
Chapter 930

Chapter 930
In the twinkling of an eye, it was the first month again, and the Lin'an court officially changed the Yuan to Zhengtai, which means Zhengshuo Taixing. Zhao Gou used the change to show that he was Zhengshuo of the Song Dynasty, and immediately pardoned the world.

At present, there are more than a dozen newspapers, large and small, in Lin'an. All factions in Lin'an have seen the huge power of public opinion brought by the "Beijing News", and they have submitted applications to the imperial court to run a newspaper.

Perhaps in consideration of diluting the influence of the "Beijing News", the imperial court quickly approved all applications for running the newspaper.

Soon, more than a dozen newspapers appeared on the streets of Lin'an. In addition to the "Beijing News" and the "Express News" in the arena, "Small Newspaper", "An Bao", "Xin Bao", "Xun Bao", "Yue Bao" were added. ", "Gourmet News", "Su Bao" and other thirteen newspapers, the grand competition of Tokyo Bianliang hundred newspapers appeared again.

These newspapers are basically imitating the "Beijing News", or only doing one of its columns, such as health, parenting, food, cosmetics, etc., but all the newspapers add up to less than half of the sales volume of the "Beijing News".

"Beijing News" has an unstoppable secret skill, that is, it serializes "Journey to the West". "Journey to the West" is absurd, but he read it secretly in private, and was so obsessed with it that Zhao Gou even asked his confidant eunuch to collect the two previously printed books "Monkey King Troubling the Heavenly Palace" and "Nezha Troubling the Sea".

In order to compete with the "Beijing News", the biggest competitor "Express" also launched serial novels, mainly "Yang Jiajiang" and "Hu Jiajiang". It is widely circulated, and the storyteller organizes it into a series of stories, and tells an episode every day in the teahouse, attracting a large number of listeners.

This is a ready-made serial novel. "Express" began to serialize the storytelling "Yang Jiajiang". Although it has attracted some readers, it is still far inferior to "Journey to the West" of "Beijing News". The reason is very simple. "Yang Jiajiang" Millions of copies were printed in the early years, and many families have books in their collections.

A bookstore got the engraving of "The General of the Yang Family" from nowhere, printed tens of thousands of copies at once, and put them in the Lin'an Book Market, which severely impacted the sales of "Express".

The dozen or so newspapers in Lin'an are basically related to current affairs, reporting various major events in the world, but there are many good ones and bad ones, and there are many true and false ones. After the headline on the front page of the "Newspaper" published the news that the Western Army had recovered Datong Mansion and Hebei Road, the entire Lin'an city was boiling, which really annoyed the emperor Zhao Gou for several days.

At noon on the second day of the first lunar month, it was time for newspapers to be published intensively. This was mainly to cater to the habit of people in Lin’an drinking afternoon tea, which was also the habit of people in the Song Dynasty. Many people even drank tea while reading newspapers.

Although it is the New Year period, there are still many teahouses open. The Tianqin Teahouse near Dawazi is full of customers as usual.

Most of the guests were drinking tea and reading newspapers, and it was relatively quiet. At this moment, a tea guest suddenly stood up and said, "Everyone, come and read this report!"

The tea drinkers got up and surrounded them one after another, and someone read loudly: "The seven deadly crimes of King Yong, risking his life to report with his real name, ha ha! This title is quite horrifying."

The other person glanced at it and said with a sneer, "No wonder, the article in "Express" is not surprising, it's normal!"

"Express" often publishes articles criticizing Chen Qing, and everyone is no stranger to it, but it seems that this is the first time that the real name risked his death to report.

A thin and tall man read aloud: "Staying in the Palace of the Son of Heaven is extravagant. The imperial palace is unmatched. The walls of the mansion are built like a city wall, with a height of three feet and a width of one foot. Soldiers patrol and guard day and night. It is not an imperial palace, but it is better than an imperial palace. This is a crime." Also, the sin of usurpation"

At the end of the reading, the tall and thin man frowned, "The whistleblower who risked his life is called Huang Yougong. Everyone, who is this Huang Yougong?"

"It seems that there is an introduction below, here!"

A tea guest pointed to the bottom and said: "The whistleblower Huang Yougong, the former Qianjiang county magistrate, is now Dr. Taichang. He has traveled to Jingzhao and saw many injustices. He is not afraid of power. He wrote a letter with his real name in anger."

Everyone shook their heads, "I've never heard of this person, I guess he's Qin Hui's young man, who is attacking King Yong in different ways."

"That is, look at the fifth crime he wrote. He dumped salt from Sichuan and Shaanxi on the two roads in Jinghu and robbed the court of salt taxes, making the court's finances and taxes difficult and unable to crusade against the Jin soldiers. Didn't the court sign a five-year armistice agreement with the Kingdom of Jin?" What kind of golden soldiers still need to be crusaded, obviously surrendering and compromising, but also smearing gold on their own faces, and shifting the responsibility to others."

At this time, a middle-aged man sitting by the window said calmly: "Speaking of the salt tax, I understand it better. The court's salt tax has dropped sharply in the past two years. The responsibility really does not lie with Sichuan and Shaanxi. Illegal salt is flooding. As early as before and after Yang Yao’s rebellion, the imperial court hardly received any salt tax from Jinghu South Road, which was all illegal salt.

Now Jingbei Road and Jiangnan West Road are also flooded with illegal salt. It is said that they want to crack down on illegal salt. They have been shouting slogans for several years. Local officials and salt lords are colluding. How to crack down?If Sichuan and Shaanxi really sell salt on the two roads of Jinghu, it is actually competing for territory with private salt, and has nothing to do with the imperial court. "

Everyone said: "Sir, if you know the situation so well, you should write a letter to the "Beijing News" to expose Huang Yougong's confusing words."

The middle-aged man stroked his beard and said with a smile: "Don't worry everyone, the "Beijing News" will fight back soon, and they will not tolerate such wanton slander and slander of King Yong."

The middle-aged man is called Wang Mu. He was originally Zhang Jun's confidant and his brain trust. After Zhang Jun was demoted to Yongzhou, all his staff members were disbanded, including Wang Mu. Zhang Jun even wrote a letter to him. , recommended him to Chen Qing, but Wang Mu's father had just passed away, and he had been keeping filial piety for his father in Lin'an, and did not go to Sichuan and Shaanxi to seek a job.

Wang Mu bought a copy of "Express" on the street, and came to Lu Yihao's residence without any haste. Although he is Zhang Jun's aide, he has a good relationship with Lu Yihao. Lu Yihao appreciates him very much. He is now in Lin'an Dacha Working as a teacher in Shang Zhuyou's mansion and teaching Zhu You's grandson to read is what Lu Jin helped him find for a living.

Wang Mu came to Lu's mansion, not long after, he was led to the outer study by the housekeeper, but he saw Lu Yihao was chatting with a guest, the guest turned his back to him, it looked familiar, Wang Mu hesitated a little.

Lu Yihao smiled and waved to him, "Young Mansion, come here!"

Wang Mu stepped forward and recognized the guest next to him at a glance. It turned out to be Uncle Zheng Guo. He quickly saluted, "I wish the old man a new year, and wish Uncle Zheng Guo a new year too!"

Zheng Tongquan laughed and said, "Happy New Year, Mr. Wang!"

Lu Yihao asked the two to sit down and asked the maid to serve tea, Wang Mu saw that the newspaper on the table in front of them was the same as his own, he put the newspaper on the table and said with a smile: "It seems that I don't need to buy this newspaper! "

Lu Yihao smiled slightly and said: "Uncle Zheng Guo also came here today to discuss with me the seven deadly crimes of King Yong in the "Express News". What do you think of the Shaofu?"

Wang Mu shook his head and said, "I don't know Huang Yougong, but this is definitely a long-planned attack. It should be to hedge against the influence of King Yong after he regained the Datong Mansion. If I guess correctly, it is very likely that Qin Hui led the attack. Planning, carefully prepared for a long time, and collected a lot of information, and then this unknown Huang Yougong came forward, as if it was a personal act, and reported with his real name. real."

Zheng Tongquan pondered for a while and said, "Then why didn't it be published when the Datong Mansion was recovered, instead it was delayed for almost two months."

Wang Mu said indifferently: "If it was published at that time, it would obviously be a deliberate attack on His Royal Highness Yong. The traces are too obvious, and the effect will be counterproductive, so bear with it for two months. After the influence of regaining Datong Mansion has passed, then choose to attack during the New Year. It just so happens that everyone is visiting relatives and friends, talking about this with each other, the effect will be better, the other party is very strategic, and the trick is bloody!"

(End of this chapter)

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