
Chapter 916 Land Swap

Chapter 916 Land Swap
Convincing God of Wealth Zhao Kai is just an excuse, Chen Qing is the de facto ruler, how can the power of wealth not be in his hands?However, Chen Qing is not a dictator, he clearly divides the power of the monarch and prime minister.

He established two treasuries, one called the treasury, which is the money and material treasury of the Xuanfu envoy of Sichuan and Shaanxi. Included in the treasury, the financial power is controlled by the Internal Affairs Hall, and the counselor of the Finance and Taxation Department has the right to review.

Normal military expenditures, government salary expenditures, education expenditures, relief expenditures, etc., are all disbursed from the treasury. The normal expenditures within the budget do not need to be approved by Chen Qing, and can be implemented after approval by the Internal Affairs Hall.

However, large expenditures outside the budget, such as locust plagues and floods in a certain place, need to relieve the people. Such expenditures must be approved by Chen Qing. If Chen Qing is not present, the princess will approve it.

The other treasury is called the treasury, which is the money and material treasury of King Yong's Mansion. The income is only two yuan, the war income and overseas trade income. The treasury is controlled by Chen Qing, and the Finance and Taxation Department manages it on its behalf.

The treasury is generally used for strategic expenditures, and the scope of strategic expenditures is relatively wide. For example, one hundred thousand stone ships are privately owned by Chen Qing and Zheng Ping. Given to the treasury, as the assets of the treasury, under normal circumstances, a sea-going ship of ten thousand stones would cost more than ten thousand guan, and it would take a long time to build.

War expenditures are also strategic expenditures. War expenditures are not the same as normal military expenditures. Soldiers’ salaries are usually two yuan a month, with tax reductions and exemptions, and land rewards when they leave the army. Soldiers' salaries will be reduced to four consecutive months, and the two additional money will be war expenditures.

There is also the cost of requisitioning the people to transport supplies, requisitioning civilian doctors, etc. These are also war expenditures, as well as pensions for the disabled and dead soldiers, rewards for soldiers, etc., are also war expenditures.

The northward expansion of the city wall proposed by Jiang Yanxian this time should be paid by the treasury as part of the military expenditure, but because of the huge amount, which cost [-] guan, it is a bit difficult for the treasury to bear it. It was specially approved for treasury expenditure.

The treasury is the real foundation for Chen Qing to manage Sichuan and Shaanxi. In Zhao Kai's words, the treasury is their old base. How much wealth is stored in it has always been a top secret, and only Chen Qing and a few counselors in the internal affairs hall know.

After the light attacked and destroyed Xixia, it seized the

The wealth accumulated in Xixia for a hundred years, although the official treasury of Xixia did not have much money, all the wealth of hundreds of dignitaries became spoils of war, and all kinds of materials, after deducting war expenses, all went into the treasury.

Also, the capture of Datong Mansion this time, Datong Mansion is Xijing of the Liao Kingdom, a strategically important place for the Jin Kingdom. Although most of the gold and silver and curios were transported away by the Jin Kingdom, the remaining gold and silver are equivalent to more than [-] million guan. There are also [-] copper coins, and the money that the Jurchens robbed the Mengwu merchants did not have time to transport it away, but was seized by the Song army. This part has [-] million coins, which are used as rewards for soldiers and war expenses for attacking the Northeast Road. .

In addition, there are a large amount of materials, including six million catties of pig iron, four and a half million catties of copper, one million pieces of sheepskin, eight hundred thousand pieces of cloth, one hundred thousand pieces of silk and satin, and countless tents, wood, medicinal materials, furs and other materials.

In addition, materials such as grain, mutton, cheese, mutton oil, and mutton wine go directly into the granary and do not belong to money and materials, while soldiers and arrows enter the arsenal, which do not belong to money and materials.

Of course, Jingzhao's treasury is different from Lin'an's inner treasury. Lin'an's inner treasury is the emperor's private property treasure house, while Jingzhao's treasury is state-owned, a bit like a reserve treasury, except that the approval power rests with Chen Qing. In the hands, it does not need to be approved by the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

As for Chen Qing's personal property, it has nothing to do with these two warehouses. He has his own small treasury and his own real estate. It also has [-] acres of land facing the street in the newly opened South City. This is a kind of welfare for high-ranking officials. Those who are above the military command and above the fifth rank of civil servants will be rewarded with land in the new city. The area varies.

At dusk, Chen Qing returned to the mansion, half a month before the Chinese New Year, every household is busy celebrating the New Year, Chen Qing's mansion is no exception, but there are two special 'patients' in their family, one is Zhao Yingluo, she is quite With a big belly, the due date is about a few days. Dr. Liu has already moved into Chen Qing's residence, and the other is Yu Ying. Not long after returning from Hedong North Road, she is pregnant, which makes Yu Ying, who had a miscarriage, overjoyed , Careful maintenance.

As usual, Chen Qing went back to his inner study and sat down. Not long after, his wife Lu Xiu brought him a cup of tea. Chen Qing's inner study is not allowed to allow maids to enter, and Yu Ying usually cleans and serves for him. Tea, if Lu Xiu brings tea in, it means that his wife has something to look for him.

Chen Qing took a sip from the teacup and said, "When will Yingluo be born?"

"In the past two days, Dr. Liu said that the fetal position is relatively correct, and there is no problem with the natural delivery. The two midwives have been invited and are ready."

Chen Qing hesitated and said, "I might go to Xianyang tomorrow, and I won't be back until evening."

"Husband, don't worry! I will arrange it."

After a pause, Lu Xiu laughed again: "Actually, I have something to discuss with my husband."

"what's up?"

"It's a row of warehouses opposite our door. The proprietor's surname is Lu. Husband, do you remember?"

Of course, Chen Qing knew that there was a river from their back door, and on the other side of the river was a small street paved with stone slabs, which was relatively quiet. There was a row of warehouses on the entire small street, and to the north of the warehouse was one of the three major tiles in Jingzhao City. , Wazi Northwest Street.

What my wife was talking about was the warehouse on the small street, which covers an area of ​​about ten acres. It is a long strip. The owner of the warehouse is Lu, a native of Hanzhong. I bought it and built it into a house, but the owner of the deer refused to agree.

"Why, is he willing to sell that warehouse?"

Lu Xiu nodded, "He found Steward Liu today, and he wanted to exchange a piece of land with us. Didn't your husband share two hundred acres of land in the south city? He wanted to exchange the land facing the street of the south gate with us, ten acres for five acres , he might want to open a restaurant."

Chen Qing said with a smile: "This businessman surnamed Lu is very smart! The land facing the street at the South Gate is worth at least four or five times that of his side. If he builds a restaurant, he will pay for it, but this Lu The proprietor exchanged ten mu for five mu, and no lion has opened his mouth."

Lu Xiu said helplessly: "The key is that we really need the land in the back. We can build a pharmacy for Dr. Liu, and she will move here. She can come to our mansion at any time and build another six or seven yards. The nurse's house can also be moved here. , to make it easier for them to take care of their families, it seems that the owner of the deer is taking advantage of it, but it is not always the case."

Chen Qing smiled slightly: "It can be exchanged, have you told Dr. Liu?"

"Now she has three female apprentices. The original shop is less than one acre, which is too small. I gave her three acres of land, and she happily agreed!"

Doctor Liu in Chen Qing's mansion is the most famous female doctor in Jingzhao City. Chen Qing originally wanted to ask her to be a special doctor in the palace, but the other party refused to agree. She had so many patients that it was impossible for her to leave others for the sake of Chen Qing's family. patients do not care.

According to Chen Qing's personality, if he refuses, forget it, and change to a family doctor, but the problem is that Chen Qing also trusts this doctor Liu very much. His eldest daughter, Chen Xue, was born prematurely and usually died, but in her Not only did he survive under the meticulous treatment, but he is still very healthy and lively, and he is Chen Qing's favorite.

There are also a few wives who can give birth smoothly, and they have a great relationship with Dr. Liu. You must know that women in the Song Dynasty were prone to dystocia. If the fetal position was slightly wrong, they would not be able to give birth.

However, Dr. Liu's original method of fetal position training has enabled Chen Qing's wives and concubines to give birth normally. Based on this, Chen Qing has enough trust in this female doctor. Land is not a problem. The key is that her medicine shop is next to her palace. Affecting her to see a doctor abroad, she can come over at any time, killing two birds with one stone.

"Let the housekeeper replace it as soon as possible! In addition, when repairing the house, we will also build a small bridge, so it will be convenient for us to go over."

"I see, then I will tell the housekeeper today, find someone first, and start work after the new year."

"Okay, don't worry about this matter, leave it to the housekeeper."

(End of this chapter)

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