
Chapter 921 Join

Chapter 921 Join
Lu Tang was almost kicked out of the palace, he ran to the street in embarrassment, feeling ashamed and resentful at the same time, Lu Xiu was his niece, she was so heartless, she was so kind to her when she was a child, she was so kind to her. No nostalgia, simply ungrateful.

"Bitch! Pooh!"

Lu Hang cursed viciously, and then spat heavily. He completely forgot his father's official position, the official house they lived in, and their family expenses. He even forgot that Lu Xiu gave him ten taels of silver yesterday. Who is ungrateful?
No way, he had to go to two more businessmen to see if they had any other ways to make money?

Xie Hua and Wang Shuang lived in the Gaosheng Inn and rented a single courtyard with four rooms. The environment is quiet and comfortable to live in, and the service from the clerks is also very considerate, but the price is expensive, and the daily rent is about the same.

Lu Tang was brought into the yard by Xie Hua, and saw the gold piled on the table at least a few hundred taels, shining golden light, Lu Tang swallowed a few mouthfuls of saliva, had no choice but to look away reluctantly, and walked into the next room.

The five hundred taels of gold on the table was for Lu Tong to see, and today they were going to have a showdown with Lu Tang.

As for yesterday's talk of doing land sales, it was just to tickle Lu Jiang's appetite.

"Doing business?"

Wang Shuang sneered, "Do you think you can make money if you buy goods from Guanzhong and go to Hebei? Let me tell you, if you don't have a background to retreat, the commercial tax of Jin Kingdom alone will deduct all your profits, and your various expenses will be deducted." All kinds of expenses, all kinds of management, you have to pay at least [-] guan for [-] guan, do business, and the cost changes from [-] guan to [-] guan, what are you willing to do?"

"Then how do you make money?" Lu Jiang still didn't believe it.

"Brother, we all lost money in normal business, and finally made a lot of money in shady business."

"What kind of shady business?" Lu Dang immediately became interested.

Wang Shuang knew that he was getting to the point, so he said calmly: "For example, selling illicit salt, illicit wine, human trafficking, and smuggling contraband, but if these transactions are caught by Jin Guo, they will be killed, and the risk is extremely high. We originally There are five partners, three have been killed, and then we found a way to be safe and make a lot of money."

"What way, can you tell me about it?"

Wang Shuang and Zhou Hua were afraid that he would not ask, so they discussed it on purpose, Wang Shuang nodded, "For the sake of your sincerity, I can tell you that the safest and most profitable way is to get a reward."

"Get a reward?" Lu Xuan didn't understand.

"Our first transaction was that the Kingdom of Jin offered a high price to buy the hemostatic medicinal materials Burnet, Panax notoginseng and Puhuang. When we entered the Song Dynasty, we spent three thousand guan to buy a batch of medicinal materials to go to Yanshan Mansion. The Kingdom of Jin gave us three Thousands of coins, ten times the huge profits!"

Lu Yan's eyes were red when he heard it, why didn't he encounter such a good thing?
"Later, we purchased a batch of pig iron in the Song Dynasty, weighing more than [-] catties, and secretly transported it across the Yangtze River. This ticket also earned [-] guan."

Lu Tang couldn't stand the temptation anymore, and said anxiously: "You two brothers, there is no such good thing, let's take the younger brother to do it together!"

"Of course, otherwise, what are we doing in Jingzhao City? Do you think we are really here for business?"

"Can I bring my younger brother this time?"

Zhao Shuang smiled and said: "This time there is no need for capital, it is a big business of [-] guan. Marshal Wanyandu publicly offered a reward in Yanshan Mansion for an iron fire thunder. If he succeeds, he will reward [-] guan. Brother, [-] guan! If successful, we can give you [-] guan, what are you willing to do?"

"Do it! I am willing to do it!"

Lu Tang was so excited that his voice changed, fifty thousand guan!I'm afraid I won't be able to spend my whole life.

He forgot that if he spent as much as he did last night, the [-] yuan would be spent in at most three years.

"What is Tiehuolei?" Lu Yan asked again.

"It is a kind of firearm, which is unique to the Western Army. Neither the Jin Dynasty nor the Song Dynasty has it. Of course, it is the highest military secret of the Western Army. There is no way to get it, but if there is a way, then it can be done. We all Hebei merchants are not familiar with Jingzhao."

Lu Tang suddenly understood why the other party came to him and wanted to use his connections, but now he was completely fascinated by the [-] guan. willing.

He hesitated for a moment, "But... I don't know anyone who controls Tie Huo Lei either!"

"You know, if you have no way, how can we find you?"

Lu Yan was confused, "Who? Princess Yong?"

Wang Shuang shook his head, "Princess Yong is useless, the person we are talking about is Lu Wei, don't you know him?"

"Ah! It's him, I know him, I know him very well, we grew up together, we have a deep friendship! But where is he an official?"

"The friendship is really deep!"

Zhou Hua said sarcastically, "I don't even know where the other party is an official."

Lu Tang blushed, and quickly explained: "I just came to Jingzhao City not long ago, and my father told me that Lu Wei seems to be the magistrate in the place where Xixia used to be, which is too far away."

Wang Shuang shook his head, "He is no longer an official in Xiazhou. He has just been transferred back to serve as Sima of the military department. He is in charge of the arsenal where the firearms are stored. If Lu Wei is willing to join us, then [-] yuan will be rewarded to the four of us. Even split."

Lu Tang hesitated and said, "I'm afraid he won't agree!"

"He doesn't like money?"

Lu Hang scratched his head and smiled: "Of course he likes it. He used to be a guard in the Lin'an Palace, and he was also a messy person. He fought, molested women, went to brothels, went to restaurants, and dragged me around when he had no money. He even sold the guards’ armor and weapons, and then lied about falling into the water, but his grandfather, that is, my uncle, covered it up for him, and he was not held accountable.”

Zhou Hua patted the table, "Isn't that all right? Do you think such a person won't be tempted by [-] yuan?"

"I'm afraid he will change."

Wang Shuang smiled proudly: "Don't worry! A wolf will always be a wolf and will never become a dog. Even if he changes on the surface, his nature will never change."

In fact, Wang Shuang forgot, isn't the dog a wolf?

"Okay! I'll give it a try."

Lu Tang gritted his teeth and agreed, anyway, even if it didn't work out, Lu Wei would never betray himself. Suddenly, his stomach growled, and he was so hungry that his chest pressed against his back, and he was covered in cold sweat.

"Two brothers, I haven't had breakfast yet, I'm really hungry."

Wang Shuang and Zhou Hua laughed and patted him on the shoulder, "Let's go! We'll invite you to drink."

In the afternoon, Lu Tang found Lu Wei. The two were the same age. Although they were uncles and nephews, they were actually no different from brothers. They grew up together, studied together, and mingled together all day in Lin'an.

As expected, Lu Wei did not dislike Lu Jiao, and agreed to find him an errand, and also agreed to lend him twenty taels of silver.

Lu Tang was so touched that tears were about to come down, and immediately invited him to drink together at night, but Lu Wei had something to do at night, and his boss Guan Shigu wanted to invite him to dinner, so he had to change it to the next day, at Juxiang Restaurant, Lu Wei readily agreed , The two made an appointment.

Lu Hang took twenty taels of silver and said goodbye. He went to the Gaosheng Inn, told Wang and Zhou Zhou the time and place for dinner tomorrow night, and then hurried to the brothel, which was his home and his destination. .

Soon, the soldiers of the internal guards who were monitoring Lu Tong rushed back to the official office of the internal guards and reported Lu Tang's whereabouts for a day to Zhong Huan.

After listening to the report, Zhong Huan immediately realized that something was wrong. The target of the two businessmen was actually Lu Wei. He had to report this matter immediately.

A quarter of an hour later, after listening to the report, Zhong Huan's immediate boss, Wang Hao, pondered for a long time and said, "Are you sure that the two businessmen want to find Lu Wei, and it's not that Lu Hang went to Lu Wei to borrow money?"

Zhong Huan bowed and said: "Qizhi, if Lu Tang came out of the government office, he would go directly to the brothel. I believe it was the latter, but he went to the Gaosheng Inn to find two businessmen, and then ran to the brothel in a hurry. He is going to report to the two about Lu Wei."

"Your speculation makes sense!"

Wang Hao cleaned up the documents on the table, got up and said, "Let's go! Go and report to His Royal Highness King Yong."

(End of this chapter)

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