
Chapter 908 Death

Chapter 908 Death
Six thousand cavalrymen ran for less than a mile when they suddenly neighed in pain and their horses fell to the ground one after another. The cavalry behind them stopped their horses in shock. Xia Houliang asked sharply, "What's going on?"

A soldier fell to the ground and moaned in pain, "There are barbed wire on the ground, all of them!"

Xia Houliang was taken aback, and quickly ordered people to dismount to search for it. Sure enough, the ground was covered with thorns and caltrops. This was a big trouble, Xia Houliang hurriedly reported to Brother Li Cha.

Brother Li Cha said angrily: "When did the Song army plant the barbed wire? Today?"

Xia Houliang bowed and said: "It shouldn't be today. The subordinates have been observing. The Song army didn't move today. It should have been deployed before."

"Don't worry about when the barbed wire was planted, hurry up and find an exit for me, the Song army can't block it all!"

"Follow the order!"

Xia Houliang immediately sent a hundred teams of ten people to search for a way out in all directions, and they found them not long after. In the southwest, there was a rocky beach, about one mile wide and more than ten miles long, filled with piles of rocks. Large and small stones make it difficult for horses to walk, and it is also difficult for people to walk.

But it is also this rocky beach that is not easy to travel, but it has become the only way for the party army to break through.

They didn't care whether there would be an ambush by the Song army ahead, if there was an interception, they would rush over.

It was not easy to ride horses on the rocky beach, everyone got off their horses and led their horses on foot. It was the middle of the night, and the camp five miles away from the Song Army was pitch black, which made the Dangxiang soldiers feel lucky. escape.

There was a strange smell in the air. During this period of time, they had smelled too much of the smell of corpses in the city, and they were numb to all kinds of strange smells.

After walking for about four or five miles, countless black figures suddenly appeared in front of them. They shot towards this side with bows and arrows. What they shot were gunpowder arrows. Hundreds of gunpowder arrows fired bright red fireworks, which were particularly red in the night sky. The soldiers stopped in their tracks.

But the power of the gunpowder arrows seemed to be insufficient, and they all landed dozens of steps ahead of them, but the ground suddenly burned. At this moment, Lieutenant General Shang Dongyan suddenly realized that the smell he remembered was the smell of kerosene.

"There is kerosene on the ground!"

Shang Dongyan yelled, but it was too late, the flames spread too fast, before they could react, the raging flames engulfed them, and thousands of people struggled in the flames.

The war horse neighed, its mane and tail were ignited, like a ghost horse rushing out of hell, it ran out of the flames, but stepped on a barbed wire before running a few steps, fell to the ground, twitched, and gradually stopped moving.

The soldiers were also screaming, and countless soldiers ran out of the fire field with raging flames all over their bodies, but they fell down after running for a long time, and curled up with burns all over their bodies.

In the distance, Niu Gao sighed softly, "If there hadn't been a plague outbreak, these soldiers would have been able to mine, what a pity!"

Orihiko said coldly: "Since these party soldiers are in the army, it is their fate to die on the battlefield. You don't have to pity them!"

At this time, thousands of Dangxiang soldiers tried to rush out of the trap of the Song Army, but under the intensive shooting of [-] Song Army crossbowmen, groups of Dangxiang soldiers were shot down by arrows, and even Brother Richard was shot through by dozens of crossbow arrows body, and fell into the flames.

The soldiers of the Song Army kept throwing hay and fire oil balls, so that the fire continued until the sky was bright, and the fire gradually extinguished. In one night, the Song Army burned more than [-] enemy troops to death with fire, and the other [-] Dangxiang soldiers died tragically in the The bow and arrows of the Song Army are under the formation.

All [-] people were burned to black charcoal, and it was impossible to tell who was Brother Li Cha and who was Barry Zuren. The soldiers of the Song Army simply dug a big and deep pit and buried them all.

Although the west city gate was wide open and a raging fire burned all night outside the city, the city was always silent and no one escaped.

At this moment, Zhe Yanzhi and others got the news that King Yong Chen Qing had led his army twenty miles away, and Zhe Yanzhi and others couldn't care about the county seat for the time being, so they rushed to twenty miles away to welcome the arrival of King Yong .

With flags unfurled, spears like a forest, [-] cavalry and [-] camels are like a long dragon, lying mightily on the endless grassland.

The sunshine in Fuzhou is more dazzling than the sunshine in the southeast of the river. Chen Qing opened his hands and looked towards the city in the distance, and the outline of Fugu County could be seen faintly.

"Your Highness, they are here!"

From a long distance, Yang Zaixing saw a group of cavalry running towards this side.

This time Chen Qing didn't let Yang Zaixing fight, Yang Zaixing felt uncomfortable at all, he heard that King Yong was going to inspect the battle situation in Fuzhou, Yang Zaixing tried his best, so Chen Qing had to agree to go with him.

After a while, the cavalry came to the front, and the person at the front was Zhang Xiao. Although Zhang Xiao was a military adviser, he was qualified to walk in the internal affairs hall and could come back at any time to serve as a counselor. He was the person with the highest official position in this Northern Expedition.

Zhang Xiao stepped forward to salute, "See His Royal Highness King Yong!"

Chen Qing said with emotion: "Military Master, we haven't seen each other for almost two years!"

"It's not been more than two years since I went to work in Lingzhou the year before last. In fact, I went back to Jingzhao Mansion a few months ago, but His Highness happened to go to Lin'an, so I didn't see him."

Chen Qing nodded, "Hedong Road is on the right track, the military division should go back to Jingzhao first!"

"It will take about half a year for Rong Beizhi to arrange the transfer of salt and iron on Hedong Road."

"Yes!" Chen Qing didn't force Zhang Xiao either.

At this time, Zhe Yanzhi and Niu Gao came forward to pay respects, Chen Qing smiled slightly and said, "Zhe Dutong, has the army captured Fugu County?"

Zhe Yanzhi hurriedly said: "Reporting to Your Highness, the main force of Jurchen wanted to break out last night, but we wiped out all of them with fire and crossbow arrows. There was no one left, but the situation in the city is unknown, and the soldiers dare not go in."

"It's wise for soldiers not to go in. Once infected, the consequences will be unimaginable. This time I brought five hundred doctors and a large amount of herbs, so that the doctors can come to the city to have a look."

Niu Gao said from the side: "I have an idea. I can ask the soldiers to call the people out on the city wall. After understanding the situation in the city, I can formulate a plan for entering the city."

Chen Qing nodded, "This plan is good, it can be implemented!"

Twenty thousand cavalry went to the big camp to rest, and Zhe Yanzhi sent thousands of soldiers to climb the ladder to the city, and shouted in the party language on the top of the city: "There is medicine outside the city, and you can live if you go out of the west city!"

It really worked. After a quarter of an hour, people began to come out of the city one after another. Most of them were women and children. Helping the old and the young, continue to walk along a wooden road to the resettlement camp.

Not long after, Li Muqing went forward to report to Chen Qing, "The military doctor asked about the situation in the city. It was very serious. Most of them died, but nearly a million cattle and sheep were fine, and none of them were infected."

Chen Qing pondered for a while and asked, "How much lime do we have?"

"There are many more, more than a hundred thousand catties."

"First use quicklime to pave a road from east to west. The soldiers take precautions and follow the doctor into the city. As long as they are alive, they will be pulled out with a cart first, and then the entire county will be burned. Understand what I mean ?"

"The humble officer understands that the soldiers all drank the medicine, and then went in with a thick cloth covering their mouths and noses."

Chen Qing nodded, "Everyone must wear leather gloves, and these gloves will be burned in the end!"

Li Muqing agreed and went to implement it.

At this time, Niu Gao led tens of thousands of soldiers to remove the caltrops. The Song army's method of removing the caltrops was very simple. Using powerful magnetite, the soldiers pushed carts full of iron ore and walked on the grass. All the tiny caltrops were sucked into the trolley, and none slipped through the net.

At the same time, tightly packed soldiers and military doctors also drove carts into the city, spread limestone on the street, and they began to shout from house to house, and people kept crawling out of houses struggling for help. After the soldiers sprayed lime powder once, Lift the person onto the cart.

Hundreds of soldiers from the Song Army opened the South City and drove out the millions of cattle and sheep raised in the South City. The South City was safe, and there were no common people living here. None of the more than [-] people who took care of the cattle and sheep were infected.

After working for a whole day, more than [-] people were rescued, most of them were infected with the plague, and only [-] people remained after more than [-] people. This severe plague was really tragic.

At night, a raging fire ignited in Fugu City, and millions of tons of forage were turned into fire starters, and soldiers of the Song Army dumped thousands of barrels of kerosene.

The raging fire engulfed the entire Fugu City.

This also means the complete demise of the remnants of Xixia.

(End of this chapter)

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