
Chapter 914

Chapter 914
Chen Qing's army did not go after the defeated Jurchen soldiers. He arrived in Datong City the next morning. Tang Qian went out of the city to welcome King Yong and the army.

"See Your Highness for a humble position!"

"General Tang has worked hard, how many casualties are there?"

"Nine people were killed and thirty-three were injured, all from the attack on the barracks. We also killed more than [-] Khitan soldiers."

After hesitating for a moment, Tang Qian said again: "The humble official didn't use the iron rhinoceros, but the iron dog and fire thunder to attack the smaller secondary gate. The iron dog is enough, and the humble official is very worried that the iron rhinoceros will blow the city wall down."

Chen Qing smiled slightly: "You are the siege general, how to attack the city is up to you, I only look at the result."

"Understood, thank you, Your Highness, for your trust!"

"How is the situation in the city?" Chen Qing asked again with a smile.

"Reporting to Your Highness, the humble official ordered martial law throughout the city, and the ban has not yet been lifted, and the city is very quiet!"

Chen Qing nodded, and ordered the whole army to enter the city to rest, and the [-] troops marched into Datong City.
The capture of Datong City is of great significance to Chen Qing. Firstly, the safety of Hedong Road is guaranteed, and the sword hanging above his head is gone. Secondly, it makes the western army's control over the northern region more complete, and Lingzhou and Fengzhou threaten the east. It also disappeared, which is of great significance to ensuring the security of the entire northern part of Sichuan and Shaanxi.

Datong City is very quiet. There is no pedestrian on the street. The various buildings still look different from those in the mainland, with flat roofs, beveled angles, and various styles. There are even a few dome tents built in other people’s yards. Very simple, all kinds of building materials are saved.

Chen Qing then came to the auxiliary gate of the west city, which was the city gate that was blown up by Tiehuolei. Chen Qing was very interested in it. It can be said that this was the first time that Tiehuolei was used to explode the city gate in actual combat.

The city gate was previously blocked by the Song army with huge stones, and it is now being removed. The last huge stone was removed, revealing the broken city gate. To be precise, [-]% of the city gate was blown up, including the entire left half of the city gate and the right side Half of the city gate, only the broken half of the city gate is still hanging on the city cave.

Chen Qing picked up a fragment of the city gate and looked at it carefully. He could see that the city gate was very dilapidated. Although it was very thick, the wood was obviously loose and decayed. No wonder an iron dog could blow it to pieces.

Of course, the city gates in various places have basically experienced decades of wind and rain, and they are almost all the same decay, which means that it is enough to blast the city gates with iron dogs, fire and thunder.

"Your Highness!" Next to Zhang Xiao came quickly with a Sogdian, followed by a tall Han man, who was Yu Shouzhong, the intelligence agent leader of the Song Army, and Kang Mode, the shopkeeper who provided protection for them.

"Proprietor Kang, we meet again!"

Chen Qing met Kang Mode in Jingzhao, he was a very good Sogdian businessman, and he came to Datong Mansion to open a shop specially for the Song Army to investigate intelligence.

Commode bowed and saluted, "Allah bless Your Highness!"

Yu Shouzhong also knelt down on one knee to salute, "Please refer to Your Highness for humble positions!"

Chen Qing nodded, "Thank you for your hard work. Your intelligence was timely, which made me change my plan and succeed in attacking Datong City."

"Ashamed of my humble position, I haven't done much."

Chen Qing said again: "After this is over, you can take some more men and go directly to Luoyang. You don't need to go back to Jingzhao. There is a shortage of manpower in Luoyang. You will be the deputy manager of the Henan Government Intelligence Station. It is best to leave tomorrow."

"Humble job obeys orders, humble job resigns!"

Yu Shouzhong wanted to go back to prepare, and he had to apply for more than a dozen scouts from Tang Qian. Time was running out, so he left first.

Chen Qing smiled at Kang Moode again: "I heard that the people here in Datong Mansion are very tough, they will use knives if they disagree with each other, and they are very powerful, is that true?"

Commodus shook his head like a rattle, "No! This statement is absolutely false. Although there are many ethnic groups here, they really get along well. I have been in Datong City for more than half a year. I haven't seen a single fight. Even the Jurchens said, The people of Datong are very obedient."

Next to him, Zhang Xiao said with a smile: "Just now I chatted with Master Kang, and he said that Datong Mansion is not as complex and difficult to govern as we feared. In fact, Datong City has a very strong commercial atmosphere, and it has been peaceful and peaceful for decades. Residents in the city value peace and get along well, so as long as we continue to position it as a commercial city and conduct trade with the grassland, it will continue to maintain stability."

Chen Qing smiled slightly at Kang Mode: "Thank you, Master Kang, for your suggestion!"

Commode said quickly: "Actually, I have another suggestion!"

"Master Kang, please tell me!"

"It's about Mughal shops. Tens of thousands of Mughal and Kerai merchants were driven away, and their wealth was robbed by the Jurchen army. But in fact, these properties are still in the city and have not been transported in time. Could you please Your Highness asked them to come back and returned some of their belongings."

Chen Qing thought for a while and smiled: "I can return the shop and the goods to them, but they should go back to the grassland!"

"They didn't go back to the grassland, and they all temporarily lived in Xuande County in the northwest."

"Yes, Master Kang, find someone to notify them! I allow them to come back."

"Thank you so much, Your Highness!"

Chen Qing asked again: "Are there many Jurchens in the city?"

Commodore shook his head, "There are almost no Jurchen people, only a few Jurchen merchants who sell medicinal materials, and they all go back to Liaodong to receive the goods. Liaodong mainly collects medicinal materials in winter."

"What about the Han people?"

"There are quite a few Han people, but the largest number are Khitan people. About half of them are Khitan people. They are generally gentle and kind. They have lived here for generations. After the Liao Kingdom was destroyed, they became obedient citizens of the Jin Kingdom. Now I am afraid they will become His Highness' sons again. people."

Chen Qing does not object to ordinary people of this kind of foreign race. What he objects to is nobles. Ordinary people just want to live peacefully and don't care who rules, but nobles will have ambitions, but the Khitan people are not a big problem. Khitan nobles Basically beheaded to death by the Jurchen.

"Are there any officials in the city who are more suitable and have a good reputation?"

Kang Mode hesitated and said: "I do know a very good official. He is Cang Cao from Datong Mansion who joins the army. His name is Yelu Qiyan. He is very kind, but unfortunately he is from Khitan."

"It doesn't matter to the Khitan people, the key is character, and I have to be trustworthy."

"Your Highness, this Yeluqi has a good face and is trustworthy!"

Tang Qian, who was silent all the time beside him, said: "He manages the warehouse materials, and the warehouse is in good order. The warehouse is sealed with seals. It is well protected and has not been attacked by the defeated army."

Chen Qing has been fighting in the north and south for so many years. Chen Qing knows the importance of local snakes. To quickly stabilize a county or even a state, he must rely on local snakes. As for some local snakes that harm the people and dominate one side, they can be dealt with slowly later.

"Bring this Yelu Qiyan to the big tent to meet me, and I will ask him personally."

Yelu Qiyan never dreamed that he would be interviewed by King Yong. He was surprised, happy and disturbed. What made him speechless was that Yu Shouzhong, who he went to the county government to guarantee, was really a scout of the Song Army. He was also working for the Song Army, no wonder Wanyan Helisa couldn't find the Song Army's spies, who would have thought that the Song Army's spies were actually a Sogdian.

Yelu Qiyan came to the barracks outside the city and was brought to a certain tent by the soldiers, "Please wait a moment, we will report to His Highness!"

In the big tent, Chen Qing is arranging the transportation of materials with Zhang Xiao. Datong City is worthy of being a strategic city, and the amount of grain and grass materials is astonishing. Ten thousand sets, as well as pig iron and copper ingots of several million catties each, crude silver of [-] catties, gold of thirty thousand taels, and cloth and sheepskin all in the hundreds of thousands.

Chen Qing was really pleasantly surprised. This was something they had never thought of before they dispatched troops. Chen Qing immediately realized that there might be mines nearby.

Zhang Xiao said with a smile: "I think the grain and grass should be left in Datong Mansion, and other supplies can be transported back to Jingzhao. As for the method, I suggest taking the Yellow River waterway."

Chen Qing nodded, "The waterway of the Yellow River is good, I also thought of this, but it may not be until the spring of next year."

"This is not urgent, it can be transported slowly!"

At this time, the soldier reported at the door of the tent, "Your Highness, Yelu Qiyan is here."

"Please come in!"

Not long after, the soldiers brought in a middle-aged man, stepped forward and knelt down to salute, "Xiaomin Yelu Qiyan pays homage to His Royal Highness King Yong!"

Chen Qing saw that he was about forty years old, with dark and rough skin, a square face, a snub nose, and copper bell eyes. His appearance was very rough, but his work was very good, even Zhang Xiao praised He does things in an orderly manner, which shows that this person is a man with a rough appearance and a fine heart.

Seeing that his eyes were straight, Chen Qing nodded secretly, and said with a smile, "Yelu joins the army, please!"

"Thank you, Your Highness!" Yelu Qiyan stood up.

Chen Qing motioned for him to sit down again, and then asked: "I saw rough iron, copper ingots, and rough silver in the warehouse. Is there a mine nearby?"

[Lao Gao may have a bit of heat stroke and wants to take a break. There are only two updates today, please forgive me! 】

(End of this chapter)

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