
Chapter 935

Chapter 935

At noon the next day, the Beijing News published a second rebuttal article, strongly refuting the other four crimes.

The other four crimes are embezzling the salt tax of Jinghu Road, nepotism, massacre of innocent people in Xixia, and evading court officials.

The focus here is on the salt tax case and cronyism, while the massacre of innocent people in Xixia and the abduction of court officials are generally not of interest to the common people, but the Spokesman still refuted the first and second articles respectively.

There is no so-called massacre of innocent people in Xixia. They were scattered and resettled in the counties of Sichuan Road, Xihe Road, Shaanxi Road, and Hedong Road. The herdsmen were resettled in Hexi Road, a total of more than [-] , involving more than [-] counties, and each county resettled more than [-] people. The Sichuan-Shaanxi Xuanfu Envoy and the county government have detailed records, allowing them to gradually integrate into the Han people, and the Dangxiang people have since disappeared.

The second point is that the imperial court ordered the official to refer to Sichuan Road. According to the agreement signed by the two parties, the Xuanfu Envoy of Sichuan and Shaanxi controlled the counties on Sichuan Road, and the imperial court controlled the states, but there was no county as the basis. Of course, the states were floating in the air. It is normal for the government to feel that it is being emptied, but the agreement between the two parties was signed in this way, in black and white, what is the crime of King Yong?In the final rebuttal, he asked, did the court want to tear up the agreement, so it deliberately made a fuss about this matter? "

When these two points are explained clearly, the so-called seven deadly sins give people a feeling that they want to commit crimes and have no reason to worry.

As for the salt tax case and cronyism, these two crimes are not worth refuting. The Lin'an court has never collected salt tax from Jinghu and Jinghu. Invasion of the south, the two roads of Jinghu and Jinghu have been in war, and both places have been occupied by private salt dealers.

It wasn't until the second half of last year that the Western Army killed more than [-] private salt dealers by means of thunder and confiscated all their property, so that Sichuan-Shaanxi official salt was able to appear in the market on Jinghu Road One catty, the imperial salt price is [-] Wen per catty, and it can be sold in two ways in Jinghu.

It was a slap in the face, and the people of Lin'an suddenly discovered that the price of salt in Sichuan and Shaanxi was only [-]% of the salt price of the imperial court. This immediately became another hot topic.

But it was the last crime that really slapped him in the face. King Yong was nepotism, and all the relatives of King Yong were killed by Jin Bing. He didn't even have any distant relatives.

But when it comes to Jingzhao’s acceptance of officials who went to Lin’an, only three officials were not hired. Among them was Huang Yougong, who was disqualified for visiting brothels in violation of regulations. abscond.

As soon as the news came out, there was an uproar in the government and the public in Lin'an. At this time, the so-called seven deadly crimes had all been refuted by the "Beijing News", and everyone naturally believed that Huang Yougong's trip to Jingzhao was actually to seek a job. Retaliation concocted the so-called Seven Deadly Crimes of King Yong.

In just one afternoon, Huang Yougong's reputation was completely tainted.

In the afternoon, Jia Yingfang came to the six tea house again, and dozens of tea customers in the tea house were arguing together.

A skinny old man shouted: "I think the "Express" has a point. King Yong wants to seize the land and let his subordinates come forward. So what if he is in Lin'an? It makes sense!"

Someone retorted: "If King Yong really ordered his subordinates to seize the land, would Huang Yougong know about it?"

"Huang Yougong doesn't know, but the court must know, someone will tell him!"

"Hehe! It turns out that the real behind-the-scenes of the seven deadly crimes are the imperial court, and Huang Yougong is just a scapegoat they put out!"

"That's not what I meant, don't talk nonsense!" The old man blushed.

"Who is this person?" Jia Yingfang asked the shopkeeper Dong Qun in a low voice.

Dong Qun sneered, "This person is one of the four chief stewards of Uncle Wei Tong. His surname is Qiu. When he reported the Seven Deadly Crimes on the first day, he worked hard. Now he insists on holding on to the land issue. I guess he Want to spread rumors."

"Let me refute him and see how he spreads rumors!"

Jia Yingfang stepped forward, cupped her fists and smiled, "Guan Qiu, do you want to hear my explanation?"

The old man surnamed Qiu stared fiercely at Jia Yingfang, "What do you want to say?"

"I just want to tell you that the new city expanded by Jingzhao is ten miles wide from east to west and five miles long from north to south. Calculated to add nearly [-] mu of land, only [-] mu of it is private land, and the remaining [-] mu is private land. It’s official land. If King Yong wants to make a fortune from expanding the city, wouldn’t he just buy official land? It’s cheap, but he insists on occupying private farmland at a high price and ruining his reputation. If he is really so stupid, will he be able to achieve what he is today?”

There was a burst of laughter in the teahouse, and the old man surnamed Qiu was speechless, so he had to leave in a huff. Jia Yingfang's words sealed his throat with a sword, and soon spread throughout Lin'an, and Huang Yougong's last struggle was also drowned in ridicule. middle.

In the backyard of the teahouse, Dong Qun asked Jia Yingfang to sit down, poured him a cup of hot tea, and said with a smile: "What you said yesterday, Mr. Qin Hui's investigation of the Spokespeaker may not be good for him. I have already responded to Mr. Zheng. Mr. Zheng said, You can reply to Wang Bo in this way, saying that there is no such person as the Spear Whisperer, this person is a fiction, and the two corresponding articles gathered the opinions of many people, and then Hu Yun wrote it.”

"Dong Yuhou means that Hu Yun can be regarded as a spear talker?"

"You can also say that! He is the special envoy of King Yong, and he is responsible for defending King Yong, and he knows the situation best."

Jia Yingfang nodded, "I understand, I'll go back and report, forgive Qin Hui for not daring to touch Hu Yun."

Jia Yingfang had just returned to the county government office when she met Wang Bo rushing out of the county government office. Fortunately, Jia Yingfang dodged quickly and the two almost bumped into each other.

"Your Majesty, why are you in such a hurry?"

Seeing that there were yamen servants on the left and right, Wang Bo quickly pulled Jia Yingfang aside, and said in a low voice, "I just got the news from Madutou that Huang Yougong is dead!"


Jia Yingfang was really taken aback, "When did it happen? Where did you find it?"

"It's what happened just now. In the woods outside the city, he hanged himself on a tree."

"Did he hang himself?"

Wang Bo shook his head, "The reporter saw some black clothes dragging Huang Yougong into the woods from a carriage."

Wang Bo suddenly remembered something, and hurriedly said: "I'm going to Qin Xianggong's mansion, how did you find out, who is that spear talker?"

"I found out that this Spear Talker is not a real person, but a fictitious person. The article in the "Beijing News" was discussed by many people, and then written by Hu Yun."

Wang Bo was stunned, "Hu Yun, special envoy of King Yong?"

Jia Yingfang nodded.

"It sure is him!"

Wang Bo hurriedly said: "I will report to Xiangguo Mansion now."

He got on his horse and ran towards the Qin residence with a few followers.

Jia Yingfang thought for a while, then turned around and returned to Liuweiju Teahouse. He wanted to tell Dong Qun about Huang Yougong's murder.

In Xiangyang Pavilion, Qin Hui urgently reported Huang Yougong's murder to the emperor.

Zhao Gou immediately understood that it was because Qin Hui's best strategy didn't work, and he used his worst strategy. The lie of the seven deadly crimes was completely exposed, so he could only kill Huang Yougong to frame Chen Qing, and at the same time silence him.

Qin Hui gave Zhao Gou the right to choose. If Huang Yougong was declared guilty of committing suicide, then the matter would be regarded as a confession, and the Wen Gong war was over. But if Huang Yougong was killed, it would obviously be to frame King Yong and promote him. The height of the battlefield.

It is very likely that Jingzhao will also join the war. This is what Zhao Gou is most worried about. He is worried that Chen Qing will directly drive out the Sichuan Luzhou official appointed by the court in a fit of anger. Come out, where to put the court's face?He was even more worried that Chen Qing would make some substantive actions, such as annexing the entire Jing South Road.

"Who is that Spear Whisperer?" Zhao Gou glanced at the newspaper and asked again.

"The news I got is Hu Yun, the special envoy of King Yong."

"It's him? No wonder!"

Zhao Gou nodded. He walked a few steps and said, "Let the county government spread the news! Huang Yougong hanged himself and died. Don't tell me why, understand?"

Zhao Gou was full of compromises in his bones, not only for Jin Bing, but also for the powerful Chen Qing.

But Zhao Gou still left a small tail. Whether Huang Yougong committed suicide in fear of crime or fear of being retaliated, he didn't say, let people guess.

(End of this chapter)

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