
Chapter 913 Blocking

Chapter 913 Blocking
Ninety thousand soldiers of the Song Army rode on horseback on a foot-wide path. This is an old official road, which is very solid. Although it has not been used for nearly [-] years, there is still no grass on the ground.

Although it is marked as a small road on the sand table, it is not actually a small road.

Chen Qing wanted to intercept the [-] Jurchen cavalry in a diagonal line, but the Jurchen cavalry walked in a straight line. The distance between the two was about [-] li, but the Song army's only advantage was that it set off three hours earlier than the opponent.

Whether or not the gap of fifty miles can be recovered at this time is still hard to say, it depends on the contest of will and speed of both sides.

At dusk of the next day, ten miles away from the official road, scouts came to report that [-] enemy cavalry had been spotted on the official road ahead.

In fact, there was no need for scouts to report, Chen Qing had already seen Jurchen cavalry in the distance like a black dragon from a high place.

"Blow the horn, shock!"

Chen Qing gave an order, and the low-pitched horn blew quickly, "Woo———"

At this time, the Song army was exhausted, but the Jurchen cavalry were also exhausted, and both sides were exhausted to the extreme.

At this time, the Jurchen cavalry also discovered the main force of the Song army, which had a strength of [-]. Wanyan Helisa also knew that his [-] troops were definitely no match for the opponent. They had to get ahead of the opponent and get rid of the opponent chase.

"Speed ​​up! Quick!"

"Woo--" Jin Bing also hurriedly blew the horn of running.

The two sides were getting closer and closer, Wanyan and Lisa was a little desperate, the other party was about a mile faster than them, just in time to break them in the middle.

But he has no choice, he can escape as much as he can.

"Drive! Drive!" Wanyan Helisa beat his horse and galloped desperately, and his soldiers also ran desperately.

At this time, the overwhelming Song army came. They had already left the abandoned official road and spread out to both sides of the official road for a mile wide. The strength of an army of one hundred thousand was too huge.

The Song Army cavalry rushed up the opponent's official road, and the Jurchen cavalry on the official road left the official road in despair and fled to the east.

Some of the Jurchen cavalry fled to the north, and some of the Jurchen cavalry fled to the east, completely turning into a mess, some fled, and some fought to the death with the Song army.

An army of [-] came rushing forward, Chen Qing shouted sharply: "Liu Qiong, you lead your headquarters to chase the enemy northward, if you don't accept surrender, you will kill without mercy!"

"Follow the order!"

Liu Qiong shouted, "The Flying Leopard Army is heading north!"

The Flying Leopard Banner followed Liu Qiong to catch up to the north, and the [-] troops under him turned around to follow one after another. The battle of the large armies mainly depends on the battle flags of their respective legions. Chen Qing is the battle flag of the Red Dragon Army with a black background, and Yang Zaixing is the Flying Tiger Army The battle flag, Tang Qian is the battle flag of the Flying Eagle Army, and Niu Gao's logistics army is the battle flag of the Flying Bear Army.

This is the battle flag of the legion, and there are flags of each battalion below. The upper half is the logo of the legion, and the lower half is various colors. In fact, it is not easy to distinguish clearly, but just remember one thing. If you are confused, If a commander orders you to follow in battle, you must obey it no matter whether it is your boss or not.

This battle was extremely bloody and chaotic. The three armies of the Song Army chased north and east for more than [-] li, and did not stop their pursuit until it was completely dark.

Wanyan Helisa escaped from the pursuit of the Song army with more than [-] people, and he didn't know how many people Xiangdong's army could escape.

Wanyan Holisa was defeated several times by Chen Qing's men. He was terrified of being killed. He fled to the north in the direction of Datong City like a bereaved dog, but they were still more than [-] miles away from Datong City, at least midnight Time to arrive in Datong City.

At this moment, there was a muffled 'boom' sound from the direction of Datong City. It was far away but very clear. Wanyan and Lisa were stunned. It was clearly an explosion sound, coming from the direction of Datong Mansion. Could it be? Yes.
He suddenly realized that while the Song Army was intercepting him, he must have also sent an army to capture Datong Mansion and cut off his retreat.

He immediately said to a centurion: "You immediately lead a team of brothers to Datong City to check the situation, whether it has been captured by the Song army!"

The centurion led [-] cavalrymen and ran northward at high speed, while Wan Yanhe ordered the soldiers to slow down so that the horses could breathe and wait for the news from the north
At this time, Chen Qing stopped chasing the Jurchen army, and the whole army rested on the spot. All the soldiers and horses were exhausted, and the soldiers were so tired that they didn't even have the strength to clean the battlefield. The casualties were about [-] people, mainly due to the last desperate battle of the [-] Jurchen troops. The Song army suffered huge casualties, but all of the [-] Jurchen troops should have died in battle.

After resting for two hours, at the fourth watch, [-] infantrymen began to clean the battlefield and count the corpses. Chen Qing handed over the task of cleaning the battlefield to Liu Qiong, and he and Yang Zaixing led an army of [-] soldiers to continue northward.

In the first half of the night, the sky was still clear and the moon was bright and clear, but in the second half of the night, the clouds were thick and the night was even darker.

"It's snowing!" Suddenly a soldier exclaimed.

Chen Qing reined in his horse, looked up at the night sky, a light snowflake fell from the sky, landed on his face, and melted immediately.

Immediately afterwards, fine and broken snowflakes fell from the sky.

Shaoxing’s first light snowfall in eight years is here, ten days earlier than last year’s first snowfall. I don’t know what this means?
Wan Yanhe got the news that the city was lost when he was only [-] miles away from Datong City. The strong loss and remorse made him stay for half an hour. It was already dawn, and the weather became extremely cold. Snowflakes fell overwhelmingly, making the sky gray.

Wanyan Helisa heaved a long sigh, and ordered: "The whole army retreats to the east!"

He gathered a lot of remnants along the way, currently there are more than [-] soldiers in total, and nearly [-]% of the [-] army has lost, but Wanyan and Lisa can't do anything about it. Someone saw the Song Army's commander Chen Qing during the battle, and he knew There is no doubt that this battle will be defeated, and there are still more than [-] people, which is already a blessing in misfortune.

The key now is to bring more than [-] people back to Yanjing. Xiaoxue has no effect on the army's retreat. Wanyan and Lisa didn't care about Xiaoxue who appeared in advance. He was afraid of Blizzard, but experience told them that once it appeared Xiaoxue, Blizzard will not be too far away.

The army of more than [-] retreated eastward at a faster speed, and they were not very worried about food and grass. They set up a grain and grass storage point in Jianlin City, [-] miles east of Datong City.

The army retreated all the way, and soon retreated to Jianlin City, but unexpectedly found that the city was in a mess. There were no people in the small city, only [-] garrisons, but at this time the city gate was wide open, and the ground was full of fodder and food.

Wanyan and Lisa were shocked, and hurriedly said: "Go and see, where did the defenders go?"

Dozens of Jurchen cavalry rushed into the city, and after a while, a middle-aged man was picked out. It was Zhao Wu, the governor of the military city, and a Han from the Liao Kingdom. , "Bastard, how did you become like this?"

Zhao Wu said with a mournful face: "Qi report to the governor, they robbed the food too fiercely, the humble officials couldn't stop them, and they almost killed them."

"Who? Who dares to grab food!"

"Captain, it's General Yelucibao and his subordinates."

"It turned out to be them!"

Only then did Wanyan and Lisa wake up, and asked anxiously, "How many of them are there?"

"There are more than four thousand people, and Prefect Xiao is also there."

There were still more than [-] people, which was quite a number. Wanyan and Lisa suddenly became angry again. The Khitan soldiers had no losses, which meant that Yelucibao, a bastard, did not resist at all. When the Song army came, they ran away and robbed If he lost his own food, he must punish this bastard severely when he returns to Yanshan Mansion.

"How much food and grass are there in the city?"

"There is still about half of it, but the mutton and wine have been robbed."

"When did they leave?" Wanyan Helisa asked again.

"Not long after I left, it will take more than an hour!"

Wan Yanhou immediately ordered the commander Heshi Lie'an to say: "You immediately lead five hundred cavalry to chase after Yelucibao, order his army to wait where they are, and join us to retreat together!"

"Follow the order!"

Heshi Lie'an yelled a few times, and led hundreds of cavalry in pursuit to the east.

Wanyan and Lisa then ordered the soldiers, "Go into the city to get food!"

(End of this chapter)

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