
Chapter 910 Changes

Chapter 910 Changes
Zhou Tong invited Chen Qing and his party to sit in the back hall, and Yu Ying, accompanied by four female guards and two maids, went to rest in the side house.

Several young Taoist priests came in to serve tea, Niu Gao recognized one of them was Shao Jichun, and asked in surprise, "Why are you a Taoist priest again?"

Zhou Tong smiled slightly and said, "He hasn't completed his training, and he will be [-] tomorrow when he will finish his training and return to the world of mortals. However, he is good at martial arts, and he has the most potential among my closed disciples."

Chen Qing said with a smile: "Speaking of which, I can be regarded as a lay disciple of a real person!"

Zhou Tong chuckled, "How can I be worthy of it? It was Xu Ning who taught His Highness how to shoot arrows for a few days back then. Although what he taught was mine, it had nothing to do with me, just like I also taught Yue Fei his marksmanship. , My disciples also know Xu Ning's eighteen golden spear moves, they have nothing to do with Xu Ning."

"Can the old man pass on some secret archery techniques to me? For example, shoot an arrow from two hundred steps away to extinguish the flames."

Zhou Tong shook his head, "His Royal Highness is displaying the world's martial arts right now, how can it be compared with ordinary martial arts like us."

Chen Qing smiled and said: "If I break through Shangjing and take the head of the emperor of the Kingdom of Jin, I still need superior martial arts. The real person was willing to teach [-] forbidden troops in Tokyo back then, why did he only reject me for thousands of miles?"

Zhou Tong sighed, "Your archery and martial arts are beyond my ability to teach, but how can I not help your highness break the ambition of going to Beijing?"

He stood up, quickly fetched a pair of bows and arrows, and handed them to Chen Qing, "This is the bronze bow and iron arrow that made me famous in the world. It was passed down to me by my master and has been with me for forty years. It seems It is destined to be with His Highness, this pair of bows and arrows should be given to His Highness!"

Chen Qing said indifferently: "Such a pair of bows and arrows, wouldn't the Daoist pass it on to his disciples?"

Zhou Tong shook his head, "This pair of bronze bow and iron arrow is also called Tianxia Bow and Qiankun Arrow. No one can afford this pair of bows and arrows except Your Highness. Master and I are only temporarily keeping it for the real owner. Your Highness is in my last few days. Isn't it fate to manage Cen Mountain for many years?"

Chen Qing was overjoyed. He took the bow and arrow, and his hand sank. The bow and arrow weighed at least fifty catties. There were only ten iron arrows in the quiver. He took out one and put it on the bowstring. Creaking the bow, Zhou Tong's disciples were all shocked, even Shao Jichun felt ashamed, he could only draw the bow halfway, but Chen Qing could easily draw the bow fully.

String a loose 'boom! There was a loud noise, and there was a buzzing sound in the lobby. The arrow was nailed to the flagpole a hundred steps away, and the arrow shot through the flagpole.

"Good archery!" Everyone applauded and cheered together. If the rope is completely broken, it's nothing. The key is that ten strands are broken and nine strands are broken, and a trace is left to give the Taoist a face. This is a very profound skill.

Zhou Tong sighed and said, "If your Highness goes down and shoots at the Shao family's incense head, it will be extinguished, so I might as well!"

Next to him, Shao Jichun suddenly understood that shooting eleven birds with ten arrows was nothing at all. If it was Chen Qing, he would have shot down ten feathers, but not a single bird.

Zhou Tong slowly said to his disciples: "You guys understand now! This is the highest state of archery. Arrows with the heart, the arrow is in the heart, and the arrows of the world are determined by the heart."

Chen Qing didn't go back that night. Accompanied by more than a hundred soldiers, he set up a large tent next to Tianchi Lake and stayed overnight.

Tianchi was very cold at night, and the temperature was about to reach zero. Chen Qing was wearing a cloak, holding Yu Ying tightly in his arms, standing in front of Tianchi, watching the lake water under the moonlight, the moonlight was shining like clouds, clusters of white mist Floating on the lake, it is like white elves flying lightly on the lake.

"what is that?"

Yu Ying exclaimed in a low voice, "Is that the fairy in the legend?"

Chen Qing nodded, Tianchi has always been rumored that fairies will appear on moonlit nights and dance lightly on the lake. This is probably the reason. In fact, the temperature is cold and white mist appears on the lake.

Yu Ying raised her head, her bright beautiful eyes looked at her husband expectantly, "Husband, let's pay the bill! My day has come, I think I will definitely conceive a fairy tonight."

Chen Qing smiled and nodded, "We will succeed tonight. It's Xiaolang. I'll name him Xuanchi. If it's Xiaoniang, I'll name him Guancen."

In the afternoon of the next day, Chen Qing returned to the camp at the foot of the mountain, and the whole army rested for another night. The next morning, the army continued to set off.

This morning, the army arrived at Shanyang County, Shuozhou. Liu Qiong and Tang Qian led [-] troops to station in Shanyang County, and the commander Wang Duo led [-] troops to station in Ying County.

Now, together with the more than [-] troops brought by Chen Qing, Shuozhou has an army of nearly [-] people, with heavy trebuchets, ten kerosene chariots and ten gunpowder chariots, which are enough to capture Datong City in one battle. .

In the big tent, Chen Qing was pacing back and forth in front of the sand table with his hands behind his hands. At this moment, Zhang Xiao walked in and asked with a smile, "Your Highness looking for a humble job?"

Chen Qing nodded, "I have an idea, I don't want to wait for next year, I want to win Datong City this year!"

"But... it will snow in about half a month."

"Here is the problem. If we can break through the city of Datong before the snow falls, Wanyan Helisa will have to lead his army to retreat. If Datong wants to retreat to Yanshan Mansion, it will have to go to Duxing, cross Yanshan from Juyongguan, at least After walking for half a month or even [-] days, they might be trapped by heavy snow along the way, have no food and grass, kill horses for food, and might encounter Mughal cavalry. It is unlikely that they can return to Yanshan Mansion alive. "

"Your Highness is planning to use the Iron Rhino?"

Chen Qing nodded, "Since we have an iron rhino, let's let it show its power!"

The Song Army Firearms Battalion called the five-hundred-jin box-type fire mine a rhinoceros, but after the success of the iron fire mine, the Gunpowder Bureau continued to conduct experiments and improvements. After a year, it finally successfully developed an iron fire mine weighing two hundred catties. Huolei, the iron shell alone weighs [-] jin, and it is filled with [-] jin of gunpowder.

They named the [-]-jin Iron Fire Thunder the Iron Rhinoceros, because it was too difficult and costly. At present, the Firearms Bureau has only produced three Iron Rhinoceros. Chen Qing specially sent Song Jun a An iron rhinoceros, but there is only a [-]% chance of successfully exploding.

If you use the iron rhino to blow open the city gate or blow down the city wall, it will be a real soldier who surrenders without fighting, occupying Datong Mansion without hurting a single soldier, and then let God clean up Wanyan, Lisa and his [-] soldiers. Jurchen army.

"His Highness understands what His Highness means, but before, His Highness wanted to besiege the city to fight for reinforcements, and used Datong Mansion to attract golden soldiers for reinforcements. Does His Highness think that the plan has changed?"

Chen Qing nodded, "It was Wanyanchang who changed his plan. Wanyan Helisa gave up attacking the Mughals in the north. Then next year the Jurchen army will attack the Mughals with all their strength. There will be no reinforcements to help Datong Mansion. More importantly, , I am worried that next spring, the Mughals will attack Datong Mansion in a big way to repay the hatred of the Mughals for being expelled. At that time, there will be a melee between the three armies.

"Your Highness is right. The enemy has changed his plan, so we have to change accordingly. I support His Highness to march north immediately."

Although Chen Qing decided to go north and march into Datong Mansion immediately, he still had to make a plan. If they couldn't capture Datong Mansion as planned, they would have to garrison outside Datong Mansion, so logistical support was extremely important.

Chen Qing ordered Niu Gao to lead an army of [-] in charge of logistics and deliver food and supplies. He personally led an army of [-] to set off northward, and appointed Yang Zaixing as the deputy general, and Liu Qiong and Tang Qian as the main generals on the left and right wings.

One hundred thousand troops marched towards Datong Mansion in mighty force.

But in many cases, plans are often inferior to changes. Chen Qing thought very carefully about his army, but he didn't see through Wanyan Helisa. He underestimated Wanyan Helisa's determination to take revenge.

The development of the situation was completely beyond Chen Qing's expectation.

(End of this chapter)

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