
Chapter 925 Entering the Urn

Chapter 925 Entering the Urn
As soon as it was dark, Lu Tang appeared at Lu Wei's mansion. Lu Wei's mansion was a three-acre official residence, which was no longer an official residence. It had a front yard, an atrium, a back house, and a nice little queen. The garden, because the total area is small, is more delicate. For example, the back house has only three yards, one big, two small, the big yard is lived by Lu Wei and his wife, and two small yards, one for his two sons, and the other for Lu Wei. The concubine Wu lives.

So Li Mei wanted to bring his mother and younger brother to live with him, and their family would not be able to accommodate them. Lu Wei used this as an excuse to disagree, but the real reason was that Li Mei had two elder brothers who were county magistrates. If you want to live with your son, what is it to live with your daughter and son-in-law?
But even if Li Mei's mother and younger brother don't come, it is imperative for their family to buy a house. They have their own house, even if it is a three-acre house, they can build two floors in the back, unlike the official house , no modification is allowed.

Lu Wei's official position is not low, but the disadvantage is that his official rank is not high, that is, he has not been in the job for a long time. He has been working as a guard in the palace for four years since Jianyan, and there is still one year before his tenth year. He is now the sixth rank Chao Fenglang, at the end of next year, he will be promoted to a fifth-rank Chaosan doctor, then his official residence can be changed to a five-acre residence, and the living environment will be greatly relaxed at once.

This is also the rule set by Chen Qing. He must have ten years of qualifications to become an official if he is promoted to rank five or above. This is to prevent excessive promotion. If he becomes a senior official of the third rank after two or three years of being an official, the entire official career system will be destroyed. , people's hearts will be scattered, so Lu Wei, as the eldest uncle of King Yong, must strictly abide by it.

Of course, generals are a different system, and they can be promoted according to their military merits. However, if a general is transferred to a civil servant, as long as he is transferred to a civil servant of the fifth rank or above, he must also follow this rule. Even his seniority in the army can be counted.

Historically, the fundamental reason why Di Qing was resisted by many civil servants after he became a Privy Envoy was his lack of qualifications.

Pull away, turn back.

Lu Wei asked his wife to bring some dishes and boiled a pot of wine, and the two had a drink in the study.

Li Mei also hates Lu Xian very much, but because of her husband's embarrassment, she asked her concubine Wu to bring food and wine, and she stayed in the room and sulked. , Twenty taels of silver!Will that bastard pay back her husband's four-month salary?

In the study, Lu Tang asked with concern: "If you can't get money, is there no hope for that house?"

"Of course, the bureau gave me face and kept it for three months at most. After three months, it will be listed. The market price is [-] guan. The internal price given to me is [-] guan. You said such a good opportunity to give up. Isn't it such a pity?"

"Indeed, the price difference of [-] Guan is a pity."

"Don't talk about it, I feel uncomfortable when I say it, you are so fucking useless, come on! We did it."

The two drank the wine in their glasses. After two mouthfuls of food, Lu Yan felt that the time was right, so he cautiously said, "Actually, I think brother can consider what Wang Dong said this morning."

Lu Wei frowned, "What does he mean?"

Lu Tang leaned forward and said in a low voice, "Didn't brother hear that? He has a way to make money, but it's not legal. He didn't say anything because he was worried about it."

Lu Wei waved his hand and said: "My brother, I will tell you the truth, I have more than six thousand guan in my hand, I have [-] guan in my hand, do you think all this money is accumulated by salary? Fart! You two sister-in-laws With so much expenses, I can't even save a penny from my monthly salary of twenty-five yuan, didn't I earn a lot of money by illegal means?"

"How does brother make money?"

Lu Wei picked up his wine glass and said proudly: "In Xiazhou, I found two thousand war knives left by the Xixia army from an abandoned warehouse. They were all new knives. I secretly sold these two thousand war knives to grassland nomads I got [-] taels of silver, of which [-] taels were distributed to a few subordinates in charge of handling the matter, and the other [-] taels of silver belonged to me, how about it, there is no record in the account, and there is no risk at all."

Lu Yan said with envy all over his face: "I really envy elder brother, it's great to have power!"

"Go! Go! Go! What big brother, you are still my uncle!"

"Our brothers don't talk about this seniority, how about it, can you consider Wang Dongzhu's suggestion?"

Lu Wei pondered for a while and said: "I also said just now, whether it is legal or not is not important, the key is the risk."

"Let me tell you, brother, see if the risk is too high."

"Say, what do they want to do?"

"That's right, Wan Yanchang is offering a reward of [-] guan. He wants Tie Huolei's blueprint and a Tie Huolei. If it works, the four of us will each share [-] guan."

Lu Wei's head immediately shook like a rattle, "Of course not, don't even think about it, I'll just pretend you didn't say it."

Lu Hang became anxious, "Just now my elder brother also said that it can be done even if it is not legal."

"It's not a question of whether it's legal or not. Even if I want to do it, I can't do it! Where can I get the blueprint? It's the top secret of the Western Army. It's stored in the underground palace of Xuanwu Hall. Even the Armament Division doesn't have a copy. "

Lu Yan was disappointed, so he had to settle for the next best thing, "What about the iron fire mine? You should have it in your firearms inventory!"

"There are firearms warehouses, but each one has a number. It must be checked when entering and leaving the warehouse, and it must be signed for verification when it is handed over to the army. It is perfect and impeccable. Do you want to steal one? Dream!"

"Brother! Is there really nothing I can do?" Lu Yan was about to cry.

Lu Wei shook his head, "Although this matter is illegal, if the risk is small, it's okay for me to do it once. It solved the big problem of my house, but I really can't do anything about it. Captured one."

Lu Tang suddenly withered like a leaf beaten by frost.

Lu Wei picked up the wine glass, suddenly thought of something, thoughtful.

Lu Tang immediately noticed the subtle changes in Lu Wei, and his eyes lit up again, "Brother, have you thought of a way?"

"It's hard to say now, there may be a way, how about it! I'll find out tomorrow, and you come to me tomorrow night."

"How about going to dinner together tomorrow night?"


Lu Wei resolutely refused, and said solemnly: "Eating is just chatting, but in this matter, you and I can only have one-way contact. I have nothing to do with them, understand?"

Lu Tang nodded, "I understand, brother!"

Lu Tang drank a few glasses of wine, said goodbye and left, sent Lu Tang away, and Lu Wei came back to change his clothes immediately, and he wanted to report to Prince Yong's mansion immediately.

His wife Li Mei stopped him, and said angrily: "Did that bastard come to ask you for money again?"

"Hey! I have business to do now, let me change my clothes."

"No! You have to tell me clearly, that bastard ruined his family, and now he ruined our family. You gave him the money, how can we live?" Li Mei had tears in her eyes.

Lu Wei had no choice but to hug his wife and whisper something in her ear. Li Mei wiped away her tears, "Really, you didn't lie to me, did you?"

"What did I lie to you for? Aren't I just going to the palace now? But this matter is very important. Don't tell anyone, or I will die."

Li Mei's expression changed with fright, "Husband, you can't!"

Lu Wei said solemnly: "Why not? That's why I don't want you to know, but now that you know it, you are not allowed to reveal it to anyone, not even the princess, unless you want to kill me."

"No! I won't tell anyone, this secret will rot in my stomach."

"Okay, I want to change clothes, hurry to the palace."

Li Mei was careful, thought for a while and said, "In case someone is watching the gate, my husband might as well go out the back door and rent a bullock cart outside, it's still early."

Lu Wei was right when he thought about it. If Wang Shuang didn't believe him, he would definitely send someone to watch at the gate, or go out through the back door, which is an alley, and the detour is more complicated and safer.

"I'm leaving now!"

Lu Wei changed into plain clothes and quietly went out through the back door.

Li Mei's worries were not superfluous. In the alley opposite the gate of Lu Wei's mansion, a dark figure was staring at the gate from afar. Tonight, Lu Tang would have a showdown. Wang Shuang was really worried, so he sent his men to watch Lu Wei's mansion.

If Lu Wei went out overnight to Prince Yong's Mansion, then this matter would be troublesome.

(End of this chapter)

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