
Chapter 928 Handling

Chapter 928 Handling
Chen Qing sent his wife back to the palace, and brought more than a dozen of his men to the front government office. He happened to meet Jiang Yanxian and several main officials from the Tianzhai and Mine Department.

"Counselor Jiang!"

Chen Qing shouted from a distance, and Jiang Yanxian quickly led several officials to meet him.

"Your Highness, have you heard! They're making trouble again."

Chen Qing nodded, "I just came back from Ci'en Temple, and I happened to meet them on the way. My cavalry guards blocked them, so don't worry too much."

"Your Highness, how many people are there?" Li Zhuangnong, the commander of the Land, House and Mine Administration, asked.

"About a few thousand people! Was it the same as last time?"

"Not so much!"

Li Zhuangnong quickly said: "A total of one hundred and ninety-five households were involved. The whole family came here, and there were only a thousand people. How could there be thousands of people this time? They must want to take advantage of the Chinese New Year to make a big fuss." .”

Chen Qing pondered for a while and said to the crowd: "No matter how they make trouble, the matter must be resolved. My opinion is that there should be no hurtful incidents. You can use both hard and soft tactics. The organizers must be arrested, and each household will negotiate and give some compensation. , the upper limit per mu of land cannot exceed [-] Guan, and then come up with another plan, if they are still not satisfied, then move them to Lingzhou and give each family five times the land."

"Shall we talk now?"

"not now!"

Chen Qing shook his head, and said to Jiang Yan: "First, the army controlled the situation, then government officials stabilized their emotions, and repatriated irrelevant personnel. Finally, the Land, House and Mine Administration came forward to negotiate!"

Jiang Yanxian nodded and said: "The humble official knows, now send someone to notify the government office and county office!"

"Someone has been notified, let's go and see the situation first!"

Chen Qing also boarded a carriage, followed by several carriages, and drove towards the south of the city.

Inside the carriage, Jiang Yanxian asked: "How does Your Highness plan to deal with this matter?"

Chen Qing pondered for a while and asked, "I want to know why I didn't make it clear to them before buying the land?"

"There's no need to say this. Isn't it normal for the government to expropriate the land of the common people?"

"But the land is the property left by their ancestors, and they didn't enjoy the bonus of expanding the city in the end. It's understandable that they feel dissatisfied."

Jiang Yanxian didn't agree with Chen Qing's thoughts, he shook his head and said, "The requisitioned land doesn't necessarily have dividends. When they made trouble for the first time, we discussed to build Taixue and Martial Arts Hall on that land, and the rest of the land Digging a lake, surrounded by grasslands, can become a place for the common people to have fun and outing, so that they can stop their mouths."

Chen Qing praised: "I agree with the construction of Taixue, Yanwu Hall and lakes, it is a good idea!"

Jiang Yanxian continued: "If these people are unwilling to sell the land, then we have nothing to do, but in fact, when we asked for twice the price, every family rushed to sell the land to us, and then they turned around and bought it elsewhere. Double the land, still laughing at the stupidity of the government, how can there be such a good thing, if you lose a little, you can’t eat it, you have to take advantage of it, the land has been sold for so long, and now you come back to regret it, frankly speaking, these people are troublemakers, His Highness can’t condone This kind of behavior will cause more and more troublemakers in the future.”

"Then what's your opinion on handling it?"

"The opinions of humble officials, the agreement cannot be changed, and the money will not be increased. At most, each family will be given a [-]-acre land tax exemption for [-] years. It may be given to low-level officials. If there is still trouble, they will be arrested directly and the whole family will be exiled. To go to Yunnan, or follow His Highness's second plan, move to Lingzhou and give five times the land."

Chen Qing nodded, he also realized that he was too tolerant, perhaps because of his son, he lost his principles a bit.

"Since Counselor Jiang has his own opinion on this matter, we will handle it according to Counselor Jiang's opinion, and I will not interfere!"

There were exactly twenty bags of kerosene in Yan Jun's team. They poured the kerosene on the road and ignited a raging fire, blocking the way for the parade to go north.

Thousands of people were blocked by the flames, waving hoes, sticks, and shouting loudly, but no one dared to rush forward. Most of the people inside came to help, or even join in the fun, to see if they could get something, and take advantage. Let them risk their lives to rush into the fire, and none of them will do it, not to mention the murderous cavalry on the other side of the fire, with their spears gleaming coldly.

Seeing that these people were terrified and yelling fiercely, but they retreated one by one, Yan Jun couldn't help laughing contemptuously.

At this moment, [-] city garrison troops and [-] inner guard soldiers from Dongdaying came from all directions, and within a short while, thousands of rioters were surrounded.

Surrounded by a murderous army wearing armor, holding shields and sharp spears, thousands of rioters quieted down, no one shouted anymore, and many people who had nothing to do with the matter began to complain to each other.

Wei Qing, the county magistrate of Chang'an, arrived with dozens of archers. Wei Qing broke out in a cold sweat. He didn't even know about these common people colluding and making troubles. He was negligent of his duty.

"I am the magistrate of Chang'an, please step aside, I will go talk to them!"

Wei Qing wanted to lead people through the army's siege, but was stopped by the inner guard commander Wang Hao, "Wei Zhi County, don't go there for now, it's dangerous."

"They are all ordinary people, what danger will they have? I am their parent officer, and now they are in danger, how can I sit idly by, General Wang, please let me pass!"

Seeing that Wei Qing was determined, Wang Hao asked the soldiers to get out of the way. At this time, the fire fuel had been burned out, and Wei Qing led the archers and walked over.

"I'm Wei Qing, the county magistrate. All the villagers know me!"

Wei Qing often went to the countryside, and almost all the people knew him. Several old men came out, and the leader of the old man said loudly: "Mr. Wei, the army is besieging us, are they trying to kill us?"

Wei Qing knew this old man, so he hurriedly said: "Aren't you Lu Weng from Xiabai Village? You have high morals, why are you here?"

The old man Lu sighed, "This involves my family's [-] mu of land. As the patriarch, the whole family is watching me, so you can't come!"

"Lu Weng, you rushed into Jingzhao City with hoes and sticks. This is actually a rebellion. Listen to me, throw this guy away quickly, and don't be charged with rebellion."

Another old man said: "What if we put down our weapons and the army slaughters us?"

Wei Qing was a little speechless, the army killed them, could these hoes and sticks stop them?

He remained patient and said to the elders: "If the army wants to slaughter you, it is enough to use a bow and crossbow. You should quickly throw the guy aside, and don't be regarded as a rebellion."

The old men were right when they thought about it. If the soldiers wanted to kill them, they would have already used bows and crossbows. They were just asking for money, and it would be miserable if they were regarded as rebels.

They turned around and yelled: "Everyone, throw away the things in your hands. If you want to be regarded as a rebel, throw them away!"

When the people heard that they would be regarded as rebels, they were so frightened that they threw away their hoes and sticks. Soon, thousands of people had bare hands in their hands.

Wei Qing walked slowly into the crowd, and was immediately surrounded by hundreds of people. Wei Qing had a very good reputation among the people, and everyone was willing to talk to him. The Land and Housing Administration is too black-hearted, it’s so unfair to us to buy our land for dozens of dollars and then sell it for thousands or tens of thousands of dollars!”

Wei Qing waved his hand, "Please be quiet, everyone. I think you may have misunderstood. You confuse land expropriation with land purchase. The government is not buying your land to make money, but expropriating the land and giving you double compensation. Write it clearly! It is compensation for land acquisition, not purchase.”

Someone said angrily: "Even if it is land acquisition, who can bear it if you sell it for thousands or tens of thousands of guan?"

Wei Qing smiled slightly, "You don't necessarily have to sell all the land to make money! It may be to build a school, or a temple, or to build government offices, military camps, school yards, and warehouses. You can't earn a penny from these."

"How does Mr. Wei know that it is not building shops and houses?"

"Because I asked the officials of the Land and Housing Administration, and they told me that your piece of land is going to be used to build Jingzhao Taixue and Yanwu Hall."

Everyone was dumbfounded. After a while, someone said: "Anyway, the money given is too little, so we won't do it!"

Wei Qing raised his voice, "Everyone, if you think the compensation is too little, you can send representatives to appeal and negotiate with the Land and Housing Office, but you are gathering on such a large scale, and you are still holding weapons, telling you that what the government wants, you are not only a penny None, and they will be arrested for the crime of rebellion, ranging from exile to decapitation.

Listen to my advice, everyone, go back quickly, don't be caught by the government, you can follow the method I said, and recommend representatives to come to negotiate. "

(End of this chapter)

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