that there was a plague in Fugu. If she knew, she would definitely persuade her husband not to go, it was too dangerous.

Chen Qing nodded, "You are right, I need to inspect the former enemy to boost the morale of the soldiers."

He smiled at Lu Xiu again: "I will go for a month and a half at most, and I will rush back to celebrate the New Year."

Lu Xiu thought for a while and said, "If it's just for inspection, then bring Ah Ying with me. I can rest assured that she will take care of your husband's daily life."

Chen Qing smiled happily: "Okay! This time, I will take her to Fuzhou. When I come back, I will go to Yanzhou. I can take a look at her hometown by the way."

Chen Qing finally decided to go to Fuzhou for inspection, and he immediately ordered the military to assemble doctors and medicinal materials.

Two days later, Chen Qing left Jingzhao with [-] doctors, [-] cavalry, and [-] camels loaded with supplies and medicinal materials, and headed toward the east of the river.

(End of this chapter)

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