
Chapter 932 Counterattack

Chapter 932 Counterattack
Wang Mu said calmly: "I think it is most effective to refute the seventh deadly crime frankly. The other party is targeting King Yong, not the Xuanfu envoy of Sichuan and Shanxi. Then we will criticize him from the standpoint of King Yong. , He said nepotism, so where is King Yong's relative?

King Yong told me back then that his parents, brothers and family members were all killed by the Jinren's butcher knife, and he didn't even have a nephew. Where could he have relatives?Then there is the wife party, nothing more than three people, Lu Qingshan is the prime minister of the imperial court, is it not qualified to be in charge of Sichuan government affairs?Lu Datong was a Jinshi during the Zhenghe period. He has been an official for nearly thirty years. "

Lu Yihao nodded, "Your memory is very strong, I mentioned it in passing, and you will remember it."

"The third one is Lu Wei. He is the earliest civil servants around King Yong. Those who are later than him are all third-rank high-ranking officials. He is still a sixth-rank official. Is this cronyism?"

"well said!"

Hu Yun applauded and said: "That's right. You can draw inferences from one instance. Let's say that only officials from Sichuan and Shaanxi are used. Among the five senior government officials around King Yong, except for Guan Shigu who is from Xihe Road, the other senior officials are not from Sichuan and Shaanxi. During this period of time, more than [-] young officials who went to Jingzhao to defect to King Yong were basically hired. Except for three, Huang Yougong and Wang Shaode were not admitted because they violated the regulations for visiting brothels. There was also a Jinshi Zhang Cang because Father passed away, he gave up temporarily, I think Huang Yougong's name can be called here, what does Mr. Wang think?"

Wang Mu pondered for a while and said, "You can call names. Just now I was a bit narrow-minded. If Huang Yougong wanted to say that we framed him, we would explain the matter clearly in the newspaper. The advantage of this is that everyone will think that Yong Wang Qi’s crime was Huang Yougong’s personal venting of anger. How could he know so many things? It must be making up, and we have refuted it enough. I believe that the people are not fools. This is actually the biggest loophole in Qin Hui’s strategy. Huang Yougong's denunciation in his own name lacks credibility."

Hu Yun praised and said: "That's right, I went back to Jiang Zhubo, he was sent by the Ministry of Officials to help me recruit talents. He knows the details of Huang Yougong better, and he will be more powerful when he criticizes."

Lu Yihao couldn't hold on for too long, and everyone got up to leave.

Wang Mu took a step ahead in an ox cart. He would think about it tonight and give Zheng Tongquan an answer tomorrow.

Hu Yun got into Zheng Tongquan's carriage, and Zheng Tongquan said with a smile, "What does the special envoy think of Wang Mu?"

Hu Yun gave a thumbs up and praised sincerely: "Awesome, worthy of Zhang Jun's confidant and staff, clear thinking, resourceful, able to see the essence through problems, great talent!"

"I want him to be the review editor of the newspaper. Does the special envoy think it's feasible?"

Editor is a disguised name. Its real function is to supervise the newspaper, and Zheng Tongquan has been doing it part-time. Of course, it needs a full-time person with a clear mind and strong insight. Wang Mu is undoubtedly the most suitable.

Hu Yun pondered for a while and said: "This position needs to be appointed by King Yong. There is no problem with Wang Mu's talent. The key is whether he is willing to serve King Yong?"

Zheng Tongquan thought for a while and said, "Mr. Lu told me that Wang Mu was going to Jingzhao to apply for a job. He had a letter of recommendation from Zhang Jun. Lu Yihao also wrote him a letter of recommendation. I believe he will be loyal to King Yong. I can vouch for him."

Hu Yun nodded, "I have no objection, I will report to His Royal Highness King Yong, but the master should make it clear to Wang Mu that taking this position is actually King Yong's aide."

Zheng Tongquan said with a smile: "I will find an opportunity to explain clearly to him. He is a person who can be a military adviser. I believe he has realized it, so he has to think about it for a night. Now he urgently needs to support his family. He will definitely agree to a general position, no Needs to be considered."

Early the next morning, Wang Mu came to Zheng Tongquan's mansion, agreed to Zheng Tongquan's invitation, and was willing to join the "Beijing News".

Wang Mu's current predicament is that his family is not well-off. His family has a large population, his wife is in poor health, and he has three children, all of whom are only in their teens. His father passed away last year, and his savings were almost exhausted in order to bury his father. There is also an elderly mother who needs his support.

The point is that he doesn't have a mansion in Lin'an, so he needs to rent a house by himself. If Zhang Jun is here, his life will be easier, but Zhang Jun was dismissed and his staff was dismissed, so he had to find another way to make a living.

Fortunately, Lu Jin introduced him to a good errand, teaching the nine-year-old grandson of a big businessman to read, with a monthly income of ten guan and one stone of rice, which is not bad.

Of course, there is Lu Yihao's selfishness in it. Wang Mu wanted to be filial to his father, so he couldn't go to Jingzhao for the time being, so Lu Yihao introduced him to work for a big businessman instead of being an aide to the powerful. Will not go to Jingzhao again.

Inside the carriage, Zheng Tongquan introduced to Wang Mu: "The "Beijing News" is not the official newspaper of Sichuan and Shaanxi, but the private property of His Royal Highness Yong. It is mainly used to influence public opinion, especially the public opinion in Jiangnan, so the "Beijing News" The task is to cover the entire Jiangnan region, and now it only covers Lin'an Mansion, and there is still a long way to go.

Then I have three members, mainly to take good care of this newspaper for His Royal Highness King Yong. The editor's duty is to supervise, supervise the content of the newspaper, supervisors, including the owner, and the newspaper will hand over the manuscript to you for review before printing. If you feel that the content is inappropriate, you can request to withdraw the manuscript, and you have the final decision. "

Wang Mu smiled bitterly and said, "Actually, I am more concerned about salary now, I hope Uncle Guo understands!"

"Of course I understand!"

Zheng Tongquan smiled slightly and said: "Your salary will be borne by King Yong. You don't have to worry. King Yong has more than [-] guan with me, which is enough to pay your salary. Your salary is [-] guan per month, which has nothing to do with the newspaper. King Yong There are five staff members, all of whom are paid by him, you are the second level, and there will be a reward at the end of the year, as far as I know, the staff member with the lowest reward will get [-] guan.”

Speaking of this, Zheng Tongquan took a look at Wang Mu and saw that he was calm, so he knew that he had figured it out, and said with a smile: "King Yong's staff are all part-time, mainly doctors of Taixue and professors of Zhouxue. Wang gave them a salary, and I still have an income in school, so I live very comfortably, but it is not easy to become an aide of King Yong! You have three important letters of recommendation, so it should not be a big problem."

Wang Mu understood with a smile and said, "Uncle Zheng Guo means that I still have an income in the newspaper?"

Zheng Tongquan laughed loudly, gave a thumbs up and praised: "Smart! Since you are the editor of the newspaper, you naturally have an income of the chief editor, which is paid by the newspaper, [-] yuan per month, second only to the owner Yue Chen gone."

"Can you advance one month's salary in advance? I have to pay the rent on the fifth day of the fifth day, and my family is really stretched."

"You don't have to pay rent anymore. There is an empty house in Sanqiao, which was the temporary newspaper office before. The newspaper office was moved away. It was originally intended to be the Sichuan-Shaanxi Pavilion, but the imperial court gave Hu Yun the former Sichuan-Shaanxi Jinzuoyuan. Jinzuoyuan is close to Da Nei, so it is very convenient to do things, so this house is empty, and King Yong will not live in it anymore, so you can move in with your family! I will give you the key later, and I will pay you a sum of money in advance Burning coal is urgent."

Wang Mu was silent for a moment and said, "The rebuttal statement of the seven deadly crimes of "Express" should be my responsibility, so let me write it! Try to publish it tomorrow, and I will deal with Huang Yougong."

Zheng Tongquan secretly agreed, this is a smart person, he knows what to do without having to explain himself.

Not long after, the two came to a large courtyard surrounded by walls. It was said to be a courtyard, but it was actually a complex of buildings. It consisted of five two-story buildings, covering an area of ​​about ten acres.

The main entrance has an upturned eaves, which is covered with a thin layer of white snow. The gate is very large, with two characters of "Beijing News" written on it, and a pair of stone lions sit on both sides, which looks quite imposing.

This is a very good location. There should be people coming and going at the entrance of the newspaper office. Perhaps because of the third day of the first lunar month, the surrounding area of ​​the newspaper office seems very calm, and there are almost no pedestrians.

There was a light snowfall last night, but the snow on the steps had been swept away. In front of the gate, a servant was sweeping the floor. He stopped his bamboo broom and looked at the two of them puzzled.

Zheng Tongquan waved his hand with a smile, "This is the "Beijing News" newspaper office, sir please!"

Wang Mu nodded, picked up the half-worn robe, followed Zheng Tongquan up the steps quickly, and walked into the gate.

(End of this chapter)

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