
Chapter 911

Chapter 911
Two days after the army marched, they entered the territory of Datong Prefecture. At night, the [-] troops camped on the north bank of the Cangtou River to rest. tent treatment.

Only in the middle of the team, there are two marching tents, these are the only two camp tents, the smaller one is the tent of the military adviser Zhang Xiao, he is too old and can't stand the wind and camp, so Chen Qing ordered him to be treated preferentially.

The other big tent is the Chinese military tent.

It was already late at night, and there was silence in the campsite. There were countless sentry cavalry on the outside, and there were scouts hidden in the big trees farther away. If there was an enemy situation, red bright gunpowder arrows could be fired twenty miles away.

Candlelight still faintly shone from the tent of the Chinese army, and Chen Qing was still standing in front of the sand table, meditating. woman.

At this time, hurried footsteps came from outside, and a soldier said outside the tent door: "His Royal Highness, the scouts have sent urgent information!"

Chen Qing was startled, walked out of the tent and asked, "What's the emergency situation?"

One of the scouts knelt down on one knee and reported: "His Royal Highness, we found a large group of Jurchen cavalry moving southeast rapidly. There are about [-] cavalry."

Chen Qing immediately realized the [-] Jurchen cavalry, isn't this the [-] cavalry of Datong City?What is Wanyan Drinking Lisa doing?
Chen Qing asked again: "When did it happen, and where was it discovered?"

"It was discovered at dusk, and the location was twenty miles south of Huaiyuan County."

"Go and investigate again!"

"Follow the order!"

After the scouts left, Chen Qing immediately ordered to his soldiers: "Invite the military division to me quickly, as well as General Yang, General Xiao Liu and General Tang, all three together."

The soldiers ran to find someone. Chen Qing returned to the camp tent and looked carefully on the sand table. He quickly found the location where the enemy was found. Twenty miles south of Huaiyuan County, this is an official road running from north to south. Datong City leads directly to Ying County, that is to say, [-] Jurchen troops went to Ying County. This discovery really surprised Chen Qing.

At this time, Zhang Xiao and Yang Zaixing all arrived at the same time.

"Your Highness, what happened?" Zhang Xiao stepped forward and asked.

He knew that something important must have happened when His Royal Highness King Yong was looking for him.

Chen Qing calmly said to the crowd: "I just received an urgent military report from the scouts and found [-] Jurchen cavalry in the south of Huaiyuan County."

Chen Qing pointed to the official road south of Huaiyuan County with a wooden pole on the sand table, "It's right here!"

Everyone looked at it, and couldn't help but look at each other, Yang Zaixing said in shock, "Your Highness, are they going to Ying County?"

"The only way is to go to Ying County!"

Liu Qiong frowned, "But what do they mean?"

Chen Qing said indifferently: "The meaning is very simple. Wanyan Drinking Lisa and we have the same idea. Get a vote before it snows, annihilate our [-] troops in Yingxian County, and boost the morale of the army. If Liu Qiong leads the main force to go to Yingxian If the county provides support, it is likely to be trapped by heavy snow, which can be said to be a plan to use the weather to hit us hard."

"Could it be that the [-] Jurchens actually circled behind us?" Tang Qian thought for a moment.

"It's unlikely. There is no official road on the sand table. The ground is uneven and there are many rocks. It's okay for you scouts to walk, but the [-] army can't go. They have to march along the smooth official road, even at night. Unable to march."

Everyone understood what Chen Qing meant. Datong Mansion was a basin, and the ground was not flat. However, the cavalry had higher requirements on the ground when marching. Generally, they had to walk on flat official roads, and they had to walk during the day. This army of [-] people The cavalry is most likely to attack Ying County.

"What do you think of the military division?" Chen Qing asked Zhang Xiao again.

"There are a lot of mistakes here. Wanyan Helisa should think that the Song army is still attacking Fuzhou, and he has also seen our intention. We will attack Datong Mansion again in the spring of next year, so at this time he has Here's the chance, raid Yingzhou before it snows.

But Wanyan and Lisa never expected that His Highness also came to Shuozhou, and temporarily changed the plan to attack Datong before the snow fell. This is a mistake, God gave us the opportunity. "

Yang Zaixing also said: "Your Highness, we must seize this opportunity immediately. Wanyan Helisa must have spies in Shuozhou. When we discovered the other party, the other party should also have discovered us. The most important thing now is to seize Datong Mansion. their retreat."

Chen Qing nodded, took out the command arrow and told Tang Qian, "General Tang led [-] cavalry from the headquarters to go north overnight. I will give you the iron rhinoceros. You must take Datong City as soon as possible!"

"The humble job must win Datong City!"

Tang Qian took over the military order and immediately went out of the tent to transfer troops.

Chen Qing then said to Liu Qiong: "Immediately arrange two scouts to go to Ying County and Shanyang County on two horses, and notify the two counties to take precautions to prevent the enemy's sneak attack."

Liu Qiong nodded, "I'll arrange scouts!"

Liu Qiong turned and went out.

Chen Qing searched on the sand table for a while, pointed to the north and said to Yang Zaixing: "There is a small road fifty miles to the north of us, leading to the official road to the east. The sign on it allows cavalry. Inform the brothers and get up immediately."


The horn sounded to get up, and it was the time of the second watch. The soldiers got up one after another, cleaned up the stalls a little, then got on their horses, and the army began to quickly gather and go north.

Wanyan Helisa's army was camping forty miles southeast of Huaiyuan County at this time, and had not yet entered Yingzhou, which was about [-] miles away from Ying County.

Wanyan Helisa deployed many spies in Shuozhou. He got accurate information. Niu Gao led [-] troops to help attack Fuzhou. Shuozhou had [-] Song troops stationed, built a barracks, and sent another [-] People stationed in Yingzhou.

From the deployment of the Song Army, it can be seen that they are not in a hurry to attack Datong Mansion. It should be because of the approaching winter. The Song Army is well aware of the impact of winter, and they must attack Datong Mansion after the beginning of spring tomorrow.

Wanyan and Lisa's strategic judgment is very accurate. If Chen Qing doesn't come, Niu Gao and Liu Qiong can't change the strategic plan made by the coach even if they think about it, they must strictly follow it.

But Wanyan Helisa knew the climate of Datong Mansion better than the Song Army. He knew that there was one last chance. If he raided Ying County and wiped out the [-] Song Army in Ying County, it would greatly boost the morale of the defenders.

Wanyan and Lisa even thought of another possibility. Liu Qiong led an army of [-] to rescue Ying County, and it happened to be snowing. Maybe he could use the snow to hit Liu Qiong's army hard, and even kill Liu Qiong's army. Liu Qiong's army was wiped out.

With the powerful combat effectiveness of the Jurchen cavalry, [-] cavalry can completely wipe out the [-] Song army.

While Niugao's army was still in Fuzhou, Wanyan Helisa seized the last opportunity of this year and personally led [-] cavalry to Ying County.

It was almost dawn, and the eastern sky began to turn blue, Wanyan Helisa got up and ordered: "The whole army is on horseback, ready to go!"

"Drink from Sadudoc!"

There were generals shouting in the distance, and I saw a commander walking quickly with two spies.

Wanyan Drink Lisa got on his horse and asked, "What's the matter?"

The spies stepped forward and bowed: "To the governor, we came from Datong City. Yesterday we received the eagle letter from the Shuozhou spies. The [-] troops of the Song Army have already marched north!"


Wanyan and Lisa were taken aback, a [-] army marched north?Why did the Song army change its plan and go north again? He secretly groaned in his heart. This is a big trouble. If the Song army captured Datong City, the consequences would be disastrous.

He no longer had the intention to go south, and immediately shouted: "The whole army turns around and returns to Datong City! Return to Datong City immediately!"

The [-] Jurchen cavalry turned around one after another, and rushed towards Datong City in the north.

(End of this chapter)

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