
Chapter 929 Tough

Chapter 929 Tough
When Chen Qing, Jiang Yanxian and others arrived, they found that thousands of people had dispersed in twos and threes, with hoes and sticks all over the ground, and the army did not stop the people from leaving. Wei Qing gave the army a guarantee that the people were safe Let's go home, and there will be no more trouble.

"Wang Tongzhi, what's going on?" Chen Qing got off the carriage and saw the inner guard controlling Wang Hao.

Wang Hao hurriedly went forward to report: "To report to Dutong, just now the magistrate of Wei County came to persuade the people to leave, and it was very effective. The people threw down their hoes and sticks and went home in twos and threes."

"Where is Weizhi County? Bring him to see me."

Not long after, the personal soldiers brought Wei Qing up, Wei Qing stood up and saluted, "See Your Highness for humble positions!"

Wei Qing was one of the first officials Chen Qing knew. He was the magistrate of Linyou County back then, and he took his family to Lin'an, where Xu Ning took over as the magistrate of Linyou County. It's just that he came to join Chen Qing three years ago. He was recommended by Zheng Ping and appointed as the magistrate of Chang'an, which is where Jingzhao City is located.Chen Chenqing asked: "Why did the people disperse? What did Lord Wei tell them?"

"Reporting to Your Highness, they are all ordinary people, simple and honest, but narrow-minded. They only focus on their own one-acre three-point land. They are confused by the high land price in the city. They feel that they have suffered a big loss this time when the city is expanded. They got rich overnight, so they were very excited, and when they got hotheaded, they came to the city to ask for an explanation, and the humble officials reasoned with them, and persuaded them to go home."

Chen Qing sneered and said, "You speak for them!"

Wei Qing bowed and said: "The humble position is their parents' official, so naturally we have to speak for them."

"That means that you, as the parent officer, are also responsible for their gathering to make trouble?"

Wei Qing sighed and said: "It's the Chinese New Year, I'm focusing on the city and ignoring the countryside, they gather in series, I don't know anything, I really have a responsibility, I dare not deny it, I'm willing to accept all punishments!"

Jiang Yanxian admired Wei Qing very much. Seeing that Wei Qing was taking responsibility calmly, he quickly changed the subject and asked, "Your Highness wants to know what you told them? How did you persuade them to leave?"

"Humble officials told them they made a mistake. The government didn't buy and sell their land, but expropriated their land and gave them double compensation. No other place is so high, even forced expropriation without compensation. It is very kind of us to give twice the compensation from the Land and Housing Administration. gone."

Chen Qing heard that what he said was reasonable, so he softened his tone and asked, "Didn't they say that the government bought the land to make a huge difference?"

"This is the crux of the problem, how could they not say it!"

"Then how do you answer?"

"Humble officials told them that the expropriation of their land was for building Taixue, martial arts halls, military camps, warehouses, etc., and not for making money. There was no sale, so how could there be a huge price difference?"

"And then?" Chen Qing asked again.

"They were speechless, but they were still a little dissatisfied. They felt that the compensation was too little. The humble officials told them that there was no problem with their appeals. They could let a respected old man come to negotiate with the government on their behalf. The two sides sat down to talk, but no matter what How, it must not be expressed in the way of mobilizing a crowd to rebel, this is a serious illegal act, at least one will be exiled, and the most severe one will be executed. They were frightened, so they dropped their sticks and hoes and went home."

Chen Qing nodded, "It seems that Mr. Wei County has a lot of prestige in their hearts, so they will listen to you. This matter was handled well, with both soft and hard tactics, and no extreme behavior broke out."

Jiang Yanxian said with a smile beside him: "Mr. Wei has done a lot of practical things for the people. The people respect him and trust him, so they listened to his persuasion and left. Considering his humble position, when negotiating with the people, Mr. Wei also participated in the negotiations. "


Chen Qing readily agreed, and asked Wei Qing again: "Has Mr. Wei considered how to deal with this matter?"

Wei Qing bowed and saluted: "Reporting to Your Highness, I have considered this issue when they made trouble for the first time. I feel that the government cannot make concessions. Even if it is to buy and sell land, it has been written in black and white. They all pressed their fingerprints and the land has been sold." It doesn’t belong to them anymore, and no matter how much the price increases, it has nothing to do with them, not to mention that this is land expropriated by the government, and twice the price is very suitable. The land expropriated in Lin’an will be compensated according to the market price. They don’t have any money, so the price can’t be changed anymore, at most, we can give them some comfort in other aspects, such as taxes.”

"What if they are dissatisfied and want to make trouble?"

Wei Qing said without hesitation: "Then behead the leader for the crime of rebellion, and all the others will be exiled, and the land will be confiscated. You can make it clear to them during the negotiation."

Wei Qing's views coincided with Jiang Yanxian's. Chen Qing nodded and said: "This is the last time I will tolerate them. If they gather to rebel again, the army will directly suppress them and execute them all. There is no such thing as exile. Commander, have you heard my order?"

Wang Hao and Lu Gui hurriedly bowed their heads and saluted, "I obey the order!"

"That's it! Counselor Jiang is fully responsible for this matter. He will go directly to the village to negotiate with them. He will call together several big households with the most land for a discussion. They can be given tax exemptions and honorary officials. They must sign a letter of commitment on the spot. Wei immediately arrests and resolves this matter before the new year."

After a pause, Chen Qing said again: "It is impossible for those who participated in today's party to make trouble without a price. Each person will be fined five pennies. Those who report others can be exempted from fines. If they refuse to pay the fine, they will have to serve a month of hard labor. The inner guard will be responsible for this. thing!"

Wang Hao hurriedly said: "Follow the order!"

Only then did everyone see Chen Qing's iron-fisted methods, and they all bowed and agreed. At this time, Chen Qing returned to normal. His son's life and death are his own destiny, but his ruling order cannot be provoked.

In the afternoon of the same day, the internal guards began to take action in [-] villages in the southern suburbs of the city. Starting with [-] farmers who sold their land, they began to issue fine documents door-to-door. Otherwise, they will be arrested and exiled for the crime of gathering rebellion, and every family is complaining.

However, another opening was opened. If you report other people who participated in the riots, if you report one person, you will be exempted from fines. If you report five people, you will be exempted from fines.
Although it is a bit unkind to report others, Wuguanqian is still unbearable for a peasant family, especially when the Chinese New Year is approaching. Compared with the heavy fine of Wuguanqian, this kindness is no longer important.

Farmers reported their three aunts, six wives and eight aunts one after another. Originally, they ran to ask their relatives to help them stand on the platform, but now they reported their relatives. Once this hole was opened, it was like dominoes, and the people in fourteen villages were boiling. No matter what the morality is, they all want to avoid fines, and report their relatives, friends, and neighbors. For a while, neighbors and relatives have turned against each other.

In the end, more than [-] people were fined. Either the people they reported were reported first by others, or they did not report at least five people. , ordered them to go to the county government to pay the fine within three days, and if they did not pay, they would be directly arrested and sent to the mine to serve hard labor for a month.

This trick is very vicious and effective. It uses the loose organization of the people to provoke a huge internal strife. Since then, relatives and friends have become enemies, neighbors have become villains, and the original [-] households who perpetrated the crime have become public enemies. , the accusation of thousands of people, wherever they go, they will be reviled. If anyone wants to organize troubles, they will probably be drowned by the spittle.

On the twenty-eighth day of the twelfth lunar month, at the home of Lu Jinniu, the head of the Lu family in Xiabai Village, the official negotiators, composed of Li Zhuangnong, the commander of the Land and Mines Administration, Gao Kun, the deputy commander, and Wei Qing, the magistrate of Chang’an County, signed commitments with seven major farmland households. According to the letter of understanding, these seven large farmland households occupy more than half of the [-] mu of leased land, and the money for selling the land will not increase any more. If you are an honorary officer of a cavalry captain, if you already have an honorary officer, you can upgrade to another level.

They have no choice. If they don’t sign the contract, they will be directly arrested and the whole family will be exiled in Yunnan. It is no longer possible to gather in series.

On the second day after the seven big households signed the letter of commitment and understanding, that is, on the [-]th of the twelfth lunar month, the remaining [-] farmers all signed and pledged the letter of commitment and understanding. Signing now will still have the benefit of tax exemption. In [-], there was no place to sign if I wanted to, and I had to face prison.

Under the strong pressure from the government, the turmoil of land expropriation finally subsided.

(End of this chapter)

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