
Chapter 933

Chapter 933

After the "Seven Deadly Crimes of King Yong" was published in "Express", it caused an uproar in Lin'an City. Many people who were dissatisfied with Chen Qing took the opportunity to fall into trouble, and tried their best to use the content of this article to smear and criticize Chen Qing, while supporting Chen Qing. People feel angry, bewildered, and at a loss for what to do for a while.

On the third day of the first lunar month, "Express" published another letter from a reader. A reader named Xihu Diaosou commented on each of the seven deadly sins one by one. For example, he regarded Yong Wang Chen Qing's occupation of [-] mu of land as a bloody act of hungry tigers and goats. He used powerful power to trample on weak people and made a fortune. devour.

For another example, in the first crime, the fisherman from the West Lake criticized Chen Qing for rebuilding the palace wall into the imperial city wall, which was shameless treachery and treachery. He claimed to be a courtier of the Song Dynasty, but he pretended to be the Chen Dynasty in his heart.

This reader's letter once again aroused widespread discussion in Lin'an City. For a while, Chen Qing's image was completely torn, and most of the people who supported Chen Qing were also silent.

In the afternoon, thousands of people gathered in front of the "Beijing News" newspaper office, silently supporting Chen Qing, and the owner Yue Chen went out to communicate with everyone.

An old man said unceremoniously: "Excuse me, Master Yue, why did the "Beijing News" keep silent when they attacked His Highness King Yong with no bottom line and no shame? Could it be that what they said was the truth, and the "Beijing News" could not argue ?"

The crowd shouted angrily: "The Beijing News should stand up, and they must not be allowed to spread rumors shamelessly!"

"Everyone listen to me!"

The owner of the museum, Yue Chen, said loudly: "Everyone, please be quiet and listen to me!"

The dense crowd gradually quieted down, and Yue Chen said loudly: "Everyone, this is an attack that the other party has planned for a long time. Please trust us, we will never sit idly by. Please read tomorrow's newspaper, there will definitely be statement."

"Master Yue said that there will be an explanation in tomorrow's newspaper!"

"Then let's wait for tomorrow's newspaper!"

The crowd gradually dispersed, and the owner Yue Chen returned to the newspaper office worriedly. He came to the main building on the east side. In this main building covering an area of ​​two acres, more than [-] literati writers wrote daily articles here.

Of course, there are dozens of people collecting materials outside, such as food and clothing, healthy parenting content, these literati will never be able to write, they must consult experts, collect materials, and then the main writers will write wonderful articles.

The curator Yue Chen came to a room, which was the room of Wang Mu, the newly appointed editor-in-chief in the morning, but Wang Mu didn't use his real name, he changed his name to Zhang Jinhuang, from Bianliang, but Zheng Tongquan's The meaning is also to protect Wang Mu.

Of course Yue Chen knew what Wang Mu was doing at the newspaper office?He is equivalent to the commander in chief of the army, and this Wang Mu is the supervisor of the army. Yue Chen sighed in his heart and knocked on the door.

"Please come in!"

Yue Chen pushed the door open and went in, only to see Wang Mu writing something on the table without raising his head.

Yue Chen didn't bother him either, but sat patiently by the side. Only then did he realize that Wang Mu's handwriting was really beautiful, and his strokes of regular script had already begun to look like a master. not on.

With this beautiful calligraphy, Yue Chen dared not underestimate Wang Mu.

At this moment, Wang Mu put down his pen and said with a smile, "Have all the people gone back?"

"That's right! Thousands of people actually came here to support us and put a lot of pressure on us. I have already promised them to be published in the newspaper tomorrow."

The implication of Yue Chen's words is that it's up to you.

Wang Mu nodded, "It's not a big problem to see the newspaper tomorrow, I'll write it soon."

"And today's review article, brother Shaofu, did you see it?"

Wang Mu said indifferently: "You can tell at a glance that this old man fishing in the West Lake is Qin Hui, but it's a pity that he is superfluous and shows his feet."

"How can you tell, brother?"

"That Huang Yougong said that King Yong seized the people's land outside the southern city, but he didn't say how much land he seized. The fisherman in the West Lake directly said that he seized [-] acres. It would take two or three months to go to Jingzhao to investigate! But one night He knew it all at once. Doesn't this mean that he and Huang Yougong are in the same group? It also shows that Huang Yougong is not complaining about injustice, but a well-planned attack. Huang Yougong is the main attack, and this West Lake fisherman It's an assist."

"Will it be published together tomorrow?"

Wang Mu waved his hand, "We must also pay attention to strategy. Tomorrow we will first refute the three crimes, and the day after tomorrow we will refute the four crimes, and the day after tomorrow we will expose Huang Yougong's ugly face, and finally we will publish the loopholes of the West Lake fishing old man, just like a serial novel. Everyone is looking forward to it, and finally the long-awaited truth will be released, which is a meticulous plan by some forces in the imperial court to frame King Yong."

Yue Chen excitedly said: "Well said, even I am looking forward to it!"

In the imperial palace, Qin Hui came to the Xiangyang Pavilion under the guidance of an eunuch. This is the Nuan Pavilion. The emperor Zhao Gou usually stays here in winter.

There were two days' worth of "Express" on the table, as well as several pieces of beautiful jade. Zhao Gou was drinking tea slowly while holding a piece of beautiful jade in his hand.

"Your Majesty, Mr. Qin is here."

Zhao Gou put down the jade and nodded, "Show him in!"

A eunuch shouted outside, "Your Majesty has a decree, and Xuan Qin Xianggong has an audience!"

Zhao Gou winked at the concubines beside him, and the concubines who were lying beside him also retreated quietly.

Not long after, the eunuch brought Qin Hui in, and Qin Hui bowed and saluted, "My minister sees Your Majesty!"

"I have to trouble Mr. Qin to make a trip during the Chinese New Year. I'm sorry!"

"My minister actually wants to wish His Majesty a new year!"

Zhao Gou smiled slightly, and put the newspaper on the table, "I read both yesterday's and today's "Express".

Qin Hui was startled, this is to fool the people of Lin'an with the spring and autumn brushwork, don't fool the emperor too.

"Your Majesty, Chen Qing is indeed hypocritical, cunning, vicious, and vicious. Needless to say, all the officials know this, but the people of Lin'an don't know it, and are often confused by his hypocrisy. It is our original intention to expose Qing's true nature to the people and let the people of Lin'an see his true face clearly."

"So these seven deadly sins are not true?" Zhao Gou asked lightly.

"Your Majesty, everything is true. It's like the same mountain. It looks like a cliff from the north, but lush greenery from the south. This is very deceptive. The same is true for the seven deadly sins. To show the good side, we are to show the evil side of the same thing, of course, maybe a little exaggeration, just to let the people see more clearly, but the thing is definitely true.”

"This West Lake fisherman is Mr. Qin!"

"It's Weichen!"

Zhao Gou was silent for a moment and said: "I want you to do this, but you should tell me before publishing the newspaper, but I don't know anything about it. When I saw this newspaper, I thought it was a real official. The real-name report made me happy for a whole day, until I saw today's comments, I realized that this was a literary attack planned by Mr. Qin."

Although Zhao Gou said it lightly, Qin Hui felt the dissatisfaction in the emperor's tone. He wiped the sweat from his forehead and said hastily, "It's my minister who didn't think carefully. His Majesty reported that there was absolutely no intention of concealing His Majesty."

"Forget it, I'm satisfied this time, so I won't pursue it anymore, but I know that the other party will definitely fight back, and you have to have a countermeasure."

"Wei Chen understands, has a countermeasure?"

Zhao Gou said lightly: "Are you not going to tell me?"

"Ah!" Qin Hui was shocked, bowed his head and said, "I don't dare!"

"Then tell me! What are your countermeasures?"

In fact, Qin Hui didn't think it through, but he had an idea, which was far from mature.

But now the emperor clearly wants to know, and it is not easy to be fooled, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and said: "The countermeasures of the minister are divided into three strategies: top, middle and bottom. Jingzhao is far away, and information is inconvenient. To refute the sophistry of the other party, Wei Chen also arranged several staff to deal with this matter."

"What about the middle policy and the worst policy?" Zhao Gou continued to ask.

"The medium strategy is to drag the other party's legs. For example, the warehouse of the newspaper suddenly caught fire and there was no paper to print. Maybe their spelling craftsman suddenly fell ill."

Zhao Gou frowned, and interrupted Qin Hui's displeasure, "The dignified prime minister, you shouldn't think about the rogue tricks of such a ruffian, and say the worst policy!"

Qin Hui wiped the sweat from his forehead again and said, "The next thing to do is to have Huang Yougong killed."

Zhao Gou nodded lightly, "Although the method is a bit vicious, it is better than the middle strategy!"

(End of this chapter)

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