
Chapter 909

Chapter 909
At night, Chen Qing got up from Yu Ying's delicate snow-white body, and lay down slowly. Yu Ying wiped the sweat from his forehead and snuggled into his arms.

Yu Ying whispered: "Husband, lying on the carpet feels very different from the bed."

Chen Qing smiled and said: "That's for sure, lying on the ground, I can feel the breath of the earth, my hometown, this is called grounding."

Yu Ying whispered in Chen Qing's ear again: "Do you want more, Husband, I can serve Husband again."

"Forget it tonight. I always feel that there is a plague in the air in Fuzhou. I'm not in the mood. Let's talk about it when we leave Fuzhou!"

"I didn't expect this plague to be so serious!"

"Normally, this kind of severe plague spreads very quickly, there is no cure, and the entire city will be wiped out in a very short period of time."

"Would that be the case?" Yu Ying asked worriedly.

Chen Qing smiled slightly: "I said that the air smells like a plague is just a metaphor. In fact, the plague does not spread in the air. The main disease enters through the mouth. Food and water, the groundwater in the entire Fugu County are polluted. I I heard from the military doctor that the people who survived boiled the water and then threw the noodles into the boiling water to cook and eat. Common people, boil water to drink, and wash hands frequently, so that the infection will not be so fast."

"Then how many people survived, I mean not infected with the virus?"

"About nine thousand people."


Yu Ying exclaimed, "There are only over nine thousand people."

"This time I brought a lot of medicinal materials. If the infected people are relatively young, they should be able to be rescued. In the end, I estimate that there are about [-] people."

"What about us soldiers?"

Yu Ying asked again: "Is anyone infected?"

Chen Qing shook his head, "Not yet, the key is not through respiratory infection. Soldiers don't eat their food and wear gloves. They take off their gloves and coats and burn them immediately after leaving the city. They are well protected."

After a pause, Chen Qing laughed again: "There is nothing interesting in Fuzhou. When we go to Shuozhou, we will visit Guancen Mountain."

"Is Guancen Mountain fun?"

"Guan Cen Mountain has been a royal garden since Emperor Xiaowen of the Northern Wei Dynasty. The emperors of all dynasties have regarded Guan Cen Mountain as a hunting place for the emperor's refuge. There are many high mountain lakes called Tianchi. Before it snows, you can Go up and have a look, if you get off the snow carriage, you won’t be able to get on.”

"Wow!" Yu Ying clapped her hands happily, her beautiful eyes were full of longing for the beautiful scenery.

The next day, Chen Qing ordered Zhe Yanzhi to lead an army of [-] to take care of the aftermath. The army immediately raised up and marched towards Shuozhou with [-] camels.

Walking tens of miles east from Fugu County is the Yellow River. It is easier to cross the river here.

At this time, Shao Long stepped forward to greet Chen Qing, and Chen Qing smiled slightly: "I never thought that General Shao was in Lanzhou. I always thought that General Shao and Fu Xuan were together."

Shao Long said ashamedly: "My humble job misunderstood the wrong person, so that I lost my life to the gold thief. Although it is only a few months, it is also the shame of my life."

Chen Qing smiled faintly: "Does General Shao know what I think about this kind of thing?"

"I don't know the humble job!"

"I never judge a person by his performance. Zhou Wen, the magistrate of Longgang County in Xingzhou, was unwilling to work for the Jinren when the Jinren killed him. He abandoned his official position and fled westward until he fled to Longzhou. Later, he defected to me. , I appointed him as the magistrate of Dingyuan County in Qinzhou. Although he was very tough in front of the Jin people, in his words, he was called not eating golden millet, but what happened? But he was actually the first one I beheaded A big corrupt official, privately greedy for three thousand coins for digging wells. On the contrary, Guan Shigu, Jiang Yanxian, and military adviser Zhang Xiao who surrendered to the Kingdom of Jin are now my right-hand men. This is called looking at a matter from the perspective of development. For a single person, General Shao surrendered gold for a few months, but resisted it for more than ten years, do you think I will evaluate the general in a few months, or in ten years?"

"Thank you Your Highness for your generosity!"

At this time, Niu Gao stepped forward and said with a smile: "Your Highness, General Shao's son is a young fierce general, only seventeen years old, holding a pair of [-]-jin copper hammers. He can't go through ten rounds under his subordinates, but he has always Let me go to [-] rounds, and my archery skills are superb, I will never be in the same position as Xiao Liu, and now I am a humble subordinate!"

Chen Qing was immediately interested, and asked with a smile, "Where is this little General Shao?"

Shao Long hurriedly said: "He has returned to Guancen Mountain, he has not actually graduated from the teacher, and he will officially leave the teacher next year."

Niu Gao added: "His ancestor is an expert, with a bronze bow and iron arrow, one arrow can extinguish the fire of a incense stick at a distance of two hundred paces."

'Bronze bow and iron arrow? '

Chen Qing's heart moved, "What's the name of this master?"

"I don't know the name of the common people, but I only know that the Taoist name is Chigu Zhenren."

"Is it really him, is he still alive?"

Chen Qing thought to himself, he smiled and said, "I'm going to visit Mount Guancen too, so I can drop by this real Chigu."

After the army built the pontoon bridge, the army crossed the Yellow River and continued eastward. This morning, the army arrived at Guancen Mountain. Guancen Mountain is not just a mountain, but a general term for a large mountain. The leaves are luxuriant, the ravines are vertical and horizontal, the mountains are strange and beautiful, and the water is as clear as clear.

Chen Qing ordered the army to camp at the foot of the mountain. He took Zhang Xiao, Yang Zaixing, Niu Gao, Shao Long and a group of civil and military personnel up the mountain, as well as his concubine Yu Ying. At the same time, he also went up the mountain with hundreds of soldiers.

Shao Long has been here twice, and he is more familiar with the way up the mountain. He acts as a guide for everyone.

People ride horses up the mountain along the winding road, and horse-drawn carriages can also walk. The mountains and rocks are beautiful along the way, and the ravines are deep and deep. Sometimes you can see gurgling water, and sometimes you can see towering giant trees.

The temperature on the mountain was obviously much lower than that at the bottom, so it was necessary to wear winter clothes. Fortunately, everyone was prepared and took out their cloaks and put them on.

It was late autumn at this time, and there were colorful red leaves everywhere on the mountain. Yu Ying was intoxicated by it all the time, even everyone was attracted by the gorgeous red leaves, and they let out bursts of exclamation from time to time.

The top of the mountain is relatively flat, and it has become an alpine pasture, where you can actually see groups of cattle and sheep grazing leisurely.

"Husband, look!"

When approaching the top of the mountain, Yu Ying pointed to the front, and saw a crescent-shaped lake lying on the top of the mountain, the top of the mountain was like a bowl, filled with this clear lake water, the sun shone on the lake water, golden light, clear as a mirror, It is simply beautiful to the extreme.

This is the famous Tianchi Lake. There are some ruins of palaces clearly visible on both sides. It should be the Son of Heaven Palace in the Sui and Tang Dynasties. The palace has disappeared, only stone steps and bases remain.

"Your Highness, that's Laojun Temple over there!"

Shao Long pointed to the other side of Tianchi, and he could see a small Taoist temple at the foot of Tianchi.

"There should be many monasteries here!" Chen Qing asked with a smile.

Zhang Xiaowei smiled and said: "Such a beautiful place, the Song Dynasty did not turn it into a royal garden, monks and priests of course will not let go of this rare opportunity, I heard that there are dozens of monasteries, large and small. and Taoism."

Chen Qing was right when he thought about it. Although the scenery here is beautiful, but it is so close to Xijing of the Kingdom of Jin, how could the royal family of the Song Dynasty allow themselves to stand under the dangerous wall.

Not long after, they followed the mountain road to Laojun temple, Chen Qing took out a name card and handed it to Shao Long, Shao Long took the name card and entered Laojun temple.

For a moment, the drums and music in the temple were playing together, and dozens of Taoist priests lined up to welcome them out. The leader was the presiding master Lu Qing. Hui, supreme glory."

Chen Qing nodded and said with a smile: "I just passed by Guancen Mountain, so I went up to have a look. I don't know where the real Chigu is? Can I meet him?"

A tall old man walked out of the Taoist priests, with white hair and a childlike face. He also saluted, "Your Highness, I haven't seen you for many years."

Chen Qing guessed right, it really was Zhou Tong who disappeared in Chengji County. Chen Qing always thought that Zhou Tong had passed away after the destruction of the Zhoujiabao. In fact, he did not die, but faked his death, and then came to Guancen Mountain to become a monk and become a Taoist priest.

(End of this chapter)

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