
Chapter 926

Chapter 926
After listening to Lu Wei's emergency report, Chen Qing frowned, "Did you really find a batch of Xixia swords and sell them to grassland nomads?"

Lu Wei couldn't help crying and said: "His Royal Highness clearly knows that the humble official only has six thousand coins, most of which are gift money and Li Mei's dowry when the humble official got married, and the five hundred taels of silver was given by His Highness. I made up a story to coax him, and His Highness also believed it." ?”

Chen Qing said with a smile: "But I feel that if you really do this, it will be seamless and it will be difficult to be discovered."

Lu Wei shook his head and said, "Even if the humble job is short of money, it won't do such a thing as selling weapons to foreigners."

"That's right, you continue!"

"The humble job just finished talking. The other party's goal is Tie Huolei. Your Highness is so calm, have you already guessed it?"

Chen Qing nodded, "It's exactly as I guessed. I guess they did it because of Tie Huolei. Wan Yanchang must have been shocked by Datong's bombing of the city."

"Then what should I do with the humble job? The humble job is just playing tricks, pretending to have a solution, but in fact I have nothing to do."

"I thought of a way for you!"

Chen Qing smiled slightly and said, "Of course you can't get genuine products, but you can indeed get one of the defective products returned from various armies."

Lu Wei's eyes lit up, "Your Highness, are you saying that it has not been stored yet?"

Chen Qing smiled, "It seems that you have adapted quickly to the Military Division!"

When Lu Wei inspected the firearms depot last month, he heard from Kuzi that the army would often send back iron fire mines that did not explode. A short blank period is a management loophole, but it is also an opportunity.

However, this loophole has been blocked, and the two parties have to count together and sign each other during the handover, but it can be pretended that this loophole has not been plugged.

"Does the humble job really want to send a faulty iron fire thunder to the other party?"

"Where did you think of going?"

Chen Qing was a little unhappy and said: "What are you thinking? How could I let you give them the real iron fire mine? You delayed them for a month or two, saying that you were waiting for the old fire mine to return to the warehouse. I let the firearm The bureau made a fake one for them, so that their research direction was completely wrong."

"This method is brilliant!"

Lu Wei said cheekily again: "If the other party really pays me a sum of money, or reward me with half of it, Li Mei and I really want to buy a house, it's not just for fun, there is really a three-acre house over there. The house is for sale, the internal price is only [-] guan, and the market price is [-] guan.”

Chen Qing shook his head, "If you want to buy a house, I can lend you money, but you must not accept bribes from Jin Guo, even if you don't actually sell the interests of Sichuan and Shaanxi, otherwise it will become a stain on you in the future."

Lu Wei casually scratched at the seam of the table with his fingernails and said, "But it's hard to pay back the tens of thousands of coins borrowed!"

Chen Qing smiled lightly and said, "Don't you still have [-] coins? I'll help you invest in the official business bank, and after three years, you will be able to pay it back."

Lu Wei was overjoyed, "Is the profit so high?"

"If you invest in overseas trade, you can double the profit in one year. Next year, you can reinvest [-] guan, and the next year it will become [-] guan. If you invest [-] guan again, it will be [-] guan in one year. , don’t you just pay it off?”

Lu Wei was fascinated when he heard it, and said excitedly: "I will not buy a house for the time being, I will invest all the [-] coins that His Highness borrowed from me, and I will pay it off next year."

Chen Qing laughed loudly, "How could there be such a good thing, wouldn't everyone have made a fortune, we came back from trafficking spices, but the market is limited, so each person can only invest a maximum of [-] guan You will quit when you have accumulated [-] guan, and if your situation is special, I will give you a quota of [-] guan."

"So that's it, okay! I'll go back and tell Li Mei."

Chen Qing smiled again and said to him: "I know that your monthly salary is not enough, I will give you a special subsidy later, about [-] yuan per month, until you are promoted to the fifth rank next year .”

Lu Wei knew this brother-in-law of Prince Yong very well, and he would never subsidize his subordinates lightly. If he gave subsidies, it must be because he wanted to do troublesome things for himself.

"Your Highness, just say it straight! What do you want me to do?"

"You're really smart, hehe!"

Chen Qing laughed dryly, and said: "After Tie Huolei succeeds this time, they will definitely continue to use you, so you will continue to cooperate with them. You can't take any of the benefits they give you, and you will honestly hand them over to me." Me, I will ask the princess to keep accounts for you, and then thirty pennies per month will be a special subsidy for you."

Thirty pennies was really hot, and he actually asked himself to be an undercover agent for a long time, but this was an order, and Lu Wei had to agree.

Lu Wei pondered for a moment and said: "I hope His Highness can give me a certificate, I'm afraid I won't be able to explain this matter clearly in the future."

Chen Qing looked at Lu Wei for a while, then nodded, "I'll write you a copy of King Yong's order!"

Lu Wei returned to the mansion through the back door. His wife Li Mei has been waiting at the back door, opening the door for him at any time.

Lu Wei returned to the study room, took a few steps with his hands behind his back, took out the King Yong Order from Chen Qing from his bosom, handed it to his wife, and said, "You must take this King Yong Order away."

Li Mei looked at King Yong's Token, and said puzzled: "What do you want this King Yong's Token to do, won't King Yong prove it for you in the future?"

Lu Wei sighed and said, "I'm afraid that King Yong will use this incident to kill me in the future. I can't argue with it!"

Li Mei couldn't understand even more, "You are his brother-in-law, his son's biological uncle, why did he kill you?"

"You don't understand, people will change, especially after ascending to the highest position, accompanying the emperor is like accompanying a tiger. He is not the emperor of the Song Dynasty, and he will abide by the rule of not killing civil servants."

"But... I still don't understand, why did he kill you?"

Lu Wei was silent for a moment, then said coldly: "If one day he wants to abolish the reserve, I will be the first obstacle he wants to get rid of!"

Seeing his wife's complexion changed drastically, Lu Wei immediately realized that such a thing should not be said, and quickly hugged his wife into his arms to comfort him: "Actually, this kind of situation is unlikely to happen. I'm just afraid of other things happening. Once a courtier attacks me with this matter, and it is difficult for His Highness to prove it, then this yellowed Yongwang decree is the best proof."

Li Mei punched him hard on the shoulder twice, and said with red eyes, "What you just said scared me to death!"

"Don't! Don't! King Yong is a nice person. He promised to lend me money to buy a house, and he also gave me a special subsidy of thirty per month."

Lu Wei quickly talked about buying a house, investing money in government and business, and subsidizing things.

Li Mei was not happy at all, she shook her head and said, "I'd rather not buy a house, and I don't want any government benefits, let alone this subsidy, I just hope you don't get involved in this matter anymore!"

Lu Wei gave a wry smile helplessly, and Li Mei said again: "I know you can't do anything, you must carry out his orders, I'm just expressing my emotions, I'll go and put away King Yong's orders."

Li Mei took the King Yong's Order and left. Lu Wei looked at his wife's back and sighed softly. If Chen Qing wanted to kill himself in the future, he would find a thousand reasons. How could a King Yong's Order be able to stop him?

I wanted a copy of King Yong's Token, but I just hoped that Chen Qing would think of his old relationship and forgive himself when he saw this yellowed King Yong's Token in the future.

The next night, Lu Tang really came to the door again, and this time Wang Shuang also came together, but Wang Shuang waited outside in the carriage, feeling uneasy and hopeful.

He fully understands that Lu Wei does not want to deal with him directly, and instead asks Lu Hang to act as a middleman. If something happens, he can put the blame entirely on Lu Hang.

But the only regret is that Lu Wei couldn't get the blueprints either, so he had to settle for the next best thing and make an iron fire thunder.

"It's not bad to get Tiehuolei!" Wang Shuang sighed softly.

About a quarter of an hour later, Lu Yan came out alone. He crossed the road and came directly to the carriage. Wang Shuang's expression changed, and he opened the window and asked, "Does he know I'm here?"

Lu Hang nodded, "He guessed it, and then I have something to tell the proprietor!"

"You get in the car!"

Lu Hang got into the car and said to Wang Shuang: "He went to investigate today, and he said that the only loophole is that the defective iron fire mines returned by the armies need to be returned to the Firearms Bureau for rebuilding. Tie Huolei's people have already left, but the warehouse has not been counted, if there is one missing, it will not be a big problem."

"Defective product!" Wang Shuang was a little reluctant.

Lu Tang explained again: "Lu Wei said that Tie Huolei is the top secret of the Western Army. If the secret is leaked, the whole family will be executed. The risk is too great. Tie Huolei's management is extremely strict. Only he can get one for the entire Western Army. It’s a defective product, and he only makes it once, so if we don’t accept it, then forget it, and his asking price is no less than [-] guan, and he won’t do anything lower than this price.”

Wang Shuang thought for a moment and asked, "Did he say what caused the defective product?"

"He said that there are three kinds of situations. One is the damage that happened on the road, such as accidentally entering water, and another example is that gunpowder spilled out after being overturned; Pull it out; the third is when training with iron fire mines, the gunpowder burns out but does not explode, and this is the most common situation.”

Wang Shuang sighed and said: "I can't accept the first and the third situation. If there are only defective products, then I can only accept the second situation. The soldier accidentally pulled out the matchlock. As for the money is not a problem, you Go tell him."

Lu Yan jumped out of the carriage and went back again, this time the time was faster, and he came out after a cup of tea.

He sat on the carriageway: "Lu Wei agreed. He said that he still needs to put his confidants into the firearms warehouse, and wait for the defective products to be returned. It will take one month at the earliest, and two months at the latest. Let the owner wait patiently."

Wang Shuang nodded, and now he could only wait patiently. Fortunately, Marshal Du canceled the deadline for completing the task.

(End of this chapter)

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