
Chapter 923

Chapter 923
That night, Wang Hao took Zhong Huan to Prince Yong's Mansion and reported to Chen Qing what he had discovered in the afternoon.

"After our spies discovered the carrier pigeon, we sent people to monitor the mansion. In addition, our subordinates also found out that the original owner of the mansion was Bo Luo Changqing, the owner of Xianyang. Maybe it was just a coincidence, but I think it's a coincidence. He is not very sexual, and the humble official investigated this Luo Changqing again, he is an official appointed by the puppet Qi, from Fengxiang, he was born in a school, and was retained because he did not commit any evil deeds, the humble official thinks."

Before Zhong Huan could finish speaking, Wang Hao waved his hand lightly to him, telling him to stop talking.

Zhong Huan stopped immediately.

Chen Qing stood in front of the window with his hands behind his back, thinking for a long time without saying a word. Since he was sure that the other party was a Jurchen spy, he had to think about it thoroughly. If this matter was done skillfully, he could make full use of the other party to deliver false news for him.

"You continue to monitor each other, but don't be discovered by the other party."

After a pause, Chen Qing said again: "If there is any progress in this matter, please report to me immediately."

"Follow the order!"

The two saluted, got up and left.

After leaving the palace, Wang Hao let Zhong Huan also get into the carriage, and then he said to Zhong Huan: "I know why I told you not to talk anymore?"

Zhong Huan shook his head, "I don't know the lowly position!"

Wang Hao sighed: "Our internal guards do things that are not in compliance with the rules. For example, protecting high-ranking officials is actually a kind of surveillance, so we must be cautious in what we do and say, and we must not have any personal emotions. You just mentioned Xianyang Lord Bo Luo Changqing. You don't have any evidence to prove that he and the other party are in the same group. It is very likely that the other party wants to rent an official's house. Because it is safer, you can't say what I think. You can only state the facts and let His Highness judge for himself. If His Highness If you suspect Luo Changqing, he will arrange for us."

Zhong Huan nodded silently, "I understand!"

At this time, the carriage arrived at Zhong Huan's official residence, and Zhong Huan opened the door to get off the car. Wang Hao said earnestly again: "Remember, you should not talk too much when reporting in the future. If you want His Highness to ask questions, you will answer them."

Zhong Huan bowed and saluted, "I will remember the teachings of the ruling system."

The carriage continued to move forward, and Wang Hao was quite moved. He had already discovered that His Highness King Yong valued Zhong Huan very much. In the future, Zhong Huan would probably take over his position. To cultivate his cruelty and to do evil, and not to do evil, how can he become a qualified internal guard leader in the future.

Chen Qing returned to the inner study. As soon as he sat down, his wife Lu Xiu brought him a cup of ginseng tea.

Lu Xiu sighed, "Li Mei came to see me today."

Li Mei is Lu Wei's wife, and she must have something to do with Lu Wei when she came to find her wife, so Chen Qing asked with a smile, "What's the matter with her?"

"This time my elder brother also got [-] mu of land, [-] mu of land along the street, and [-] mu of house land. It seems that someone is willing to pay a high price to buy land from them. Li Mei wants to sell it very much, but it is stipulated that the land must be held and cannot be resold. It must be left to the children and grandchildren. , she just wanted me to help intercede and grant permission for them to sell it."

Chen Qing shook his head, "I don't allow them to sell the land. It's for the property benefits of the officials. In the future, the land in Nancheng will rise sharply, and they can also leave some property for future generations. Besides, it was bought by someone introduced by Lu Jiang. You will believe it. ?"

"Ah! That won't work, I have to tell Li Mei, that guy must not believe it, there must be a trap inside."

Chen Qing waved his hands and smiled, "You have the inner guards watching over this matter, nothing will happen. Just tell Li Mei that you can't give her a special approval and let her leave the land to her children. The price will increase several times in the future."

Lu Xiu hesitated and said, "Actually, I don't care about other things, I'm afraid of hurting my brother."

"No, your brother has already reported this matter to me. I asked him to cooperate with the inner guard to act. This matter is very confidential. It's just you and me here, you can't tell anyone else."

Only then did Lu Xiu feel relieved, and nodded, "Don't worry, my husband! I do things properly, and I will never leak them."

Early the next morning, Chen Qing, accompanied by Jiang Yanxian, came to inspect the newly opened land in Nancheng. The city wall had been demolished, and a new city wall was built five miles away. It's all empty land, basically no houses, and even if there are houses, they have been demolished.

Chen Qing and a large group of officials rode through the former city wall, and there was a large open space outside, covered with thick white snow, a crystal clear and white world. So far, only a north-south main road has been built, which is ten feet wide and paved On the five-mile-long bluestone slab, it leads to the Nancheng five miles away.

On the main road, ox carts, donkey carts, horse riders, donkey riders, and pedestrians come and go in an endless stream. They must pass through here when entering and leaving Nancheng, but there is a vast expanse of snow on both sides. place.

Although part of the land was allocated to senior officials and generals, in the vast land five miles long and ten miles wide, the actual proportion of the allocated land was extremely small.

The plan to expand the South City was unanimously approved by the Internal Affairs Hall. This is also forced by the situation. The population of Jingzhao City has exceeded one million, and the military barracks and warehouses are moving out of the city. The vacated land is used to build houses, but the city remains the same. Overcrowded, the housing problem has become an imminent problem in Jingzhao City.

In addition, many public utilities cannot be carried out. Schools need land, businesses need land, government agencies need land, and the reserves of earthen ponds have been exhausted. At present, the land in the better parts of the city has increased to tens of thousands per mu, and it is not always possible to buy it. States and counties Many wealthy families want to have a house in Jingzhao, so that it is hard to find a house in Jingzhao City.

Chen Qing saw many people walking in the snow-covered wilderness in the distance, as if checking the land, Chen Qing asked, "Who are those people?"

Jiang Yanxian smiled slightly and said, "There are probably two types of people. Some are businessmen who want to buy shops or big families who want to buy houses. They are choosing places."

"and many more!"

Chen Qing interrupted him, "Is the land still for sale?"

"After being stopped by His Highness, the sale is no longer available, but I did sell some land before. It's just that I can't go back on it, and the deposit has been collected, but it does not conflict with His Highness's request."

Chen Qing frowned and asked, "Which government office is managing this land now?"

"It's an order from the Field House and Mine Administration!"

Jiang Yan first turned around and waved, and introduced a name to Chen Qing: "The Land, House and Mine Administration ordered Li Zhuangnong to go to Chencang County to review the official land. This is Gao Kun, the deputy administrator. He was transferred to Jingzhao last year. State judgment."

Gao Kun hurriedly bowed and saluted, "See Your Highness!"

Chen Qing asked Gao Kun: "As I said before, it is not that the land cannot be sold, but a regulation must be made first. Where to build tiles, where to build private houses, where to build schools, and all kinds of restrictions on buying land must be clear and clear. A detailed plan is required before the land can be sold, does the High Commissioner know this regulation?"

"Humble job knows!"

"Then I want to know, to what extent do you plan to achieve it?"

"Reporting to Your Highness, the plan will not be completed until February next year at the earliest. It is too large, and there are various purchase restrictions. We can't make decisions based on our brains. We have to investigate and it will take time."

"Then it will be completed before the end of March next year, can it be done?"

"absolutely okay!"

"In addition, those people paid the deposit, so the land has been confirmed?" Chen Qing pointed to the people in the distance and asked.

"Your Highness, they just paid a deposit, because it hasn't been clarified how much land they can buy, so the government office just promised them that they can buy the land, but they haven't confirmed where to buy the land, so it's useless for them to look at the land now."

Chen Qing nodded, and then asked Jiang Yanxian: "Just now Counselor Jiang said that there are two types of people in the front group. One type wants to buy land. What about the other type?"

Jiang Yanxian smiled bitterly and said, "There are still a group of people who are the original owners of the land. They all regret selling the land, and also regret the low price. They want to make trouble!"

"Didn't they say they were all Guantian?"

Jiang Yan shook his head first, "Most of them are official land, but a large piece of land in the southeast is private land, about several thousand mu, involving more than [-] families. They have had a quarrel before, and His Highness happened to go to Lin'an. It is estimated that they will make trouble again soon."

"Have you signed an agreement with them?"

Gao Kun quickly said: "They have all signed, and they are given twice the price of the land market. Of course, it cannot be compared. The price of twice the price of farmland is only [-] acres, but if it becomes a residential land in the city, the price will be much higher. times, so they regretted it and clamored to take back the land."

Chen Qing said coldly: "Don't pay attention to them, and let me know when they cause trouble!"

(End of this chapter)

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