
Chapter 922 Pictured

Chapter 922 Pictured

After Chen Qing listened to Zhong Huan's report, he pondered for a moment and asked, "Do those two merchants have any subordinates? Or did they come alone?"

Chong Huan had to admire His Royal Highness King Yong, and asked the key point in one sentence. He quickly said: "This is also a suspicious place. My subordinates checked the Gaosheng Inn, and only these two people registered to settle in. If the Gaosheng Inn has no cheap rooms It is understandable, but the Gaosheng Inn has very cheap rooms and even a spacious barn. Since Hebei is here to do business, there are no men, no goods, no mules and horses, and even if there are, it seems that they live elsewhere. Weird."

Wang Hao also agreed: "Your Highness, what General Zhong said makes sense. Merchants value their goods very much, and some are even more important than their lives. It's unreasonable for two merchants to live alone in the Gaosheng Inn. It's unreasonable for them to be humble. question."

Chen Qing nodded, picked up the silver bell on the table and rang it twice, the crisp silver bell was heard, and an officer on duty immediately appeared at the door, Chen Qing ordered him: "Go and give Lu Wei, the Secretary of the Military Department, I'll find it!"

The Military Division is located on the left wing of Prince Yong's Mansion. It is a newly built building, also called Qinglong Tower, and the other building on the right wing is called Baihutang, which is the seat of the Intelligence Division and the Supervision Division.

At this time, it was almost the end of the day's government affairs, and Lu Wei was clearing the table. Later, his boss Guan Shigu invited him to have dinner with a few colleagues, and suddenly he was asked to go to the Xuanwu Hall because King Yong had something urgent Looking for him, Lu Wei didn't dare to neglect, so he greeted his subordinates and hurried away.

Not long after, Lu Wei came to Chen Qing's official room and bowed to salute, "Please refer to Your Highness for humble positions!"

"Let me ask you, what is Lu Yan looking for you today?"

Lu Wei originally thought that Chen Qing wanted to ask him how he felt about taking up the new position, but he didn't expect that it was not. He glanced at Wang Hao and Zhong Huan beside him, and immediately realized that something must have happened to Lu Xian.

"Reporting to Your Highness, Lu Tang just came to complain to me. I knew he was actually borrowing money. I gave him twenty taels of silver, but I didn't expect him to pay it back."

"and then?"

"Then I persuaded him not to wander around like this. I also promised to find him a job. It just so happens that Beiliangcang needs a boss, and I'm going to recommend him for the job."

"Didn't I invite you out for a drink or something?" Chen Qing asked quietly.

"Yes! In the end, he invited me to have a drink with me tonight, but Laoguan wants to welcome me tonight, so we changed it to tomorrow night."

Zhong Huan suddenly asked: "The address is the Peony Room of Juxiang Restaurant!"

Lu Wei looked at Zhong Huan in surprise, "How does General Xiao Zhong know?"

Chen Qing said coldly: "Even the inner guard knows, what do you think I asked you for?"

Lu Wei came to his senses, "Could it be that there is something wrong with Lu Hang asking me to drink?"

Chen Qing walked a few steps with his hands behind his back and said, "Actually, it wasn't Lu Tang who invited you to drink. Lu Tang was just going through the needles. He introduced two other people to you. These two came from Hebei. What do we need you for?" I don’t know, but the motive must be impure!”

"The humble job will find an excuse not to go."

"No! That's not what it means."

Chen Qing waved his hands and said with a smile: "You are going, and you have to pretend to be old friends at first sight. If the other party tempts you, you can climb up their pole. I don't need to teach you this, but I need to know that businessmen from Hebei look for What is Sima's plan? The inner guard will cooperate with you, General Xiaozhong, you must do your best in this matter."


Chen Qing said solemnly to several people again: "Why do I attach importance to this matter, because these two people came from Daming Mansion on Hebei Road, Daming Mansion is the seat of the Marshal Mansion of Jin Guodu, I suspect that it is most likely sent by Wan Yanchang, we just How could Wan Yanchang have no reaction to taking down the Datong Mansion?"

Daming Mansion on Hebei Road, Daming Mansion is the Beijing of the Great Song Dynasty, and also the political, military, and economic center of Hebei Road.

The Marshal's Mansion is the largest building complex in Daming City, covering an area of ​​[-] mu. Currently, Wanyanchang's official offices and residences are located here.

In the lobby, Wan Yanchang was listening to Zhong Tan's report on joining the army. They had just received a pigeon letter from Jingzhaocheng.

"Wang Shuang and Xie Hua have already found a breakthrough, they met Lu Datong's son Lu Xian"

"Who is Lu Hang?" Wanyan Helisa who was sitting at the side interrupted Zhong Tan's report.

Wan Yanchang waved his hand, signaling Wanyan to drink and leave for a while, and don't be impatient, he said to Zhong Tan: "Keep talking!"

Zhong Tan continued: "Lu Tong is greedy and stupid, and he is willing to use it for us, but Wang and Zhou's target is the military commander Lu Wei, and all the warehouses of the Western Army are under his control. They are still fighting with each other step by step. Lu Wei communicates, don't dare to act too hastily."

Wan Yanchang nodded in praise and said: "Good job, write back to them, don't be in a hurry, be patient, you must succeed, the two-month deadline can be cancelled."

"Follow the order!"

Zhong Tan saluted and walked away quickly.

Only then did Wan Yanchang say to Wan Yan: "I know the son of Lu Datong. When his father was an official in the local area, he bullied men and women and did all sorts of evil. As a result, he was impeached by the censor and Lu Datong was dismissed. Because of this, Lu Yihao was dismissed, and the Lu family was defeated by this person. I heard that he was exiled to Lingnan for ten years. It was estimated that the Lu family spent money so that he was able to come back, and then went to Jingzhao. A good insider, he can get some key information that ordinary spies can't get."

"Marshal Du means his relationship with the princess?"

Wan Yanchang nodded, "He is a relative, just like Wei Tong, we need such a person."

Wanyan Helisa sighed, "What we need most is Tiehuolei!"

The gate of Datong City was blown to pieces by an iron fire thunder from the Song army. Yelu Cibao got a piece of iron fire thunder when he retreated. Wan Yanchang knew that the western army had broken through the iron fire thunder. One idea is to get this iron fire mine at all costs.

You know, the Jin Guo Firearms Institute is also researching the Iron Fire Thunder. After the defeat of the Dashan Pass in the Sichuan-Shaanxi War, the Jin Kingdom realized the importance of the Iron Fire Thunder and began to research and develop the Iron Fire Thunder. But now six or seven years Passed, always without success.

Now that the Western Army has succeeded, how can Wan Yanchang not be so anxious, as long as he can get an iron fire thunder, the Firearms Institute can imitate it.

Wan Yanchang smiled slightly and said: "Don't worry, let's hold our breath this time, I have a hunch that if we find the right person this time, we will definitely gain something."

The first meal for Lu Wei, Lu Tiao and the two businessmen has ended. It can be said that they had a very happy conversation, and they have made an appointment for the next meal.

But to Chen Qing's surprise, the other party actually wanted to buy the land in Lu Wei's hands, and was willing to pay a high price.

This made Chen Qing a little confused. Could it be that the other party was really just talking about business?
Zhong Huan also continued to investigate the two, and soon got a breakthrough from Zhong Huan.

Liu Shun, the spy of the inner guard, is a man in his forties, with a vicissitudes on his face. He looks like an old farmer in the countryside. No one will doubt his identity.

He rode a big green donkey and walked into Xianyang city without any haste. He was following an ox cart. The guards watched.

There is almost no doubt, it is certain that the people in the ox cart are subordinates of two merchants, but the inner guards did not expect that they lived outside the city, and Zhong Huan ordered Liu Shun to follow them.

Liu Shun is a full-time spy in charge of tracking. His image of an old farmer can fool anyone, and his eyes are very poisonous. As long as he is not galloping, as long as he is staring at him, he will never get rid of him. On the empty official road, he It is about two miles away from the bullock cart, and when entering Xianyang City, he is only a hundred steps away from the bullock cart.

The bullock cart stopped in front of a relatively remote mansion in the east of the city, and the people who got out knocked on the door and entered the mansion, and the gate was closed immediately.

Liu Shun remembered the mansion, and turned to leave, but accidentally found a carrier pigeon circling in the sky for a few times, folded its wings and fell into the yard. Liu Shun's eyes were indeed poisonous, and he could see clearly. Only a small red tube.

[There is something at home today, I only wrote two chapters, sorry! 】

(End of this chapter)

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