
Chapter 934

Chapter 934

On the fourth day of the first lunar month, on the third day after King Yong’s Seven Deadly Crimes were released, the long-awaited counterattack by the people of Lin’an finally came. At noon, [-] copies of the “Beijing News” were released, and they were sold out immediately by the people of Lin’an.

The "Beijing News" used the entire front page to publish an article under the pseudonym "Spear Whisperer": "Convert black and white, turn a deer into a horse, and refute the shamelessness in the article 'Seven Deadly Crimes of King Yong'!"

Today's publication is the first part, and the entire Lin'an streets and alleys are talking about it.

In Tianqin Teahouse, Wang Mu came to drink tea as usual, of course, he didn't come to drink tea, he just came to listen to the reaction.

The tea guests in the teahouse were very excited. One tea guest held up the newspaper and said: "I knew it was wrong. The newspaper clearly stated that most of Jingzhao's palace had been destroyed by the Jin soldiers, and Liu Yu, the younger brother of the puppet Qi Liu Yu, had been killed." Feng Qin Wang, changed the palace to Qin Wangfu, the standard has been reduced, the wall is two feet and eight feet high, and the height of the Bianliang Palace wall is three feet high, Yongwang's mansion is the former pseudo-Qinwangfu, how can we talk about the word "overstepping"?"

Another old man said: "That's right, the key is that Huang Yougong stole the beam and replaced the pillar. He didn't compare the walls of Yongwang's Mansion with the Bianliang Palace, but compared it with the walls of Lin'an Palace. Everyone, Lin'an is not the capital. The capital is in Bianliang, and Lin'an is just a palace, and the walls of the palace are lower than the imperial palace in the capital.

It was also rebuilt into a city wall style. It was because King Yong was assassinated three times by Xixia and the Kingdom of Jin. "

"What kind of shameless is this? The forced purchase of land is called shameless. It is obvious that the government expanded the city and expropriated land, and gave twice the market price of farmland as compensation. How much compensation has been paid for land expropriation in Lin'an? Is it twice? Not at all! It's a normal government The expropriation of land was said by this Huang Yougong as King Yong’s forcible occupation of farmland and ordered the beating of people who lost their land. The land expropriation took place in June last year, but the people in Lin’an knew that King Yong was in Lin’an last June. How did he seize the land and order it? Beating? Isn’t this just talking nonsense? This is truly shameless.”

"It is also nonsense to say that King Yong lived a luxurious life and was immoral. King Yong has one wife and four concubines, three children, and a dignified prince. This is not even as good as an ordinary wealthy family!"

"That's right! It is said that King Yong has hundreds of wives and concubines. All the businessmen I know in Jingzhao said that the "Express" is full of lies. This Huang Yougong is just to viciously attack King Yong. He is afraid that King Yong will find him to settle accounts. That’s why I use my real name.”

"If you don't tell me, I really didn't think that this is why I used my real name!"

Wang Mu paid the tea money, got up and left quietly, and the effect was very good, meeting his expectations.

Lu Jin took a newspaper and ran all the way into the back house, "Father, the newspaper is here."

Lu Yihao just woke up and was sitting in the inner hall waiting, he hurriedly said: "Quick! Give me the newspaper."

Lu Jin walked into the inner hall, handed the newspaper to his father and said with a smile, "It really came out!"

Lu Yihao took the newspaper and read it carefully. As soon as he saw the headline, he praised: "This headline is good. It reverses black and white. It is written with joy!"

"Good! Good! Thoroughly written."

Lu Yihao was full of praise while watching: "None of us thought that King Yong was in Lin'an in June last year, and it is estimated that the other party did not think of it either, leaving a big loophole, which directly exposed their slander."

After reading it, Lu Yihao took the newspaper and asked, "What do you say in the restaurant?"

"The diners in the restaurant are all scolding this Huang Yougong, calling him confounding black and white, calling him despicable and shameless. Father, this Wang Mu is amazing! Sharp and thorough, he peels the opponent's skin clean, and people can understand it at a glance. gone."

Lu Yihao nodded and said: "This article on the seven deadly sins looks very vicious, but it has a fatal weakness. It has seven gates of life. As long as one of them is broken, the power of the other six will be greatly reduced. It will collapse, if you lied in one place, everyone will suspect that you lied in all places, not to mention that Wang Mu broke more than one gate of life."

"Father, there is also the fact that Chen Qing has hundreds of wives and concubines. My child thinks this is the biggest key to the seven deadly sins. This is one of the most popular topics in Lin'an when Chen Qing came to An. How many wives and concubines does Chen Qing have?" ?Many people in Lin’an know that they are so stupid to slander this incident.”

Lu Yihao said with a smile: "I'm looking forward to the second cut tomorrow. You should also collect more than a dozen other newspapers these days. You have to pay attention to the subtle changes in their attitudes. They will definitely end at a critical moment."

"Kid remember!"

In Xiangguo Mansion, Qin Hui slapped the table and scolded Huang Yougong, "Idiot, why did you write the time, Chen Qing was in Lin'an last June, didn't you know? Also, there are hundreds of wives and concubines, I will delete this sentence Now, why do you keep it? Is it true that only looking for a woman is called extravagance? You said that he likes to eat ducks, and he would kill a thousand ducks for a meal. Is it more effective? Do you insist that he is looking for a woman? , but he doesn't have this problem, he hasn't even been to a brothel, you think everyone else is like you, and they can't live without women!"

Qin Hui became more angry as he spoke, and threw the newspaper in Huang Yougong's face, "See how others criticize you, how do you deal with it?"

Huang Yougong cursed secretly in his heart, Qin Hui asked his staff to write the seven deadly crimes, and he only provided a little content, and then made a name for it, but now he put the responsibility entirely on himself, why didn't he scold his staff?The hundreds of wives and concubines were obviously written by his staff, so what does it have to do with me?

But no matter how much Huang Yougong hated him, he didn't dare to talk back to Qin Hui, let alone shift the responsibility to Qin Hui. He picked up the newspaper for a while and said, "I've read the criticism written by the other party, but there are actually loopholes in it."

"What loophole?"

"It's the land case. Although Chen Qing was in Lin'an at the time, he doesn't need to come forward for this kind of matter. Naturally, someone will handle it for him. Maybe his family did it in his name, so the other party insists that Chen Qing is not in Beijing. Zhao, I feel that this is a trap, and it’s easy to ignore the obvious. You can refute the other party from this issue. In addition, there are many aspects of Chen Qing’s arrogance. For example, he needs thousands of people to protect him when he travels.”

Qin Hui interrupted him with a wave of his hand, "Don't mention the matter of usurpation. The officials don't want to see this, so they refute it with the land matter you just said. It makes sense. He really doesn't need him to come forward in person if he wants to occupy the wealth. , go! See the newspaper tomorrow."

Huang Yougong left in a hurry, and Qin Hui said to his nephew Wang Bo, "Immediately send someone to investigate. Who is this 'Spear Whisperer'? Let me find out his background."

"My nephew knows, let's go and investigate!"

"Wait a minute!"

Qin Hui stopped him again, and said slowly: "There is also Huang Yougong's situation to be investigated together. Where does he live and who is in his family? Do you understand?"

Wang Bo was startled, this probably meant that he was going to attack Huang Yougong.

"My nephew understands."

Wang Bo saluted and left in a hurry.

Qin Hui looked at the newspaper again, and couldn't help being upset for a while. How could the seven deadly sins that he thought were very confident at the beginning couldn't stand up to the other party's refutation?The Son of Heaven must have read this article, what would he think?The key lies in the other four crimes. How will the other party refute it tomorrow?

When Wang Bo returned to the county government office, he immediately found his staff Jia Yingfang and the archer Dutou Ma Song. He took a newspaper, pointed to the Spear Whisperer on it, and said, "The author of this article is called the Spear Whisperer. Separate yourselves." Go and find out who wrote this article, and find out the background of this Spear Whisperer for me, Mr. Qin is anxious to know, the task is on me, you should find out for me before tomorrow night."

Ma Song, the head of the archers, agreed, and immediately went out with his men, while Jia Yingfang returned to his official room. He pondered for a moment, wrote a note, and went to Liuweiju Teahouse for tea without haste.

A quarter of an hour later, Jia Yingfang met Dong Qun, the intelligence leader of the Western Army in Lin'an, at the Liuweiju teahouse. This teahouse has been bought by the intelligence station and has become a gathering place for various intelligence in Lin'an.

(End of this chapter)

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