
Chapter 924

Chapter 924
Before noon, there were already guests in the Peony Room of Juxiang Restaurant. This elegant room was located in the west, and next door was a utility room, full of dilapidated tables and chairs, so it was impossible to monitor, so Wang Shuang chose this elegant room , at a fixed price at noon every day, if you need it at night, you can book in advance, and the elegant room will be reserved for them.

Wang Shuang and Zhou Hua came a little early, and today they invited Lu Wei to dinner for the fourth time. After the first three contacts, Wang Shuang and Zhou Hua could tell that Lu Wei was serious on the surface and stopped fighting. Molesting women again, and sometimes speaking in an official accent.

But the thought of the dandy in his bones is still there, that is, the idea of ​​getting something for nothing goes deep into his bones, envious of the thousands of dollars a year that the counselors earn, and I don’t know where their income comes from, always complaining that they are working harder than cows, eating Fewer than a chicken.

The time has gradually matured. Wang Shuang and Zhou Hua have decided to show their cards today. Of course, it is not up to them to tell the truth, but to Lu Jiang's.

Wang Shuang glanced at Lu Tang who was drinking tea next to him, and asked with a smile, "Master Lu, did you really see their husband and wife quarreling yesterday?"

Lu Tang smiled and said: "Actually, it wasn't a quarrel. It was his wife who complained that King Yong was ruthless and that such a close relationship would not be given special approval. Lu Wei was annoyed when he said that, so he yelled at her, saying what women know, let her To shut up!"

Zhou Hua raised his eyebrows and said, "That is to say, he can't sell the land if he wants to?"


Wang Shuang pondered for a while and said, "His family is in a hurry to sell the land, or is it because they are in a hurry to raise money to buy a house?"

Lu Hang nodded, "Actually, it's because of Li Mei's family. Li Mei's father was assassinated in Chengdu. Her mother brought her younger brother and wanted to come to Jingzhao to join her, but Lu Wei was reluctant. Li Mei also had two older brothers in Bashu. He is an official in the county! Why should he seek refuge with his daughter?

So Li Mei thought about buying another house, and let her mother and younger brother live together instead of living together. Lu Wei also agreed. It happened that the government had a three-acre house for sale, and the location was very good. On Chang'an South Street, After Lu Wei got a favor, the house was left to him, but he had to pay [-] guan to transfer the ownership. I heard from Lu Wei that their family only had [-] guan, and he didn't want to ask his father and grandfather for it, so he was in a hurry. "

Zhou Hua next to him said: "He can actually ask the princess to borrow it! Isn't it his own sister?"

Lu Tang snorted disdainfully, "Master Zhou, you think too much, the princess is hypocritical and selfish, she will never allow Lu Wei to buy a house, because it is beyond Lu Wei's ability to bear, and it will make others suspect Lu Wei Relying on the princess to get benefits, thus affecting her reputation of being virtuous and selfless, she starts from her own interests in everything, and will never allow others to harm her interests, even her own brother is no exception."

Wang Shuang and Zhou Hua looked at each other, and they understood that Lu Wei, a seemingly beautiful relative, was actually more difficult than others. No wonder he was transferred to Xiazhou to be the governor. No one else would like to go to such a dangerous place. Go, only he can go.

At this time, hurried footsteps came from outside, Lu Wei walked in like a gust of wind, cupped his fists and said apologetically, "I'm sorry for keeping everyone waiting for so long!"

Lu Yan jumped up and shouted: "Lao San will be punished with three glasses of wine later!"

"Give me a glass of fine wine! I have to inspect the warehouse in the afternoon. If I drink too much, I will delay my work. That person from Laoguan is hard to talk to."

Wang Shuang chuckled, "It's fine to drink as a fine, sit down quickly, brother Zhou will let them serve wine and food!"

Zhou Hua went out and shouted. Not long after, three bartenders came in with food and wine boxes, and clothed them with a table full of food and wine.

Wang Shuang waited for Lu Tang to fill up the wine for everyone, then picked up the wine glass, stood up and smiled, "Come on! Let's have a drink first."

Everyone also stood up, picked up the wine glasses and drank it down in one gulp, Wang Shuang let Lu Wei pick up the food first, and the four of them ate.

After drinking two glasses of wine, Wang Shuang put down his chopsticks and asked with a smile, "How about the land?"

Lu Wei sighed and said, "It's hard to handle! The rule is that it is not allowed to be sold within three generations."

"Is it really that strict?"

Lu Wei shook his head and said with a wry smile: "Actually, it's not that strict. Laoguan borrowed a lot of money from his fellow countrymen to buy a house for his son, and King Yong specially approved him to directly use five acres of land to cover the debt. In fact, the key is not that King Yong disagreed, but It's the princess."

Wang Shuang laughed and said, "Understood! Understood! Then Lu Sima will be in trouble for buying a house."

"Hey! When I went back yesterday, my wife and I had a big fight, crying and arguing, it's annoying!"

Lu Wei picked up the wine cup and drank it down. Wang Shuang filled a glass of wine for him, and asked tentatively: "With Lu Sima's current position, it shouldn't be difficult to get more than [-] yuan!"

"Who said that, go and try to be corrupt. The inspector of the Supervision Department is still in Xiazhou! Officials in Xiazhou are encouraged to write anonymous letters to report me. This is called resignation supervision. This is what officials are most afraid of."

All the three people in the room had black lines on their faces, and Lu Ting said unconvinced: "But you also said that the counselors earn several thousand yuan a year. Where does their money come from? Does it depend on that little salary?"

Lu Wei pondered for a while and said: "I figured it out later, one is the salary and year-end rewards, and the counselors can get more than [-] yuan in rewards at the end of the year, and they are distributed in these few days.

Their salaries are also high, with a yearly income of thousands of guan, and rewards from King Yong. The last time King Yong came back from Lin'an, he rewarded a lot of jewelry. I heard that a sapphire gold hairpin owned by Jiang Yanxian's wife is worth thousands of guan. It was rewarded by King Yong.

Then there is the land income. The counselors all have farms with rewards, and their annual income is two to three thousand guan. In addition, I heard that the counselors also invest outside, such as the Bazhen Restaurant on Dongjie Street. Zhou Kuan and Zhang Miao each invested [-]% Members, the business is so hot, can their annual dividends be less? "

"King Yong still allows business?"

"Investment is fine, but direct business is not enough for the time being. It's actually the same thing! I invest in dozens of shops, and then my son is responsible for taking care of them. The profits I get will continue to be invested. I don't participate in the operation, just focus on the investment income , isn't it the same?"

"You're right, there is a workaround for everything."

Lu Wei sighed, "It's just that such a good thing is not my turn. After all these years, I have only saved six thousand coins, which are completely picked out from between my teeth."

"Hehe! Horses don't have night grass and don't get fat, people don't have external wealth and don't get rich!"

"Foreign money?"

Lu Wei narrowed his eyes and said with a smile: "I really want to! Is there any way for the proprietor Wang?"

"Of course there is a way, and the effect is quick, but it is a bit illegal, and it may not be suitable for Lu Sima."

Lu Wei sighed, "People are poor and short-sighted, they only care about the size of the risk, so it doesn't matter what is legal or not?"

"That's right! Come on, let's have a drink, and we all have a drink."

Wang Shuang talked to the point, as for what business to do, he could not say, but Lu Tang said, the friendship between Wang Shuang and Lu Wei has not reached the level of heart-to-heart.

Wang Shuang asked Lu Tang again and again, and Lu Tang fully agreed, took a few mouthfuls of food, drank two glasses of wine and left.

Seeing his greedy appearance, Zhou Hua felt really disgusted in his heart, shook his head and said, "This rascal is stupid and incompetent, he can only do bad things, I really shouldn't have brought him in."

Wang Shuang smiled slightly and said, "Don't underestimate him. If he hadn't been a matchmaker, how could we know Lu Wei and know so many details about Lu Wei? More importantly, because of the existence of Lu Tang, even if Lu Wei didn't want to , he will not report to the police, and I have another idea."

Zhou Hua became interested, and quickly asked, "Brother Wang, what else do you think?"

Wang Shuang said meaningfully: "Didn't Lu Tang say a few days ago that Lu Wei wanted to find him an errand? If he can work in the armory or granary, then we can grasp the details of the Song army's mobilization of ordnance and food? "

"Makes sense!"

Zhou Hua stroked his beard and nodded, "Speaking of which, this person is still useful."

Wang Shuang chuckled, "How can it be useless? After all, his surname is Lu! The key depends on how we use him."

(End of this chapter)

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