
Chapter 927 Make trouble

Chapter 927 Make trouble
On the twenty-sixth day of the twelfth lunar month, Chen Qing almost stayed up all night. His youngest son suddenly had a fever, his whole body was scorching hot, and his life was dying. Doctor Liu Hui took three female apprentices to rescue him in the room all night.

At dawn, Dr. Liu came out of the room with a tired face. Chen Qingxin was gripped by the throat, and his lips moved but he couldn't speak.

Lu Xiu went up to support Dr. Liu and asked in a low voice, "How is it?"

Dr. Liu waved her hand to indicate that she was fine. She said to Chen Qing and Lu Xiu, "The child survived. I gave him a massage all night, and he survived."

Chen Qingchang heaved a sigh of relief, and said gratefully, "Dr. Liu has really worked hard!"

Doctor Liu sighed softly: "This child's vitality is too tenacious. I almost gave up twice. His heartbeat was extremely weak, but he was still holding his breath. At the fifth watch, his breathing and heartbeat miraculously stabilized again. Your Highness , Your child walked away from the gate of hell and came back again."

"Without Dr. Liu's help, he can't come back!"

Dr. Liu smiled and nodded, "You all go to rest! It's hard for you to stay up all night. I also want to rest for a while. My apprentice will take turns watching the child! They will call me if something happens."

Lu Xiu hurriedly said to Chen Qing: "I'm going to see the child, husband, go and rest!"

"I'll take a look too!"

When Chen Qing walked into the room, a female doctor was sitting in front of the crib to take care of the child. The other two female doctors were exhausted and went to rest. The three female doctors were all Liu Hui's lovers, and they studied medicine with her for five or six years. It's been a year, and everyone can be alone.

Seeing King Yong and Princess Wang coming in, the female doctor got up quickly, put her finger on her lips and said 'shh-', Chen Qing and Lu Xiu understood, and they both walked lightly.

The little guy was still wrapped in swaddling clothes, sleeping soundly, and there was a slight rosy blush on his little face. He was half a month old and had no name yet. In fact, Chen Qing had already prepared a name for him.

The little face is a little plumper than when he was born, and looks very delicate, very much like his mother, with slender eyebrows, slender and grand eyes, at first glance, it looks like a child full of spirituality, Chen Qing gently stroked his son's little face, and for a while Heartache, how can such a good child die young?
Chen Qing suddenly remembered that he hadn't gone to the monastery to make a wish, so he had to go anyway today.

Lu Xiu gently pulled Chen Qing, Chen Qing understood, put his hands together to thank the female doctor, and then slowly left the room.

"How is the preparation of Dr. Liu's clinic?"

"The land has been replaced, and the craftsmen who built the house have also been found. A few days ago, they demolished the old warehouse city and turned it into a flat land. The place is quite large. Do you want to go and have a look?"

Chen Qing shook his head, "I won't go, when will the construction start?"

"They chose the day, the tenth day of the first lunar month, and they said it was a good day."

On the tenth day of the first lunar month, construction started on the same day as the new north city wall, which seemed to be a good day indeed.

"Let the housekeeper keep an eye on it. In addition, Dr. Liu must confirm the drawings of the medical hall."

"Doctor Liu has already seen it, husband, don't worry!"

Chen Qing nodded, "I'll go to the study to take a nap. After dawn, I'm going to visit the Temple of Mercy."

"I'm going to Yingluo's place!"

Lu Xiu suddenly remembered something, and said with a smile: "By the way, what's the child's name? We talked about it yesterday, Yingluo is in a hurry!"

Chen Qing said slowly: "If he can survive, he will be called Chen Yang, Yang from Yangzhou."

"I see, husband, go to rest!"

Chen Qing went to the study, and Lu Xiu cheered up to visit Zhao Yingluo who was in confinement.

Ci'en Temple is located in Jinchangfang in the south of the city, close to the original south city wall. The city wall has been demolished. To the south of the temple is an endless wilderness covered by white snow.

Jinchangfang was the name of the Tang Dynasty, and it is still used now. Compared with the Tang Dynasty, the biggest change is that the square wall is gone, and the wide roads have replaced the square wall.

In the morning, Lv Xiu accompanied her husband to the Ci'en Temple. Lv Xiu is the most important pilgrim of the Ci'en Temple, donating [-] pieces of sesame oil every year.

Chen Qing had sent his soldiers over to say hello in advance, don't make it public, they came to Buddha in private capacity to make a wish, hoping to keep a low profile.

The temple carried out the low-key request of King Yong and the princess, and did not hold a grand welcome. However, for safety reasons, the gate of the temple was temporarily closed. Some pilgrims inside left through the side door after burning incense.

Hundreds of personal soldiers guarded the large carriage and slowly stopped at the gate of the temple. The abbot, Zen Master Huitong, led two eminent monks to welcome Chen Qing and his wife into the temple.

Zen Master Huitong clasped his hands together and said, "Amitabha, the poor monk, on behalf of the entire temple, thank His Highness for the gift of land!"

Ci'en Temple is the largest monastery in Jingzhao, and has accommodated many monks who fled from other places. The number of monks has doubled to more than [-]. They rely on pilgrims to give alms, and there is no problem with eating, but the monks' houses are crowded. Unbearable.

This time the government demolished the southern city wall, and Chen Qing issued an order to allocate more than [-] acres of land occupied by the city wall and the southern part to the temple so that they could build monk houses, which solved the big problem of the temple.

"This is the government's support for the monastery, and it is also the return of Ci'en Temple for helping the people in times of crisis. Only by planting good causes can a good country be achieved."

"Amitabha, Your Highness is right, there are causes and effects."

Chen Qing still had an important agenda in the morning, and he didn't have time to discuss Buddhism with the old monk. He waved his hands and said with a smile: "Time is running out, let's make a wish first!"

"Your Highness, this way please!"

Chen Qing brought his wife to the Daxiong Hall, and Chen Qing prayed silently with his palms together. Then he knelt down in front of the Buddha and kowtowed three times. Lu Xiu also knelt down beside him and prayed for the children.

The two of them didn't stay in the temple for a long time. After making their wish, they left the temple and returned to Prince Yong's Mansion. They just turned to Chang'an Avenue when they suddenly heard angry shouts from behind. Chen Qing opened the window and looked around. More than a hundred steps away, a mighty team came, about thousands of people, holding sticks, hoes, and holding a banner, which read, "Government cheated, give me back my land!" ’ They slowed down a little when they saw a troop of cavalry ahead.

Hundreds of Chen Qing's personal guard cavalry, as if they were facing an enemy, raised their bows and arrows, drew out their short spears, and galloped quickly to guard the carriage.

"Husband, what's going on?" Lu Xiu asked nervously.

"It should be farmers outside the city. The government bought their farmland at double the price. After the city wall was repaired, they felt that they had lost money, so they started making trouble. This is the second time."

"Is it a big loss?"

"If it's commercial land or residential land, it's a hundred times different."

"It's a big loss!"

Chen Qing shook his head, "You can't say that. That piece of land is not necessarily commercial land or residential land. If we build schools, sales homes, or government offices on it, it won't be worth talking about."

"But how do these people deal with it?"

Chen Qing said coldly: "If they appeal peacefully, then they can negotiate and maybe get some compensation. If they want to smash, burn and make trouble, then the army will suppress it."

Lu Xiu held Chen Qing's hand, and said in a firm tone: "My husband stops them, don't give them a chance to make mistakes, don't kill people, think about the children!"

Lu Xiu's words suppressed the murderous intent in Chen Qing's heart, he opened the car window and shouted: "Yan Jun!"

Yan Jun, who was in command of the army, immediately urged his horse forward, "The humble job is here!"

"How many guard cavalry did you bring out?"

"Humble job brought five hundred people!"

Chen Qing took out the troop dispatching gold medal and handed it to him, "You immediately send someone to Dong Daying to dispatch troops, and then send someone to inform Yongwang's Mansion and the inner guards, and then you lead five hundred cavalry to block them and not allow them to enter the city! "

"Then what should your Highness do?"

"I'm going back home by myself. I don't need your guards for the time being. I will execute the order immediately!" Chen Qing said sharply.

Yan Jun had no choice but to bow and say: "Obey!"

He shouted, "All brothers come with me!"

He led five hundred cavalry to meet them with spears raised, while Chen Qing's carriage speeded up and headed towards Yongwang's mansion.

(End of this chapter)

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