
Chapter 918 Recommendations

Chapter 918 Recommendations
Walking up to the lobby, I saw twenty pedal spinning wheels in the lobby, and a large Hualou loom in the easternmost corner, filled with young ladies between the ages of fifteen and sixteen to twenty , a total of twenty people, they are the most ingenious people selected from more than a thousand people, in the words of later generations, they are the backbone of technology.

Everyone was surrounding a spinning wheel. They thought that only the chief steward came in, but unexpectedly, seven or eight men came in at once. They were so frightened that they all returned to their respective positions, and there was a sudden silence in the hall.

"Bian Wuniang, what were you arguing about just now?"

Gu Xin asked the oldest woman, who was actually only twenty years old. The woman got up with a blushing face and said, "Boss, Yang Xiaomei can get your number one reward!"

Gu Xin was surprised and delighted at once, before a little lady spun the wheel in three steps and two steps, she said excitedly: "Really? You made it?"

The little lady's face became even redder, and she handed Gu Xin a spinning spindle full of cotton thread. Gu Xin picked it up and looked at it closely, his eyes became brighter and brighter, and he completely forgot about the group of high-ranking officials behind him.

Zhou Chengdong coughed twice, and all the ladies covered their mouths and chuckled, which woke Gu Xin up. He hurriedly bowed to Chen Qing and said, "The villain is so excited, I forgot Your Highness, I deserve death!"

Chen Qing asked with a smile: "Is there any breakthrough?"

"Yes! Yes! It's what the villain just said to His Highness, the insurmountable difficulty. The villain set a number one reward, offering a reward of [-] guan, but it was taken down."

Chen Qing's eyes lit up, "You mean, you can twist the wires by machine instead of twisting them by hand?"

"Yes, Your Highness, look at the line on it!"

Gu Xin pointed to the spinning spindle and said, "I can see that it is spun. It is thin and even. It is obviously not rubbed by hand."

Chen Qing also understood the reason behind it. Cotton cotton has short fibers and is difficult to twist into threads. It must be twisted together by hand, but now it is spun directly. How is this done?
"The villain doesn't quite understand, so I need to ask."

Gu Xin first introduced: "This is the Miss Yang I told Your Highness just now, she earns money to support her family, and her name is Yang Xiaomei."

Chen Qing smiled and nodded, "Ask! I'll be listening."

The little lady obviously knew who the senior official in front of her was. Chuanshan was called His Highness, and there was only one person. She stood up a little nervously.

"Tell me, how did Miss Xiaomei do it?"

"I've been thinking about this for the past few days. Last night at home, I suddenly thought, since grass cotton can be spun by machine, can I mix some grass cotton flowers into it?"

"very smart!"

Chen Qing blurted out that adding cotton to the kapok was a very clever way.

"You continue to talk!" Chen Qing smiled and waved his hands.

Yang Xiaomei blushed and continued: "I came here early in the morning to experiment, sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn't work, and then I increased the amount little by little, and found that adding four taels of grass cotton to a catty of wood cotton was enough, and it was the most effective. Appropriate, adding more seems to be easy to form a group."

"Great, a ratio of two and a half."

"The chief manager, the key is to mix the two kinds of cotton evenly. It must be evenly stirred, otherwise the thread will be easily broken."

"Understand! Understood!" Gu Xin is an expert, of course he knows the importance of mixing well.

Yang Xiaomei took a peek at Chen Qing, and summoned up her courage again: "Boss, actually I have another suggestion?"

Even Jiang Yanxian secretly praised this little lady for being smart, she would seize the opportunity, and the opportunity to communicate with His Royal Highness Yong Wang might be the only one in her life.

Gu Xin felt dizzy for a while, so he could only bite the bullet and ask, "Do you have any other suggestions?"

"I think we can actually use water spinning!"

Chen Qing's eyes lit up, and he asked with a smile, "Do you think hydraulic spinning is feasible?"

"I think it's okay. My hometown uses water power to grind flour. The flour is white, fine and uniform. In fact, the same is true for our spinning. The key is to have uniform force. Water power can do this, and then people will be freed." Come out, feed materials at the side, check for broken threads, the amount of hydraulic spinning must be several times that of our manual spinning, and it must be spinning well."

Chen Qing was full of praise in his heart, water spinning had indeed achieved great development in the Southern Song Dynasty, and it was rare for this little lady to want it.

"Yes, your suggestion is very good, and today's performance is also very good. It has solved the biggest problem of cotton weaving. It deserves a big reward. I will give you a reward too!"

Chen Qing smiled slightly: "I will ask the Xianyang County Government to reward you with a one-acre yard so that you can take good care of your parents."

There was an exclamation all around, rewarding the house!It’s so enviable. An acre of yard in Xianyang costs a thousand guan. They earn ten guan a month and work hard for ten years before they can afford it.

Tears welled up in Yang Xiaomei's eyes, she knelt down and kowtowed desperately to Chen Qing without saying a word.

Chen Qing helped the thin little lady up and said with a smile: "I reward you in the yard, but there is also a hundred coins rewarded by your chief steward. Don't be shy to ask him for it."

Seeing sweat on Gu Xin's forehead, he hurriedly said, "Don't dare! Don't dare! Villains will also increase rewards."

Chen Qing said to him solemnly: "Rewards are one thing, but I am more concerned about implementing the inventions and suggestions of the little lady. There is still half a month before the Chinese New Year. First cloth that comes out, don't let me down."

"It's completely in time, I will let Xiaomei weave this piece of cloth by myself."

Chen Qing said to Zhou Chengdong again: "As for the application of water power to weaving, I will leave it to your craftsman department. You can study it first, and then try it after the spring thaw."

Zhou Chengdong bowed and said, "Xiaozhi will start working on this tomorrow!"

Chen Qing turned his head to look at Jiang Yanxian, Jiang Yanxian smiled slightly and said: "The humble post will tell the county government, how can the reward of His Highness not be arranged!"

Jingzhaocheng Juxiang Restaurant is located on West Street. It is one of the top ten restaurants in Jingzhao. The Juxiang sake produced in the restaurant is very famous. Jingzhao’s wine also implements a monopoly system. Only restaurants and hotels with a winemaking license can buy koji cakes, and then brew all kinds of wine.

Therefore, the eighteen bowls of fragrant wine that Wu Song drank in the three bowls of Gougang Hotel, it is likely that the small hotel bought someone else’s muddy wine and mixed it with water, because it is definitely not qualified to make wine, and if it is found by the county government to make bootleg wine, it will be jailed. of.

Juxiang Sake is very famous, and the business of the restaurant is also very good. In a private room on the third floor, three men are sitting together drinking and listening to music. The man on the right is about [-] years old, with a long, thin and pale face. , the eyes are not straight, and there is a faint evil spirit.

This person is Lu Jiang, the second son of Lu Datong, the governor of Fangzhou. He is currently a vagrant, doing nothing at home all day long.

The point is that his father sold the house in Lin'an in order to redeem his sentence. Together with all his savings, he collected [-] yuan and handed it over to the Ministry of Punishment before he was freed.

But their family was poor and had no money to rent a house. Thanks to uncle Lu Yihao who gave them a hundred taels of silver, they were able to come to Jingzhao. Chen Qing gave Lu Yihao face and arranged a five-acre official house for Lu Datong. He also gave him five hundred guan as a settling allowance, and then became the governor of Fangzhou.

Lu Xiu also gave his uncle Lu Datong a thousand guan, and Lu Datong left the thousand and five hundred guan to his wife and children. The son is strictly controlled.

The best way to strictly control his son is to only give him five pennies of pocket money every month. Lu Tong doesn't want to stay at home and spends his days wandering around. How can five pennies be enough for him to spend? up. ,

He doesn't harm the people now, it's not that he has changed his nature, but that he doesn't have a bunch of dog legs to work for him, he doesn't even have a entourage, he is alone, not to mention harming the people, even if he is on the street If he flirts with a woman, his small body will be beaten to death.

Lu Tang was extremely embarrassed. He had never been so eager for money like he is now. He was thinking about how to make money and how to get rich all day long.If he has money, he can spend his days and nights in Jingzhao City, and be romantic.

But his surname is Lu after all, and this surname has attracted the attention of interested people.

Lu Xian somehow met two businessman friends, and today the two businessman friends invited him to have dinner at Juxianglou.

These two people seemed to be quite rich, and Lu Xian began to think about how to make money from them.

(End of this chapter)

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