
Chapter 931 Countermeasures

Chapter 931 Countermeasures
Lu Yihao laughed and said: "Brother Zheng, I'm not wrong! I can't give you an idea, but someone can give you an idea. I have always been optimistic about the Shaofu, but now he is hidden in the market."

Wang Mu smiled wryly, "Grand Lu, you are no longer invisible."

"Oh! Don't do it anymore?"

Wang Mu shook his head, "That kid is so naughty, my grandmother dotes on him to the sky, and she can't even say a single harsh word. I really can't teach him."

"Forget it, it's a shame to ask you to be a teacher."

Zheng Tongquan rolled his eyes, "I don't know if Mr. Wang has a place to work now?"

"I just resigned this morning, and I don't have a place to go yet."

"Why don't Mr. Wang come to the newspaper office to work! I still need a person in charge of reviewing and editing."

"The newspaper?"

Wang Mu was stunned for a moment, Uncle Zheng Guo also ran a newspaper, he tentatively asked, "I don't know what kind of newspaper Uncle Zheng Guo runs?"

"You must have read it, The Beijing News."

Wang Mu was taken aback, and looked back at Lu Yihao, Lu Yihao nodded, "Uncle Zheng Guo has three members in Lin'an "Beijing News", and His Royal Highness King Yong trusts him very much."

Only then did Wang Mu suddenly realize, he thought for a while and said with a smile: "The content of "Beijing News" is very good now, isn't there an editorial review?"

Zheng Tongquan shook his head, "The content is a matter for the chief writer and reviewer, but Mr. Wang must understand that the "Beijing News" is not just a newspaper, it is the mouthpiece of His Royal Highness King Yong, and a sharp dagger. It is doing well, but it is still too weak in the weapon of public opinion. Last year, "Express" criticized Sichuan and Shaanxi three times, but the newspaper was helpless and very passive.

This time, Huang Yougong reported the seven deadly crimes of King Yong in his real name. The newspaper office thought of sending someone to threaten Huang Yougong and make him admit his mistakes in the newspaper. They actually thought it was Huang Yougong's personal behavior. "

"But didn't the "Beijing News" do a good job before? The price was raised to [-] yuan a share, which made the whole city look forward to it. I felt that there were masters manipulating it."

"What you are talking about is Hu Yun. He did a good job before, but now he doesn't care about the newspaper. He is now the special envoy of King Yong, in charge of the Sichuan-Shaanxi Pavilion. The current owner is called Yue Chen, who was the second largest in Bianliang during the Xuanhe period The deputy chief inspector of the newspaper "Tabao" has rich experience and strong ability, but he lacks power sensitivity, and I am worried that "Beijing News" will gradually lose its direction as it runs."

"I see, what does the editor do?"

Zheng Tongquan said with a slight smile: "The editor is like the helmsman of a big ship. The curator is in charge of the ship's navigation, paper, ink, personnel, distribution, etc., but the direction of the ship's navigation is controlled by the helmsman. Master Jurisdiction."

Wang Mu pondered for a moment and said, "Let me think about it!"

"Okay! Just think about it, Mr. Wang, let's continue talking about Huang Yougong's seven deadly sins!"

Zheng Tongquan pointed to the newspaper and said: "Sir, I read the second crime mentioned in the newspaper, buying land from farmers at a low price, and then selling it at a high price, earning a hundred times the profit, which seriously damages the interests of the farmers. I just asked the old man, and he said that there is such a thing. thing."

Wang Mu asked puzzledly: "The land in the hands of farmers is farmland. No matter how you buy and sell it, you won't earn a hundred times the profit, right?"

Lu Yihao said slowly: "I heard that it is expanding the city. Farmers' land used to be farmland, which costs [-] yuan per mu, but after the expansion of the city, it is housing land. The price of housing land in Jingzhao is as expensive as Lin'an."

Wang Mu sneered, "This is the same method as Article [-]. Isn't it normal for the government to expand the city and expropriate farmers' land? Before Lin'an expanded the city, it also expropriated thousands of acres of land from farmers, and only gave it to farmland. Compensation at the market price is called expropriation in Lin'an, but it becomes a sale in Jingzhao, which is too disgusting."

Zheng Tongquan slapped his thigh, "I never thought that it was the government that expropriated the land, not King Yong who bought and sold the land. These bastards are so shameless!"

Lu Yihao asked with a smile: "What is the fifth crime of stealing the court's salt tax?"

Wang Mu smiled and said, "Mr. Lu should know the answer better than me!"

Lu Yihao sighed for a long time: "When I get old, I don't remember many things from the past."

Wang Mu knew that he had made a slip of the tongue, and quickly said: "Let's just put it this way! The current Lin'an court has never collected salt tax from Jinghu and Jinghu roads. It was controlled by Yang Yao before, and after that, it was controlled by private salt dealers. Now It should be that the Sichuan-Shaanxi army suppressed the private salt dealers and took back the salt tax from Jinghu Road from the private salt dealers, what does it have to do with the court?"

"I see!"

Zheng Tongquan patted his forehead and said: "Now that we have solved six problems, we can criticize the opponent severely."

Wang Mu asked with a smile: "I wonder if there is any problem that has not been resolved?"

"The seventh deadly sin they mentioned is that His Highness is recruiting talents on the surface, but behind the scenes, he is nepotism and suppresses the virtuous. People who are not from Sichuan and Shaanxi are not used, and countless job seekers are desperate."

"I will answer this question!"

Everyone turned their heads and saw two people coming from the hall. In front was Lu Yihao's eldest son, Lu Jin, and behind him was a man in his thirties. He looked very capable. He was Hu Yun, the special envoy of King Yong stationed in Lin'an.

Hu Yun often came to Lu Mansion and was very familiar with Lu Yihao. Of course, he was even more familiar with Zheng Tongquan, and the two of them worked together to run the Lin'an "Beijing News".

Hu Yun came in, bowed and saluted with a smile, "Happy New Year to the old man!"

Lu Yihao stroked his beard and laughed, "Okay! Okay! Happy New Year to you too, Dalang, and bring me a chair for Special Envoy Hu!"

Hu Yun gave Zheng Tongquan another week of New Year greetings before he noticed Wang Mu, "This is it!"

Wang Mu smiled and said, "My servant, Wang Mu, used to be Zhang Xianggong's staff, and he was very familiar with Mr. Lu."

Hu Yun thought for a while, then suddenly asked: "Could it be Mr. Rujing?"

"That's Zhang Xianggong complimenting me, I really can't afford it!"

"Mr. Jiuwen is famous."

Lu Jin moved a chair, asked Hu Yun to sit down, and served tea to the maid.

Zheng Tongquan asked: "Just now Special Envoy Hu said that you know the answer to the seventh deadly sin. What do you say?"

"To tell the truth, Mr. Zheng, I saw today's "Express" and I was really angry, so I immediately came to Mr. Zheng. Your family said you were not there, so I rushed to Lu Mansion again. I didn't expect Mr. Zheng to be here. The seventh deadly crime is completely It is a slander against King Yong, to vent personal anger, but I know the reason."

"Want to hear about it!" Everyone pricked up their ears.

Then Hu Yun said unhurriedly: "Last month, I received a document from Jingzhao, asking me to set up a recruiting branch in Lin'an to receive talents who are willing to go to Sichuan and Shaanxi for development. Of course, there are conditions, and Jinshi is required. Qualifications, or excellent official reputation are also fine. If I pass the review here, then I will provide a fee.

Huang Yougong was mentioned at the end of this document, saying that this person also went to Jingzhao to apply for a job, but during the period he violated the regulations and went to the brothel to drink flowers and wine, and was rejected. escaped, so he made up the seventh deadly sin. "

Everyone nodded, "I see, that can be used to expose this bastard."

Wang Mu pondered for a while and said, "Is this not appropriate?"

The three looked at him together, "Why?" Zheng Tongquan asked.

"Because there is no conclusive evidence, Huang Yougong will be caught instead, saying that since he dared to report with his real name, he is not afraid of us slandering and framing him. If there is no evidence, we will actually crack down on the crime of real-name reporting. It is not the time to expose him, the effect will be counterproductive, this is the protective effect brought by real-name reporting, we cannot use this matter to deal with him, we must use other things to deal with him.”

Hu Yun pondered for a while and said: "I really have no evidence, it's just that he was mentioned in the official document, but my new deputy may know about it, so I'll ask him later."

Lu Yihao stroked his beard and nodded, "Wang Mu is right. If the Son of Heaven wants to kill a powerful official, he will never kill him right away. Instead, he will be demoted first. After a year, everyone will almost forget it, and then send someone to kill him. No one is paying attention anymore, for a reason, now that he is in the limelight, it is best not to touch Huang Yougong, after the turmoil passes, everyone forgets about it, and then deal with him."

Zheng Tongquan asked Wang Mudao: "Then according to Mr. Wang's opinion, how should we deal with it?"

(End of this chapter)

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