
Chapter 919 The Broker

Chapter 919 The Broker
"Come on! Brother Lu, I'd like to toast you again!" The tall Dongzhu Xie was a little drunk, and his tongue curled up when he spoke.

Lu Tang picked up the wine glass and drank it down, and then poured wine for Master Xie, Master Xie waved his hand quickly, "You guys drink first, I want to take a nap first."

After speaking, he threw his head on the table and fell asleep drunk.

Another businessman, Wang Dongzhu, said with a smile: "My partner is a big drinker, and he collapses after drinking a few cups. Everyone in the industry is no stranger to it."

Lu Hang's heart moved, and he hurriedly asked, "I don't know what line of business Master Wang is in?"

Proprietor Wang laughed, "Brother Lu's question is interesting, of course it's a business."

Seeing that the other party refused to tell him the truth, Lu Xian couldn't help but sighed and said, "I used to be a man of luxury and riches, but now I'm down and down, and I can't even afford a glass of wine. If you hadn't invited me, I'm afraid I wouldn't even be able to do this." The threshold of the restaurant can't even pass!"

After speaking, he drank the wine in the glass in one gulp. "

At this moment, Dongzhu Xie, who was lying on the table, opened his eyes slightly, and gave Dongzhu Wang a wink, and Dongzhu Wang nodded calmly.

Proprietor Wang smiled again and said: "Brother, if you don't have money, you have to find a way to earn it. Money doesn't just fall from the sky by itself."

"I want to make money too, but I can't find it!"

Proprietor Wang said calmly: "Business also pays attention to relying on mountains to eat mountains, and water to eat water. To put it bluntly, you must use all the resources around you, and you must be good at turning these resources into money. Isn't the money coming?"

Lu Tang pondered for a moment and said, "My father is the governor of Fangzhou. Does this count as a resource?"

Proprietor Wang was almost smothered to death by a sip of wine, why is this bastard not enlightened at all?

"Brother! People go to high places, water flows to low places, and the money also flows to high places. People from Fangzhou have always come to Jingzhao to make money. I haven't heard that people from Jingzhao go to Fangzhou to make money. Otherwise, we What are you doing here from Daming Mansion eagerly?"

"I really can't think of it! Brother, how about giving me some advice?"

Proprietor Wang has nothing to do with him, he has never seen such a stupid person.

"Okay! Do you know what is the most sought-after in Jingzhao now? It will also be the most valuable thing in the future."

"Young and beautiful woman!"

Dongzhu Xie, who was lying on the table, suddenly groaned in pain, and Dongzhu Wang quickly patted him to let him continue to sleep.

"Now the most valuable and most sought-after thing is land. The south of Jingzhao City has expanded five miles. Do you know how many people are watching this land? I heard that every high-ranking official will be given a piece of land. How much wealth is stored in it? Can't you see it?"

'Every senior official has a piece, so does my father also have one? " Lu Yan asked excitedly.

"Your father is not old enough. He has to serve in the Sichuan-Shaanxi Xuanfu Envoy for more than five years, but you can ask the princess for a piece of land! Even if I buy the land with money, if the land along the street, we can give you an acre of land." The benefit of a thousand guan, if it is residential land, you can get [-] guan for an acre, and if you can get ten acres of land, you will be paid."

Lu Tang was fascinated when he heard that, ten mu is worth ten thousand guan!I can get thousands or even tens of thousands of benefits just by being a broker, why not do it?
"I'm going to find the princess now!"

What he thought of was to directly ask for a piece of land. If he sold it for [-] acres per mu, he could earn [-] acres for [-] acres, and he could continue to spend his days and nights.

Proprietor Wang gave him a note with his address on it, and Lu Tang ran away in a hurry.

Master Xie suddenly sat up and said, "I feel that this is risky. If he really gets ten acres of land and has money in his hands, wouldn't he need to ask us?"

Proprietor Wang said coldly: "Concubine Lu will give him the land? Overthinking it, if you give him the land, it's better to let him go to Fangzhou. Don't worry, he will come to the inn to beg us tomorrow at the latest. Let's wait and see!"

"The question is, can he get what we want?"

Proprietor Wang pondered for a while and said: "He and Lu Wei are uncles and nephews. The relationship between the two is very good. The key is that he can bridge the gap for us. Invite Lu Wei out for a meal, and we can get to know Lu Wei."

"I'm afraid that Lu Wei will not agree!"

Wang Dongzhu's face became a little grim, "Marshal Du only gave us two months, or he would spend money on it, or tie up Lu Wei's son. If you don't believe him, he won't agree!"

Not long after, the two businessmen also left Juxiang Restaurant, and an honest-looking middle-aged man rode a donkey far behind, following their ox cart unhurriedly.

This was something that the two businessmen could never have imagined. Lu Tang had become the death of the Lu family, and even Lu Yihao had murderous intentions. How could Chen Qing not send someone to watch him.

Half an hour later, the follower returned to the official office of the inner guard and went directly to the courtyard of the Ninth Battalion. The official office of the inner guard was like a structure with the word "Hui". official residence.

The inner guard soldiers who followed Lu Xian belonged to the Ninth Battalion, that is, Zhong Huan was in charge. The Ninth Battalion had no special duties. Various economic cases, such as illicit salt, illicit wine, private minting of money, etc.

But it can take care of all these things, but it is not full-time. In fact, it is like a handyman. Of course, the official position is not a handyman, but a mobile camp, or a reserve camp, where it is sent wherever it is needed.

Zhong Huan sat behind the table and listened to his subordinates' report. He felt a little strange. What did the two businessmen ask Lu Tang for?
"Are you sure they came from Daming Mansion, Hebei?"

"Their registration in the inn is Hebei Daming Mansion. I don't know if it is specific."

Jingzhao is more tolerant to businessmen from all over the world, and doesn’t care where they come from. Even Jurchen businessmen who come to Beijing, as long as they are real businessmen and do not traffic in contraband, they can also do business legally in Jingzhao. So basically no one will pretend to be here. no need.

But Zhong Huan was a little sensitive to Hebei Daming Mansion. This kind of businessman from afar must have come to sell and buy goods. How would he have anything to do with an ignorant rascal like Lu Tiao?What's more, Lu Tang is not a local snake.

If he came from Lin'an or the south, maybe he was an old acquaintance, but he came from the Daming Mansion. After much deliberation, there is only one possibility, that the other party came for Lu Tang's background.

Thinking of this, Zhong Huan said to his subordinates, "Don't startle them, keep watching them, arrange more subordinates, and see what business these two businessmen are doing?"

"Humble post obeys orders!"

The subordinates left, Zhong Huan pondered for a moment, it was just the beginning, and it was far from the time to report to the higher authorities.

Lu Tang sat stupidly in the reception area of ​​the palace for nearly half an hour, only seeing people coming and going in and out of the palace, as if something happened?

At this time, Steward Liu sent him profusely, "Master Hang, the princess is too busy. She said that if you have nothing serious to do, come back another day. This is the ten taels of silver that the princess gave you. Please accept it."

Lu Tang unceremoniously put ten taels of silver into his bosom, and asked curiously, "Is there any major event in the mansion?"

"That's right! The third lady just gave birth to a son, and everyone is very busy. This is a big event, and the princess is the busiest."

"Oh! Then I'll come back tomorrow. I do have something important to discuss with the princess."

"Then come tomorrow morning! Don't be too early, the time is right, if you are on time, I will dare to set a time for the princess."

Lu Xian was overjoyed, "Okay, I'll be there on time tomorrow."

Lu Yan squeezed the money in his arms, and rushed away excitedly. Needless to say, he must have gone to the brothel, and he would basically squander any money in the brothel.

The butler rushed back to the inner courtyard again, and the inner courtyard was in chaos. Zhao Yingluo gave birth to a son at noon today, a little prematurely, weighing less than five catties. Fortunately, the delivery was normal, and the child was born before everyone was ready. Oh, the two midwives haven't arrived yet!

But fortunately Dr. Liu is here, she can also deliver the baby, holding her feet, slapped the baby's buttocks, and immediately went 'Boom! 'Cry out loud, crying weakly, everyone is really a little worried.

Immediately afterwards, they changed rooms, boiled hot water, bathed the child, wrapped it in swaddling clothes, and worked for a long time. When both mother and child lay down comfortably, everyone was exhausted.

Lu Xiu walked out of the yard and saw the housekeeper from afar, she stepped forward and asked, "Steward Liu, is he gone?"

(End of this chapter)

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