
Chapter 915 Stability

Chapter 915 Stability
Yelu Qiyan quickly leaned back and said: "Reporting to Your Highness, this is not produced nearby, it was transported from Yanshan Mansion, and it has been stored in Datong Mansion for more than [-] years. It is the stock of the Liao Kingdom. A few years before the fall of the Liao Kingdom, it Started to transport materials to Datong Mansion, these are only a small part of the materials shipped that year.

At that time, there were more than two million catties of crude silver, [-] taels of gold, more than one million pieces of silk and satin, and a large number of rare curios. Now, in addition to copper, iron, and cloth, there are some crude silver and gold, and almost everything else. They were all taken away by the golden soldiers. "

"Why didn't the gold soldiers take away the copper and iron?" Chen Qing asked with a smile.

"The villain asked Wanyan and Lisa, and he said that the Kingdom of Jin doesn't need to make armor and weapons, and it doesn't have that much population, so it can't be consumed. It's the same thing to put it in Yanshan Mansion and Datong Mansion."

"I agreed with the merchants from the Mughal tribe to come back. Does Yelu join the army think this decision is correct?"

"Of course it's correct, Your Highness, this is a perverse attempt to correct the Jurchens!"

"Could there really be Mughal spies?"

Yelu Qiyan sighed and said: "Wanyan Holisa's excuse to drive away the Mughals is to guard against the other party's spies, but in fact it is to seize their wealth. Song Ying, Wanyanholisa's aide, even made a plan to sell land and houses. The plan has yet to be implemented, and I don’t know if there are Mughal spies, but I don’t think the entire Mughals should be driven away just because they are afraid of spies, it’s a sign of incompetence.”

Yelu Qiyan's last few words touched Chen Qing's heart. To avoid spies, he drove out the whole tribe. This approach is not only incompetent, but also stupid. What if the Mughals bought the Khitans as spies?Just like using the Sogdian Commode to collect intelligence, the correct approach should be to use the internal guards to check for potential spies.

Chen Qing nodded and said: "I plan to appoint Orihiko as the envoy of the Yunzhong System, in charge of military affairs, but I still need a general judge to assist him. From now on, I will officially appoint you as the general judge of Datong Mansion. "

Yelu Qiyan was excited, and quickly got up to salute, "Humble job is willing to serve His Highness!"

Chen Qing nodded with a smile, "If the military lifts martial law tomorrow, does Yelv Tong judge think it's appropriate?"

Yelu Qiyan knew that he had already been judged by the Taiyuan Mansion, so he suppressed the excitement in his heart, and quickly said: "The humble official thinks that even if the martial law is lifted now, there is no problem. , Many people here do odd jobs for the shops, and they get a day's wages for a day. If there is no work, there will be no food. It is estimated that some people in the humble job have run out of food."

Chen Qing and Zhang Xiao looked at each other, and Chen Qing asked: "There is no problem with porridge relief, but I don't quite understand. Is the money earned in a day only enough for food?"

Yelu Qiyan sighed and said: "The price of food in Datong Mansion is [-] yuan a bucket, salt is [-] yuan a catty, and even the cheapest coarse cloth costs a few hundred yuan a piece. Ordinary people earn fifty yuan a day. A part-time job is only [-] Wen a day, and you can only buy two catties of wheat, isn’t it just enough to make ends meet?”

After hearing these words, Chen Qing knew that he was already stable in Datong Mansion. Once their flat house was launched, all the people would kneel down.

Chen Qing then said to Zhang Xiao: "Zhe Yanzhi is still in Fuzhou, and the military adviser here in Datong Mansion will temporarily serve as the prefect to stabilize Taiyuan Mansion and the entire Hebei Road."

Zhang Xiao nodded, "Don't worry, Your Highness! The humble function will be handled properly."

In the afternoon of the same day, Song Jun lifted the martial law in Datong City, and at the same time set up tents to provide porridge in ten places in the city, attracting a large number of low-level people to line up to receive porridge. The number of people on the street gradually increased, and shops opened one after another. The name was changed to a signboard with Chinese characters. Chen Qing issued an amnesty order and posted a list to announce that all Jin Guo officials in Taiyuan Prefecture will be pardoned. Non-Jurchen officials can continue to be appointed by the state government.

At the same time, Chen Qing ordered that the official use of Jurchen script be prohibited, and that all Chinese characters be used. He also abolished all taxes in the Kingdom of Jin, exempted all states and counties on Hebei Road for three years, and asked all counties to launch Changping stores to sell cheap Living materials, mainly food, salt, sugar and briquettes, are the same as those in other counties. Of course, this will take a little time, and it is impossible to launch it immediately.

Two days later, tens of thousands of Mughal and Kelie merchants who had been expelled returned to Datong City and returned to their homes. Although the looted money could not be brought back, their shops and houses were still there. Promising to return the goods and food to them made the grassland merchants very grateful. In order to express their gratitude, they changed all the names of their shops to Chinese.

Everything in Datong Mansion is running very smoothly, even smoother than the other prefectures in Hedong. The reason is that everyone here is oppressed by the Jurchens, from ordinary people to officials. Ordinary officials have meager salaries. Bearing the same heavy prices as the common people.

All the wealth was plundered by Jin Guo to support the [-] Jurchen troops stationed in Datong Mansion. There was really no extra wealth for the officials to fill their pockets.

So when the Song army captured Datong Mansion and liberated both the officials and the people at the same time, the officials took double their salaries and enjoyed prices countless times lower than before, so how could they not work hard.

The common people got the biggest benefits directly. Wheat dropped from [-] to [-] per bucket, salt from [-] to [-], and coarse cloth from [-] to [-]. Down to a hundred texts per horse.

After the news was officially announced, the entire city of Datong was about to erupt. People rushed to the streets to beat drums and gongs. The cheers soared to the sky. They sang and danced to celebrate this moment that they would never forget.

But at the same time that Datong City was full of celebrations, Chen Qing led [-] cavalry to leave Datong City and head south. After picking up Yu Ying in Shanyang County, he returned to Jingzhao and ended his inspection of Hebei Road.

However, this battle in the northeast of the river still left some regrets. The weather took special care of the Jurchen army. The expected blizzard did not come, only a light snowfall, so that the defeated army of Wanyan and Lisa was not trapped by the heavy snow and succeeded. Withdrew back to Yanshan Mansion.

It was not until a month later that a blizzard swept across the grassland and engulfed the entire north.

In the blink of an eye, it was mid-December, and the sky in the north was already freezing and a snow-covered world.

At this time, the expansion of Jingzhao City, which took two full years, was finally completed, and the entire city wall was pushed five miles southward. The circumference of the city wall reached an unprecedented fifty-eight miles, making it the largest city in the world, even surpassing the old capital of the Song Dynasty. Bianliang.

This morning, the Sichuan-Shanxi Xuanfu Commissioner held a grand completion ceremony to celebrate the completion of the new city wall.

In front of the new city wall, there was loud gongs and drums, colorful flags flying, lion dance and dragon dance. The completion ceremony was presided over by Zhou Kuan, and Chen Qing lifted the red cloth on the inscription on the fortification, announcing the official completion of the new city wall.

Immediately afterwards, [-] soldiers went to the city to perform the spear formation and crossbow formation, and tens of thousands of people watched from the city.

On the head of Dongcheng, Jiang Yanxian smiled and said to Chen Qing: "Before I was humbled, I proposed to rebuild a new city on the basis of Han Chang'an City. Didn't your Highness read it?"

Chen Qing said lightly: "I have read it, but I remember that there is more than one plan!"

Jiang Yanxian nodded, "Yes! It also includes moving the north city wall another three miles to the north, where it used to be the city wall of Chang'an City in the Tang Dynasty."

"What's the reason for extending it another three miles to the north?"

"The reason! It can be explained to the outside world that there is a shortage of military camps, the need to garrison troops, and the need to build a new Cangcheng, but in fact, the low-level consideration is to prepare for the future construction of the palace, at least the land must be set aside."

"Has Counselor Jiang talked with Zhao Kai?" Chen Qing asked without showing any signs of expression.

"Forget it!"

Jiang Yanxian said in a bad mood: "That miser, let him spend a penny and cry all day long. I know that in the future, I will spend a lot of money and food in the Central Plains and Hebei, so I have given up on the plan to build a new city in the east. Now I Only two options are mentioned, either to build a new city in Han Chang'an City, or to expand the city wall to the north. In fact, building a new city in Han Chang'an City is also a preparation for the construction of the palace."

"How much will the two projects cost, has Counselor Jiang calculated it?"

"Basically, it takes about [-] guan to build a new city. It takes ten years to build the city, and the average is [-] guan per year, which is actually not much."

"What about the north expansion of the city wall?" Chen Qing asked again.

"It will cost about [-] guan to expand the city wall three miles north."

Chen Qing frowned slightly, "But it only cost us [-] guan to expand our city wall five miles south."

Jiang Yanxian explained: "Your Highness, don't forget that the south city wall used a large number of original city bricks, while the north city wall was not demolished, but a new city wall was built three miles away. A lot more, so it must cost more money than the southern city wall."

Chen Qing pondered for a long time and said: "I agree with the second plan in principle, to build a second north city wall three miles away. It will cost too much money to build the Han Chang'an New City. Let's talk about it in the future. This time I got [-] catties of crude silver from Datong. And [-] taels of gold, the money for building the new city wall will come from here, I will talk to Zhao Kai, you submit another memorial, or in the name of building new military camps and warehouses, you can’t mention a word about the palace plan .”

Jiang Yanxian was overjoyed, and hurriedly said: "I understand, I will start writing the memorial tomorrow."

At this time, the rehearsal on the city wall was over, and cheers and cheers sounded like a tsunami, and Chen Qing also applauded with a smile.

He said lightly to Jiang Yanxian again: "Don't worry about the memorial, wait until I convince Zhao Kai before proceeding."

(End of this chapter)

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