
Chapter 920 The eldest son

Chapter 920 The eldest son
Butler Liu bowed and said, "Reporting to Wangfei, I have already sent him away. He said there was something important to do, so the villain dared to make an appointment for Wangfei to see him at Sishi tomorrow morning."

Lu Xiu was a little speechless, she didn't want to see Lu Tang at all, so she said goodbye later, she didn't expect the butler to make an appointment for her on her own, whatever!The housekeeper didn't know his background, and really regarded him as his cousin.

Lu Xiu said indifferently: "Only this time, you remember, this person is a scum of the Lu family, I have always ignored him, if I want to see him, I will only see his mother."

Butler Liu slapped himself, pleading guilty with sweat profusely: "The villain knows his mistakes, so don't dare!"

"Forget it, I didn't tell you beforehand, and you didn't know."

Lu Xiu was really tired, so she went back to her room to rest.

At dusk, Chen Qing hurried back to the mansion. He got a report from the soldiers on the way, and he had another son, which really made him extremely happy. He originally wanted to go to the government office, but he didn't care about it, so he went back to the mansion directly. .

When Zhao Yingluo saw her husband, she put her arms around his neck and began to cry. She heard the midwife say something outside the house, the child was too thin and might die, which really made Zhao Yingluo terrified.

Chen Qing reassured her for a while that the child would be fine with Dr. Liu present, and took Chen Xue as an example. In ordinary people's family, she would definitely die young, but in her own family she survived and was still healthy.

Perhaps because of thinking of Chen Xue, Zhao Yingluo gradually calmed down.

The child was indeed very thin, like a kitten, lying on the mother's chest to suck milk, Lu Xiu gently pulled Chen Qing, and asked Zhao Qiaoyun to accompany Yingluo.

Chen Qing came to the dining hall and asked while eating dinner, "What did Doctor Liu say?"

"Doctor Liu said that she will try her best, but whether the child can be saved depends on his fate."

Chen Qing's heart sank. That's not what Dr. Xue'er Liu said last time. He said that he was [-]% sure, and Chen Qing didn't want to eat anymore. He put down the bowl and asked, "How long has it been premature?"

"I was born prematurely for one month. In fact, there were early signs of miscarriage, but Dr. Liu still kept the baby for a month, and the baby became premature. Fortunately, the baby can drink milk normally and breathe normally. As long as the baby is normal If An An survives for a month, she will basically be able to keep it."

Lu Xiu had experience in giving birth to a premature daughter. She knew that she could not hire a wet nurse during this period, and Zhao Yingluo had to feed the child by herself, so that the child could feel the presence of the mother, and he would have the desire to survive.

"I see. The most important thing for our family this month is to try our best to keep the child. In two days, I will also go to the temple to burn incense and ask the Buddha to bless the child."

"Husband, there is one more thing. That Lu Yan came to me at noon and said that he had something important to do. I didn't see him, but the housekeeper made an appointment for me tomorrow morning without authorization. What a big head!"

Chen Qing said with a smile: "Actually, it's okay to meet, but I'm a little strange, he is obviously a generation higher than you, but why is his name the same generation?"

"He was originally called Lu Jiao, Jiaolong's Jiao. Because of a serious illness, his father listened to the fortune teller's words and said that he had to borrow from the next generation to survive, so he changed his name to Lu Jiao. His life was saved, but he didn't expect to grow up. The empress is so miserable, I guess he came to me for money, I gave him ten taels of silver at noon, doesn't he think it's too little?"

Chen Qing said indifferently: "Wang Hao told me yesterday that his mother gave him ten pennies, but he squandered it in the brothel that day. If you give him ten taels of silver, he probably will go to the brothel to squander it."

Lu Xiu was furious immediately, "I gave him money, did I let him go whoring?"

Chen Qing shook his head, "This man's nature is hard to change, so just ignore him, anyway, there are inner guards watching him, so he can't turn the world over."

Lu Xiu gritted her teeth with hatred and said, "I know, I swear I won't give him a single penny."

After dinner, Chen Qing sat in his study and read the newspaper. He hadn't read the newspaper for almost ten days. The newspapers on the table were piled up in a pile. He found that the "Beijing News" was getting smarter and smarter. There were two advertisements in each newspaper. , one is a small advertisement, there are twelve shops on each side, and twenty-four shops on both sides.

The page size of each store is like a business card for later generations, and only two sentences are allowed to attract customers. For example, the first one is Tongzhou Mutton Restaurant, No. [-] East Street. The words to attract customers are, "Authentic Tong Zhou Kuquan sheep, cooked meat is half price during the New Year. '

The other piece of paper was a big advertisement on the whole side. The side that Chen Qing saw was actually an advertisement for Yi'an Teahouse, with eight large characters on it, 'Official Kiln Jianzhan, Dragon and Phoenix Tuan Tea'.

This is not bragging. In Quanzhou, Chen Qing withheld [-] loads of dragon and phoenix tea and [-] sets of official kiln porcelain tea sets that he planned to pay tribute to the Lin'an Palace this year.

After he came back, he distributed the tea sets and dragon and phoenix tea to senior officials and generals. Among them, he gave Yi'an teahouse ten loads of dragon and phoenix tea each, and twenty sets of official kiln tea sets. , Longfeng tea group' eight characters.

The common people at the bottom may not understand the meaning of these eight characters, but all scholars understand, this is arrogance.

Longfeng tea and Jianzhou porcelain are only paid as tribute to the imperial palace, and then the emperor distributes them to dignitaries. They have never had a chance with ordinary people. Now that Yi'an teahouse has put out this advertisement, it is estimated that it will be overwhelmed by tea lovers.

Below is a picture of a teacup, steaming white, with white foam hanging on it, indicating a high level of tea-making. The two advertising slogans next to it made Chen Qing laugh, "Didi is fragrant, and the meaning is still unfinished." This is written by himself. I didn't expect to use this in the advertisement for Zhao Qiaoyun.

At noon tomorrow, I can invite a few counselors to Yi'an Tea House for a cup of tea and a simple lunch.

At this time, the door opened, and his son Chen Ji poked his head in from outside, "Daddy, are you looking for me?"

Chen Qing smiled and said: "Ji'er, come here quickly, sit here!"

Today Chen Qing saw the thin young son, and suddenly thought of the eldest son, he hadn't spoken to him for a long time.

Chen Ji admired his father's majesty, but was also a little timid. He walked slowly to his father and sat down.

Chen Qing looked at his eldest son lovingly. He was already five years old. His nose and face shape resembled his own, but his eyebrows and eyes resembled his mother's. Although he was young, he was calm and calm. He was not as naughty as a five-year-old child. The favorite of civil and military officials.

"Are you still in class?"

"Well! Auntie taught me [-] characters every day, and memorized two Tang poems. In the afternoon, Er Niang taught me to practice calligraphy. Now my child can already know two thousand characters and recite hundreds of Tang poems."

A Guzu is Li Qingzhao, she volunteered to take charge of Chen Ji's enlightenment education.

"Can I read the newspaper?" Chen Qing pointed to the newspaper and asked with a smile.

Chen Ji shook his head, "Aguzu said that next year I will start studying "The Analects of Confucius" and some short essays, and then I can start reading newspapers."

It is one thing to be able to recognize thousands of characters, but another thing to be able to read articles. It is also necessary to develop comprehension skills. This needs to be done step by step, and must not be counterproductive.

"Does my sister always bully you?" Chen Qing asked again with a smile.

Chen Ji hesitated, nodded slightly, and said hastily: "But I don't care about my sister, I just let her, she. She actually just wants to play with me."

Chen Qing stroked his son's cute little head and smiled, "Go! My sister is rather naughty. Later, my father will educate her and stop her from bullying you."

"Father, my son is leaving."

Chen Ji bowed to his father and walked away quickly.

Looking at the young figure of his son walking away, Chen Qing felt an indescribable feeling of licking the calf, the affection between father and son!It has been deeply engraved into the blood.

In the morning of the next day, Lu Tang came to Prince Yong's mansion on time. This time, Lu Xiu received him. Dozens of maids and guards stood behind the princess. He lowered his head in fright, not daring to look directly.

Of course, he also has a guilty conscience. The ten taels of silver that Lu Xiu gave him yesterday was squandered by him overnight. He was afraid that the princess would ask, and he would not be able to explain it.

"What's the matter with my uncle?" Lu Xiu's tone was slightly impatient.

She thought of what her husband said, that Lu Xian spent all day in the brothel, and the money she gave him would definitely be used by him to whore, Lu Xiu felt extremely disgusted and disgusted with this Lu family scum.

"Can my embroiderer give me some land?"


Lu Xiu was slightly stunned, "What do you want the land for? If you want to farm, your father is a fifth grade. According to the regulations of Sichuan and Shaanxi, he should have [-] acres of land!"

Lu Hang said cheekily: "I'm not talking about the farmland outside the city, but the new city. It's not expanding five miles to the south. I heard that high-ranking officials all have land. King Yong must have the most land. Can Xiu Niang give me ten acres?" Land facing the street?"

Lu Xiu's face suddenly sank, and he said coldly: "King Yong has land, but according to the regulations, it can only be passed on to his children, not to outsiders, and can't be sold. I'm sorry, I can't help you, Mrs. Wen, send it for me. guest!"

(End of this chapter)

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