
Chapter 936 Changes

Chapter 936 Changes
On the tenth day of the first lunar month, Chen Qing received several pigeon letters from Hu Yun, and by linking these pigeon letters together, Chen Qing knew that there was a huge disturbance against him in Lin'an, a civil attack against him.

"Husband, who is this Huang Yougong?" Lu Xiu asked after flipping through the pigeon letter.

"It's the official who drank flower wine in the brothel and was not hired." Chen Qing said lightly.

"He is taking revenge on his husband, fabricating a seven deadly sins of King Yong?"

Chen Qing sneered, "He doesn't have the guts yet, it's just a tool, behind it should be Qin Hui, or even the emperor Zhao Gou, in fact, this is their original intention of running "Express", to smear me, they have been doing it before, but this time It’s more obvious and more vicious.”

"Then how should we deal with it? Do we just let them slander your husband?"

Chen Qing said with a smile: "This incident happened on the second day of the first lunar month, and now on the tenth day of the first lunar month, eight days have passed, which means that this matter has been resolved. Hu Yun said in the pigeon letter that Uncle Zheng found a very powerful military adviser A super person named Wang Mu refuted the so-called seven deadly crimes of King Yong in the "Beijing News", letting the people of Lin'an fully understand the truth."

"Where did you see this name?"

Lu Xiu thought for a while and smiled, "Grandfather mentioned him in a letter to me, saying that he is a great talent, and I want to recommend him to my husband."

Chen Qing nodded, "Not only your grandfather recommended him, but Zhang Jun and Zheng Tongquan also recommended him to me, and he was recommended by three heavyweights, and now even Hu Yun is full of praise for him, recommending him as my staff, for me Supervising the "Beijing News", this person is worthy of reuse."

"Husband, let's get to know him!"

Chen Qing smiled slightly: "He used to be Zhang Jun's confidant, he was the one who filled my military registration for me and arranged for me to study martial arts. I have a very good impression of him, if he can become my aide, I wish for it. "

"But my grandfather said that he would not be able to come to Jingzhao for the time being because he wanted to be a filial piety for his father."

"Then let him stay in the "Beijing News" and deal with all kinds of slander and slander from the imperial court for me. I really need such a person to protect my reputation in Lin'an."

Lu Xiu left the study and left. Chen Qing took out the last pigeon letter and looked at it. The content of the pigeon letter was very simple. In just two sentences, Huang Yougong died, and the court ruled it as suicide.

Chen Qing paced back and forth in the room with his hands behind his back. This was obviously Qin Hui's murder, but the declaration was a suicide, not a homicide, which was a bit unexpected for Chen Qing. If he declared a homicide, he would have to bear the blame.

But there are also two kinds of suicide, one is to commit suicide in fear of crime, and the other is to commit suicide in fear of being retaliated. If it is the latter, one's reputation will be affected to some extent.

It is probably a little trick played by the emperor, and finally admitted to being cowardly, but he was not reconciled, so he refused to add the word "fear of crime", but let others guess.

Of course, Chen Qing didn't want to care about this little trick. Huang Yougong's suicide would generally be considered a suicide in fear of crime under the current environment.

Wait for the final report on this matter!
Chen Qing put away the pigeon letter and continued to think about the major issues in front of him to formulate an annual strategy.

As the supreme ruler of Sichuan and Shaanxi, Chen Qing considered strategy more, and then handed it over to the Internal Affairs Hall, which then decomposed and implemented it.

This is what he has to do at the beginning of each year. In fact, many things have continuity. For example, he won the Datong Mansion last year to solve the worries for the later attack on the Central Plains.

So there is only one thing he wants to do this year, attacking the Central Plains.

Last year, he seized the northern part of Hedong Road and Datong Mansion, and solved the northern threat of Hedong Road. This year is the key year for the Kingdom of Jin to conquer the grassland with all its strength. Opportunity to attack the Central Plains by yourself.

Chen Qing is not Song Xianggong. Facing a life-and-death war, he refuses to take advantage of others' dangers. War is to seize favorable opportunities.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door, "Officer, it's me!"

It was Zhao Qiaoyun's voice, Chen Qing smiled and said, "Come in!"

Zhao Qiaoyun walked into the study with a plate, and there was a stack of documents on the plate. She put the documents on the table, smiled sweetly, and sat in her husband's arms, wrapped her arms around his neck and said softly, "I've been busy for two days. Don't the officials reward you for working so hard?"

"Of course there are rewards for hard work!"

Chen Qing lowered his head and kissed her red lips, and his big hands wandered freely on her body. In a moment, Zhao Qiaoyun was panting delicately, her cheeks were flushed, and her body was constantly twisting. The sound of running footsteps.

Zhao Qiaoyun woke up all of a sudden, stood up quickly, straightened her dress, and only heard a report from a maid outside: "Report to the lord, the butler said that Counselor Zhou has something to see."

Zhou Kuan came, Chen Qing nodded, "Please wait in the guest room!"

The maid left, Chen Qing hugged Zhao Qiaoyun tenderly for a moment, then whispered: "I'll go to your place tonight!"

Zhao Qiaoyun nodded shyly, stood up and said, "It's cold outside, I'll put a robe on the officials!"

Chen Qing put on a thick robe, saw the thick paperwork on the table, flipped through it and said with a smile, "Amazing! It took only two days to sort it out!"

"I've finished reading them all, and they're pretty much the same. I'll explain to my husband later."

"I'll go see Zhou Kuan first, and then you will explain it to me. After the Shangyuan Festival, I will be deployed to the Internal Affairs Hall, and the time is quite tight."

"Yeah! I might be at the eldest sister's side later, and the officials sent someone to call me."

When Chen Qing came to the guest hall, he saw Zhou Kuan sitting in the hall drinking tea. Although today was a day off, there was no day off for a senior official of Zhou Kuan's level.

"Which gust of wind brought Duke Zhou here today?" Chen Qing walked up to the hall with a smile and asked.

Zhou Kuan hurriedly got up and saluted and said with a smile, "Excuse Your Highness for a rest!"

Chen Qing invited him to sit down, and asked the maid to serve tea again. Zhou Kuan bowed his body and said, "There is a news from Sichuan that the governors of thirteen states are going to jointly submit letters of loyalty to His Highness."

This news is good, Chen Qing quickly asked: "Did the news come from Lu Qingshan?"

Zhou Kuan shook his head, "His Royal Highness, if it's about Lu Qingshan, it's an official report. What I'm talking about is gossip. I've been on Sichuan Road for many years and have some contacts, so I can get some news. The news came from Zizhou. It turns out that Tang Jingshui, a big grain merchant in Zizhou, has a good relationship with Beizhi. The news is that he sent someone to me. The current governor of Zizhou, Yang Anxiu, is his nephew. This Yang Anxiu is the leader of the thirteen people. There will be official news."

Chen Qing pondered for a moment and asked, "Did Yang Anxiu only contact the other twelve people? Or contacted many people, but only twelve people responded?"

"It should be the former. These thirteen people have one thing in common. They are all officials from Sichuan. I feel that they are a small group and they are in frequent contact."

"Possibly, but I don't like corporations."

Zhou Kuan said with a chuckle: "Their group should not be the kind of alliance that marries each other and forms an alliance of interests. I feel that it is more of a kind of fellowship, a kind of grouping for warmth. Once the environment improves, their group will It will dissolve, of course, there will also be a few people who will form in-laws or real alliances of interests, that will be another story."

"Zhou Gong really thinks so?" Chen Qing asked lightly.

Zhou Kuan understood what Chen Qing was referring to, and said solemnly: "Your Highness, a humble position has no selfish motives!"

Chen Qing asked again: "If these thirteen people formally pledge their allegiance to us, will there be an example effect?"

Zhou Kuan bowed slightly and said: "This is the point that I want to talk about. Once the group of thirteen people joins us, it will inevitably cause an uproar in the official circles on Sichuan Road. As far as I know, many officials are very desperate for the future. Everyone knows that coming to Sichuan Officials will be emptied, and no one is willing to replace them, they can only stay here forever, judging from the various situations in the hands of humble officials, once someone takes the lead, there will definitely be a large number of officials to follow suit."

Chen Qing took a few steps with his hands behind his back and said, "I remember last year I said that the Ministry of Officials should pay attention to the assessment of these officials sent by the court. We can't accept all of them. We must go to the chaff and save the chaff, and leave the real talents to serve us. We use."

"Please rest assured, Your Highness!"

Zhou Kuan got up and said with a smile: "The humble staff deployed officials from the Ministry of Officials to start the investigation last year. It's almost done, and the report will be completed as soon as possible."

[Maybe it was because of the cold air conditioner at night, my arms were so sore that I couldn't lift it up, and my typing speed was very slow. I only typed two chapters today, sorry! 】

(End of this chapter)

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