
Chapter 907 Breakthrough

Chapter 907 Breakthrough
More than half a month has passed since the siege of the city, but the gates of Fugu City are still closed, and only a few hundred old people opened it once when they left the city, and never opened it again. It decreased every day. At first there were nearly [-] defenders on the top of the city during the day, but now there are only about [-] people left, and they are listless. Most of the time they sit against the wall, and only a raised spear shows their existence.

The camp of the Song Army had been withdrawn five miles away, and the soldiers of the Song Army were a little scared. The military doctors declared the plague in the city to be a severe plague. The generals were surprised, wondering how serious the epidemic in the city had become?
At night, someone yelled desperately from the top of the city, jumped down, and there was a muffled 'bang', and there was no more movement.

The surrounding Song army scouts shook their heads secretly, and another soldier committed suicide in despair. Basically, people jumped to the city to commit suicide every night, but not during the day.

The scouts of the Song army always kept a distance of about [-] steps from the city. This was the limit of how close they could be to the city. If they went any further, they might be infected.

Suddenly, the north gate of Fugu County opened, and a soldier on horseback galloped out, heading north.

The Song Army scouts found him immediately, and more than a dozen scouts urged their horses to chase after him. The scouts all knew that this person was most likely going to the Kingdom of Jin to ask for help, and if they were caught, they would be able to know the situation in the city.

The leader who led the scouts to chase the messenger was Li Sanghuai, the deputy commander of the scout battalion. He was very experienced, and he was not in a hurry to catch up with the messenger. I have diarrhea almost every half an hour, and even in the initial stage, I have diarrhea several times a day, and I can't help vomiting.

Li Sanghuai led his men to follow until noon the next day, and the other party showed no signs of diarrhea. Li Sanghuai judged that the other party was not infected. He and his men immediately chased after him. They chased for about an hour, and they were less than a hundred steps away from the messenger. At that time, Li Sanghuai drew out an arrow, stretched his bow and set the arrow and shot it, hitting the opponent's horse. The horse suffered from pain, but did not slow down.

Li Sanghuai shot another arrow, this arrow was very precise, it hit the horse's hind leg, the horse fell down, and the soldier who sent the letter was thrown a foot away, the soldier who sent the letter hit his head on a tree, and passed out.

The scout soldiers worked together, stripped the messenger soldier naked, burned his leather armor and underwear, and sprinkled quicklime all over his body. The messenger soldier was woken up by the pungent lime smell, and found himself naked , naked, scared him with his legs together and curled up.

The scouts laughed and threw a rough cloth to him, "I'm afraid that there will be dirt on your body, and your armor will be burned."

The reporting party soldier muttered in a low voice, "I'm not sick!"

"If you can speak Chinese, that's great!"

The soldiers found an important letter from the horse bag and handed it to Li Sanghuai. It was actually written in Chinese. It was written by Brother Li Cha to Wanyan and Lisa. Li Sanghuai didn't read it, but rolled up the letter and put it in a bamboo tube Inside, there is a lot of very fine lime powder in the bamboo tube, and the letters will not be infected with the virus when they are taken out of the bamboo tube.

Li Sanghuai ordered: "Take him back to the camp!"

When Zhe Yanzhi heard that the messenger of the enemy army had been captured, he immediately sent someone to interrogate him. He opened the letter written by Brother Li Cha to Wanyan and Lisa. Brother Li Cha's tone in the letter was very sad. , the city could not be defended anymore, too many people died of illness, many of them died for a few days before being discovered, and even nearly half of the soldiers were infected with the disease, their morale completely collapsed, and they had no fighting power. He was going to lead the army to break through. Go to Datong Mansion and implore Jin Bing to accept it.

Brother Li Cha actually wanted to break out of the siege, Zhe Yanzhi immediately sent someone to invite Zhang Xiao and Niu Gao, and showed them the letter, Niu Gao sneered and said: "He thinks too much, how could the Kingdom of Jin let a group of plague gods pass by."

Zhang Xiao said with a smile: "Niu Dutong, tell Zhedutong the news!"

"What news?" Orihiko was startled.

Niu Gao hurriedly said: "I also just received the Xinzhou Express News that His Royal Highness King Yong has arrived in Xinzhou and is coming to Fuzhou. This is information from two days ago. It is estimated that he is already on Lanzhou Road now and will return in two days. It's here."

Zhe Yanzhi was overjoyed, "Is His Royal Highness King Yong coming?"

Niu Gao nodded, "So we have to be extremely careful, we must not let the soldiers get the disease, the scout who got this letter will be quarantined for three days first, and see the situation."

"They have been quarantined. In addition, they arrested a messenger who came out of the city. The military doctor is examining him. If there is no problem, the interrogation will begin. We must learn the information in the city as soon as possible, otherwise it will be difficult to report to King Yong."

Both Niu Gao and Zhang Xiao believed in Zhe Yanzhi's words, even if they didn't attack the city, they must keep abreast of the latest situation in the city.
At dusk, the military doctor's examination was over, and it was confirmed that the soldier who delivered the letter was not infected with the disease. Song Jun immediately interrogated him, and the result of the interrogation surprised everyone.

No one knows exactly how many people died in the city. At the beginning, Bari Zuren went to check everywhere. Now he is afraid of being infected, so he doesn’t go anywhere, and the officials don’t want to go. The number of people, how many people are still alive in the city, and how many people have died have completely become an unknown mystery.

However, the number of deaths and patients in the army is clear. More than half of the people have been infected with the disease, and more than [-] people have died.

But even with this data, there are still problems in it, because the number of infected people counted has already developed symptoms, but there are still many people who have been infected but have not yet developed symptoms. Therefore, it is generally believed that the number of infected people is close to [-].

The Dangxiang Army originally recruited more than [-] people temporarily, and the morale of the army was very unstable. Now it was hit by the plague and its morale had completely collapsed. Now even if the Song Army went to hit the city gate with a battering ram, no one would stop it.

Of course, the Song army did not dare to attack the city. Now the offensive and defensive momentum of the two sides has completely changed. The Song army's crossbowmen are ready. Their task has become to prevent the opponent's plague soldiers from coming to attack the camp and prevent anyone from the opponent from escaping.

They must shoot and kill all the escaped people from the other side in time. Even civilians cannot be merciful. If there is a slight negligence, the Song army and the people in the surrounding counties will fall into a horrible situation of extinction.

After listening to the report, Zhang Xiao pondered for a moment and said: "Now it seems that Brother Li Cha has signs of jumping over the wall. I suspect that it is just an illusion that he sent people to Datong Mansion to deliver letters. It stands to reason that he should write letters in Dangxiang or Jurchen script to be respectful." It is unreasonable for the other party to write a letter in Chinese, and it is very likely that he wrote it for us to read. Brother Li Cha knows that the letter will be intercepted by us, and he also knows that the Kingdom of Jin will not take him in, so he is probably making a fuss."

"Where does the military advisor think he will go?" Everyone's eyes were fixed on Zhang Xiao,
Two words came out of Zhang Xiao's lips, "Lingzhou!"

Zhang Xiao has been the magistrate of Lingzhou for two years. Only he knows best what Lingzhou means to party members.
There is the burial place of their ancestors. If they cannot escape this catastrophe, they will definitely return to the ancestral land and reunite with their ancestors' souls.

It was nightfall, and on the inner street of Xicheng, [-] Dangxiang cavalry had been assembled. In front of them were two generals, Xia Houliang and monk Dongyan, and hundreds of soldiers were protecting Brother Li Cha and Bari Zuren.

This is the [-] soldiers who have not been infected yet, and it is also the last strength of the party members.

Brother Li Cha was going to lead his army to break through the siege and head to Lingzhou, the place where their ancestors were buried. Even if they all died in the end, they would die in the arms of their ancestors.

"My lord, the time has come!"

Brother Li Cha nodded, and shouted with all his strength: "Open the city gate, let's go home!"

The city gate slowly opened, and under the moonlight, six thousand cavalry rushed out of the city gate like a flood and galloped westward.

(End of this chapter)

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